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Banker/Wall Street Governance

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You two certainly don't live in a rational world. that much is true.


you didn't go here did you...


Why would I waste my time talking relentlessly about something that had no truth to it?

How could doctor's and and scientists and professors who have spent countless years on this crap be less credible than you?

You trust politicians that have been caught lying over and over again, but you don't trust the people who have nothing to gain by telling the truth.

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WhiteDoors:I can make money from nothing too. I made over 250k on my house in two years.

Explain that.

The housing prices follow population and the amount of currency in print. The USA has almost quadrupled the currency supply since around 1999. In terms of real value then your house has perhaps declined.

A year ago the dollar was in an even postion with the Euro, now Euro's cost about 1.3 USD.

White Doors:You two certainly don't live in a rational world. that much is true.

Neither do you. Not everything actually is as you think it should be. We live in an irrational world because most group behaviour of humans is irrational.

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The housing prices follow population and the amount of currency in print. The USA has almost quadrupled the currency supply since around 1999. In terms of real value then your house has perhaps declined.

A year ago the dollar was in an even postion with the Euro, now Euro's cost about 1.3 USD.

Wait... So your telling me I will not be any better off when I sell it and realize the profits (tax free mind you) and buy a nicer house in NB for 1/4 the price?

BTW, I live in CANADA.

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you didn't go here did you...


Ok, I went there. What was I supposed to get from reading that? That CitiBank has received billions of dollars of fines over the last few years?

ok, it certainly says so. What's your point?

Doesn't that more or less disprove the theory that the banks can do whatever they want and get away with anything and are above the law and so on?

Why would I waste my time talking relentlessly about something that had no truth to it?

Because you're an idiot?


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Aw, good old kimmy gibbler and her tasteless insults.

How old are you people anyways?

If you look closely, half of those "lawsuits" were paid right back to the people who were fined.

You're calling me an idiot, while you jump for joy at the idea of the NAU.


All of your thoughts are as processed as cheese, your view more narrow than the eye of a needle.

Why is the phrase new world order all over the news again?

Is it because I'm an idiot?

You're going to have to do better than that.

Get mad, Gibbler.

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Gibbler? And you're the one accusing everybody else of watching too much TV? :P

You don't understand the real world usage of the phrase "new world order" or what a North American Union will actually entail. You get all your information from American whack-jobs who fear in every waking moment of the day that there is a secret government plan to open up the Mexican border and let brown-people colonize their neighborhoods.

Why don't you post that "Amerocurrency" website again? I liked that one. It was truly funny. It's deeply disturbing that people like you take this stuff for fact, but it's still funny.


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kimmy:You don't understand the real world usage of the phrase "new world order" or what a North American Union will actually entail.

If it was a good thing they would be bragging about it. Its not a good thing and thats why its being kept secret. The police state isn't being set up to catch terrorists, if they were interested in doing that (ie if there were terrorists) the Mexico/USA border would not be open.

kimmy:You get all your information from American whack-jobs who fear in every waking moment of the day that there is a secret government plan to open up the Mexican border and let brown-people colonize their neighborhoods.

They are already doing that. The Mexican flag flies in Texas and some parts of Texas are the most dangerous places in the world. They even have a leper colony.

I get my information mostly from experts: ex dept heads from the white house, ex bankers, ex army officers and economists. You get yours from mainstream media presstitutes, admitted propogandists, liars, war profiteers and war criminals.

kimmy: Why don't you post that "Amerocurrency" website again? I liked that one. It was truly funny. It's deeply disturbing that people like you take this stuff for fact, but it's still funny.

It actually disturbs me that there are people like you that think willful stupidity is both funny and wise.

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Or do you just assume that you already know everything.

Speaking to me with these ridiculous links created by people that should be in nut houses would be comparable to telling your medicial provider that they know nothing becase you read a book on a secret cure to cancer once.

Grow up, learn something from a reputable source, then I'd love to discuss all the issues with our current system with you. Until then, your wasting everyone's time with this mindless drivel. Though am I finding it quite entertaining.

I don't assume I know everything, but I sure as hell know a lot more about this system than you do. I've worked with issuing debt in every possible way, with paying debt in numerous ways, and never along the way have I ever created money or witnessed the creation of free money out of nowhere. I make my living knowing this system, it's ups and downs and how to utilitize it to deliver profit to the shareholders of my employer.

PolyNewb claimed that every banker agrees with him, well I might not work for a financial corporation, but I do issue debt and invest like a bank for my employer. And I don't agree with him.

What do you do for a living Jenna? PolyNewb?


