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Stignasty I might be the last (unless I suffer a serious brain injury).

Maybe you have had one and have forgotten. Maybe you need to re evaluate your position based on evidence rather than what the boob tube is telling you to believe.

Your beliefs are NOT based on the NIST & FEMA reports. They are based on the boob tube reports.

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"In that context, how America 'manages' Eurasia is critical. Eurasia is the globe's largest continent and is geopolitically axial. A power that dominates Eurasia would control two of the world's three most advanced and economically productive regions. A mere glance at the map also suggests that control over Eurasia would almost automatically entail Africa's subordination, rendering the Western Hemisphere and Oceania geopolitically peripheral to the world's central continent. About 75 per cent of the world's people live in Eurasia, and most of the world's physical wealth is there as well, both in its enterprises and underneath its soil. Eurasia accounts for 60 per cent of the world's GNP and about three-fourths of the world's known energy resources."

The country that controls the ME, controls China, and Europe, since ME oil goes to Europe and China.

What country has already invaded two ME countries, building massive military bases, with which to launch further attacks, on more countries. the US.

So why is the US in the ME, it isn't the BS war on terror, and it isn't 9/11.

It is the reason for war, all wars, CONTROL.

As long as people buy the nonsense of the 'war on terror' and the bs of 9/11, the longer the 'war with no end' will go on, and the lives of the general population will get worse and worse, harsher, more controlled.

Henceforth, we are the masters of our own misery, by buying into the 9/11 official story.

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god almighty that was previously posted here, and is a piece of garbage.

I wrote this about it about that already................


I'll reiterate, it is a good piece of propaganda, meant to sway the reader, not by attacking FACTS, or anomolies, the movie is bringing out, but, meant to smear (name call) the person who made the movie and by extension the larger truth movement.

Looking at how the piece is set up....right of the top , it sets the entire premise of the article which it wraps up in the conclusion.

It uses a CLEARLY FICTIONAL dialogue, right at the beginning between Avery and "Mr Soprano" , who is a FICTIONAL character in a t.v series. (there is no link to the conversation, that works) and from the reading of it, if Mr Avery said it that way, it is CLEARLY tongue in cheek.( hence a fictional dialogue)

I mean can one have a conversation with a fictional character?????

Am I to assume, you think that's is possible?

The one statement , directly attributed to the conversation between the actor James Gandolfini

Is this "James told me, "If you want to be a successful director, you have to have something to say to the world." not to be snide, but, wow, how 'cryptic' (facetious, completely)

I can dissect the piece further, but, I am not going to bother, all in all, it is an article employing classic propoganda techniques, name calling ,association.

"Name-calling is a form of ad hominem attack that draws a vague equivalence between a concept and a person, group or idea. By linking the person or idea being attacked to a negative symbol, the propagandist hopes that the audience will reject the person or the idea on the basis of the symbol, instead of looking at the available evidence."

This use of propoganda, also demonstrates, or should demonstrate to the reader, weakness.

That if the promoter was to engage in an actual factual debate on the subject, the promoters evidence would be weak or non-existent, so the promoter , must engage, in manipulation to sway opinion. Think Bush regime propaganda leading up to the attack on Iraq.....

What one should ask oneself, is why this writer, did this piece?

It should be obvious.

Hint: it's not REALLY, to challenge the questions raised in the movie.

so why do you think this was written, phony conversation and smear , taken into consideration.

I think I named some of the techniques used in it.

do you recognize them?

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why you so hung up on loose change??

do you think it is that substantial?

or do the people who write this stuff want you to think it is??


did iraq had wmd's?

did iraq had anything to do with 9/11?

did the bush admin. falsify intel ?

did the bush admin allow torture, all the while alleging they are bringing freedom and democracy???

so many lies, so little time, and yet , you still believe?

how is that possible?

Yet, your so concerned over 1 movie, when so much BS, that is sooo obvious is staring you right in the face.

how credible is that?

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here's some more questions???

