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Status Updates posted by OftenWrong

  1. Already dilapidated infrastructure to be further dilapidated. Much, much further, like being a third-world country.

    Leftist utopian equality finally achieved.

  2. CBC headline screams "Trudeau cohosts UN summit to develop a Global Pandemic Recovery Plan".

    Right, because he's such an expert and competent leader for the world.

    Talk about a terrible, terrible choice...

    But the hair!

  3. Apparently Doug Ford has no problem leaving people to suffer and die in misery in old age homes. As he said a month ago, we (him, his government) will look into it. Yet they've done nothing. Now I hear tell there's a report out by the military, those soldiers who had to do security at old-age homes have a story to tell.

    Now Doug is so upset, oh my.



    1. scribblet


      You can't lay it all at Ford's feet, in fact most it goes back prior to him.   One of the largest offenders is owned by a Crown Corporation.


  4. Ottawa to meat producers: "We will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today".

  5. Looks like the virus is coming to an end in New York.


    See the graphs at bottom

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. OftenWrong


      Actually the data on that site is showing the trend going down fairly quickly. If you look at the "Daily Deaths" bar graph it drops exponentially from about April 15 to today, 5 weeks dropping from basically 1000/day down to 130. This is almost an order of magnitude in about a month. If that continues it should drop down to "very low" in about one more month.

      Same can be said for daily new cases, so far. It follows a similar shape and drops almost an order of magnitude as well.

      I don't know where you are seeing something different?

    3. BubberMiley


      That's what happens when you shut down, but that doesn't mean it's nearing an end. That's just a stupid, uninformed way of looking at it. And that certainly isn't what happens when you open up.

      In Manitoba, our numbers are around zero. That doesn't mean it's over. It just means the shutdown works, especially when started early.

    4. OftenWrong


      Couldn’t give a rats ass what you think.

  6. Canada needs to beg China for economic mercy.

    When the funds get depleted and there's no buying power,

    the empty dollar will fall to a level never before seen.

    Negative interest, negative value.

    Then the commies will want to run us.

    1. Army Guy

      Army Guy

      I thought the communist were already here. Justin was their spokes person.

  7. Imagine being a small child, not allowed to go out or see anyone for months.

    1. BubberMiley


      I am very sympathetic to your plight. Don't give up!

    2. OftenWrong


      Are you still living in your mom's basement?

    3. BubberMiley


      Why, yes. I hope that will make you feel better about yourself 

  8. Wondering if Mr. Trudeau is still willing to say he admires China's basic dictatorship, when asked "which nations in the world do you most admire?"


  9. I think the face-mask will be this year's hot new look.

    Lookin good baby...   :ph34r:

  10. The entitled want everything to stay shut down because they are so afraid to lose their blessed lives. It speaks to me, what ignorant and selfish bastards we all are. Cheers!

  11. George W. Bush has a soul.
    This is what leadership can do in a time of crisis. "Wise words of W:'"


    "This is a challenging and solemn time in the life of our nation and world -- a remorseless, invisible enemy threatens the elderly and vulnerable among us. A disease that can quickly take breath and life. Medical professionals are risking their own health for the health of others, and we're deeply grateful."

    "Officials at every level are setting out the requirements of public health that protect us all, and we all need to do our part," he continued. "The disease also threatens broader damage, harm to our sense of safety, security and community. The larger challenge we share is to confront an outbreak of fear and loneliness. And it is frustrating that many of the normal tools of compassion -- a hug, a touch -- can bring the opposite of the good we intend. In this case, we serve our neighbor by separating from them."

    "We cannot allow physical separation to become emotional isolation. This requires us to be not only compassionate but creative in our outreach -- and people across the nation are using the tools of technology and the cause of solidarity. In this time of testing, we need to remember a few things. First, let us remember that we have faced times of testing before. Following 9/11, we saw a great nation rise as one to honor the brave, to grieve with the grieving and to embrace unavoidable new duties. And I have no doubt -- none at all -- that this spirit of sacrifice is alive and well in America. Second, let us remember that empathy and simple kindness are essential, powerful tools of national recovery. Even at an appropriate social distance, we can find ways to be present in the lives of others -- to ease their anxiety and share their burdens."

    "Third, let's remember that the suffering we experience as a nation does not fall evenly," Bush added. "In the days to come, it will be especially important to care for the elderly, the ill, and the unemployed. Let us remember how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat. In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants -- we are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of God. We rise or fall together and we are determined to rise. God bless you all."

    :o  Never in my wildest dreams could i imagine I would be inspired by the words of W. Back in the day, I pretty much despised him and thought he was just another coked-out president who is a moron. But hey, we're all human. That's why pencils have erasers.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. OftenWrong


      Trump does not even compare. He has no sense of compassion, let alone eloquent oratory. He's just an asshole. But I leave it to you to use him in your defence, BubberMiley.

    3. BubberMiley


      Also, who can't even spell "by"? Good to see the Trumpers finally realizing the horrible implications of their poor judgment.

