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CBC to air comedy "Little Mosque On The Prairie"

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Why I found it funny, may not be the same reason Blubbermiley found it funny. Perhaps you just need a broader sense of humour.

Because the Muslims daughter isn't a prostitute. She's a Christian. The evil 'white girls' that are sluts.

(If I only had a dime for everytime a second gen Canadian girl told me 'white girls sleep around' 'white girls are ho's').

That's how ethnic girls (ones born here) view white girls. We have names for them:

CBC - Canadian born chinese.

ABCD - American born confused desi (a brown person born here). Consfused because they watch bollywood movies and somehow beleive they are Indian when they aren't.

FOB - Fresh of the boat. (just an immigrant. Used in Ottawa by second generation kids of immigrant parents.

Dipper: Term used from Sikh's and other south asians all the poeple I met from BC. Say 'Dip' for short.

Dirka's: Here in Toronto this is very common. People say this to refer to dirty looking refugee's pakistani's, dirty looking muslims. Etc. People who can barely speak English.

And yes, they ALL have similar names for the 'whites' or Canadians. The Italians, Portragues, and all of the others have their own words to discribe native Canadians.

This one old Syrian co-worker simply called us...


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Because the Muslims daughter isn't a prostitute. She's a Christian. The evil 'white girls' that are sluts.

(If I only had a dime for everytime a second gen Canadian girl told me 'white girls sleep around' 'white girls are ho's').

That's how ethnic girls (ones born here) view white girls. We have names for them:

CBC - Canadian born chinese.

ABCD - American born confused desi (a brown person born here). Consfused because they watch bollywood movies and somehow beleive they are Indian when they aren't.

FOB - Fresh of the boat. (just an immigrant. Used in Ottawa by second generation kids of immigrant parents.

Dipper: Term used from Sikh's and other south asians all the poeple I met from BC. Say 'Dip' for short.

Dirka's: Here in Toronto this is very common. People say this to refer to dirty looking refugee's pakistani's, dirty looking muslims. Etc. People who can barely speak English.

And yes, they ALL have similar names for the 'whites' or Canadians. The Italians, Portragues, and all of the others have their own words to discribe native Canadians.

This one old Syrian co-worker simply called us...


I'm sure you have some form of derogatory name for every ethnic group. :rolleyes:

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Because the Muslims daughter isn't a prostitute. She's a Christian. The evil 'white girls' that are sluts.

(If I only had a dime for everytime a second gen Canadian girl told me 'white girls sleep around' 'white girls are ho's').

That's how ethnic girls (ones born here) view white girls. We have names for them:

CBC - Canadian born chinese.

ABCD - American born confused desi (a brown person born here). Consfused because they watch bollywood movies and somehow beleive they are Indian when they aren't.

FOB - Fresh of the boat. (just an immigrant. Used in Ottawa by second generation kids of immigrant parents.

Dipper: Term used from Sikh's and other south asians all the poeple I met from BC. Say 'Dip' for short.

Dirka's: Here in Toronto this is very common. People say this to refer to dirty looking refugee's pakistani's, dirty looking muslims. Etc. People who can barely speak English.

And yes, they ALL have similar names for the 'whites' or Canadians. The Italians, Portragues, and all of the others have their own words to discribe native Canadians.

This one old Syrian co-worker simply called us...


I'm sure you have some form of derogatory name for every ethnic group. :rolleyes:


You don't hang out with ethnic people and second gens like I do. The chinese have the most labels and lingo's. For instance, someone from Hong Kong is called a 'Honger'. They also have much more lingo. Like they rate a guy by saying 'he has good stats'. That means his car, his school, his money. That sort of thing.

And a further funny thing is that I learned all these things FROM the second generations becuase they use these words. (except for Dirka.. everyone just says that).

And everone ignores the part of my post where I say that every community has a nick name for Canadians.

I'm the racist despite the fact that I have not made up any of these words and am reporting that people DO used these words. But unless you hang out with visible minorities you wouldn't know any of this stuff.

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You don't hang out with ethnic people and second gens like I do. The chinese have the most labels and lingo's. For instance, someone from Hong Kong is called a 'Honger'. They also have much more lingo. Like they rate a guy by saying 'he has good stats'. That means his car, his school, his money. That sort of thing.

And a further funny thing is that I learned all these things FROM the second generations becuase they use these words. (except for Dirka.. everyone just says that).

And everone ignores the part of my post where I say that every community has a nick name for Canadians.

I'm the racist despite the fact that I have not made up any of these words and am reporting that people DO used these words. But unless you hang out with visible minorities you wouldn't know any of this stuff.