And PolyNewb... I'm still waiting for you to describe the various derivative instruments that are causing your concern and how they may distort certain segements of the market. I know nothing remember, just brainwashed by the Freemasons or something like that. I need to be edumacated by brilliant people that have read 2 or 3 books and watched an uncredited film.

Your obviously very concerned about the growth in derivatives (which you could be justifiably in my view). But you refuse to tell me anything about these derivatives. I need to be edumacated!

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geoffery:Grow up, learn something from a reputable source, then I'd love to discuss all the issues with our current system with you. Until then, your wasting everyone's time with this mindless drivel. Though am I finding it quite entertaining.

I've gotten my information from top White House economists (Morgan Reynolds, Paul Craig Roberts), well known economists like John Kenneth Galbraith and other Phd economic authors, and ex bankers like Catharine Austin Fitts.

Milton Friedman has a book on the American establishment that would tell you all of this stuff, but I haven't read it. Its on Amazon.

If these are not reliable, what would you consider reliable ? Do you think your UNESCO textbook is more reliable ?

geoffery:I don't assume I know everything, but I sure as hell know a lot more about this system than you do.

Apparently that isn't the case.

geoffery: I've worked with issuing debt in every possible way, with paying debt in numerous ways, and never along the way have I ever created money or witnessed the creation of free money out of nowhere. I make my living knowing this system, it's ups and downs and how to utilitize it to deliver profit to the shareholders of my employer.

When you work for the bank and someone comes in for a loan, the money gets created when you type the new balance into the applicants account. Its not a wizard or anything that creates the money, there isn't anything to see. Money gets created when you pay for something with your credit card. The banks create the money to pay the merchant.

geoffery: PolyNewb claimed that every banker agrees with him, well I might not work for a financial corporation, but I do issue debt and invest like a bank for my employer. And I don't agree with him.

You are just a pencil pusher, not a CEO.

What do you do for a living Jenna? PolyNewb?

I the CEO of a corporation :D . I'm the only employee so I'm not rich. I'm an instrumentation/ DSP programmer witha degree in engineering.

geoffery: And PolyNewb... I'm still waiting for you to describe the various derivative instruments that are causing your concern and how they may distort certain segements of the market. I know nothing remember, just brainwashed by the Freemasons or something like that.

You would not be the first. On the back of The Creature From Jekyll Island there is an accolade for the book from the head of an investment bank who didn't know that money was created from nothing.

You have been educated in a way that prevents you from seeing how banks actually work or its importance. There are lots of people that work in banks that do not know about this and there are lots that do. I met this woman the other day that worked for the banks and asked her if she knew they created money from nothing, she knew and I was surprised so I asked her how she knew and she said a lot of people that work in the banks do know. She was a finance student at U of T.

geoffery:I need to be edumacated by brilliant people that have read 2 or 3 books and watched an uncredited film.

You need to recognise that the establishemnt does not care about your well being. You are a source of wealth generation for the establishment. They will kill you in cold blood to further their objective or slowly poison you. They have created a fishbowl from which you do your thinking. You should see that such a huge difference in income between the ultra rich and the rest of us results in a certain malfeasence.

Ultimately you are a British subject and technically you have no rights, including the right to life. You are an asset of someone you never heard of or voted for. The world has not changed in 1000 years. The Magna Carta isn't even relevant to you. You have NO RIGHTS.

The entire political system is a dog and pony show. The education system and the media are there to make you think its all real and teach you to work for it, not to educate you.

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I've gotten my information from top White House economists (Morgan Reynolds, Paul Craig Roberts), well known economists like John Kenneth Galbraith and other Phd economic authors, and ex bankers like Catharine Austin Fitts.
ROTFL. You refuse to listen to anyone who does not tell you what you want to hear. So don't waste your time talking about the 'credentials' of the people who wrote the books you have read. Your posts demonstrate that you know nothing about how the banking system works and that you are not really that interested in learning. If you really actually interested in learning then you would have actually come up with a counter argument with more substance that 'your wrong because some book I red said so.
If these are not reliable, what would you consider reliable ? Do you think your UNESCO textbook is more reliable ?
It is possible to do a sanity check on information even if one does not know how realiable a source is. For example, the claims that a bank who loans $100,000 makes $100,000 in profit is obviously false because if it was true banks would make a lot more money than they do now and the would never go bankrupt.

Utimately, you unwillingness to use basic logic to evaluate the credibilty of information makes your opinions on most matters a joke.

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Poly, what do you think of this theory, I've heard it a few times now.

The reason Iraq was invavded was due to the fact the Saddam couldn't pay off his debt to the world elite.

