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Posts posted by poochy

  1. for terrorism to be effective people must believe that more attacks will come unless the group gets it way. Without the sponsoring group there is no threat of future attacks which means it can't be terrorism.

    It makes no sense to call Roof's acts terrorism because there is no group out there promising more attacks.

    It also makes no difference whether ISIL knew specially what Omar was planning. The fact is ISIL is actively recruiting 'Omars' around the world via the Internet and that is why Omar's attack comes with the threat of future attacks which makes it terrorism.

    There is no point in engaging in this discussion, the entire thread is just another troll/deflection post, the op knows very well what the differences are, but for some reason is compelled to play this little game over and over. For some other reason it is being allowed, over and over, it seems that terrorism, or mass murders committed by a group of people sharing similar beliefs, or who affiliate themselves with self affirmed terrorist groups simply cannot actually be called terrorism because other people sometimes kill people.

    No intelligent person actually believes that, but they are willing to pretend to believe it to deflect away from reality and use the people who are dumb enough to believe it to further that goal. How many posts did the op make on the Orlando shooting thread...as many as you would expect, suddenly one man shoots a British politician and now he has concerns! Perhaps everyone already realizes this and is just having some fun. Personally I think allowing this obvious nonsense in a place where organic thread drift gets threads locked is pretty damn stupid.

    Anyway, watch out for Israel, and the huge numbers of right wing terrorists in the UK, they may have literally killed one person and bothered some immigrants. More than one hundred injured, half of them fatally, homophobia, mental illness, the gun made him do it, etc. Or, you ignore it all together and start this thread.

  2. This last shooting was MORE about GAYS and not about Muslims and how easy it is to get an assault rifle in the US and what reason would anyone NEED an assault rife, other than the military?

    So, there is a long history of anti gay bigotry, and there have been 'assault' rifles for a long time, i guess it must be just an unlucky coincidence that the first time anything like this has happened it happened to be a Muslim who was interested in ISIS who did it, purple, must be purple, the sky i mean. Anyway was it select fire, fully auto btw? if it wasn't it isnt an assault rifle, i know most of you don't care about that, your too busy feeding the rhetoric machine.

  3. Now I'll say (write - I just want to make sure everyone knows that I'm 'writing' and not actually 'saying') what everyone must not be thinking right about now. How long until the next event where a bomb is dropped from a plane on a wedding killing 30 people? A drone adding to the over 1200 already killed civilians?

    We have always been desensitized to this ultra-violence. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen...etc. All blending together and losing distinction. Did they attack 30 or 40 times this year? 50? 60??? More?



    Nope, nobody was thinking that because it would stupid to compare mistakes, or collateral damage during a war to this. Amazingly, disgustingly stupid. O course we could for good measure throw in every terrorist attract, tally it all up, and see what we get, but that would just reduce us to your level of silly bugger, arguing with a propagandist just isn't worth the trouble, we already know you're wrong, you either never will, or don't care.

  4. Yes,a religious conservative with ties to what faith?

    Dont bother, its an ilness, it seemingly cant be helped. Its the worse mass shooting, the worst ever attack on homosexuals, by a devout muslim, apparently devoted to isis, but they still have to deflect. Its disgusting, but a symptom of an illness, its not really their fault.

  5. adequate

    That sums up what people like you want this country to be.

    Every other country that is, or is thinking about buying this jet, must clearly no less than Canadian liberals, how delusional do you have to be to believe that? O but i know, in Canada they will be prone to falling out of the sky, and this has nothing to do with the underlying liberal predilection to believe that we don't need them at all, or much of any military for that matter. If we are all just nice, adequate Canadians, we will never need them.

  6. "The interim solution avoids the embarrassing prospect of the F-35 winning an open competition. But the purchase of Canada’s first line of defence should not be predicated upon the Liberal party’s electoral prospects."


    Commentary not invented by liberal liars.

  7. That's about what I expected. This incident clearly wasn't going to go well for the CPC and NDP despite attempts by their supporters to spin this into a Trudeau scandal.