Uh yes I have hung out with immigrants and second generation Canadians. I must have heard the term "Mange Cake" or "Cake eater" atleast 3 times every day when I was hanging out with a mix of Greek, Italian and Cypriots about ten years ago. They even nicknamed the only black guy that hung around us "spook". I have also heard all kinds of racists comments from my time spent with Blacks & Natives. I have said many times on this forum that racism is not exclusive to whites. Regardless of what they say and do, it still doesn't mean I have to be as ignorant as them. Nor does it exscuse your disgusting tirades on minorities, just because you have heard their racist crap.

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You don't hang out with ethnic people and second gens like I do.
I find that hard to believe given your endless anti-immigrant diatribes. If politicians thought like you 20 years ago your acquaintances would not even be in the country.

I'm from Ontario. Since childhood my best friends have been refugee's from Samolia, Cambodia, and Vietnam. For me immigration isn't a social buddy issue.

Back in those days we could swallow the cost of immigration and stats show that they enjoyed the same pay and quality of life as other Canadians. This isn't the 70's though anymore.

Also, the main over riding factor in these debates is people get emotional and let that over ride facts. I'm not anti-immigrant, I'm pro work-permit. I'm pro immigration policy. We have no policy right now.

In my personal life, I'm living Trudeaus dream. The difference is, when my Fiance dad came to Quebec in 1968, he came because he was a teach and there was a shortage of teachers in Quebec. He came young, never used healtcare or services and paid into the system his whole life.

People at this stage are just 'wandering in' from the airport with no jobs, no prospects, and no future here in Canada but to vote Liberal. This has to stop.

Again, immigration isn't a socially buddy issue, it's an issue of protecting our welfare state for our own. If you care about Canada's social programs, healthcare, and welfare state, you won't open it up to the world and watch it crumble without objection.

After all, this is the sole reason why every country in the world has an immigration policy. I dont see why Canada is the ONLY country that lets almost anyone just wander in. We all know here on the forum that Canada is not some job booming place with white collar jobs galore and growth. We're actually a pretty poor country with high unemployment, and are about to lose G8 status. In the last 15 years, God.. just 8 years our systems have drastically headed downhill and fast.

Canada is in real bad shape right now. In every aspect. 18,000 full time jobs GONE in the last 2 months, yet 50,000 poeple entereing the country.

This continually compounds until one day everyone realizes 'wow we live in a sh*t hole'.

There is already sedimant on this very forum that Canada doesn't feel like home and there is a desire to move to a functioning country. This is despite the CPC being in power.

I've never fealt so strong about wanting to leave Canada but I feel very strong about it. I feel trapped here.. like this isn't where I belong. I only wish the US had Canada's open immigration where I could fill out an application and just walse in. Hahah.. i wish. I put my resume on Yahoo jobs once to see what would happen. I got contacted almost on a daily basis, some jobs paying in the $70,000 range because they have white collar jobs there. Head hunters were very agressive in trying to get to move to a state that I guess no one wanted to work (New Mexico, parts of Texas, Wyoming) etc. Of course, these companies were smaller and not willing to bring poeple over on work permits. One staffing agency said that only the larger corperations with legal departments are known to do that. Either way, it was just nice to see how many jobs there are in the US.

Here, with the same credentials, in Canada's largest market I don't know even If i'll be able to get a job let alone anything close to a white collar job.

I could get a job in the US and be sucsessful. I could get a business loan and open up my dream resturaunt - something the banks refuse to do here in Canada without 45% of the downpayment(!), AND despite that the gov't garuntees they will fully pay back the money if I default. Nope.

My country likes to hold back Canadians dreams, it likes to tax companies and kill jobs, it likes to leave our own waiting in hallways and emergency rooms to die. It likes to fund a network that makes a show about Muslims potraying them as great people while fellow Canadians get potrayed as racist hicks.

My own country doing this. Self hatred. We shall always put an immigrants dream before out own. They must succeed. Arar must be made rich. We must make others' dreams come true, just not our own. Dreams are reserved for already rich policial elites and immigrants.

Meh, who gives a damn about the working Canadian that funds all this - they can die on a waiting list for all I care!

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From Margaret Wente's column in today's Globe and Mail.

In fact, the only possible offence in this show is to the intelligence. Its running gag is that most Canadians see terrorists under every bed. Frankly, most Canadians (even in small towns) are not so dim. And it is a slur to pretend they are.