Why were the dozens of warnings from many countries - some specific - not acted upon?

- What happened to the money trail that linked the lead hijacker with Pakistan's intelligence service?

- Why wasn't bin Laden apprehended whilst receiving kidney dialysis?

- Why were FBI agents pulled from investigating al-Qaeda, before 9/11?

- What are the links between some of the hijackers and the Saudi government?

- Why were top al-Qaeda fighters and Taliban leaders allowed to escape US forces in Afghanistan?

riddle me those, k???

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BTW Stig;


I put this document together for several reasons:

1. To promote understanding of the facts about the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and to discourage relying on rumor and conjecture when searching for the "truth."

2. Because I believe that "Loose Change" is an influential introduction for many people to 9/11 conspiracy issues.

3. To encourage respect for the victims, living and dead, of the 9/11 attacks.


1: sets up the false premise off the hop, that rumour and conjecture are being used.

2: while this person may believe " that "Loose Change" is an influential introduction for many people to 9/11 conspiracy issues." doesn't mean many other or any other people do, except for apparently, yourself.

3:wrt:"encourage respect for the victims, living and dead, of the 9/11 attacks."

that's interesting, with the conjecture being that it is "disrespectful" to the victims of 9/11 to see loose change. an amazing bit of garbage,

perhaps he should see Press for Truth.


can you imagine there are family members of 9/11 vicitims who are being "disrespectful" of their own loved ones. lol.

wonder what this person thinks of the fact of the Bush regime/junta not even wanting to investigate 9/11, then getting the master bs'r Kissinger, then underfunding the whole investigation, where is the piece on the Bush junta disrespecting the families, the vicitims etc.,

more BS, from the bs'rs!!!

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another interesting problem for the loose change obsessed ........

wrt first responders.

You do know the Bush admin LIED,via their mouthpiece, Christie Todd Whitman, epa Administrator, about the air quality at ground zero. ( you do know that right?) The first responders are getting the horrid treatment, as the Bush admin see's fitting, for the people they touted as hero;s when it was propagandically convenient to use them, but.........I digress.

anyway.....where is the concern for those victims???

Think the loosechangeobssessed can cover that, in some manner to perhaps demonize the first responders,

for daring to question to Bush admin, oh wait to risky, no good BS value in that.

maybe one of the "loose change obsessed" can write an article, about actual facts wrt to the first responders, and their severe sickness, the lies of the EPA, that sure looks like it came straight from the Bush white house, and the horrible treatment the hero's are now receiving, talk about DISRESPECTING the victims!

Hey more lies and more people will die, but, still the spinmasters put out there "loose change" pieces as if it matters, and foolish people lap it up. as if it matters.


"NEW YORK – Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-NY) and Congressman Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-NJ) today wrote Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez requesting that a Special Counsel be appointed to investigate whether criminal charges should be brought against former EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman, and against other government officials, for taking actions that may have endangered the lives of thousands of people following the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York.

"Christie Whitman repeatedly declared the air safe, and now thousands of people are sick, and some have died, from World Trade Center contamination," said Rep. Nadler. "To add insult to injury, she just went on 60 Minutes and tried to blame everybody else for her misdeeds. She must be held accountable," he added.

"Christie Whitman lied to the public about the health hazards at Ground Zero and endangered lives," said Rep. Weiner. "We must ensure that the accountability for these actions is not lost in a cloud of finger-pointing. Only with the appointment of a special prosecutor with subpoena power can an independent investigation occur and, if necessary, criminal charges be brought against those responsible."

so stig, how about the first responders?

why were they lied to wrt air quality?

why are they now getting the shaft?

why isn't the Bush admin making dam sure there hero's are getting the treatment they need for their diseases???

I really would love some answers on the numerous questions I have asked of you.

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Debunking 911 conspiracy theories consists of comming up with a less likely but possible explanation for each aspect of 911 that points to a conspiracy. This can so easily be done with the official version that its a waste of time - in fact each asp[ect of the official version can be shown to be absolutely false.