Apparently that's whats happening over here as well, hence the merging of our nations into one.

I'm not going to try to back this up quite yet, or even say anything else about it.

My grandpa and his friends at the Finlandia retirement home might just be some old kooks.

But I'm not going to rule it out either, as my gramps is usally right.

Anyways I just wanted to know if you had heard that anywhere yourself, and whether or not you think its likely.

All I know, is that they had no good reason whatsoever to give us about why they were invading Iraq, and most people believe that the US has no business going in there at all.

Just a thought from a crazy old finnish man and his compadres

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Riverwind:ROTFL. You refuse to listen to anyone who does not tell you what you want to hear. So don't waste your time talking about the 'credentials' of the people who wrote the books you have read.

John Kenneth Galbraith is in wikipedia. I suppose you do not know who he is.

Your posts demonstrate that you know nothing about how the banking system works and that you are not really that interested in learning.

Your posts show that you do not read books, have no background for knowing what you are talking about, and have opinions that come out of your a$$.

If you really actually interested in learning then you would have actually come up with a counter argument with more substance that 'your wrong because some book I red said so.

Books written by economists are a good source of information, particularly when dealing with economics. I know you think your a$$ is a better source of info because it is rational but I think quoting books and economists and using actual quotes from ex presidents and bankers is a good way to win an arguement.

Perhaps your a$$ is a better source of information. Do you know of any materials that have been written that use your a$$ as a reference. ?

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Jenna:The reason Iraq was invavded was due to the fact the Saddam couldn't pay off his debt to the world elite.

Apparently that's whats happening over here as well, hence the merging of our nations into one.

Saddam was playing games with oil prices and he wouldn't let the western banks come in and print Iraqi currency. All the nations that Bush is fighting now and in the future are just refusing to let our banks take over their money system.

Wars in the past have been to overthrow valid governments of the people, put corrupt dictators in place so that they can be paid off to let western banks come in and print their money for them.

See Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man by Perkins, Robert Gaylon Ross does a free video (google) that explains this as well. Wars are essentially being fought so that our banks can take over. The Muslims are against our banks and their usery, etc - its a strong part of their religion and that is why they are being labeled as terrorists.

The banks really do own most of the planet and they want all of it and the terrorist nations are not going along with it. Global governance is being done by the bankers. Its their agends. Rockefeller wants to rule the world in in a well known CFR speech he admits to a world being run by central bankers and the intellectual elite is his goal and that the media is co operating in keeping it hidden.

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose members have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion over forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop a plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the work now is much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practised in past centuries"- David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission, at the Trilteral commission in June 1991.

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oh and p.s.

even though my job is totally irrelevant to this subject, I suppose I have to tell you what it is now, or risk being called out for living in my parents basement or something.

You know, because all of us crazies still live at home, and have no prospects.

I am a social service worker who has also completed a 3 year business admin course

I work at city hall in the fraud department, FRO

I don't deal with a lot of bankers, but i do deal with a lot of liars.

Lots of them in the system, and even more of them in the office.

I don't need to take any finance courses to see the blatent corruption thats going on.

I don't need to be an accountant to know that our rights are basically disentigrating right before our eyes.

That's like saying I wouldn't have known anything about society until i took social work.

You can discredit me if you like, but you can't discredit the hundreds of people that have exposed this situation, and spend their lives trying to explain to people what the other side of the story is.

You're basically saying that if you didn't already know about it, that it isn't true.

Just because I could pay you to do my taxes doesn't mean you're enlightened.

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John Kenneth Galbraith is in wikipedia. I suppose you do not know who he is.
I know who he is but you have not provided any evidence that he actually supports your ideas on how the banking system works. Out of context quotes about evils of bankers are not an evidence that he believes that banks make $100,000 in profit when they loan $100,000.
Books written by economists are a good source of information, particularly when dealing with economics.
Your problem is that you are too selective when it comes to sources. Textbooks used to teach economics are the most credible sources on the topic but you reject them because 'they are controlled by UNESCO'. You don't read books to learn - you read books to find out of context quotes that will support your bizarre delusions.

The fact that you refuse to address the logical contradictions in your own arguments illustrates how little comprehension you have of the subject material.

If you want to make your point then please explain why the pamphlet produced by the reserve bank of chicago is wrong (the link is in previous post). That pamplet clearly explains how money is created by banks and shows that banks can only loan money that they have in deposits - they cannot create money from nothing.

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The Rothschilds of London and Berlin; Lazard Brothers of Paris; Israel Moses Seif of Italy; Kuhn, Loeb and Warburg of Germany; and the Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs and the Rockefeller families are the owners of the Federal Reserve.

