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Posts posted by poochy

  1. The particular mosque is only gender segregated during prayer.

    O, well then...

    How many more ways do you think you can split that hair? Yes, our ultra feminist PM decided it was ok because the mosque is only segregated during prayer...right. It isn't about the mosque, it's about him and his followers, you have no real principles, you stand for nothing and your willing to go that far to defend it. I'm embarrassed for you.

  2. So I thought we could have a thread where liberal supporters twist themselves into knots reconciling the, it's 2016 mantra, while the author of such attends a house of worship where women are segregated, while at the same time explaining how treating women as lesser beings is in fact a Canadian value in 2016. They are Canadians, and your choice of leader just endorsed it, unless of course he criticized them for that policy while he was there. But then he was just showing respect for their beliefs that just happen to show an inherent disrespect for more than half of the population.

    Stake the moral high ground as the feminist PM, require gender equal cabinet, supporters, such as they are, laud him for it, then attends segregated mosque. Imagine if Harper had bought a wedding cake from a place that refused to serve homosexuals..., segregate and treat half of the population as lesser humans, and it's no big deal.


    Or don't, it's not possible to square that circle while being honest.

  3. Well then, it should be easy for him to stand up for the NEB process on energy east, call out radicals for interrupting it, has he said a single word about that yet? Where's your leader?

  4. I honestly don't think you can blame Trudeau for this. I feel that in the west our lives have become so easy that we are simply producing more and more infantile and impractical people, as a result it's becoming nearly impossible to run the country without pandering to them. This government, the way it got elected, the shallowness of its message and it's leader is just a reflection of the country, and it's only going to get worse. This is what people want right now, unserious fakery, for at least the next 7 years. But, maybe when our leadership has convinced the China's and India's of the world to deny their people the lives they want and everyone else has cut back on what they already have we can look back with that sickly Canadian smugness and congratulate ourselves for how good we are, how nice we are, for our leadership. I know I'm looking forward to it.

  5. I don't much care about sitting during the anthem, I also think its stupid to play it before every game, in every sport. But he also worse socks with pigs in police uniforms on them, of course some of you will 'think' that's funny, but if you were a cop I think you would take that as an insult and it doesn't really do anything except further normalize disrespect for the police and probably get more people hurt. So If you don't have to do that work, let the NFL hire private security. Kaepernick isn't that good anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if they release him.

  6. Why wouldn't there be? Just cause YOU doubt it?

    So you somehow think that people who aren't Canadian should somehow be allowed to fight to become Canadian under the laws of the country they are currently from that has absolutely nothing to do with and no influence at all over our own laws? So in a way another country would be telling us what people we have to take...which would be no more valid or somehow different than if they tried to do that now, in which case we would laugh at them and refuse.

    Nah, don't think so.

  7. That only catches the dumb ones. You don't ask directly like that. You peck around the corners. I once took a personality test when I was applying for a job at a Rogers inbound call centre. It was many pages long and asked sometimes obscure questions. At the end the guy told me I scored excellently for customer service, but unfortunately, not very high for sales, so I didn't get the job (which tells you a lot about Rogers customer service orientation).

    Yes, i have done those as well, it's all about maintaining a consistent answer while the same question is being asked a dozen different ways, i don't disagree with the idea of testing, im just not sure how feasible it is. I disagree with the idea that we are somehow bad people (racists of course) for wanting the country to stay as good as it is.

  8. The better question is what is meant by "Canadian Values". Everyone's "Canadian Values" are different.

    There are differences within a certain range of values, however, stepping off of a plane and calling yourself Canadian does not make you so, and there are certainly values held by some that are not typically Canadian. Your statement stems from the predominantly left wing belief that it's somehow wrong to have any sort of pride in the nation, or somehow believe it's possible for some nations or cultures to have beliefs that appear to be better than others. We can, and we do, and yes, we are better in part because of our inclusiveness, but if you allow yourself to be changed too much by those who disagree, or risk violence against you for your inclusiveness, what actual value have you brought to the nation?

    It's that question that is often asked and never answered, why for example are progressives so quick to support cultures that treat homosexuals, and women and quite often their children so badly, but somehow Israel is the focus of attention? Why? Is it because Israel is a better country and should know better or show more restraint? No, that can't be, because all cultures are equal, they can't be better. But can they be more evil, o yes, certainly, broken ideology, and they are in too deep to ever see the light.

    I still dont think its realistic to test people, those who are most likely to want to come here for the wrong reasons are most likely able to lie to get here, but if it was possible, it wouldn't be wrong, it just makes good sense.