No as of yet has dared come up with a reason as to why the official version should be believed. No one can show any evidence supporting the official version of 911 that hasn't already been shown to be a lie. This starts with the 19 terrorists that supposedly boarded the planes but whos names are not even on the flight manifests.

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so stig, how about the first responders?

Brave and heroic people.

why were they lied to wrt air quality?

I don't know. Does the thought that they were lied to about the air quality somehow make a controlled demolition more plausible?

why are they now getting the shaft?

why isn't the Bush admin making dam sure there hero's are getting the treatment they need for their diseases???

Probably for the same reason the injured veterans coming home from Iraq are being treated like garbage.

Why do people jump to the conclusion that those of us who don't believe the controlled demolition story are rabid supporters of the Bush administration? In fact, my belief in the Bush administration's incompetence is one of the reasons I can't believe they could pull an operation like 9/11 off.

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stignasty In fact, my belief in the Bush administration's incompetence is one of the reasons I can't believe they could pull an operation like 9/11 off.

The Bush admistration has created an illusion of incompetence to excuse their actions. Their actions are not the result of incompetence. No one can "lose" trillions of dollars and the Iraq debacle has been in planning for years. The idea of Iraq being broken up into three smaller countries was planned in PNAC.

Carl Rove, Rumsfeld & Cheney would not actually plan out 911, they would delegate it to those capable of this kind of work. 911 is not only an inside job but it is obviously an inside job. The official version is as ridiculous as the official version for the Oklahoma Murrah building bombing.

I don't know what people could possibly be thinking when they cover up these horrific acts, whether it be on a newsgroup or in the media by ignorance of fact. This government acts in its own interest, not yours, and it would be silly to believe that you will benefit from the changes that will be brought about in society as a result of these acts.

My suspicion is that far too many people consider themselves as part of the elite classes.

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so stig, how about the first responders?

Brave and heroic people.

why were they lied to wrt air quality?

I don't know. Does the thought that they were lied to about the air quality somehow make a controlled demolition more plausible?

why are they now getting the shaft?

why isn't the Bush admin making dam sure there hero's are getting the treatment they need for their diseases???

Probably for the same reason the injured veterans coming home from Iraq are being treated like garbage.

Why do people jump to the conclusion that those of us who don't believe the controlled demolition story are rabid supporters of the Bush administration? In fact, my belief in the Bush administration's incompetence is one of the reasons I can't believe they could pull an operation like 9/11 off.

lots of other questions.

The Bush administration is NOT incompetent!

That misleads people like you. IMO: they know exactly what they are doing.

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The Bush administration is NOT incompetent!
Right. Iraq is in chaos. The reputation of Americans around the world is at an all time low. His own party was kicked out of congress and will likely lose the presidency in 2008. I can't think of anything this guy has done right. Yet you expect people to believe it is all a show?
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The Bush administration is NOT incompetent!
Right. Iraq is in chaos. The reputation of Americans around the world is at an all time low. His own party was kicked out of congress and will likely lose the presidency in 2008. I can't think of anything this guy has done right. Yet you expect people to believe it is all a show?

not a show, but intentional, yes.

The longer the US is there, the better to control the puppet government, make all manner of oil deals, build bases, build that embassy, WOW! bigger then the vatican , etc., launch other attacks, all out of Iraq.

You didn't really think they were going to leave quickly now did you?

come one?

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Hi Poly, just curious as to your thoughts wrt Rosie coming out and stating her beliefs about the 'official' version of 911.

Its a great way to get to know Bill O'Reilly isn't it ? I didn't know he was mixed up in a sex scandal too.

Its a good way to get the news around about Loose Change final cut. 911 is back in the news. This isn't going to go away and people will start to realize it now. I'll be watching too see if they fire her from The View.

Maybe Rosie comming out will make more Hollywood types come out.

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Hi Poly, just curious as to your thoughts wrt Rosie coming out and stating her beliefs about the 'official' version of 911.