    Yea, it's no surprise though. the country isn't getting any smarter, and liberals have been out if full force to deflect away from what he really did to make it about accidentally bumping the NDP mp, well ignorance is bliss, and most liberal supporters must be really happy people.

  8. The country must be doing alright if your biggest concerns are a tourism video, nannies, and anniversaries.

    It was doing about the same before the liberals had to lie about being different and making things better, i think that's more the point, but, it's a free pass for them, for at least the next 8 years, Trudeau would have to murder someone and take a selfie with the victim to change that.

    Im still waiting for the science we missed, a stop to audits of environmental charities, stop fighting veterans in court, reopening veterans offices, etc, but hey, they have announced they will make it easier for the public service to strike, guess it was pay back time, and more good news, made it easier for corruption to continue on reserves, the list goes on. It's just so much nicer, and sunnier now, and that doesn't even include the sunny cursing and grabbing in the house! Bask in the warm sunny glow of liberalism, BASK in it peasants!

    But Harper did try to cover up Duffy's alleged misspending, by paying it back.......what a prick.

  9. Apparently he's trying to get foreign tourists to vote for him.

    Or he's popular and it's felt that his face and voice will drive interest in Canada.

    Yea, this popularity will surely mean we say...get more Japanese automakers to build cars in Canada, surely.

  10. Polls appear to indicate that most Canadians don't care about "elbowgate".

    I think most people who were aware of it saw it as a bunch of fake, manufactured outrage on the part of the NDP. This poll indicates a solid majority say it was "no big deal" and "we should all just move on".

    And I still can't get over what a pathetic baby Ruth Ellen Brosseau is. If being bumped inadvertently makes her run away crying, how can she ride public transit? How can she function at all if she's that fragile? Either she's the biggest infant ever elected to public office in Canada, or she's a soccer injury-faker, flailing around on the turf trying to get the referee to throw a yellow card. I don't know which is worse; either way its pretty pitiful.

    You suck, Ruth Ellen! You're an embarrassment to women everywhere. You should apologize for being such a disgrace.


    Except, the NDP reaction, while overblown, is only being used by liberal partisans to deflect away from our village idiot PM angrily cursing and grabbing someone, the NDP complaint is only as a result of that action, and it's embellishment has zero bearing on what came before it, focusing on the reaction makes you part of that deflection and part of the problem. If the PM hadn't behaved like a boorish lout none of this would have happened, everything else is irrelevant, the blocking, the parliamentary games, normal, the bump overblown, but all of this happened only for one unacceptable reason, the PM losing his mind for a moment, something which as far as I know has never happened like this before in the house, not by the PM.

    Surely there have been many other instances when the PM needed to get something done, and didn't behave this way, is there anything more hypocritical than this man behaving this way after how he presented himself to the public? Is there anything more pathetic than those coming to his defense in spite of that hypocrisy? No one expected Harper to be a nice guy, but he never stooped this low, but somehow the argument seems to be that it's ok for Justin to stoop that low because he was just trying to get something done, and is after all, a nice guy...what?

    But he is spending the day with his wife...

  11. If you watched the video and cant see that the NDP and probably Brown were playing deliberate games in advance of the vote then you obviously live on a huge property... because youd need a lot of space to store all those used bridges.

    Your still confusing this likelihood with the PM's right to put his hands on people without permission, which he doesn't have, this is incredibly simple, why can't you understand it?

  12. Ranked ballots seem like a reasonable compromise but, in practice, will favor the centrist party and may result in permanent government by one party which is worse than FPTP. Of course if the system changes voting patterns with change and it is impossible to know how ranked ballots would actually work.

    Having the same party govern on a nearly full time basis is the desire of everyone who really loves democracy.

  13. Cool story bro! Problem its just more of you quoting imaginary voices in your head. I didn't vote liberal, don't have any opinion on Trudeau either way, and haven't voted liberal for about 15 years. And I haven't defended Trudeau on this board or anywhere else either. If I HAD then of course you could link to that, but you cant... so you wont.

