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French minister slams Canada's Kyoto retreat


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Time to remove that maple leaf from your backpack. "Canada's New Government" is doing one hell of a job trashing our reputation:


Of course Rona's response is to accuse Olin of "meddling in Canada's domestic politics". What's "domestic" about the Earth's atmosphere, Rona? When people tell you to stop smoking in their face or pissing in the public pool are you going to accuse them of invading your privacy because second-hand smoke or your urine in the pool is a private matter? Geez, this woman is beyond stupid!

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Where is France's support for the NATO treaty that they are signatory to?

I say put up or shut up France. I say Rona needs to give the French a lecture about their retreat from supporting democracy and Western values.


France is the biggest hypocrite out there....when France speaks, just ignore them. I wonder if any of those burning cars are hurting France's Kyoto agreements.

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Time to remove that maple leaf from your backpack. "Canada's New Government" is doing one hell of a job trashing our reputation:


Of course Rona's response is to accuse Olin of "meddling in Canada's domestic politics". What's "domestic" about the Earth's atmosphere, Rona? When people tell you to stop smoking in their face or pissing in the public pool are you going to accuse them of invading your privacy because second-hand smoke or your urine in the pool is a private matter? Geez, this woman is beyond stupid!

Olins says "I am extremely disappointed, extremely disappointed, because we worked for years with, notably, (former environment minister) Stephane Dion on a policy that seemed coherent."

An interesting comment. Perhaps while she was working with Dion all those years she might have encouraged him to actually, well, you know, do something? Yet apparently that never happened. Apparently she had no problem with thirteen years of doing nothing, of Canada sliding further and further from its Kyoto goals.

It didn't happen overnight, you know. We didn't wake up 14 years later and find outselfs with a 30% increase in emissions instead of being well on our way to a 6% cut. And yet, year by year by year, as our emissions rose instead of fell, the socialists of Europe were silent, as were the "environmental lobby groups" almost all of whom were paid off by the Liberals to shut up, as was the media, which showed virtually no interest in Kyoto or the fact we were sliding further and further behind over the years instead of making any progress.

Olin should shut her face. France's target, old, dying France, was to simply maintain emissions. Mind you, I don't entirely blame them for not being stupid enough to sign off on a 6% cut without even consulting industry, or demographics, or considering what a burgeoning oil industry would do to emissions.

Chretien wasn't entirely ignorant, of course. He just didn't give a damn. He figured, hey, it's a 20 year goal. By the time we started getting close to it and the world realized we were nowhere near meeting the goals he set he'd be enjoying his retirement and someone else would take the flack.

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"It didn't happen overnight, you know. We didn't wake up 14 years later and find outselfs with a 30% increase in emissions instead of being well on our way to a 6% cut. And yet, year by year by year, as our emissions rose instead of fell, the socialists of Europe were silent, as were the "environmental lobby groups" almost all of whom were paid off by the Liberals to shut up, as was the media, which showed virtually no interest in Kyoto or the fact we were sliding further and further behind over the years instead of making any progress."

>> Where were you living all this time? The Libs were pushed and critisized over an over for their inaction but you were watching Jerry Springer at the time so you didn't notice. And the main reason they weren't doing anything was because of right-wingers like you whose number one concern is the well-being the Albertan oil patch. You and Rona should both SHUT UP about the Libs not doing anything because you've been kicking and screaming murder whenever they attempted to do anything.<<

"Olin should shut her face. France's target, old, dying France, was to simply maintain emissions. Mind you, I don't entirely blame them for not being stupid enough to sign off on a 6% cut without even consulting industry, or demographics, or considering what a burgeoning oil industry would do to emissions. "

>> You are totally out of it, dude. France was not simply going to maintain emissions but France committed to cut emissions by 8%, not 6%. In fact, Canada was one of the few countries that were given a favourable treatment and got less than 8%. You ought to SHUT UP again because you got no clue what you are talking about. <<

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Dude... as you put it... blame Chretien's Liberals for failing us. The CPC started out with over 20% growth in emissions. Do you expect a 30% reduction now in 6 months compared to the massive increase under the Liberals?

