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Status Updates posted by OftenWrong

  1. Article today on bad forest management in BC.

    They have been cutting down broadleaf trees, birch and aspen, to make room for more commercially valuable pines. Result? Massive forest fires that spread rapidly, as pine resin is a highly combustible material. 


    The results of which you see happening now in California.

  2. Dad to Mom (about kids): "Thank god, they're only smoking marijuana!"


  3. Asean summit demonstrates Trudeau's commitment to ethical trade is mere lip-service, intended only to please his base. Meanwhile, the deals go forward.

  4. Oh well, back to ordering "freedom fries" and Liberty Toast...

    President Trump on Tuesday ripped into French President Emmanuel Macron in a series of tweets -- hitting him on everything from his low approval ratings, to the French surrender to the Nazis in World War II, and suggesting U.S. wine is on par with French product.
    Trump slams Macron for low approval ratings, French surrender to the Nazis, and wine

    Donald Trump has hit out at French President Emmanuel Macron with a volley of tweets saying the French were "starting to learn German in Paris" before US intervention in the world wars, and rounding the attack off with an adapted version of his trademark refrain: "MAKE FRANCE GREAT AGAIN!"   


    1. Wilber


      Trump is a douche. Up to 85,000 French died in the Battle of France, not an American to be seen. Canada, Australia, South Africa and South America all make wines as good as the Americans.

    2. OftenWrong


      Macron displays that he is also quite capable of Trumpian douchebaggery. But regardless of Trump the person, who is often full of bluster and "hot air", France and in fact the whole of Europe owe a debt of gratitude to the United States. Many an allied soldier died on the beaches of Normandy, and in the battles that ensued. Your comment "not an American to be seen" is an attempt to trivialize the sacrifices made by allied soldiers, men who gave up their precious lives to stop the Germans, and gave the French their country back.

    3. Wilber


      It took the Japanese to get the US into WW2 and who knows if they would have gone to Europe if Hitler hadn't declared war on them first. There were no Americans to be seen when France went down in 1940. Aside from Pearl Harbor and the Aleutians, the US has never been attacked on its own soil. Trump talks through his ass. The US also owes a debt of gratitude to the countries that held Hitler off for over two years. The US didn't fight the godamn war by itself..

  5. We are waiting for Godot...

  6. Watching liberal panelists and public opinion-generators on TV news, the problem today is quite clear. You people are simply not listening.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. scribblet


      Probably, but we ain't seen nutting yet if Trump wins a second term.  

    3. DogOnPorch
    4. betsy


      I stopped watching at 10:30, as soon as it was announced the Reps took the Senate! 

      Too boring.  Same-old, same-old topic they brought up while waiting for the results.

  7. Never get out of the boat...

  8. Today's politics demonstrates that if you say a lie often enough, it DOES become true.

    1. Wilber



      “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. 

      Joseph Goebbels. 

      Nothing new here.

    2. OftenWrong


      @Wilber So we are the Nazis now? Nothing new here?

  9. The state of Canadian news: "Megan, what are people saying?"  

  10. Anyone else find that the Google search engine is providing too much "A", not enough "I"?

    1. DogOnPorch


      They've obviously struck a sweet deal with those that seek to control the message.

  11. Social media is the new opium for the masses.

  12. Former anti-cannabis politicians cashing in. A few years go they incarcerated people for it, now they ARE the drug dealers.

    1. Don Jonas

      Don Jonas

      Wasnt Doug Ford always a drug dealer? No hypocrisy there, I guess.

    2. OftenWrong


      I was thinking more like Fantino and Mulroney, but point well taken!

  13. What's with the sudden anti-cannabis crusade on CBC? Little late now. Someone should tell them, it's like closing the barn doors after the horse is gone out.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DogOnPorch


      Uh, thank you very-much, Your Grace and good afternoon boys and girls...thank-you for inviting me into your classroom...today...uh. Now...I have...uh...in front of me...uh...a green..uh...leafy substance which I am going to light...uh. Now I wonder...uh...could one of you boys and girls guess what this substance might be?


    3. OftenWrong


      Justin takes a bow...


    4. OftenWrong


      Apparently it is legal for now but I heard if you break any cannabis laws now... eee pobrecito... 

  14. Ontario government to exempt Sikhs from wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle.

    I'm sorry, but I don't understand how a law can be applied differently based on one's religion. Secular law is for all people. So is there actually law anymore?

  15. Hillary Clinton's security clearance has been withdrawn, at her request? What?

    Hillary Clinton's security clearance withdrawn at her request amid State Department investigation

    1. scribblet


      Weird - but then  it's the Clintons, wonder what they are up to

    2. OftenWrong


      Here's what it says on Washington Times:

      Hillary Clinton has given up her security clearance in the wake of the scandal over her handling of secret information on her email server, the Senate Judiciary Committee revealed Friday.


  16. Politics pervading through all aspects of normal daily life, as in theatre, marketing, sports, is a form of totalitarianism. 

  17. More hard-right politicians gaining positions of power. This is the outcome of an increasingly volatile, polarized political debate. 

    Hard-right Jair Bolsonaro leads polls as Brazil votes in election marked by anger at ruling class

  18. Dems: FBI are incompetent. :blink:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. scribblet


      Just read that Christine Ford’s friend, Leland Keyser, told the FBI that Ford’s allies tried pressuring her into changing her statement.

      Meanwhile..the Left unhinged.  The Ford thing was never about guilt or innocence, it was about stopping a Conservative Court.  And now they don't get their way, they plan to openly, violently riot.  THIS is what they are about.

    3. OftenWrong


      Someone pass my fiddle... (Nero)

    4. scribblet


      Was Feinstein crying for what she unleashed on a good man...

  19. I see leftists are getting their daily dose of outrage.

    All is well...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. OftenWrong


      Oh well. better than being stupid.

    3. Don Jonas

      Don Jonas

      Those who are one are usually also the other

    4. OftenWrong


      Speaking of which, it's  pity you cannot understand what I said. Perhaps you've missed the point. I know the world is safe when I hear the leftist media machine complain about how Donald Trump said mean things the other day.Because, this is all they can find to get outraged about. Hence, "All is well..."

      Well, what can I say... again, you are just not paying attention.

  20. CAQ wins. Campaign promise to bring a "20% cut in immigration annually." Won huge. Another example of this idea having appeal for voters.

    Mr. Trudeau, your days are now numbered.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. scribblet


      This should be fun...   

    3. betsy


      Ontario - Quebec - When's the election in Alberta?

    4. OftenWrong


      As I said to my wife, "If things really start to go wrong, we can always move to Quebec!" B)
      Last bastion of Canada...

  21. The news as we know it no longer exists. I cannot stand watching it. I expect many feel the same way. All we have today are platforms to catapult propaganda. Yet we live in the age of information, another blessed gift of technological progress. The lesson, ironically, seems that the more information we have, the less we actually know.

    1. scribblet


      Right on...   

    2. betsy


      I suppose, with them being exposed by Trump - there's no longer need for any pretense on their part.  It's right out in the open now.

    3. Don Jonas

      Don Jonas

      If you refuse to acknowledge reality, you will know less. That's true.

  22. Live footage on CBC of Donald Trump arriving at the UN building this morning. Look, here's Trump arriving at the UN! Riveting.

    1. Argus


      They love Trump. He can fart and the CBC will cover it live. Mind you, the CBC loves anything that happens in the US because they get video dirt cheap off the American networks. Saves them having to have their own reporters and camera people.

    2. bush_cheney2004


      CBC = "What are the Americans doing now ?" network.

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