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Cindy Sheehan: On No Canada!

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Looks like Ms. Sheehan is stirring it up again in Canada, says that Harper is "wildly unpopular' in Canada.

I say - OH No Cindy, get your butt back home and stay there, not only that, get your fact right.


Cindy Sheehan: On No Canada!

From Italy to Canada to Great Britain and everywhere in between, our brothers and sisters who live in these nations are extremely tired of their governments who support BushCo in their war crimes and crimes against humanity. PM Berlusconi of Italy recently paid the price for his support of BushCo's policies by being uninvited back to his position. I knew he was going to be defeated by just traveling around Italy and hearing and feeling the frustration and fear for their democracy that Berlusconi's neo-Fascist rule was destroying.

By many accounts, Stephen Harper was put in place as leader of Canada by the collapse of weak coalitions and scandals that led to this man now leading a minority government there. He is wildly unpopular from coast to coast up north and there is a growing sense of unease about his emulation of a very unpopular person in the USA but even more in Canada: George Bush.

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Looks like Ms. Sheehan is stirring it up again in Canada, says that Harper is "wildly unpopular' in Canada.

I say - OH No Cindy, get your butt back home and stay there, not only that, get your fact right.


Cindy Sheehan: On No Canada!

From Italy to Canada to Great Britain and everywhere in between, our brothers and sisters who live in these nations are extremely tired of their governments who support BushCo in their war crimes and crimes against humanity. PM Berlusconi of Italy recently paid the price for his support of BushCo's policies by being uninvited back to his position. I knew he was going to be defeated by just traveling around Italy and hearing and feeling the frustration and fear for their democracy that Berlusconi's neo-Fascist rule was destroying.

By many accounts, Stephen Harper was put in place as leader of Canada by the collapse of weak coalitions and scandals that led to this man now leading a minority government there. He is wildly unpopular from coast to coast up north and there is a growing sense of unease about his emulation of a very unpopular person in the USA but even more in Canada: George Bush.

Perhaps Cindy Sheehan ought to show being "neutral" in spreading her gospel.

Okay, she already told the US and Canadian government to "get out of people's way." Now, she should go to the Middle East, Zimbabwe and everywhere all over the globe and tell them of this practical advice.

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PM Berlusconi of Italy recently paid the price for his support of BushCo's policies by being uninvited back to his position.

This is pretty telling. The three biggest players in the war, President Bush, PM John Howard and PM Tony Blair, were all re-elected after major combat operations ended. But that doesn't fall into line with Cindy's worldview so it's completely ignored, in favour of mentioning instead that Italy has once again changed Prime Ministers. Without mentioning that Italy has changed Prime Ministers an average of once a year since WWII, making Berlusconi one of the country's longest serving democratic leaders, if not the longest.

It's also pretty telling that Sheehan would make assertions about how unpopular the Conservatives are at a time when their polling numbers are increasing across the country. She seems to be on the wrong side of a lot of arguments.

I don't think that Canada's switch between Liberals and Conservatives has anything to do with either party's view of the war. But Harper's strong stance in support of our mission in Afghanistan hasn't brought him much negative publicity, and again, his poll numbers are going up.

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I loved this line.....
Canada needs a Cindy Sheehan to go to the PM's residence and demand to know what noble cause her child died for, or is still fighting for.

We need that like an impacted wisdom tooth.

How about this for noble causes: "The right of the KLA to ethnicly cleanse the Serbs out of Kosovo." Somehow I don't think that would fit in with Cindy's worldview either.

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The three biggest players in the war, President Bush, PM John Howard and PM Tony Blair, were all re-elected after major combat operations ended

Blair lost an awful lot of seats and lost more control in elections last week. The only reason he was re elected is that the Conservatives are worse.

Bushy stole Ohio and his second election. I see now the polls have bushy at 31%.

Further more we should grant refugee status to any deserters of this war. It is an illegal war and therefore it is our duty to accept these soldiers as refugees and if Harper does not want to abide by international law he should be charged.

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I think the board you are looking for is www.rabble.ca

Further more we should grant refugee status to any deserters of this war. It is an illegal war and therefore it is our duty to accept these soldiers as refugees and if Harper does not want to abide by international law he should be charged.
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Further more we should grant refugee status to any deserters of this war. It is an illegal war and therefore it is our duty to accept these soldiers as refugees and if Harper does not want to abide by international law he should be charged.

The US has no conscription therefore, you would be aiding people who are breaking a contract. As for the War being illegal, sorry but you only have opinion on that as the USNC, the only body who have the power to rule it as such has not done so. They normally do though as in the case of the US invasion of Panama so at the very least, it is not illegal but, if they ever conveened to decide the matter (which appears as though they will not) they would probably find it a toss up leaving the action legal by default. :D

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Harper was elected to government on the basis of more co-operation with the US and a stronger military that can assist in very important humanitarian and peacemaking interventions across the world.

Canadians in generally aren't crazy like Cindy. We understand the realities of being overseas, and don't just want to curl up and watch the rest of the world kill itself while we laugh and enjoy our lavish luxeries.