Its a great way to get to know Bill O'Reilly isn't it ? I didn't know he was mixed up in a sex scandal too.

Its a good way to get the news around about Loose Change final cut. 911 is back in the news. This isn't going to go away and people will start to realize it now. I'll be watching too see if they fire her from The View.

Maybe Rosie comming out will make more Hollywood types come out.

Well, a gf of mine is quite a fan of hers, and it's finally gotten her to look into it and start questioning - so good! Apparantly you cannot contact Rosie via the View any longer. I hope they don't fire her. Check our Rivero's site he is doing a good job on keeping things up to date wrt Rosie.

Take care Poly!

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Well, a gf of mine is quite a fan of hers, and it's finally gotten her to look into it and start questioning - so good!

Sounds like she needs a few copies of Terrorstorm or 911 Mysteries to pass around to friends & family.

Every person that sees this has to be asked to participate in the movement. Before long it will only be a few nut cases that still think the gov report is anything but a lie.

I believe if a butterfly can flap its wings in China and cause a hurricane a year later half way around the world then all that has to happen is the right person to learn about 911 being an inside job. We are six people away from knowing anyone on the planet.

There are lots of smart people who have not yet questioned the official version or realize how much credibility the 911 truth movement has when compared to the gatekeeper community credibility.

I wonder who will be last to figure out that 911 was an inside job.

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Maybe Rosie comming out will make more Hollywood types come out.

Rosie already came out. Its getting her back in thats the problem. BUt hey go hitch your wagon to Rosie since she has zero credibility with anyone of import .

And no, not for what she said the other day, but for a long list of stupidities she mouths.

She will be booted off that show, once the advertisers start bitching to ABC about her and pulling ads, she will be yesterdays news.

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god almighty that was previously posted here, and is a piece of garbage.

I wrote this about it about that already................


I'll reiterate, it is a good piece of propaganda, meant to sway the reader, not by attacking FACTS, or anomolies, the movie is bringing out, but, meant to smear (name call) the person who made the movie and by extension the larger truth movement.

Looking at how the piece is set up....right of the top , it sets the entire premise of the article which it wraps up in the conclusion.

It uses a CLEARLY FICTIONAL dialogue, right at the beginning between Avery and "Mr Soprano" , who is a FICTIONAL character in a t.v series. (there is no link to the conversation, that works) and from the reading of it, if Mr Avery said it that way, it is CLEARLY tongue in cheek.( hence a fictional dialogue)

I mean can one have a conversation with a fictional character?????

Am I to assume, you think that's is possible?

The one statement , directly attributed to the conversation between the actor James Gandolfini

Is this "James told me, "If you want to be a successful director, you have to have something to say to the world." not to be snide, but, wow, how 'cryptic' (facetious, completely)

I can dissect the piece further, but, I am not going to bother, all in all, it is an article employing classic propoganda techniques, name calling ,association.

"Name-calling is a form of ad hominem attack that draws a vague equivalence between a concept and a person, group or idea. By linking the person or idea being attacked to a negative symbol, the propagandist hopes that the audience will reject the person or the idea on the basis of the symbol, instead of looking at the available evidence."

This use of propoganda, also demonstrates, or should demonstrate to the reader, weakness.

That if the promoter was to engage in an actual factual debate on the subject, the promoters evidence would be weak or non-existent, so the promoter , must engage, in manipulation to sway opinion. Think Bush regime propaganda leading up to the attack on Iraq.....

What one should ask oneself, is why this writer, did this piece?

It should be obvious.

Hint: it's not REALLY, to challenge the questions raised in the movie.

so why do you think this was written, phony conversation and smear , taken into consideration.

I think I named some of the techniques used in it.

do you recognize them?

Do you know what a Factual REBUTTAL is?


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god almighty that was previously posted here, and is a piece of garbage.

I wrote this about it about that already................


I'll reiterate, it is a good piece of propaganda, meant to sway the reader, not by attacking FACTS, or anomolies, the movie is bringing out, but, meant to smear (name call) the person who made the movie and by extension the larger truth movement.

