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Belinda Stronach


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I have a question.....seriously.....please don't get upset....I just was wondering if Belinda is a Leaf fan and, if so, wonder who her favourite player is ? Ya, I know, who cares....

Wonder, also, why the Penguins, if sold, wouldn't relocate to Hamilton? Nothing against Winnipeg....love Winnipeg....should have a team... :D But Winnipeg Penguins doesn't really sound right.

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I have a question.....seriously.....please don't get upset....I just was wondering if Belinda is a Leaf fan and, if so, wonder who her favourite player is ? Ya, I know, who cares....

Wonder, also, why the Penguins, if sold, wouldn't relocate to Hamilton? Nothing against Winnipeg....love Winnipeg....should have a team... :D But Winnipeg Penguins doesn't really sound right.

Two Things:

1) I have no idea if Belinda is a Leaf fan and while it is true I couldn't care either way it would be interesting to find out...

2) Hamilton doesn't have the history and also, Winnipeg has a much better sports facility. They'd change the name for sure...you don't ever hear of the Colorado Nordiques do you??? :lol:

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As a conservative I would have loved to see her bite the bullet.

She whored herself for a cabinet post. That was one of the more disgusting political moves in a long time. It's one thing to have a fundamental disagreement with your party and leave it. But, I don't think...

And therein lies the crux of the problem.

And the only poll she'd have a chance with would be on a stage.

And you're probably still wondering why central Ontario and Toronto voters think big "C" Conservatives like you are social neanderthals.

good on you chimera ... nuff said ... maybe he just needs to dig a little deeper into facts and not listen to what the media says as the TRUTH and try to find an opinion... but of course a party that changes it's right wing platform to a more moderate platform in a year is kind of strange as well, maybe it was just to entice votes like him... have no disbelief that the real platform will arise hicksey

Yes, talk about whoring, I can't remember a party who so blatently designed its platform to "buy" votes. And stifle all of its members during election time that might express the true ideologies of the party, so as to win over the average Canadian voter with handouts.

Has anybody noticed that comments on this string concerning women politicians are just a little on the sexist side ? Are you guys all sure that Belinda had no real foundation for jumping ship on Harper and his band of idiots? She happens to be a very successful business person from a highly respected family, she would not have made this decision frivolously.

As far as winning her riding is concerned, that riding was always liberal until she ran in it for the conservatives, and won. It was no surprise to anyone that the constituency did not mind her crossing over to the liberals where they prefer to rest their votes.

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While she is a good looking woman, I do not think her as beautiful. It will take some time on the opposition benches to see if she is really dedicated to politics, or whether she will just tire of it all, and go on to other things.

May I ask whether she is good looking or beautiful has to do with anything ?

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Chimera, you and the rest of the lib's use this whore comment for whatever prupose you want. Categorize all Conservstive as sexist if you want. Its all bullshit. None of you "politically correct" dipshits were "disgusted" when Liberals were calling Deborah Grey a pig in the house of commons.

Just keep using a double standard whenever it suits you. The hypocrisy of the liberal mindset never ceases to amaze me.

A "whore" is someone who sells themselves out for money...it is not exclusively an anti-women term, but I don't see men whoring around Montreal's red-light district

And I don't see many women running for conservative ridings. What's Harper possibly going to do to acheive anything remotely close to gender equality in his cabinet ??? I'm so happy this country is about to be run by a bunch of red-neck men.

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My aunt is a woman and she says that she doesn't support mandatory female cabinet ministers and mandatory female MPs because she feels it is degrading to women. "Other women may think this is sexist," she said, "But if we start giving women an easier road then man, it is almost like we are admitting we aren't as good as them and as a proud and confident woman I resent and am personally offended by this."

I think she makes a good point.

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May I ask whether she is good looking or beautiful has to do with anything ?

It's against the guy code to speak ill of beautiful women, so it must be made clear that, though she is attractive, she is not beautiful and is therefore open to criticism.

I would agree that she is attractive but I have seen more beautiful.

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My aunt is a woman and she says that she doesn't support mandatory female cabinet ministers and mandatory female MPs because she feels it is degrading to women. "Other women may think this is sexist," she said, "But if we start giving women an easier road then man, it is almost like we are admitting we aren't as good as them and as a proud and confident woman I resent and am personally offended by this."

I think she makes a good point.

Since when did women ever have an easier road than men ?