    Don't assume that everyone else is a rabid partisan hack just because you are.

    OK, so just out to lunch then.

  14. Yeah, he obviously didn't seem that interested in getting through at all.

    Is it possible that you're just a tremendous wimp? Like the lady that had a full blown panic attack because someone brushed against her breast?

    Wow, hey, why don't you do us a favor, angrily walk towards a group of people in your office, while cursing at someone, and then grab someone by the arm, and pull the through the crowd, maybe accidentally bump others while doing so. Let us know how the lawsuit, or the assault charge, or the suspension, and the complete and total loss of respect works out for you. Since you're a tough guy, maybe choose the person you think will be most likely to respond by knocking you on your ass for your trouble, let us wimps know how that works out for you tough guy, in my progressive, modern, just workplace (because isn't that what things are supposed be now?) it gets you at least suspended, 50/50, it gets you fired.

    Considering how things are now supposed to work in our modern world, and how he presented himself as the poster boy for that, it's difficult to imagine how depraved you need to be to defend him by alleging other people simply aren't tough enough, just where anywhere do you think that's going to work as a defense?

    Can anyone here imagine talking to your employer and explaining that you should be excused for your behavior because the people you physically intervened with, while angrily cursing, simply aren't tough? What planet are you on right now?

  15. Even if the NDP MP embellished the contact, which is certainly possible if not likely. The PM's behaviour was needlessly aggressive and unnecessary. I elbow a woman at work, I'm sure I'd face some sort of discipline.

    That being said, we apologized, we can move on. Unless the NDP want to embarrass him further and level charges (which they could do).

    But if he continues this immature and impulsive behaviour as PM, the accusations levelled at him as a candidate may prove to be right.

    All the talk about the accidental bump is just a way of changing focus and transferring blame to the ndp for complaining too loudly about what was, genuinely an accident, but it was an accident that wouldn't have happened if he hadn't angrily crossed the floor, cursing and grabbing at someone. Besides, it was probably her fault for being in his way, he had important liberal things to do you see.

  16. I find it amusing that the claim is that a majority government's bill can be completely derailed by opposition MPs standing in front of another opposition party's Whip. Isn't that form of Filibustering?

    And the plucky aggressiveness from our brave PM was the only thing that kept this bill from dying on the floor.

    Or he was just being an impatient child, that could be another theory. :unsure:

    It's the sort of thing that happens, angrily cursing while pulling on people and bumping others, not as much.

  17. Alternatively, maybe he thought Canada should have done things differently and that its actions warranted an apology. How is that any skin off your nose?

    this is what, the third time he has done something like this in the house? How many times does he have to make an ass of himself before you might think that he doesn't really think he did anything wrong and his apologies aren't really genuine? How many chances would you have given Harper?

  18. Kinder gentler, feminist PM runs a campaign completely based upon what some of always knew, and what now obviously is, a completely false image of what he truly is, liberals defend him, Harper, who hadn't done anything even close to this, nor did his government try to change the entire voting system to their advantage, and by some accounts liberals are behaving in a more draconian way in parliament than even, the, evil empire christian, western, redneck conservative did, and the most you can get out of liberals is a shrug. What else is new, liberals don't stand for anything except power and an absolute belief in their right to hold it, no matter how many lies they tell to get there. Meanwhile a conservative has to put up with accusations of no rights for gays, women in the kitchen, no abortions, no science, no environment, you name it, even before they were elected, troops in the streets you know ( wink nudge fascists nudge), all of it demonstrably false, but liberals still say it, and people still believe it.

    I guess we will just have to wait until we get the right central Canadian conservative, with the correct liberal values before it can be allowed to happen again, meanwhile we will have to put up with a man who by any measure is out matched by his position, cursing, rushing towards someone, pulling on them, bumping another, doesn't matter, he's a liberal. That's just the way it is now, 40 years of brainwashing in full effect, liberal is nice, liberal is good, even when your cursing at, and inappropriately touching your co workers. Liberals get a pass, and so it ever shall be.

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