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Let's Save Canada

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There is an ongoing semi-secret plan to merge Canada with the U.S. and Mexico. A group of media, government and corporate elites from all three countries, with the cooperation of Stephen Harper, is slowly "harmonizing" Canadian laws and regulations with Mexico and Canada. This new "harmonized" entity will be known as the SPP or, more popularly, the North American Union. Only Lou Dobbs (CNN) has really covered it in the mainstream media.

It's already being implemented.

In case you missed it, the Canadian government just imposed the (Orwellian) U.S. no-fly list on Canadian flyers. Now all people, including their children boarding flights in Canadian airports, must show ID which will be matched against the U.S. no-fly list. If you're on it, you don't fly. There is almost no way to get off this no-fly list.

We have also just weakened our laws protecting consumers against pesticides in order to "harmonize" withe the U.S. and Mexico. In 40 per cent of the cases, the U.S. allows for higher levels of pesticides.

Please read this article:


and tell every Canadian you know. Ask the mainstream media why they're not covering it.

Contact your MLA and ask them what they are doing to stop the creation of the North American Union.

For more information see this well researched website:


The prospect of merging Canada with Mexico, a narco/fascist state and the U.S., a fascist/plutocratic state is unsettling to say the least.

I hope you agree with me that we must keep Canada "Glorious and Free"

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The blueprint President Bush is following was laid out in a 2005 report entitled "Building a North American Community" published by the left-of-center Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The CFR report connects the dots between the Bush administration's actual policy on illegal immigration and the drive to create the North American Union:

At their meeting in Waco, Texas, at the end of March 2005, U.S. President George W. Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox, and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin committed their governments to a path of cooperation and joint action. We welcome this important development and offer this report to add urgency and specific recommendations to strengthen their efforts.

What is the plan? Simple, erase the borders.



Hmmm....why does Stephen Harper get singled out when Paul Martin is the one who went to the meeting?

As for "the list" give it a rest. It has been in the works since 2002. The project just got completed and implemented on Harper's watch.

Sometimes I think the Liberal gov't keeps things un-Liberal in the works so in case they ever get booted they can say "SEE...THEY'RE SCARY!!!" Cause the fools are obviously falling for some kind of stupid.

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In case you missed it, the Canadian government just imposed the (Orwellian) U.S. no-fly list on Canadian flyers.

It bugs me that some people don't seem to realize that George Orwell wrote more than one book, and then don't read the one book that they thought he wrote.

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It bugs me that some people don't seem to realize that George Orwell wrote more than one book, and then don't read the one book that they thought he wrote.

Down and out in Paris and London?


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There is an ongoing semi-secret plan to merge Canada with the U.S. and Mexico. A group of media, government and corporate elites from all three countries, with the cooperation of Stephen Harper, is slowly "harmonizing" Canadian laws and regulations with Mexico and Canada. This new "harmonized" entity will be known as the SPP or, more popularly, the North American Union. Only Lou Dobbs (CNN) has really covered it in the mainstream media.

It's already being implemented.

In case you missed it, the Canadian government just imposed the (Orwellian) U.S. no-fly list on Canadian flyers. Now all people, including their children boarding flights in Canadian airports, must show ID which will be matched against the U.S. no-fly list. If you're on it, you don't fly. There is almost no way to get off this no-fly list.

We have also just weakened our laws protecting consumers against pesticides in order to "harmonize" withe the U.S. and Mexico. In 40 per cent of the cases, the U.S. allows for higher levels of pesticides.

Please read this article:


and tell every Canadian you know. Ask the mainstream media why they're not covering it.

Contact your MLA and ask them what they are doing to stop the creation of the North American Union.

For more information see this well researched website:


The prospect of merging Canada with Mexico, a narco/fascist state and the U.S., a fascist/plutocratic state is unsettling to say the least.

I hope you agree with me that we must keep Canada "Glorious and Free"

I'd like nothing better then to keep Canada "Glorious and Free", but just so you know, Paul Martin was involved with this before Harper ever was. Both have taken Canada behind the woodshed, so to speak.

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  • 5 months later...

Okay, I tried the search feature, and found this old thread. I know Charles doesn't want mulitple threads on the same topic - so this one will have to do!!

I wanted to share this little gem of a video:

Doublespeak 101

It's only four minutes, includes the latest throne speech from Manitoba and reveals the lies and liars who sadly govern us.

