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The Conservative agenda and the ethnic vote


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I read this very interesting post in Garth Turner's blog today, so I figured I'd post a few quotes. It's interesting how the CPC has turned from "the Asian invasion" party to the party that will go a long way to please ethnic communities.

The first inkling I[Garth Turner] had of the Tory outreach program was when I was a ministerial stand-in at a Chinese community function in Toronto last Spring. The event was all about the proposed apology and compensation for the Head Tax, levied so many decades ago...

It was then that I first heard about Jason Kenney’s secret assignment. More details were revealed from time to time over the next few months, of Jason reaching out to the Italians and the Armenians and the Sikhs and the Muslims. Obviously Stephen Harper was working very strenuously behind the scenes to make inroads into communities that had traditionally voted Liberal.

But it was not until the last month or two that I was aware Kenney was approaching ethnic community leaders and offering instant access to the prime minister in return for their public support, and even strange amounts of influence within the PMO.

Then, whammo, came the appointment to cabinet of Jason Kenney as Secretary of State for Multiculturalism, and – the next day – the defection from the Libs to the Tories of Mississauga MP Wajid Khan. He is of Pakistani origin, a Muslim, and seen to be capable of bringing lots of votes with him.

That was then followed, yesterday, by a very visible example of where all this is going, as Harper, Kenney and Khan shared a stage at the Delta Meadowvale, in the heart of Khan’s riding, and made an appeal to the culture community. The latest defector was Mark Persaud, former chair of the Liberal’s multiculturalism committee.

...Persaud told the crowd the federal Liberals has shown “disrespect and glaring contempt” for new Canadians, a statement which would have had former Reformers like Harper gagging. The Libs, after all, were accused over and over again by Harper and his colleagues, of being far too lenient when it came to sharing out country with the world.

Well, it’s all very interesting, of course. Politics is a blood sport. It’s all about mathematics, and going the way of the ethnic vote is obviously the Conservative strategy in the riding-rich GTA. One card that is being played heavily now is that of faith, since Mr. Harper as an evangelical Christian is a fervent believer in family values,...

Wajid Khan made a telling statement when he attacked his former leader, Stephan Dion, who he said has no foreign policy, no economic credentials and no commitment to “family values.” This, of course, is all code. And it’s ugly. It is a verbalization of intolerance and, as such, Mr. Khan should be completely at home within the Tory caucus that I left.

Now, make no mistake about my comments: The Conservatives are playing smart politics with this aggressive recruiting, since Stephen Harper’s base of support in the GTA has, by all indications, not growing one inch since the last election. Using the office of prime minister – the most powerful guy in the country – Mr. Harper becomes a larger-than-life figure when he pours special attention on small and targeted groups of people. It’s definitely effective."

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Harper, the political whore that hard core Conservatives swore he would never be. But of course they will crucify Turner for saying it instead of criticizing Steve for becoming one. One politician is like another no matter how much the "other side" says they are not.

Harper is a *political whore* for reaching out to minority communities? I guess the definition of a political whore is pretty fluid. If you hate somebody as much as you hate Harper it's easy to call him that. No *hard core* Conservative, or any reasonable person, would consider this unproven allegation to be the actions of a political whore.

So Garth found out about this *secret* plan and posted it on his blog without any support. Hmmm, wasn't he complaining about being kicked out of caucus for briefing caucus confidentiality? Why would you trust anything this guy says?

Is it anger that Harper is daring to position the Conservatives to win a majority...

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Harper, the political whore that hard core Conservatives swore he would never be. But of course they will crucify Turner for saying it instead of criticizing Steve for becoming one. One politician is like another no matter how much the "other side" says they are not.

How dare Harper use a Liberal tactic, and do what the Liberals have done for so many years with ethnic minorities. ;)

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Yes he is. He has turned out to be exactly the same as those he criticized the last few years for the exact same things. A whore and a hypocrite. Funny how things turn out once the shoe is on the other foot isn't it?


The Libs, after all, were accused over and over again by Harper and his colleagues, of being far too lenient when it came to sharing out country with the world.

and, of course, this:

But it was not until the last month or two that I was aware Kenney was approaching ethnic community leaders and offering instant access to the prime minister in return for their public support, and even strange amounts of influence within the PMO.

My, my how I love all these glaring differences from one governing party to another.