On June 4, 1963, a little known attempt was made to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the government at interest. On that day President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order No. 11110 that returned to the U.S. government the power to issue currency, without going through the Federal Reserve. Mr. Kennedy's order gave the Treasury the power to issue silver certificates against reserve silver bullion. He was assasinated 5 months later.

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Speaking to me with these ridiculous links created by people that should be in nut houses would be comparable to telling your medicial provider that they know nothing becase you read a book on a secret cure to cancer once.

Hey, who are you to be comparing PolyNewb's banking guru to some quack who invented a secret cure for cancer?

-k :lol:

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They create the deposits before they lend them out.

John Kenneth Galbraith has a book called Money and its about the history of money. He explains that the bankers do create money - thats what fractional reserve banking is.

Riverwind:The fact that you refuse to address the logical contradictions in your own arguments illustrates how little comprehension you have of the subject material.

What logical contradictions exist in my arguement ? Your a$$ may be rational but the rest of the world isn't.

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kimmy:You don't understand the real world usage of the phrase "new world order" or what a North American Union will actually entail.
If it was a good thing they would be bragging about it. Its not a good thing and thats why its being kept secret. The police state isn't being set up to catch terrorists, if they were interested in doing that (ie if there were terrorists) the Mexico/USA border would not be open.

By no means do I claim that a North American Union is a good thing.

I just dispute the claim that it means what you and your ilk think it does.

While there's evidence that discussions of speeding traffic across borders, common security initiatives, increasing trade and transport throughout North America and so on, the claim that all of this means that our governments will be wiped out and put under a common state is sheer paranoid conjecture. More on that later.

And the pet boogeyman of your favorite source is revealed in your oft-repeated line about the Mexican border, as well as in the following:

kimmy:You get all your information from American whack-jobs who fear in every waking moment of the day that there is a secret government plan to open up the Mexican border and let brown-people colonize their neighborhoods.

They are already doing that. The Mexican flag flies in Texas and some parts of Texas are the most dangerous places in the world. They even have a leper colony.

uh huh, I read that. I also read where he talks about the "Latino KKK" and how Latinos are already undertaking the racial cleansing of Los Angeles as the first step on the way to creating an ethnic homeland.

When you read stuff like that, shouldn't it send up little red flags?

kimmy: Why don't you post that "Amerocurrency" website again? I liked that one. It was truly funny. It's deeply disturbing that people like you take this stuff for fact, but it's still funny.

It actually disturbs me that there are people like you that think willful stupidity is both funny and wise.

If you want to have a discussion about willful stupidity, then why don't we take a look at


The international work-in-progress, named the "Security and Prosperity Partnership Of North America (SPP)," has a broad scope. The program goal, according to a release by the White House Office of the Press Secretary, is"To enhance the competitive position of North American industries in the global marketplace and to provide greater economic opportunity for all of our societies, while maintaining high standards of health and safety for our people, the United States, Mexico, and Canada will work together, and in consultation with stakeholders, to:"

* Improve Productivity

* Reduce the Costs of Trade

* Enhance the Quality of Life

Initially, these goals sound reasonable. However, upon inspection and understanding of the background of the movement, it becomes clear that, once fully implemented, the newly formed organization will usurp authority of the U.S., and redistribute power and wealth among the three North American nations.

He looks at the stated goals of the SPP, and concludes that it's a plot to "usurp the authority of the U.S."

The citizens of the United States must awaken to the impending reality that our sovereign nation is being assimilated by an unconstitutional union--a union with two socialist nations. As the data converge, many unexplained phenomenon, such as the mystery of unenforced immigration laws and the "Trans-Texas" international corridor, will illuminate.

Canada is a socialist nation?

The United States... population 300,000,000... is going to be assimilated by Canada (pop 34,000,000) and Mexico (pop 107,000,000)?

Willful stupidity? Try and read this without laughing:

Canada is a bastion of socialism, largely controlled by the electorate in eastern, major metropolitan areas. Canadian citizens in remote areas of the west are legislatively subdued by socialist liberals in the big cities. For instance, the French-speaking body politic in French Canada have outlawed handguns nationwide. The English-speaking natives living in the primitive areas of British Columbia, replete with brown bears--the western hemisphere's most vicious and deadly wild animal--are prohibited from carrying a pistol on their hip while working in the bush.

Sounds like a guy who's done his homework...

He goes on to quote from Jerome Corsi... best known as the mouthpiece of the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth (does that sound like somebody interested in *fighting* the New World Order?)

Hilarious site.


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