Looking at how the piece is set up....right of the top , it sets the entire premise of the article which it wraps up in the conclusion.

It uses a CLEARLY FICTIONAL dialogue, right at the beginning between Avery and "Mr Soprano" , who is a FICTIONAL character in a t.v series. (there is no link to the conversation, that works) and from the reading of it, if Mr Avery said it that way, it is CLEARLY tongue in cheek.( hence a fictional dialogue)

I mean can one have a conversation with a fictional character?????

Am I to assume, you think that's is possible?

The one statement , directly attributed to the conversation between the actor James Gandolfini

Is this "James told me, "If you want to be a successful director, you have to have something to say to the world." not to be snide, but, wow, how 'cryptic' (facetious, completely)

I can dissect the piece further, but, I am not going to bother, all in all, it is an article employing classic propoganda techniques, name calling ,association.

"Name-calling is a form of ad hominem attack that draws a vague equivalence between a concept and a person, group or idea. By linking the person or idea being attacked to a negative symbol, the propagandist hopes that the audience will reject the person or the idea on the basis of the symbol, instead of looking at the available evidence."

This use of propoganda, also demonstrates, or should demonstrate to the reader, weakness.

That if the promoter was to engage in an actual factual debate on the subject, the promoters evidence would be weak or non-existent, so the promoter , must engage, in manipulation to sway opinion. Think Bush regime propaganda leading up to the attack on Iraq.....

What one should ask oneself, is why this writer, did this piece?

It should be obvious.

Hint: it's not REALLY, to challenge the questions raised in the movie.

so why do you think this was written, phony conversation and smear , taken into consideration.

I think I named some of the techniques used in it.

do you recognize them?

Do you know what a Factual REBUTTAL is?


Yes, I do!

Apparently you DO NOT, since you posted this piece of garbage, complete with a fictionalized conversation between 'Mr Soprano' and Avery.( that was clearly a 'tongue in cheek' dialogue), do you know what that is??. Mr Soprano is fictional, you do understand that? He is a character in a tv series, you are aware of that right?

Then you postulate this piece is a rebuttal, and a factual rebuttal, to boot, ?????

I already told you what this piece is, and it isn't a factual rebuttal, in any sense of those words, only in your imagination.


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Do you know what a Factual REBUTTAL is?


Yes, I do!

Apparently you DO NOT, since you posted this piece of garbage, complete with a fictionalized conversation between 'Mr Soprano' and Avery.( that was clearly a 'tongue in cheek' dialogue), do you know what that is??. Mr Soprano is fictional, you do understand that? He is a character in a tv series, you are aware of that right?

Then you postulate this piece is a rebuttal, and a factual rebuttal, to boot, ?????

I already told you what this piece is, and it isn't a factual rebuttal, in any sense of those words, only in your imagination.


Actually, I posted that link. As for being a piece of garbage, it's no less accurate than Loose Change or 9/11 Mysteries.

Yes it's a fictionalized conversation, but it's not much different from what you can read on the Loose Change website:

Dylan Avery, 23

Director, Editor, Founder

In May 2002, after spending three months doing construction work on Vines, I had a half hour conversation with James Gandolfini at the opening party. To make a long, drawn out conversation short, James told me, "If you want to be a successful director, you have to have something to say to the world."

It was that month that I began writing "Loose Change," a fictional story about my friends and I discovering that September 11th was not a terrorist attack, but rather, an attack by their own government.

Upon researching for the movie, it became apparant that the subject matter may not have been entirely fiction. Over two years time, adding more and more information, the fictional movie evolved into what it is today; a documentary.


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Sounds like she needs a few copies of Terrorstorm or 911 Mysteries to pass around to friends & family.

Every person that sees this has to be asked to participate in the movement. Before long it will only be a few nut cases that still think the gov report is anything but a lie.

Wrong again. I've seen them and think they're total rubbish.

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