Silly silly silly.

The real environmental failures in this country were the Liberals. The CPC couldn't have failed yet in this capacity, they at least have a plan that involves more then CBC and Rick Mercer.

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Where is France's support for the NATO treaty that they are signatory to?

I say put up or shut up France. I say Rona needs to give the French a lecture about their retreat from supporting democracy and Western values.

You shit on their environment, don't expect much support from them. What Western values are you talking about anyway? Supporting a bunch of warlords and druglords who execute people for converting from Islam to Christianity?

BTW, when the hell is Alberta going to separate from Canada? We are getting fed up with your arrogance and bullshit and your oil is hurting our economy. And finally, Albertans are a bunch of big-mouth, selfish assholes. Get the hell out!

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Where is France's support for the NATO treaty that they are signatory to?

I say put up or shut up France. I say Rona needs to give the French a lecture about their retreat from supporting democracy and Western values.

You shit on their environment, don't expect much support from them. What Western values are you talking about anyway? Supporting a bunch of warlords and druglords who execute people for converting from Islam to Christianity?

BTW, when the hell is Alberta going to separate from Canada? We are getting fed up with your arrogance and bullshit and your oil is hurting our economy. And finally, Albertans are a bunch of big-mouth, selfish assholes. Get the hell out!

Wow, that was deep.... :rolleyes:

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France is involved in Afghanistan which is good on their part.

However the French are also involved in the arms trade to more of an extent then any other country in the world. I believe some of the equipment Saddam was using was bought from the French.

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BTW, when the hell is Alberta going to separate from Canada? We are getting fed up with your arrogance and bullshit and your oil is hurting our economy. And finally, Albertans are a bunch of big-mouth, selfish assholes. Get the hell out!

How are you going to fund your socialist love-fest without us?

You can't possibly be serious, our oil is hurting your economy? You need a lesson in reality my friend. Alberta is the only region in Canada doing well by any standard right now, the rest is falling off the charts compared to the rest of the world.

Smarten up and then come back and kick me out of a country we fund far more than yourself, wherever you may be from.

That was horribly off topic by the way, but your hate for Canada's successes may be the real topic here.

Your bashing Canada (Harper apparently, though he has nothing to do with the massive failure of the Liberal environment policy) for dropping a stupid hot air treaty with all the irrelevant countries of the world while France bailed out (along with most of the EU) on the biggest commitment to world peace we have in NATO, is beyond absurd.

Western values? How about standing together when one of the other mutual defense partners is attacked from an international party? Of course, defense against terrorism is a waste of time your head, but defense against your own exhalation is priority one.

Grow up and learn something about the world, then speak on either commitment to treaties or Alberta. You know not a thing right now, it's rather obvious in that drivel.

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BTW, when the hell is Alberta going to separate from Canada? We are getting fed up with your arrogance and bullshit and your oil is hurting our economy. And finally, Albertans are a bunch of big-mouth, selfish assholes. Get the hell out!

I'm not from Alberta but I think your comments have crossed the line. Perhaps you are a bit rash in personalizing things and attacking people in Alberta (who comes from every province and territory in Canada).

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Where is France's support for the NATO treaty that they are signatory to?

I say put up or shut up France. I say Rona needs to give the French a lecture about their retreat from supporting democracy and Western values.

You shit on their environment, don't expect much support from them. What Western values are you talking about anyway? Supporting a bunch of warlords and druglords who execute people for converting from Islam to Christianity?

BTW, when the hell is Alberta going to separate from Canada? We are getting fed up with your arrogance and bullshit and your oil is hurting our economy. And finally, Albertans are a bunch of big-mouth, selfish assholes. Get the hell out!

Wow, that was deep.... :rolleyes:

If albertans are like that, i'd like to see what Ontarians and Quebecers are called...

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France is involved in Afghanistan which is good on their part.

However the French are also involved in the arms trade to more of an extent then any other country in the world. I believe some of the equipment Saddam was using was bought from the French.