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But it was not until the last month or two that I was aware Kenney was approaching ethnic community leaders and offering instant access to the prime minister in return for their public support, and even strange amounts of influence within the PMO.

My, my how I love all these glaring differences from one governing party to another.

This doesn't make any sense.

Garth has more access to the *secret dealings* of the PMO now that he isn't in caucus?


My how I love the attacks of the Harper-haters based solely on the unproven accusations of a man who clearly has an axe to grind.

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My how I love the attacks of the Harper-haters based solely on the unproven accusations of a man who clearly has an axe to grind.

I love how CPCers, when they are at a loss to defend their policies, have this immediate reflex to call their critics "Harper-haters." How come the Libs never did that, even though the CPCers hated Chretien like he was the antichrist?

Oh, I know, because they had a real defence to fall back on.

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My, my how I love all these glaring differences from one governing party to another.

So while you call Harper a whore because he's trying to take Liberal votes from the GTA,

the Liberal Whore, Dion, is in Alberta trying to steal votes from the conservatives.

Turner quote:

Now, make no mistake about my comments: The Conservatives are playing smart politics with this aggressive recruiting, since Stephen Harper’s base of support in the GTA has, by all indications, not growing one inch since the last election.

And I would add that Dion is no different by going to Alberta, where Liberals haven't seen any decent support for 40 years.

Turner quote:

Politics is a blood sport. It’s all about mathematics,

So don't act surprised.

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I love how CPCers, when they are at a loss to defend their policies, have this immediate reflex to call their critics "Harper-haters." How come the Libs never did that, even though the CPCers hated Chretien like he was the antichrist?

Oh, I know, because they had a real defence to fall back on.

Read my post. Harper is reaching out to ethnic communities is party policy. There is no problem with him doing that.

Read Fortunata's posts. She is *always* attacking Harper no matter what he does. That's why I called her a Harper-hater...

If you want to dig back to posts from three years ago and show how Libs reacted to Conservative criticism of Chretient power to you. Pardon me for not taking you at your word for that last one.

Oh, I know, if you really had a defence to fall back on you would prove what you are saying. :lol:

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You guys should go to school. Read the lines:

The Libs, after all, were accused over and over again by Harper and his colleagues, of being far too lenient when it came to sharing out country with the world.

Now, as far as I know the Liberal governments didn't criticize the Mulroney government for cosying up to the immigrant vote. Harper criticized the Liberals though. And now he is doing the exact same thing. Selling out whatever he has to, including access to himself (which the press can't even do) on demand. Whorish? You betcha. Same old, same old. You got it.

Sure Dion is in Alberta trying to get votes. That's a politician. The difference is he hasn't spouted off against anyone else doing the same thing. You guys sure miss the points - is it because you want to or do you really need to go back to school?

If you want to dig back to posts from three years ago and Libs reacted to Conservative criticism of Chretient power to you.

The thing about all this is, Chretien didn't criticize the opposition about going after others' voters. Harper did. And now Harper is doing the exact thing he criticized. See the difference?

I've criticized the Liberal government too. See: http://www.mapleleafweb.com/forums//index....466entry47466

It's just wasn't as much fun as criticizing hypocritical Stevie.

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Some of you guys just think too deeply. What the heck is wrong with Harper "reaching out" to ethnic communities. If these communities are so enthralled with the Liberal "inclusive" and "big tent" approach, then they will tell him to get lost. It's true that the Conservatives used to rail against the Liberals on immigration - but only for their "doors wide open and forget about them "approach. In conjunction with reaching out to ethnic communities, the Conservatives are building a program that better qualifies immigrants, provides preparation before coming to Canada, and giving better integration support once they arrive. It's not going to happen overnight but if they get an opportunity to follow through on their vision, new Canadians will get a better shake than the "We let you in so vote for us" Liberal history.

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Now, as far as I know the Liberal governments didn't criticize the Mulroney government for cosying up to the immigrant vote.

An example of Harper criticizing the Liberals as the Prime Minister? Don't believe you have an example of the Harper Conservative government criticizing the Liberals for cosying up to the immigrant vote.