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The three biggest players in the war, President Bush, PM John Howard and PM Tony Blair, were all re-elected after major combat operations ended

Further more we should grant refugee status to any deserters of this war. It is an illegal war and therefore it is our duty to accept these soldiers as refugees and if Harper does not want to abide by international law he should be charged.

No we should not, and Bush bashing should be in the U.S. forum (or yes, rabble ). It is not an 'illegal' war actually, and these guys/gals are not refugees in any sense of the word. They voluntarily joined, they were not drafted.

It's also pretty telling that Sheehan would make assertions about how unpopular the Conservatives are at a time when their polling numbers are increasing across the country. She seems to be on the wrong side of a lot of arguments.

Well, who is funding Ms. Sheehan, she doesn't have the cash to do it on her own, there is a wider political agenda at work.


Cohen's group has teamed up with Berkeley based MoveOn.org, an anti-Bush group co-founded by Joan Blades.

Earlier this month, MoveOn helped organize anti-war vigils in support of Cindy Sheehan.

Current Democratic National Party Chair Howard Dean's organization Democracy for America is also involved, as is the more radical anti-war group Code Pink organized by San Francisco's Medea Benjamin.

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I agree with all your points Mont... *cough* Captain Canada, except for this avenging deaths concept.

It's uncivilised and immoral. While we do need to have a heavy hand in the middle east, the motive should be security and humanitarian relief, not vengence.

Haven't you seen Star Wars, that leads to the dark side. :lol:

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The three biggest players in the war, President Bush, PM John Howard and PM Tony Blair, were all re-elected after major combat operations ended

Blair lost an awful lot of seats and lost more control in elections last week. The only reason he was re elected is that the Conservatives are worse.

Bushy stole Ohio and his second election. I see now the polls have bushy at 31%.

Further more we should grant refugee status to any deserters of this war. It is an illegal war and therefore it is our duty to accept these soldiers as refugees and if Harper does not want to abide by international law he should be charged.

The British Conservatives were against the war. If voting against the war was the primary consideration for British voters the Conservatives presumably would have won. And if they had you would be making that claim.

Bush stole Ohio by taking the most votes there. He stole Florida that way too in 2000.

I think you should look up our national policy on what makes a legitimate refugee claim. And while you're at it you might want to review the resolutions the UN Security Council has passed over the years concerning Iraq, and how they might be enforced.

Also, "illegal" doesn't mean "something I disagree with". It means "against the law". Could you point out which international law has been broken please? (Please don't say "Article blah Section blah of the UN Charter". If it's some sort of hard and fast rulebook for the whole planet why is it that only the Yanks have to abide by it? What about France going into Cote d'Ivoire? What about Russia going into Chechnya? What about China occupying Tibet? Where's your ire in those cases? The Charter is just a sop that international lefties cling to to justify their anti-Americanism. It appears to serve no other purpose. We sure as hell won't be taking any "refugees" from France, and I guarantee you they treat their military deserters less kindly than do the Americans.)

What crime precisely would Harper be charge with? Under what law? Under who's enforcement? What international legal body other than the UNSC (which, as I've infered, supports intervention in Iraq's affair) can do something like that? These are all critical considerations that you really have to flesh out here.

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I agree with all your points Mont... *cough* Captain Canada, except for this avenging deaths concept.

It's uncivilised and immoral. While we do need to have a heavy hand in the middle east, the motive should be security and humanitarian relief, not vengence.

Haven't you seen Star Wars, that leads to the dark side. :lol:

I disagree Geoffrey. We must intimidate these people. These thugs understand only one thing; force. Indeed, I learned this concept at a young age when dealing with bullies.

This "it's immoral" concept only shows weakness on our part. Read your history.

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I agree with all your points Mont... *cough* Captain Canada, except for this avenging deaths concept.

It's uncivilised and immoral. While we do need to have a heavy hand in the middle east, the motive should be security and humanitarian relief, not vengence.

Haven't you seen Star Wars, that leads to the dark side. :lol:

I disagree Geoffrey. We must intimidate these people. These thugs understand only one thing; force. Indeed, I learned this concept at a young age when dealing with bullies.

This "it's immoral" concept only shows weakness on our part. Read your history.

Just going and slaughtering thousands of people doesn't really solve anything, other then some sick feeling of self-satisfaction.

I'm all for the war on terror, and for standing up for our security.

I'm not ok with vigilante type action, killing others just to prove that we are tough.

Have a goal, have a mission, have a plan and I'm ok with it. Willy nilly slaughter for the hell of it, not my cop of tea.

You've now sunk to the 'well he did it first' level of thought.

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The British Conservatives were against the war.

No no no. You are confusing the British conservatives with the British Liberal Democrat Party.

The conservatives were for the war and finished 2nd to Tony Blair. The Liberal Democrat Party was against the war and they finished a distant 3rd place--forcing the media to change their tune and claiming that Blair won a historic 3rd term because of the "economy".

Just like Australia's John Howard who was supposedly in political trouble because of his staunch support for the war against Islamonazism. When Howard won a historic 4th term, the media suddenly claimed he won because of the "economy".