France is not the lead country in the arms trade.


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My two cents.

First Penny

Olin cited the many years she worked with Ambrose's predecessor and current Liberal leadership candidate Stéphane Dion to develop a coherent climate plan for Canada.

Olin must understand perfectly well the Canadian political context into which her comments will fall. Stéphane Dion is about two weeks away from possibly becoming Liberal leader. Dion is not the darling of sovereigntists and it's debateable whether they'd like to see him win. (I think not.)

I wonder how the PQ feels about this comment.

Second penny.

France depends on nuclear energy for over 80% of its electricity and it continues to build more nuclear plants. It imports, rather than produce itself, products intensive in CO2 emissions. Its population is not growing. So, France's CO2 emissions are relatively small and achieving a target of 8% reduction is not difficult.

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Is there much Canadian objection to building more Nuclear generation? It always seemed a great idea to me.

There we go again. geoff, the uninformed one. Of course we love nuclear. We are trying hard to sell some Candos to China. Yep, Harper is posturing at home talking about human rights in China and in Hanoi he is kissing the Chinese' behinds and trying to get them to buy our nuclear reactors.

And yes, Alberta does nothing but gamage to our economy. Your oil has raised our dollar from 60 to 90 cents US, which makes our exports extremely expensive and we've suffered huge job losses in manufacturing in the last couple of years. Can you follow that? Get out and adopt another currency, cause your damn oil is killing our jobs. Besides, all the hard work in the oil sands is done by people from other provinces, while Albertans sit in their offices in Calgary and whine about how they feed the rest of the country. Are you damn nuts? Your "booming" economy is still smaller than that of Toronto, so shut up and mind your own business. You can't possibly imagine that the 9% of you feed the other 91% of us. You think that you are the centre of the universe but you're too damn small in comparison to be able to do anything at all for anyone else. Not that you'd want to do anything for anyone else.

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France depends on nuclear energy for over 80% of its electricity and it continues to build more nuclear plants. It imports, rather than produce itself, products intensive in CO2 emissions. Its population is not growing. So, France's CO2 emissions are relatively small and achieving a target of 8% reduction is not difficult.

Ya, gee. France's emissions are also less than half of ours. Ya, it's so easy for them. We already pollute more than twice as much as they do, how the heck can they expect us to cut our crap by 6%. Gee? France uses nuclear energy and Alberta is building more coal plants. Hmm?

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And yes, Alberta does nothing but gamage to our economy. Your oil has raised our dollar from 60 to 90 cents US, which makes our exports extremely expensive and we've suffered huge job losses in manufacturing in the last couple of years. Can you follow that? Get out and adopt another currency, cause your damn oil is killing our jobs.

Or maybe Ontario has failed it's industry with poor economic policy? Your productivity (and likely Alberta's too) is just awful compared to the leading economies. The Euro is worth way more than the Canadian dollar and Ireland is doing spectacularly. No excuses, fix your own problems ok thanks.

How typical for Ontario to blame someone else for their own failings. Your corporate welfare and ancient tax systems are the cause of the problem, not Alberta's oil. You don't even need our oil, you can buy it off an Norweign tanker for around the same price.

But you expect us to cut you a deal. Well how about this. You cut all Albertans a deal on their next car, ok?

Besides, all the hard work in the oil sands is done by people from other provinces, while Albertans sit in their offices in Calgary and whine about how they feed the rest of the country. Are you damn nuts? Your "booming" economy is still smaller than that of Toronto, so shut up and mind your own business. You can't possibly imagine that the 9% of you feed the other 91% of us. You think that you are the centre of the universe but you're too damn small in comparison to be able to do anything at all for anyone else. Not that you'd want to do anything for anyone else.

We don't mind paying 4x per capita what your Toronto people pay. Don't ask for more though ok.

You have an irrational hate of all things Albertan, and that's ok. You won't move here and take away any of the wealth to be earned by rational thinkers that see the potential in the only above average growing economy in the country.