  9. My old van full of diesel fuel and fertilizer at the front door of the Dominion Royal Imperial Bank of Scotia Montreal. Do you need to know what day of the week and time?

    I didn't say convicted, I said intend. Yes I am being silly, and so is Leitch. I am being silly to point out her dog-whistle politics. Why is she being silly?

    No, you're attempting to discredit an entire discussion by turning it into something it isn't, it's a typical tactic when you can actually argue the details.

    I doubt anything like this screening would be effective, but for example, lets say you could ask a man if he thought stoning a woman for adultery was the right thing do do, and he agreed, what exactly would the country lose by not allowing him to live here? Tell us, im dying to know, or just build another straw man and argue against it, whatever works for you.

  10. Hey remember those 10 years when the conservatives muzzled our scientists and we didn't hear a thing about global warming?

    literally, nothing.

    So, where are they, how come they aren't out there telling us about the things? Those mean old liberals won't let them? Nah, it's the specter of conservative days gone past that is somehow still stopping them!

    What a joke, it's incredible how easily some of you delude yourselves.

  11. Wrong, Wrong, Wrong!

    We do not accept many aspects of other cultures, but we do no lump the benign ones in with everything else. Our culture respects the individual, and we ensure that is pushed onto them. If an individual chooses to dress a certain way, we respect that, we do impose our cultural dress onto them. Those who try are the barbarians who belong in other cultures.

    A fine example on multicultural Canadian brainwashing, thanks libs. It's not a choice, you have been told why, but you just can't accept the truth of it.

  12. Smoke...that must be a little embarrassing. Ouch.

    Canadian scientists have certainly been unmuzzled, but there are still some restrictions leftover from the Harper regime. For instance scientists are free to talk about their work but the press still aren't able to contact them directly. The press has to send interview requests through government departments. Also, scientists want the right of last review on government communications regarding their work. The Harper government sometimes issued statements that misrepresented the work being done by federal scientists, and then of course those researchers weren't able to talk to anyone to correct the lie. Understandably, scientists now want the ability to review government statements involving their work so it doesn't happen again.

    Most Canadians don't realize just how unethical and draconian the previous government's dealings with the scientific community were.

    Harper Harper Harper, utter garbage. Hey, the libs have had most of a year to completely change any policy the wished, so which is it, Harper was evil and so are the liberals, or neither? Delusional nonsense as usual. There are no leftovers that they didn't choose to keep, it honestly makes me sick to see the sort of lies your type is willing to tell.

  13. The article by David Akin you linked to very clearly shows that the Liberals have indeed changed things:

    Media requests for interviews with scientists are shared with the Minister’s Office for information only. There is no review or approval required on their part before we proceed with the interview. While media requests on policy, enforcement, international affairs, etc. still go through approvals processes, for science requests this is not required

    This is very different from the previous Harper policy that stated:

    all media queries must now be routed through Ottawa where “media relations will work with individual staff to decide how to best handle the call; this could include: Asking the program expert to respond with approved lines; having media relations respond; referring the call to the minister’s office; referring the call to another department,”

    Do you not see the difference between them?

    Yes, it does sound like not everyone got the memo:

    Scientific integrity remains an active concern. A communications policy was issued by Treasury Board with the intention to end “muzzling,” but its implementation remains uneven across science-based departments. Scientists are still being prevented from participating in conferences that allow them to engage with the broader scientific community. Moreover, there has been no indication that the government intends to enshrine the principles of scientific integrity in collective agreements, meaning there are no enforceable safeguards to protect against future anti-science governments.

    That sounds more like the problem turning around the ship. The captain issues the command, but the pilot and engine room were so used to the previous course they were following for the past 9 years that they are not responding fast enough. After so many years of brainwashing by the back room boys at the PMO, it will take awhile to clear out the clutter.

    OK, so where is all of the science we so desperately missed, it's either or, they are still muzzled, or they aren't. If they aren't we should have all sorts of revelations now that they weren't allowed to speak about before, but we don't because the idea that we were missing anything is an enormous lie, but we know how liberals love to be lied to. Hey, remember how Harper destroyed our environment? It seems to have recovered surprisingly quickly.

    But i did enjoy the part where you claimed this was somehow about slow process of change to new government, the only thing better than being lied to is lying to yourself, there is nothing new, no science that we didn't already know, the whole thing was part of the evil conservatives narrative that liberal liars told the country for a decade, be better.

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