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Jews Riot Over Showing of Merchant of Venice

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Jews Riot Over Showing of Merchant of Venice

Angered by a recent showing of William Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice in New York Central Park's Summer Theatre series, Jewish businessmen in New York, White Plains, Atlanta, Toronto, London and Sydney, Australia spilled into the streets in a violent display of rage and fury. New York State flags were burned, and Mayor Bloomberg was hanged in effigy.

Rapes, looting and vandalism were widespread. In New York City, apparently the major center of Jewish insurgent activity, over 600 people were beheaded. In Atlanta, a MARTA train was commandeered and derailed, killing about 300 passengers.

President George W. Bush, and Gordon Brown, Prime Minister of United Kingdom and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper issued a joint proclamation for calm, noting that Judaism was a religion of peace. Meanwhile, the United Nations Security Counsel was called into urgent session to denounce "violence in all its forms."

Edited by jbg
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Jews Riot Over Showing of Merchant of Venice

For Israeli Jews, it is the most popular play of all Shakespeare's work.

For North American Jews, it is a play they have lobbied to have banned from schools in the U.S. since 1931.

I wonder why the difference.

Other than that, this post is another anti-Muslim or developing world kick.

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Jews Riot Over Showing of Merchant of Venice

Angered by a recent showing of William Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice in New York Central Park's Summer Theatre series, Jewish businessmen in New York, White Plains, Atlanta, Toronto, London and Sydney, Australia spilled into the streets in a violent display of rage and fury. New York State flags were burned, and Mayor Bloomberg was hanged in effigy.

Rapes, looting and vandalism were widespread. In New York City, apparently the major center of Jewish insurgent activity, over 600 people were beheaded. In Atlanta, a MARTA train was commandeered and derailed, killing about 300 passengers.

President George W. Bush, and Gordon Brown, Prime Minister of United Kingdom and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper issued a joint proclamation for calm, noting that Judaism was a religion of peace. Meanwhile, the United Nations Security Counsel was called into urgent session to denounce "violence in all its forms."

And just imagine what would have happened if the Pope had decided to talk about Judaism or the Danish cartoonists had decided to scribble a few drawing? :ph34r:

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And just imagine what would have happened if the Pope had decided to talk about Judaism or the Danish cartoonists had decided to scribble a few drawing? :ph34r:
These riots were far worse than cartoon jihad. And the Zionist-dominated mass-media is suppressing the story.
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Jews Riot Over Showing of Merchant of Venice

Angered by a recent showing of William Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice .............

Funny. Actually though, riots after or during a play were common back in Will's day. Usually by people who felt....ummm....(don't say


) conned into paying to see crap.

Edited by M.Dancer
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Funny. Actually though, riots after or during a play were common back in Will's day. Usually by people who felt....ummm....(don't say jEWED [spoiler removed]) conned into paying to see crap.
As in "cheated"?

The recent Merchant of Venice riots are the apparent result of long-suppressed Jewish anger over the 1892 Kisinev pogroms and the inquisition. They'll find other grievances (link) to be angry about as need be.

Edited by jbg
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For Israeli Jews, it is the most popular play of all Shakespeare's work.

For North American Jews, it is a play they have lobbied to have banned from schools in the U.S. since 1931.

I wonder why the difference.

Other than that, this post is another anti-Muslim or developing world kick.


It ZOOOOOMED right over your head.

I saw it right away.

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Please provide a link to corroborate the Opening Post of this thread.

I'm pretty sure it's on the Just For Laughs website.....or maybe Comedy Now.....could be Teletoon.

Anyway the original transcript can be found in the fiction section of your local library.

.....point being it's clearly fiction with the intent to provoke discussion. Or did you seriously think it happened? I mean, it's only a play, it's not like it's a crematorium

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Please provide a link to corroborate the Opening Post of this thread.
This was a parody, designed to illustrate the extent to which Muslims are being allowed to intimidate free Western countries, i.e. over cartoons, etc.
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This was a parody, designed to illustrate the extent to which Muslims are being allowed to intimidate free Western countries, i.e. over cartoons, etc.

In other words, nothing to do with Canada-U.S Relations. Basically spam and a thread that should be deleted.