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France depends on nuclear energy for over 80% of its electricity and it continues to build more nuclear plants. It imports, rather than produce itself, products intensive in CO2 emissions. Its population is not growing. So, France's CO2 emissions are relatively small and achieving a target of 8% reduction is not difficult.

Ya, gee. France's emissions are also less than half of ours. Ya, it's so easy for them. We already pollute more than twice as much as they do, how the heck can they expect us to cut our crap by 6%. Gee? France uses nuclear energy and Alberta is building more coal plants. Hmm?

France is considerably warmer and has a more concentrated population.

If you knew anything on the topic, 70% of emissions in Canada are from transportation. In France, they have much less distance to travel to transport goods and services.

You don't live here, what do you care about our clean coal technology?

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....when France speaks, just ignore them.

Not a smart way to treat an ally.

Indeed gerry. As two often opposed individuals, could we see the benefit of negotiations with France?

If our greenhouse gases are really that big deal, we make an arrangement that for every dollar we spend on emission reduction, they spend on supporting the real mission in Southern Afghanistan?

I believe that to be a fair compromise, and a move towards a better sense of international co-operation.

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You shit on their environment, don't expect much support from them. What Western values are you talking about anyway? Supporting a bunch of warlords and druglords who execute people for converting from Islam to Christianity?

BTW, when the hell is Alberta going to separate from Canada? We are getting fed up with your arrogance and bullshit and your oil is hurting our economy. And finally, Albertans are a bunch of big-mouth, selfish assholes. Get the hell out!

Hold on, if Alberta leaves how would Quebec afford its daycare. As for "we" who are you talking about. So far I have lived in Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, New Brunswick, and Alberta, yet haven't noticed much anti-Alberta sentiments. In fact the only province that ever really seemed stuck up was Ontario, but I wouldn't paint all of Ontario with the same brush.

Were supporting Afghan democracy and development. Unfortunately we have to deal with the warlords, and the druglords. If you wanna have a debate fine, but stop getting so emotional here.

And yes, Alberta does nothing but gamage to our economy. Your oil has raised our dollar from 60 to 90 cents US, which makes our exports extremely expensive and we've suffered huge job losses in manufacturing in the last couple of years. Can you follow that? Get out and adopt another currency, cause your damn oil is killing our jobs. Besides, all the hard work in the oil sands is done by people from other provinces, while Albertans sit in their offices in Calgary and whine about how they feed the rest of the country. Are you damn nuts? Your "booming" economy is still smaller than that of Toronto, so shut up and mind your own business. You can't possibly imagine that the 9% of you feed the other 91% of us. You think that you are the centre of the universe but you're too damn small in comparison to be able to do anything at all for anyone else. Not that you'd want to do anything for anyone else.

Damn Albertan's and their oil. I reccomend ethnic cleansing. :rolleyes:

As for the shutup remark, Alberta is a province not a colony. Get that through your head.

The only place that I've heard people refer to as the centre of the universe is Toronto mimas. As for our booming economy, we seem to be growing at a much higher rate then Ontario, and many people from across the country have moved to Alberta.

But it had nothing to do with the economy.

Ya, gee. France's emissions are also less than half of ours. Ya, it's so easy for them. We already pollute more than twice as much as they do, how the heck can they expect us to cut our crap by 6%. Gee? France uses nuclear energy and Alberta is building more coal plants. Hmm?


I don't think its just Alberta mima's. Really, stop with the intolerant remarks. I'm assuming you've never been to Alberta, and you don't know much about the economy. As for Alberta damaging the economy, thats a joke. The dollar has helped the economy as well.

France is not the lead country in the arms trade.


My mistake, I thought I read that France was the leader in the Arms trade.

You are totally out of it, dude. France was not simply going to maintain emissions but France committed to cut emissions by 8%, not 6%. In fact, Canada was one of the few countries that were given a favourable treatment and got less than 8%. You ought to SHUT UP again because you got no clue what you are talking about.

No you SHUT UP!!!!!!! Really grow up and start acting like an adult for a change.

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