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More religious cartoons controversy

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Saskatoon Star Phoenix:

A newspaper cartoon targeting religion has once again sprung into the spotlight -- this time in a two-frame jab at Christianity in the University of Saskatchewan student newspaper, the Sheaf.

The newspaper is issuing a mea culpa after a cartoon depicting Jesus performing a sex act on a capitalist pig was published in Thursday's edition of the Sheaf.

It depicted Jesus having oral sex on a pig. The Star Phoenix article doesn't show the pic, and it has been yanked off the Sheaf's website, but you can see the 2 frames here (scroll down to 'Capitalist Piglet' cartoon)

"The comic was actually laid out and went to print as a result of an editorial oversight and a mistake," production manager Liam Richards said Monday. "It was not our intention to have a (public) reaction to it."

Yeah right. :rolleyes:

The cartoon ran a week after the student-funded newspaper ran a four-page spread discussing the controversial Danish cartoons picturing the Prophet Muhammad, which have incited rioting and violence by Muslim extremists around the globe. Then-editor-in-chief Will Robbins wrote an editorial telling readers the Sheaf would not publish the cartoons, which have offended so many.


Robbins tendered his resignation to the paper's board Sunday.

I'll give him credit for doing the right thing.

Why are some so hostile to Christianity? I admit that Falwell, Roberts, Roberts, etc are whackos, but both sets of my grandparents were regular churchgoers (3-4 times per month) and they were just regular hardworking decent people. Most of the churchgoers that I have run into seemed to be good folk. Jesus was good folk, so why are so many hateful (Piss Christ) towards him?

Do they despise God/Jesus/Mary (animal feces-smeared Mary) because they feel it is a threat to their "God"--the state?

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What stupidity.

But oh well, what can you do? Just hopefully this becomes more public news, printing the cartoon so everyone can judge it themselves, and direct their disrespect at the U of S or laud them with their support.

See, we aren't hypocrits, anti-Muslim or anti-Christian, they still have the right to say it. And we all have the right to be critical of it. I hope that the author doesn't actually expect to be respected after that though, its pure ignorance at its finest.

Childish pride/disobidence, a wonderful thing eh? :lol:

I find it extremely offensive, but oh well, not calling for a crusade to Saskatoon quite yet. Personally, I just won't look again! :o Novel idea.

I especially enjoy how the paper didn't print the Muslim cartoons as not to offend anyone though.

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Saskatoon Star Phoenix:
A newspaper cartoon targeting religion has once again sprung into the spotlight -- this time in a two-frame jab at Christianity in the University of Saskatchewan student newspaper, the Sheaf.

The newspaper is issuing a mea culpa after a cartoon depicting Jesus performing a sex act on a capitalist pig was published in Thursday's edition of the Sheaf.

It depicted Jesus having oral sex on a pig.

Ah, the sophistication of the Left. They wouldn't even consider the possibility of running a cartoon mildly critical, and indirectly so, of the Prophet - a warrior prince who murdered untold numbers of innocent people and had sex with children, but they'll gleefully print an obscene charicature of Jesus, who professed peace and love to all.

I think the appropriate punishment should be that they be required to be even handed - and print a drawing of the prophet having oral sex with a pig.

I think the Muslim community will take care of the rest. Maybe they'll borrow the Sikhs' kirpans.

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This cartoon seems to reek of some sort of homo-Muslim revenge attack on Jews and Christianity.

Where the hell are we going in this country?

All were missing in this cartoon is the French connection.

Didn't you notice the long hair, it definitely implies 'Montreal bum'. :lol:

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I am going to agree with geoffrey's comment,

I find it extremely offensive, but oh well, not calling for a crusade to Saskatoon quite yet
Mind you, the current LP on my turntable is 'Jesus Christ, Superstar", a fantastic album, but considered blasphemy in it's day.


Ah, the sophistication of the Left.
Have you considered the 'right-wing's' role in this? All things are 'kosher' as long as they generate sales. This sort of cartoon wouldn't raise an eyebrow if it were on "Sex and the City', or some such rubbish. Hollywood and 'corporate America' have nullified pretty much everything that used to be sacred, (or tasteful and/or intellectual) all in the name of profits. Children can now watch people 'performing' fellatio at 4:00 pm, because it sells (ala previously mentioned t.v. show).

This cartoon is hardly anything outrageous, and not entirely untrue.