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In other words, nothing to do with Canada-U.S Relations. Basically spam and a thread that should be deleted.
Let me make a bit of a statement here. The news media regularly reports only the most sickening atrocities coming out of the Muslim world. Suicide bombings are reported only in context of blaming US for the carnage. Stampedes, executions, beheadings are only reported when particularly gruesome.

By contrast, every US or Israeli operation with minimal collateral civilian casualties gets repetitive coverage, UN and Congressional investigations, etc. Abu Ghraib, which caused no deaths or injuries, is a prime example, as was the non-existent "Jenin Massacre".

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Let me make a bit of a statement here. The news media regularly reports only the most sickening atrocities coming out of the Muslim world. Suicide bombings are reported only in context of blaming US for the carnage. Stampedes, executions, beheadings are only reported when particularly gruesome.

By contrast, every US or Israeli operation with minimal collateral civilian casualties gets repetitive coverage, UN and Congressional investigations, etc. Abu Ghraib, which caused no deaths or injuries, is a prime example, as was the non-existent "Jenin Massacre".

First off you've no idea, do you? If you can't even be arsed to get basic facts straight, how can you expect to be taken seriously?

That and the rest of the fallaciousness aside, are you genuinely surprised when events involving your own nation and its allies get more coverage at home than events that do not? Were you literally born yesterday?

Edited by Black Dog
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That and the rest of the fallaciousness aside, are you genuinely surprised when events involving your own nation and its allies get more coverage at home than events that do not? Were you literally born yesterday?
Why the free pass for Muslims though?

In the US until Kennedy, Catholics had an impossible time getting elected. The Jews had at least a modicum of right to get "angry" about some of the atrocities, and the Tibetans have a right to be "angry". the press treats them with kit gloves, so they get to riot over Mohamed cartoons and there are no arrests for arson, vandalism, which I assume are crimes in Copenhagen, Amsterdam etc. And why the concern about being oh-so-sensitive about the decorations on soccer balls (link)?

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Why the free pass for Muslims though?

You don't hear about Muslim atrocities for the same reason you don't hear about Bantu atrocities or Sihk atrocities or Tamil atrocities. If it's not involving western nations (or white people), the western media won't cover it unless it's spectacularly newsworthy (read: bloody). So there is no "free pass". It's simply "out of sight/white, out of mind." Also, doesn't the fact that you are able to mine mainstream media sources for fodder for your anti-Muslim jihad kinda disprove your allegation?

In the US until Kennedy, Catholics had an impossible time getting elected. The Jews had at least a modicum of right to get "angry" about some of the atrocities, and the Tibetans have a right to be "angry". the press treats them with kit gloves, so they get to riot over Mohamed cartoons and there are no arrests for arson, vandalism, which I assume are crimes in Copenhagen, Amsterdam etc. And why the concern about being oh-so-sensitive about the decorations on soccer balls (link)?

Wow: talk about throwing a lot of shit against the wall in hopes that some of it sticks. I really have no idea what the historical bias against Catholics in the States, the Jewish response to anti-semitism or the plight of Tibetans has to do with the media's treatment of Muslims today. I do know that the cartoon controversy was a pretty big media event, with the ensuing riots receiving massive coverage. Surely, a cowed and compliant press would try to hush up such a black mark on Islam, not broadcast it to the world (with a good many European and North American papers going so far as to reprint the offending cartoons).

As for there being no arrests in the riots, given your record with facts, I'm going to treat that claim with a good deal of suspicion. In fact, I'm not even sure there were riots in Copenhagen and Amsterdam.

I found this on wikipedia:

Several demonstrations in Hillerød, Denmark collide and become violent. One demonstration was arranged by a small nationalistic group and included at least one neo-Nazi. Other groups represented were Muslims, Danish anti-racists, and a group well known to the police for becoming violent (named autonome). 162 people were arrested. Around 110 were demonstrating against the nationalistic group and the rest were mostly Muslims also demonstrating against the nationalistic group.

But otherwise, there was no major violence in any western nation, while the violence in Islamic states was given plenty of coverage. Some "kit" glove treatment.