So what would make this show more true to living in Canada? Regrettably, the cute imam would have to go. The redneck radio host would be shut down by the CRTC, and the townsfolk, instead of reacting to the mosque with fear and loathing, would invite everyone in it to join an interfaith group.

While John Doyle from the Globe toes the CBC party line.

The topics and the substance of these shows stand as rejections of the U.S. network style and preoccupations. Little Mosque on the Prairie is nobly in that Canadian tradition. The U.S. media can huff and puff in wonder, but this is who we are, and we're fine with it, thanks. And thanks to CBC for doing its job.
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Aren't we all running a little too quickly to judge the show, perhap's we should all watch a few episode's first. I've lived in a small rural Alberta town for most of my life, and I found the preview's to be funny.

If it's not good, then their will always be corner gas.

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Aren't we all running a little too quickly to judge the show, perhap's we should all watch a few episode's first. I've lived in a small rural Alberta town for most of my life, and I found the preview's to be funny.

If it's not good, then their will always be corner gas.

Thank God Allah the first episode is airing tonight.

First we had multiple posters thought they were adding to the thread by saying. "Let's just wait until we watch an episode?"

Now you say we should watch a few? wtf?

I'll watch tonight. If it's brutal, I won't waste my time watching another one....

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Thank God Allah the first episode is airing tonight.

First we had multiple posters thought they were adding to the thread by saying. "Let's just wait until we watch an episode?"

Now you say we should watch a few? wtf?

I'll watch tonight. If it's brutal, I won't waste my time watching another one....

At least those posters added some common sense when compared to all the posters that were saying "This show that I've never seen is so offensive."

No matter what the show is actually like I'm sure that most who thought the idea was offensive will find something to complain about. Just as I'm sure that most who didn't think that the show was a big deal will watch and continue to think that this show is no big deal.

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At least those posters added some common sense when compared to all the posters that were saying "This show that I've never seen is so offensive."

No matter what the show is actually like I'm sure that most who thought the idea was offensive will find something to complain about. Just as I'm sure that most who didn't think that the show was a big deal will watch and continue to think that this show is no big deal.

Is this the thread of the blatantly obvious?

Of course, people will make that argument on either side. "You didn't like it because you went in trying not to like it."

I will watch it with an open-mind. The ads and Web site have lowered my expectations so I might be mildly surprised.

I somehow think the next big stories on international media we will see about the show will have leads something like...

"The much-hyped CBC comedy Little Mosque on the Prairie was cancelled after three episodes due to low ratings.."

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"The much-hyped CBC comedy Little Mosque on the Prairie was cancelled after three episodes due to low ratings.."

No, the headlines will be "Muslims in Uproar over Blasphemous Series" and there will be calls for the death to Nawaz, the woman who wrote it.

A Mosque in a Christian Parish hall.

Remember the cartoons? How about Salmon Rushdie?

Muslims take their religion very seriously, no laughing matter here.

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I somehow think the next big stories on international media we will see about the show will have leads something like...

"The much-hyped CBC comedy Little Mosque on the Prairie was cancelled after three episodes due to low ratings.."

That's a totally unrealistic scenario. Cancelled due to low ratings? That would imply that CBC actually cares whether anybody's watching.

Also, I'll mention that "low" ratings would be a smash hit by CBC TV's standards, as most of their programmes gather ratings ranging from "disasterous" to merely "dismal". "Low" would be something for them to celebrate. Rick Mercer gets "low" ratings, and he's the biggest star on the whole freakin' network.

The execs at CBC would wet their pants in excitement at having a low-rated sitcom; most of their other attempts at sit-coms have been viewed by too few people to generate statistically reliable ratings information.


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That's a totally unrealistic scenario. Cancelled due to low ratings? That would imply that CBC actually cares whether anybody's watching.

Also, I'll mention that "low" ratings would be a smash hit by CBC TV's standards, as most of their programmes gather ratings ranging from "disasterous" to merely "dismal". "Low" would be something for them to celebrate. Rick Mercer gets "low" ratings, and he's the biggest star on the whole freakin' network.

The execs at CBC would wet their pants in excitement at having a low-rated sitcom; most of their other attempts at sit-coms have been viewed by too few people to generate statistically reliable ratings information.


Almost no Canadian programming rates very high. Corner Gas which puts out half the episodes of U.S. comedies squeaks into the top 10.

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I wouldn't worry too much about people watching CBC, I mean most people would rather watch something else then the crap CBC put's on. The only good thing about CBC is some of the documentaries they do, personally I think they should be funded by pledge drives instead of from Canadian taxpayer's.

As well I highly doubt this is as offensive as Borat.

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