Wake up folks - this is NOT a conspiracy (or maybe it is!!;) ), this is quite real along with all the implications.

About the only reason I would want to be an American would be to vote for Ron Paul in the upcoming primaries and election - at least he recognizes the danger in such a Union and is against it.

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The North American Union is no conspiracy theory, it is a conspiracy reality. It is Harper's wet dream come true. He has always wanted to Americanize our country and he is doing his best to accomplish that. Paul Martin was no Liberal, he was a tory in sheeps clothing.

Why do you think Harper has moved to introduce mandatory minimums for pot offences when more than half of Canada's population favour decrim/legalization? The US administration favours tougher penalties, that's why.

Canadians will have no say over our own laws, this is nothing short of a stealth invasion of our country. It is an American takeover, and Harper would like nothing better.

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Thanks!!!! for posting the link to doublespeak 101.. I have been sending it to everyone I can think of since yesterday.

I joined today to thank You and to say:

Watch Global News tonight.

Global is doing a story about the Superhighway tonight, but given they are being bought out by Goldman Sachs (who thinks that won't be approved? ) and GS is very politically powerful in the USA, it could just be a whitewash, now go back to sleep folks, nothing to see here.....

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Buffycat - excellent find! Thanks.

I am sharing this video with all my buds... and even (ha! moreso) to thyne enemies.

For those of you who are on dialup or just can't be bothered to watch here it is... I copied parts of it word for word as close as I could. (Hope that's not "illegal")

39th Manitoba Legislative assembly, Throne speech Nov. 20, 07:

"Manitoba is also taking a major role in the development of a midcontinent trade corridor connecting our northern port of Churchill with trade markets throughout the continental US and Mexico. To advance the concept an alliance has been built with business leaders and state and city goverments spanning the entire length of the corridor. When fully developed the trade route will incorporate and inland port in Winnipeg with pre-clearance for international shipping. "

The three leaders are then asked about the corridor... (during the summit)


"my opposition has....speculated on massive water diversions, superhighways to the continent, maybe even interplanetary, I'm not sure as well"


and I'm amused by some of the, some of the specuation some of the old, you could call 'em political scare tactics. When you been in politics as long as I have you get used to that technique. Where you layout a conspiracy and force people to prove it doesn't exist. That's just the way some people operate. I appreciate that question, I'm, I've, I'm amused. By the difference between what actually takes place in the meetings and what some are trying to say takes place. It's quite comical actually, when you realize the difference between reality and what some people are talking on TV about.

Unbelievable! I am utterly shocked at the bullshit coming out of Harper and Bush's mouths!

Harper does what all rightwingnuts do! He went overboard. "Maybe they even think it'll be interplanetary! Those lefties are totally nuts".

Bush -- yes he is well aware of this "technique" and he has gotten good at lying about it. Notice when he lies his body language does not betray him like it used to?

Does he not know that this very corridor is being discussed in the Manitoba provincial legislature? Did he think that an "international port" in Winnipeg would go unnoticed? Unmentioned?

Edited by Drea
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The North American Union is no conspiracy theory, it is a conspiracy reality. It is Harper's wet dream come true. He has always wanted to Americanize our country and he is doing his best to accomplish that. Paul Martin was no Liberal, he was a tory in sheeps clothing.

Why do you think Harper has moved to introduce mandatory minimums for pot offences when more than half of Canada's population favour decrim/legalization? The US administration favours tougher penalties, that's why.

Canadians will have no say over our own laws, this is nothing short of a stealth invasion of our country. It is an American takeover, and Harper would like nothing better.

Well said, I agree for the most part. Though I'd like to add that there are MANY Americans who are just as against this movement as many of us. Thus, while saying it is an 'American' takeover I think a better term would be 'Globalist/Corporatist' takeover. ;)

Though outside of that nit-picky thingy ;) I agree - the alignment of laws is called for throughout the spp. Hence the tougher drug sentencing introduced by Herr Harper.

Stealth invasions are successful when the populace are asleep - sadly I think may in this nation are out cold. :(

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Thanks!!!! for posting the link to doublespeak 101.. I have been sending it to everyone I can think of since yesterday.

I joined today to thank You and to say:

Watch Global News tonight.

Global is doing a story about the Superhighway tonight, but given they are being bought out by Goldman Sachs (who thinks that won't be approved? ) and GS is very politically powerful in the USA, it could just be a whitewash, now go back to sleep folks, nothing to see here.....