Edited by Black Dog
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You don't hear about Muslim atrocities for the same reason you don't hear about Bantu atrocities or Sihk atrocities or Tamil atrocities. If it's not involving western nations (or white people), the western media won't cover it unless it's spectacularly newsworthy (read: bloody). So there is no "free pass". It's simply "out of sight/white, out of mind." Also, doesn't the fact that you are able to mine mainstream media sources for fodder for your anti-Muslim jihad kinda disprove your allegation?
I suspect it's more Western media's fear of a shytstorm. Else why would Steyn be reporting on a book about jihad being withdrawn and all copies shredded (link to source).
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i suspect it's more Western media's fear of a shytstorm.

And yet somehow, you're able to find ample fuel for your anti-Islamic agenda in mainstream sources. If we're to believe your thesis that shouldn't be possible. So how is it possible?

Else why would Steyn be reporting on a book about jihad being withdrawn and all copies shredded (link to source).

I wonder if that's a accurate as his claims that his last book was "banned" in Canada. Do you have a source who's not a known fabulist?

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And yet somehow, you're able to find ample fuel for your anti-Islamic agenda in mainstream sources. If we're to believe your thesis that shouldn't be possible. So how is it possible?
  1. As you should be aware, I recently posted a thread (link) illustrating constructive Islamic activity;
  2. The premise of this thread, albeit via satire, is that Jews are capable of violence;and
  3. I have no "anti-Islamic agenda";

I wonder if that's a accurate as his claims that his last book was "banned" in Canada. Do you have a source who's not a known fabulist?
You have accused a public writer of being either (link to definition)
  1. a creator or writer of fables; or
  2. LIAR

Where is your proof? Or is this "shooting the messenger"?

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As you should be aware, I recently posted a thread (link) illustrating constructive Islamic activity;

The premise of this thread, albeit via satire, is that Jews are capable of violence;and

I have no "anti-Islamic agenda";

Big deal! The issue is your claim that Islam gets a free pass in the media. The fact that you're monomaniacal about Islam in general is more or less beside the point.

You have accused a public writer of being either (link to definition)

a creator or writer of fables; or


Where is your proof? Or is this "shooting the messenger"?

Ah, changing the subject again. If you look back, you'll see I provided an example of Steyn's creative writing. Her eit is again:

I wonder if that's a accurate as his claims that his last book was "banned" in Canada.

From which one can probably gather that claim was bogus.

Mr. Steyn has charged that Indigo and its chief executive officer, Heather Reisman, underestimated demand for his book as a means of "boycotting" it.

His publisher made several attempts to persuade Indigo that its first order of several hundred books was inadequate, he said.


Sorya Gaulin, vice-president of public relation for Indigo, sought to quell the brouhaha yesterday, saying the company has in no way sought to boycott the book.

The company offered America Alone for sale as soon as it came out in September, but it quickly sold out, she said. Ms. Gaulin could not say how many books were originally ordered.

"Upon realizing we had grossly underestimated the demand for this title, Indigo immediately reordered several thousand more books, but Mr. Steyn's U.S. publisher was unable to fulfill our order because they, too, underestimated demand in the U.S. and Canada," Ms. Gaulin said.

Like other book stores in Canada, Indigo is now waiting for shipments that are expected to arrive this month, she said.

Mr. Steyn's U.S. publisher, Regnery, has said the book is in reprint and that all back orders will be filled.


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Islam does get a free pass in the media. Imagine, there even being articles laying September 11 to "Muslim anger" within a few days of the attacks?

And as far as marc Steyn goes, are you saying one inaccuracy dooms all of his work to the status of "fiction"? And as far as being "banned in Canada", if the pressure on retailers and publishers is sufficiently intense, in a country as small as Canada amounts to a ban.

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Islam does get a free pass in the media.

Y'know, simply repeating something over and over again does not make it a fact.

Imagine, there even being articles laying September 11 to "Muslim anger" within a few days of the attacks?

And that proves what?

And as far as marc Steyn goes, are you saying one inaccuracy dooms all of his work to the status of "fiction"?

It's not the one: it's Steyn's record of inaccuracy that damns him. But this isn't about Steyn. It's about your silly statements wrt Islam and the press.

And as far as being "banned in Canada", if the pressure on retailers and publishers is sufficiently intense, in a country as small as Canada amounts to a ban.

Pressure from whom, extactly? In any case, it's prety clear from the statements of Steyn's own publisher (Regenry, IIRC, is not exactly a publishing powerhouse) that Canadian store's inability to keep Steyn's book on the shelves was due to the demand exceeding the supply.

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