    4. Shady


      Yep, typical Trump. *yawn*

  12. People are going through stress and depression while forced to remain home. It leads to mental health problems. There are long-term consequences as well, for the elderly can lead to rapid physiological changes.

    My mom is depressed, and I am trying to cheer her up. There's only so much you can do in these circumstances.

    How much more so for many elderly who are now being quarantined. In nursing homes there are no visitors allowed, even if a person is nearing death and family would like to visit, during the last few weeks of the life of a loved one.

    This is being done to save their lives apparently, but there are other issues to be considered.

  13. Andrew Scheer now a liability to the CPC party. He has no effective leadership skills. No leader would stand by and do nothing, even if they were on the way "out".


  14. Delayed cardiac surgeries due to coronavirus may have caused 35 deaths in Ontario: minister

    and that's not all. Those are just the ones who have been counted.

    Remember I told you this was going on, I heard about the cancer patients not getting their surgery.

    Let's pray that the idiots who run things get us back going again, at least to the level where people are not dying because of the shutdown.

    That is where I have come from all along.

    1. scribblet


      It's going to get worse because there is now a huge backlog of surgeries, how are they going to catch up if ever.

  15. Increased use of computers opens the door to increased cyber-spying. The rush to shut down without a plan is causing harm in unanticipated ways. Unanticipated, yes, if you live your life led around by the nose.

    Companies hastily moved their work online without time to investigate proper software, resources, and mainly their IT security. It is now a rich field for cyber-spying. All of our business plans, financial plans, engineering designs are being discussed using apps highly vulnerable to hackers, especially foreign agents working for governments, who can pretty much listen in on anything, unless highly encrypted. There is not much discussion or warning to the public about this.

    Today, it is mentioned in the context of our federal government holding a meeting online.
    House of Commons to meet virtually on a platform described as a 'gold rush for cyber spies'

  16. Status Update: Still alive. Gotta go to work again on Monday. I understand maybe in a few weeks you people will be allowed to go out again also.

    Welcome back.

    1. OftenWrong


      Had a strange dream I was sitting in a room with some people I didn't know. All of a sudden someone yelled "Grenade!" and they all ran for the door, blocking the way of their own children to escape. I threw myself on the grenade, but luckily it didn't go off. It was a dud. Later the parents came back, and called me a Nazi.

  17. Clearly, our world leaders today and the well-controlled media are a despicable bunch of doggy doo.

  18. Chinese sent Canada 1M masks, with the lung infection already built-in.

    China sends back two Canadian cargo aircraft empty, that were sent to pick up vital medical supplies.


  19. Reports on Toronto radio news this morning, doctors stating they know anecdotally, that people have died due to delays in their treatment caused by COVID-19.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shady


      But especially now, you're sent to the back of the line, so that some 80 year old gets treated first.

  20. Artificial intelligence has been used by governments for many years now to study what would happen in the event of a global pandemic. AI predictive models would be used to forecast everything from public behaviour to economic response, projected deaths, projected costs. All this information has been analyzed by government researchers.

    For the WHO guy to say "We are in uncharted territory" was patently false.

    AI would also consider use of pandemic as a means to disrupt and eventually overthrow a society. Would the Chinese have their own AI models? Of course they have. AI is the new warfare.

    AI for Global Disease Surveillance
    (Magazine, 2009)
    In this time of increasing concern over the deadly and costly threats of infectious diseases, preparation for, early detection of, and timely response to emerging infectious diseases and epidemic outbreaks are key public-health priorities and are driving an emerging field of multidisciplinary research. The four essays in this installment of Trends & Controversies discuss uses of AI in global disease surveillance.

  21. WHO: We need to ready ourselves for a new way of living for the foreseeable future.

    In other words this is the new normal, with no end in sight.

    1. OftenWrong




      Shoppers are separated by rows of wood pallets as they line up to enter a Costco store in Burnaby, B.C.

    2. AngusThermopyle


      No! Don't say that! They're excellent for big bonfires in the back yard.


  22. Markets collapsing, stocks sinking. Get ready for your pensions to disappear.

    1. OftenWrong



      Aon’s latest median solvency ratio survey found DB plans were down 6.7 per cent on average, from 102.5 per cent in early January to 95.8 per cent at the end of February, giving up almost all of the gains made by plans in 2019. In the meantime, Mercer’s data showed an even more dramatic drop, from 112 per cent at the end of 2019 to 103 per cent at the end of February.

      “This is a wake-up call for pension plan sponsors,” said Erwan Pirou, Canada chief investment officer at Aon, in a press release. “The fear over the coronavirus outbreak and, to a lesser extent, U.S. political uncertainty during primary season has exposed market risks that have been building for some time."



  23. Questions why the RCMP did not use the cell-phone alert system to warn Nova Scotia residents there was an active shooter, during the 12 hour ordeal.

    1. OftenWrong


      Apparently they did send an alert out, but on Twitter. :blink:


    2. bush_cheney2004


      More important to wake people up at 3AM with Amber Alerts.

  24. Reports that police are using drones to enforce the lockdown in some areas.

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