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Monty: I demure to your superior grasp of Australo-Anglo internal politics. I should have looked this up. It's just that the Conservatives have been such a brazenly weeny group of tools since Major that I assumed their Kerry-esqueness. And even Major was a loser.

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I think the board you are looking for is www.rabble.ca

Further more we should grant refugee status to any deserters of this war. It is an illegal war and therefore it is our duty to accept these soldiers as refugees and if Harper does not want to abide by international law he should be charged.

Yeah, you certainly don't belong in this four way circle-jerk.

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She's entitled to her opinions. She won't be the first or last anti-war activist looking for an audience to preach to. The fact is Harper flipped and flopped on Iraq. He appears to be pro-American and a Republican wannabee but I also think he appreciates getting too caught up supporting Iraq would be disasterous so he will play it cool on Iraq and let the Americans fall apart there on their own.

I think what we Canadians should be asking is quite simply what do we want our Armed Forces doing? Do we want them in Afghanistan? Do we want them in Darfur?

Iraq has proven a disaster. Afghanistan could prove to be another Cyprus, i.e., a lengthy, costly attempt at showing what wonderful people we are.

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She's entitled to her opinions. She won't be the first or last anti-war activist looking for an audience to preach to. The fact is Harper flipped and flopped on Iraq. He appears to be pro-American and a Republican wannabee but I also think he appreciates getting too caught up supporting Iraq would be disasterous so he will play it cool on Iraq and let the Americans fall apart there on their own.

I think what we Canadians should be asking is quite simply what do we want our Armed Forces doing? Do we want them in Afghanistan? Do we want them in Darfur?

Iraq has proven a disaster. Afghanistan could prove to be another Cyprus, i.e., a lengthy, costly attempt at showing what wonderful people we are.

You forgot to mention Kosovo.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's a good column on this here:


Dear Useful Idiot

On Cindy Sheehan’s Dear President Bush.

By Catherine Seipp

My teenage daughter, who is a more sympathetic person than I am, thinks baldly calling Cindy Sheehan an idiot is a bit harsh, so I'll amend: Cindy Sheehan is a useful idiot, a rattle-headed tool of everyone from Not In Our Name, who even as the Twin Towers were still smoldering worried more about retaliation against the poor Taliban than about women oppressed by the Taliban; to pro-Palestinian terrorist apologists; to your friendly neighborhood Stalinists at various branches of International ANSWER, whose objectives range from freeing Mumia to putting a bright and happy spin on daily life in North Korea.

And yet the most idiotic statement in Sheehan’s new book, Dear President Bush, comes not from Sheehan herself but from Howard Zinn, who writes in the introduction: “A box-cutter can bring down a tower. A poem can build up a movement. A pamphlet can spark a revolution.”

A box-cutter can bring down a tower. By now, I suppose, we should be used to the hard Left’s extending underdog status to the worst of mass murderers; still, the sheer gall of beginning a series of David-and-Goliath metaphors with that one is breathtaking.

So a spunky little box-cutter took on those big old capitalistic towers, the same way that a brave little pamphlet like Dear President Bush takes on Bush and his evil policies. (The publisher is City Lights’s Open Media Series; City Lights is the San Francisco bookstore famously dedicated to free speech, although it won’t carry anything by Oriana Fallaci because she’s “fascist.”)

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Harper flipped and flopped on Iraq. He appears to be pro-American and a Republican wannabee

Yes, well I suppose juxtaposed against the former regimes “strategy” of calling them morons and such, then yeah. I guess he does look like a wannabie.

Mouthy-pointless name calling on our dime = Liberals run by a dottering old crackpot.

...and so far, Not doing that and settling longstanding disputes = American Wannabie.


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I agree with all your points Mont... *cough* Captain Canada, except for this avenging deaths concept.

It's uncivilised and immoral. While we do need to have a heavy hand in the middle east, the motive should be security and humanitarian relief, not vengence.

Haven't you seen Star Wars, that leads to the dark side. :lol:

I disagree Geoffrey. We must intimidate these people. These thugs understand only one thing; force. Indeed, I learned this concept at a young age when dealing with bullies.

This "it's immoral" concept only shows weakness on our part. Read your history.

Just going and slaughtering thousands of people doesn't really solve anything, other then some sick feeling of self-satisfaction.

I'm all for the war on terror, and for standing up for our security.

I'm not ok with vigilante type action, killing others just to prove that we are tough.

Have a goal, have a mission, have a plan and I'm ok with it. Willy nilly slaughter for the hell of it, not my cop of tea.

You've now sunk to the 'well he did it first' level of thought.

One of Uday Hussein's bodyguards is one the record as saying (I'm paraphrasing here): I wasn't worried much about Clinton, but Bush? I think he is serious.

Again, read your history. Neville Chamberlain. The only thing these thugs understand is a knuckle sandwich in the face. I learned this at a young age. You stand up to bullies, they respect you.

Don't fall for the liberal "we can reason with Iran's PM who has vowed to nuke Israel off the map" crap. Read the news from the blogosphere, or watch Fox News. This guy, almost on a daily basis, is threatening war.

Sipping a cup of tea doesn't cut it in the real world, unless you live in EUnuchistan.

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