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Another good point made: Those little socialists or whatever they are wouldn't print the Mohammad cartoons because they didn't want to offend anyone. For them to be unable to see that this would be offensive is unrealistic. They knew it would offend. They just didn't care. This happened on March 3, was it? The response of the Christian community shows who's more scary, namely, the Muslim community. Christians aren't burning buildings, flags and people, for instance. :blink:

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Saskatoon Star Phoenix: Sheaf cartoonist not sorry for uproar

...cartoonist Jeff MacDonald remained unrepentant when contacted Thursday by a Saskatchewan News Network, and in a letter to the Sheaf.

MacDonald wrote that people should get down from their "Inquisition-esque high horses."

"After all, people, I'm sure Jesus had a sense of humour," MacDonald wrote in one of 24 letters on the topic published in Thursday's Sheaf. MacDonald, who has been a volunteer contributor to the Sheaf for the past seven years, said in an interview that last week's edition of his "Capitalist Piglet" cartoon "is not just a shock comic. It is an important message."

MacDonald said his cartoon was intended to expose the double standard of Christians who were not offended by the recent European cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad.

A peaceloving man giving oral sex to a pig is the same as some mild caricatures of a massmurdering pedophile?

Good grief. :(

No wunder hour edukatshun sistum is suphering.

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Isn't kosher a Jewish word?
Yes indeed, the Jewish term is Kashrut.
Kashrut is the body of Jewish law dealing with what foods we can and cannot eat and how those foods must be prepared and eaten. "Kashrut" comes from the Hebrew root Kaf-Shin-Resh, meaning fit, proper or correct. It is the same root as the more commonly known word "kosher," which describes food that meets these standards. The word "kosher" can also be used, and often is used, to describe ritual objects that are made in accordance with Jewish law and are fit for ritual use.
A Jew who observes the laws of kashrut cannot eat a meal without being reminded of the fact that he is a Jew,
Actually, keeping kosher is not particularly difficult in and of itself; what makes it difficult to keep kosher is the fact that the rest of the world does not do so.
Keeping kosher only becomes difficult when you try to eat in a non-kosher restaurant, or at the home of a person who does not keep kosher. In those situations, your lack of knowledge about your host's ingredients and the food preparation techniques make it very difficult to keep kosher. Some commentators have pointed out, however, that this may well have been part of what G-d had in mind: to make it more difficult for us to socialize with those who do not share our religion.



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Ah, the sophistication of the Left.
Have you considered the 'right-wing's' role in this? All things are 'kosher' as long as they generate sales. This sort of cartoon wouldn't raise an eyebrow if it were on "Sex and the City', or some such rubbish.

This cartoon would generate controversy wherever it was shown, and especially in the United States.

But at least no one will be killed over it.

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Dear Argus,

This cartoon would generate controversy wherever it was shown, and especially in the United States.
Controversy often means sales. My wife watched a show called 'Family Guy', a cartoon that is often outrageous. One episode I happened to look in on depicted God in a local bar, trying to pick up some sleazy old whore/barfly by using his 'magical powers'. When he accidentally set the bar on fire, He exclaimed "Jesus Christ!", and guess who ran in the door and asked "What is it, Dad?" I thought to myself, "Absolutely nothing is held sacred anymore."

I also recall an ad, years ago, for some 'sports card trading website'. It showed a man in a confessional (one of the seven sacraments of the Catholic church) confessing that he had tried to pawn his wedding ring to buy some baseball star's trading card. The priest then offered him 50 bucks for it. The man said,

"What?" in disbelief, and the priest replied,

"Well, the wedding ring can't be worth that much to you, what with your gambling problem".

The scene then went to an altar boy, who jumped in the bidding, and offered $100, grabbing a fistful of cash from the collection basket.

I actually reported this ad to our local Bishop's office, to see if they found it offensive, but I wondered if there was actually anything they could do besides not patronize the business.

I must confess, though, that I only hold one thing sacred anymore, and that is truth (and respect for my parents and strangers, unless they warrant otherwise)

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Come on, BD, making fun of is one thing but this particular cartoon is disgusting. You can make fun of Christianity all you want, be my guest. This is far beyond that.

What about freedom of speech? Are you saying there are limits? If Christians can't take a little cartoon, maybe they just need to "get over themselves".

You see where I'm going here, right?

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Haven't you ever heard you can't yell 'fire' in a public place? Of course there are limits on freedom of speech.

I believe you can tell this pig cartoon is much worse than the Muslim ones, but you enjoy playing devil's advocate. I think you enjoy the debating more than the outcome. And don't get me wrong, you're pretty good at it. But I see no point in just debating for the sake of debating. Nothing personal.

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