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Jewish girl attacks Palestian girl: MUST SEE VID!

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I support Israel

And our PM for supporting Israel

I was happy to see the girl protecting her homeland and shoo'ing people out that shouldn't be there. I feel Israel is the greates place on earth and a great country. It's a shame that it has to put all its money into military and weapons and to defend from terrorists wack jobs.. Many which reside in Canada i might add.

Actually you know what, I support Harper for only 2 things:

1) The GST cut.

2) Supporting Israel.

I'm just shocked how that could cuase him to plumet in polls when the Liberals didn't even have a leader. Canadians and the CBC are pro-Islam as well as many here on this forum. It's the Canadian way. You must be anti-Canadian, self-hating, hate Jews, and defend the enemy - ie: Terrorists.

One person asked why there wasn't Jewish protests with 50,000 people marching the streets of Toronto like there were Muslims during the time Israel was DEFENDING ITSELF against terrorist wackjobs launcing missles.

The reply was:

"We obviously care about the situation.. but we're just too busy working and going to school".

Why Canada willingly lets in people who may do us harm and who a have a much higher than usual unemployment rate (see uk studies, see Arars family as an example) - I don't know. We have to start making unplolurar choices soon before my 'I told you so' post happens.

Edited by mikedavid00
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I support Israel's right to exist, but this video and your support of it is sick. What did the Palestinian girl do to the Israeli girl? Probably nothing, but she deserved to get attacked? Where are your morals?

Hate breeds Hate - End the cycle.

Edit: What is "unplolurar"? lol

Edited by NovaScotian
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I support Israel's right to exist, but this video and your support of it is sick. What did the Palestinian girl do to the Israeli girl? Probably nothing, but she deserved to get attacked? Where are your morals?

Hate breeds Hate - End the cycle.

Edit: What is "unplolurar"? lol

No. They were on Jewish land and they weren't supposed to be there. They say it in the video.

But I love your wording though. You word it very carefully to say that you support Isreals right to be there, but that's it. Nothing about the attacks, nothing about anything else. Just a carefully worded statement made not to reveal your real feelings on the matter.

Just 'yaeh I support their existsanace'. Typical, self hating, pro-Islam, Innocent Little Mosque on the Prarie, die waiting for healthcare and it's 'ya deserve it!' attitude. And I assume you also love our free healthcare and hospital wait times. Oh and it's our fault that we get sick so we should die. Typical, typical canuck.

Ok. I bet if Canadians were to choose who they would have living: A little Muslim buy from Palistine or a little Canadian boy, I would wager my house and car that about 30% of Canadians would rather have death to the Canadian boy. It's a self hating left wing cancer that has been placed in Canadians from years of losers in power and the CBC.

I say no more. No more being fair. No more trying to please everyone.

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No. They were on Jewish land and they weren't supposed to be there. They say it in the video.

What was she doing? Just walking, hardly a crime worth a beating

But I love your wording though. You word it very carefully to say that you support Isreals right to be there, but that's it. Nothing about the attacks, nothing about anything else. Just a carefully worded statement made not to reveal your real feelings on the matter.]

Just 'yaeh I support their existsanace'. Typical, self hating, pro-Islam, Innocent Little Mosque on the Prarie, die waiting for healthcare and it's 'ya deserve it!' attitude. And I assume you also love our free healthcare and hospital wait times. Oh and it's our fault that we get sick so we should die. Typical, typical canuck.

I don't hate myself, I am anti-religion, never watched that show, haven't used a health facility in a long time, but when I have it wasn't a long wait, loves the fact that we all fund healthcare so everyone can benefit kinda canuck.

Ok. I bet if Canadians were to choose who they would have living: A little Muslim buy from Palistine or a little Canadian boy, I would wager my house and car that about 30% of Canadians would rather have death to the Canadian boy. It's a self hating left wing cancer that has been placed in Canadians from years of losers in power and the CBC.

That would be a terrible situation. No matter where the boy lives. I couldn't choose one over the other.

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That would be a terrible situation. No matter where the boy lives. I couldn't choose one over the other.