You are very welcome!

Do you have a link to the Goldman Sachs takeover? I missed the news last night.

Oh, and welcome to the board! :)

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Buffycat - excellent find! Thanks.

I am sharing this video with all my buds... and even (ha! moreso) to thyne enemies.

For those of you who are on dialup or just can't be bothered to watch here it is... I copied parts of it word for word as close as I could. (Hope that's not "illegal")

You're very welcome Drea - I'm glad to see that some here have found it useful. Oh, and thanks for the 'transcripts' - good idea - since the naysayers probably won't even bother to spend four minutes watching it!! (They'll just interject with their typical knee-jerk comments, void of any meaningful content).


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Do you have a link to the Goldman Sachs takeover? I missed the news last night.

Yoiu won't find any links for a Goldman Sachs takeover because it isn't true (surprise surprise).

Goldman and Canwest did buy Alliance Atlantis....but that closed last January

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For those who don't believe this, Ron Paul brought this up at the US Cons debates last week and you can find it on Youtube. Ron also said this is NOT conspiracy, its happening right now. The superhighway is just the start of things to happen. You can also find this topic over on www.infowars.com. I see it this way.... if Canadians sit back and do nothing about this, and its not like we all haven't be warned, then when it happens and we lose our Canadians citizen ships, then you have no one to blame but yourselves! IF, this doesn't happen what have you lossed?? The people who are going to benefit from this are the "globalist" the very rich who own large corporations who will get even richer. Harper wants to get rid of the senate, if not change it. There's already been someone in Canada trying to change the legal tender to the "Amero" from the C$ and the US$. John Manley helped bring the NAU into signing and you can see Harper is very much into Manley and I can see Manley becoming part of his govt. All I can say is for Canadians watch this government very carefully on what it does and doesn't do and question it.

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You know...one conspiracy theory is as about as stupid as the next......

Jesus-bald-headed-allah-christ man, do you not HEAR that the guy in the Manitoba Legislature is talking about the VERY THING that Bush and Harper call a conspiracy?

I even typed it out for you in case you were too lazy to watch a four minute video.

Frig you people believe anything the Bushbot says.

Is the Manitoba Legislature LYING? Whaddya think? Is he lying about the "port" in Winnipeg, or the "port" in Churchill? Is he lying about the "corridor"? Is he lying about the "business professionals" that are working towards making it happen?

Why would a provincial LEGISLATURE make this shit up? Maybe you naysayers ought to get out there to Manitoba and set them straight. :rolleyes:

Come on now, let's have a real conversation about this. It is happening there is no denying it.

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Jesus-bald-headed-allah-christ man, do you not HEAR that the guy in the Manitoba Legislature is talking about the VERY THING that Bush and Harper call a conspiracy?

I even typed it out for you in case you were too lazy to watch a four minute video.

Frig you people believe anything the Bushbot says.

Is the Manitoba Legislature LYING? Whaddya think? Is he lying about the "port" in Winnipeg, or the "port" in Churchill? Is he lying about the "corridor"? Is he lying about the "business professionals" that are working towards making it happen?

Why would a provincial LEGISLATURE make this shit up? Maybe you naysayers ought to get out there to Manitoba and set them straight. :rolleyes:

Come on now, let's have a real conversation about this. It is happening there is no denying it.

One conspiracy theorist is a nutty as another. A free trade corridor doesn't make for a loss of sovereignty, unless of course there is a move on the tinfoil market

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Watch the video.

... frig I simply cannot believe how obstinate you people are. WATCH THE VIDEO.


Unless of course you are a conspiracy theorist who believes that the Manitoba Legislature is a front. Booga booga.

Jesus, I shake my head at the obstinance.

"No damnit! We love Bush, we love America, we love money so all this video is is bull!"

Edited by Drea
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I believe Free Trade will be good for Manitoba....booga boooga boooooga.....

And don't worry, Tinfoil hats if they are made in North America will be covered...shheesh....

Funny, after nearly 20 years of the original FTA, the same arguments that proved false back then are still being used on a new generation of empty heads.....

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Let's all hide under a big pile of coats.......people won't believe this because it's huge, way too big for them to get their heads around, especially the people here, who are for the most part quite intelligent. Damn I wish they'd wake the hell up.

At the end of the day, you can't force this on anyone, they have to see it FOR THEMSELVES before they will accept it.

GD frustrating as it might be..... :angry:

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