Harper criticized the Liberals though.
Prime Minister Harper? Remember you did talk about the *Liberal Governments.
Selling out whatever he has to, including access to himself (which the press can't even do) on demand.
How did Garth find this out? Is there any evidence?
If you want to dig back to posts from three years ago and Libs reacted to Conservative criticism of Chretien power to you.
I've criticized the Liberal government too. See: http://www.mapleleafweb.com/forums//index....466entry47466

It's just wasn't as much fun as criticizing hypocritical Stevie.

*Everybody* criticized Martin he was terrible. Now any examples where you criticized the Chretien Government?

Interesting how you evaded my question. How very like a politician of you, hypocritical Fortunatie :lol:

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Mississauga MP Wajid Khan. He is of Pakistani origin, a Muslim, and seen to be capable of bringing lots of votes with him.

reaching out to the Italians and the Armenians and the Sikhs and the Muslims. Obviously Stephen Harper was working very strenuously behind the scenes to make inroads into communities that had traditionally voted Liberal.

Jason Kenney as Secretary of State for Multiculturalism, and – the next day – the defection from the Libs to the Tories of Mississauga MP Wajid Khan.

It’s all about mathematics, and going the way of the ethnic vote is obviously the Conservative strategy in the riding-rich GTA.

Yes. Harper has realized that we have lost political power in Canada. I trust that if he gets a majority he'll fix these problems.

I want the polls to come out!!!

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Ok, so I wasn't posting here when Chretien was PM. BUT, on this very forum, yes this very one Ricki Bobbi, I layed the whole adscam debacle on Chretien's shoulders. I'm sure if you try you could find it.

Hmmm, this phantom post exists but *I* should find it?

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Methinks such a search is akin to looking for a needle in a haystack.

And I guess ignoring this means you just can't do it...

Now, as far as I know the Liberal governments didn't criticize the Mulroney government for cosying up to the immigrant vote.

An example of Harper criticizing the Liberals as the Prime Minister? Don't believe you have an example of the Harper Conservative government criticizing the Liberals for cosying up to the immigrant vote.

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Yes he is. He has turned out to be exactly the same as those he criticized the last few years for the exact same things. A whore and a hypocrite. Funny how things turn out once the shoe is on the other foot isn't it?


The Libs, after all, were accused over and over again by Harper and his colleagues, of being far too lenient when it came to sharing out country with the world.

and, of course, this:

But it was not until the last month or two that I was aware Kenney was approaching ethnic community leaders and offering instant access to the prime minister in return for their public support, and even strange amounts of influence within the PMO.

My, my how I love all these glaring differences from one governing party to another.

And Harper is throwing the doors of immigration open soon, wonder if he will make an order in council saying they are Canadian citizens immediately so they can vote for him?

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But it was not until the last month or two that I was aware Kenney was approaching ethnic community leaders and offering instant access to the prime minister in return for their public support, and even strange amounts of influence within the PMO.

My, my how I love all these glaring differences from one governing party to another.

Nobody takes Garth Turner seriously. Can anybody answer the following question? Why is Garth Turner more aware of secret dealings in the PMO since being kicked out of the Conservative caucus?

And Harper is throwing the doors of immigration open soon, wonder if he will make an order in council saying they are Canadian citizens immediately so they can vote for him?

No order-in-council. No humour in your question.

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How dare Harper use a Liberal tactic, and do what the Liberals have done for so many years with ethnic minorities. ;)

Now that Harper is on such good terms with the Muslims, when will he tell us when he is going to change the definition of marriage to "the union of one man and one to four women to the exclusion of all others"?

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*yawn* If there are so few differences between the two parties, then why are you liberals so hell bent on getting Harper out of office, hmm?

Cause they don't like the fact that he gets to screw with us and steal our tax dollars. They would much rather do it themselves than let Steve do it.

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Now that Harper is on such good terms with the Muslims, when will he tell us when he is going to change the definition of marriage to "the union of one man and one to four women to the exclusion of all others"?

That's just ignorant and racist.

:lol: Call me ignorant and racist. When Harper and Khan are standing in front of a Muslim crowd attacking the Liberals of not supporting "family values", what do you imagine they were implying?

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Cause they don't like the fact that he gets to screw with us and steal our tax dollars. They would much rather do it themselves than let Steve do it.

Maybe they are upset that he hasn't risen to their level of theft?

No, they are terrified that he's perfected all their stealing methods already and by the time he's done stealing there won't be anything left for them.

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