That's what REALLY sickening. Not my post, but your statement above.

so what you are saying, Mikedavid, is that the value of ones' life depends on where one was born? That our lives here in Canada are worth more than lives elsewhere? Why do you feel this way?

Edited by runningdog
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I support Israel's right to exist, but this video and your support of it is sick. What did the Palestinian girl do to the Israeli girl? Probably nothing, but she deserved to get attacked? Where are your morals?

I agree. I'm also a big Israel supporter (though I'm critical of their methods at times). We have the moral high ground as the civilized powers in the West because we don't resort to needless violence.

No. They were on Jewish land and they weren't supposed to be there. They say it in the video.

Are you ok with the Irish kicking the crap out of British tourists?

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The lure of violence will always guarrantee future conflict

(WTF?) What does that even mean? Conflict will occur because people find conflict alluring?

-k :blink:

I mean violent people are drawn to violence if they get a chance to observe it.

Yeah, and that is violence breeds violence.

How inane is it that two girls who had a violent conflict are now the focus of those who would enjoy their conflict vicasriously throught the world.

Its almost as pernicious as child porn but perfectly legal.

Edited by KO2
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I support Israel's right to exist, but this video and your support of it is sick. What did the Palestinian girl do to the Israeli girl? Probably nothing, but she deserved to get attacked? Where are your morals?

Hate breeds Hate - End the cycle.

Edit: What is "unplolurar"? lol

It's not even a news worthy story.

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That would be a terrible situation. No matter where the boy lives. I couldn't choose one over the other.

That's what REALLY sickening. Not my post, but your statement above.

so what you are saying, Mikedavid, is that the value of ones' life depends on where one was born? That our lives here in Canada are worth more than lives elsewhere? Why do you feel this way?

If it comes down to my life, my childrens life, my girlfriends life over their lives, they will loose, so yes, my life isd more important, to me!!

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I agree. I'm also a big Israel supporter (though I'm critical of their methods at times). We have the moral high ground as the civilized powers in the West because we don't resort to needless violence.

As Canadians we do not border a hostile country hell bent on destoying us. We do not have a proxy army from a country that hates us shooting rockets at our towns, killing our citizens...... we are in NO position to critize the methods of Israel..... we have not walked a mile in thier shoes.......

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I support Israel's right to exist, but this video and your support of it is sick. What did the Palestinian girl do to the Israeli girl? Probably nothing, but she deserved to get attacked? Where are your morals?

Hate breeds Hate - End the cycle.

Edit: What is "unplolurar"? lol

"Hate breeds hate". What a profoundly trite observation. Before we go getting all deeply philosophical though, what d'you spose would happen if the situation were reversed and this happened in the West Bank to Jewish girls? Do you spose whichever faction of Palestinian strongmen that happens to be in control that week would stand between the catfighters like that? I suspect they'd rape them and leave the remains for the ululating witches to clean up on.

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Hate breeds hate". What a profoundly trite observation.

No wonder you don't understand what I'm saying, you have judged that insight as profoundly trite?

This coming from someone who has nothing original, trite or otherwise, to offer of themselves except criticism?

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Hate breeds hate". What a profoundly trite observation.

No wonder you don't understand what I'm saying, you have judged that insight as profoundly trite?

This coming from someone who has nothing original, trite or otherwise, to offer of themselves except criticism?

Well, its like saying "dogs breed dogs," or "macaroni breeds macaroni." It's meaningless, it has no corrective utility, its emminently reductive, and it's just stupid. But at least it's short enough that there's room on a bumper sticker to put a cannabis leaf next to it.

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"Hate breeds hate". What a profoundly trite observation. Before we go getting all deeply philosophical though, what d'you spose would happen if the situation were reversed and this happened in the West Bank to Jewish girls? Do you spose whichever faction of Palestinian strongmen that happens to be in control that week would stand between the catfighters like that? I suspect they'd rape them and leave the remains for the ululating witches to clean up on.

Would you agree if a Palestinian militant raped a Jewish girl in the West Bank, and then a Israeli policeman would rape a Palestinian girl in Jerusalem?

Or if a rapist raped a girl, the girl's father would rape the rapist's daughter?

Incidentally, the logic (or actually illogic) above is always advocated by those militants. If we adopted this, we would really go back to the stone age thousands years ago.

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"Hate breeds hate". What a profoundly trite observation. Before we go getting all deeply philosophical though, what d'you spose would happen if the situation were reversed and this happened in the West Bank to Jewish girls? Do you spose whichever faction of Palestinian strongmen that happens to be in control that week would stand between the catfighters like that? I suspect they'd rape them and leave the remains for the ululating witches to clean up on.

Would you agree if a Palestinian militant raped a Jewish girl in the West Bank, and then a Israeli policeman would rape a Palestinian girl in Jerusalem?

Or if a rapist raped a girl, the girl's father would rape the rapist's daughter?

Incidentally, the logic (or actually illogic) above is always advocated by those militants. If we adopted this, we would really go back to the stone age thousands years ago.

I think xul, that you need to learn english before embarking on a philosophical discussion using it. You have comprehensively missed not only the point in the "illogic" above, but each and every particular of it too. Unfortunately I don't know mandarin, or I'd explain it to you.

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Scott, his English may be poor but the guy outlines my thoughts on this.

The fact that were cheering on someone attacking a Palestinian girl (who, to the best of all our knowledge, has nothing to do with the conflict) really frightens me. We're becoming, as a society, as uncivilized as the other side.

We are only in the right because we are civilized people that prefer to deal with things through reason. If you want to sink to their level, go ahead, but expect anyone's support. I'd prefer not to revert myself back to some tribal state to go on a conquest against muslims, but hey, whatever floats your boat...

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We are only in the right because we are civilized people that prefer to deal with things through reason.

That was the point I was making. Was I not clear enough? I was pointing out the hypocrisy of those who pretend shock and horror at the actions of the vicious Jew in the video. The video was a catfight, because it took place in Israel. It would have been a callous rape and murder had the situations been reversed and had the event taken place in so-called "Palestine." That doesn't make a catfight proper, but when juxtaposed against a rape and murder, one hopes it comes out looking relatively harmless. I've seen far worse catfights on highschool playgrounds.

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Scott, his English may be poor but the guy outlines my thoughts on this.

The fact that were cheering on someone attacking a Palestinian girl (who, to the best of all our knowledge, has nothing to do with the conflict) really frightens me. We're becoming, as a society, as uncivilized as the other side.

We are only in the right because we are civilized people that prefer to deal with things through reason. If you want to sink to their level, go ahead, but expect anyone's support. I'd prefer not to revert myself back to some tribal state to go on a conquest against muslims, but hey, whatever floats your boat...

Good point, namesake. I dont know if you could call this Israel defending itself. I am an Israel supporter as well, but I dont see what this isolated incident has to do with it. Then again, I dont even know the full story. But neither does anyone else.

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We are only in the right because we are civilized people that prefer to deal with things through reason.

That was the point I was making. Was I not clear enough? I was pointing out the hypocrisy of those who pretend shock and horror at the actions of the vicious Jew in the video. The video was a catfight, because it took place in Israel. It would have been a callous rape and murder had the situations been reversed and had the event taken place in so-called "Palestine." That doesn't make a catfight proper, but when juxtaposed against a rape and murder, one hopes it comes out looking relatively harmless. I've seen far worse catfights on highschool playgrounds.

I dont think he is saying that what was happening in the video is any worse than what happens in Palestine. He seems to be saying that people attacking a girl (for reasons we dont understand because the video doesnt make it clear) is nothing to necessarily cheer about either. Perhaps the girl was causing trouble. I really don't know. But I don't see why we would cheer it on. If the girl was causing trouble and they pushed her out in defense of Israel....well sure then its reasonable. I am an Israel supporter and when it comes to defending themselves in the middle east when they are constantly attacked by others, I am not going to pass judgement on them, but nonetheless even when battle is necessary it is an act of sorrow. Was David happy when his rebel son Absolom met his end? A fellow poster named JBG used to have a Golda Meir quote to end his posts that said something to the effect of "We can forgive you for killing our sons, we can't forgive you for making us kill yours."

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