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My aunt is a woman and she says that she doesn't support mandatory female cabinet ministers and mandatory female MPs because she feels it is degrading to women. "Other women may think this is sexist," she said, "But if we start giving women an easier road then man, it is almost like we are admitting we aren't as good as them and as a proud and confident woman I resent and am personally offended by this."

I think she makes a good point.

Since when did women ever have an easier road than men ?

She said "if we begin to..." she never said woman did have one.

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And therefore it's safe for you to criticize her.

Personally I'm going for Preston Manning. Now there's beauty. Oh, and that lovely Mr. Harper, there's another looker ! Somehow it doesn't make a difference to anybody what THEY look like ....

On another note, you gotta love a dad who shakes hands with his kids when seeing them off to school. Oh he's all heart that Harper, Mr. Warm and Fuzzy. No feminine side to that guy !! Did he miss that whole "sensitive guys of the nineties" movement ????

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My aunt is a woman and she says that she doesn't support mandatory female cabinet ministers and mandatory female MPs because she feels it is degrading to women. "Other women may think this is sexist," she said, "But if we start giving women an easier road then man, it is almost like we are admitting we aren't as good as them and as a proud and confident woman I resent and am personally offended by this."

I think she makes a good point.

Since when did women ever have an easier road than men ?

She said "if we begin to..." she never said woman did have one.

They never did and they never will. Particularly with guys like you around.

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And therefore it's safe for you to criticize her.

Personally I'm going for Preston Manning. Now there's beauty. Oh, and that lovely Mr. Harper, there's another looker ! Somehow it doesn't make a difference to anybody what THEY look like ....

On another note, you gotta love a dad who shakes hands with his kids when seeing them off to school. Oh he's all heart that Harper, Mr. Warm and Fuzzy. No feminine side to that guy !! Did he miss that whole "sensitive guys of the nineties" movement ????


He can serve ice cream and not make you feel guilty about eating it... :)

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My aunt is a woman and she says that she doesn't support mandatory female cabinet ministers and mandatory female MPs because she feels it is degrading to women. "Other women may think this is sexist," she said, "But if we start giving women an easier road then man, it is almost like we are admitting we aren't as good as them and as a proud and confident woman I resent and am personally offended by this."

I think she makes a good point.

Since when did women ever have an easier road than men ?

She said "if we begin to..." she never said woman did have one.

They never did and they never will. Particularly with guys like you around.

:lol: You crack me up that I can tell you.

So you attack me for a position that was proposed and supported by a woman (because you know, we can't attack them) because I agree with it.

Making the situation easier for people and guaranteeing them a certain right does not foster equality. What it does foster, and I would go even further and say, CONFIRM is that women need assistance because they are not as good as men.

What nonsense...I think my aunt's position is the most honourable for women.

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And therefore it's safe for you to criticize her.

Personally I'm going for Preston Manning. Now there's beauty. Oh, and that lovely Mr. Harper, there's another looker ! Somehow it doesn't make a difference to anybody what THEY look like ....

On another note, you gotta love a dad who shakes hands with his kids when seeing them off to school. Oh he's all heart that Harper, Mr. Warm and Fuzzy. No feminine side to that guy !! Did he miss that whole "sensitive guys of the nineties" movement ????


He can serve ice cream and not make you feel guilty about eating it... :)

Ok, then, well that changes EVERYTHING

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My aunt is a woman and she says that she doesn't support mandatory female cabinet ministers and mandatory female MPs because she feels it is degrading to women. "Other women may think this is sexist," she said, "But if we start giving women an easier road then man, it is almost like we are admitting we aren't as good as them and as a proud and confident woman I resent and am personally offended by this."

I think she makes a good point.

Since when did women ever have an easier road than men ?

She said "if we begin to..." she never said woman did have one.

They never did and they never will. Particularly with guys like you around.

:lol: You crack me up that I can tell you.

So you attack me for a position that was proposed and supported by a woman (because you know, we can't attack them) because I agree with it.

Making the situation easier for people and guaranteeing them a certain right does not foster equality. What it does foster, and I would go even further and say, CONFIRM is that women need assistance because they are not as good as men.

What nonsense...I think my aunt's position is the most honourable for women.

Women did not run for the conservatives because their opinions are violated by core party ideals. The very few women who did run and were elected in the conservative party are not enough in numbers to represent most Canadian female points of view on many issues. Without some sort of gender equality in a selection of cabinet members, the voting female does not get fair representation of opinion on issues presented. I might also add that the cabinet is appointed, not elected. And oh, its not a female doing the appointing.

When women and men are represented equally in both a labour force and in management, women do not have a problem getting ahead. Women have problems getting ahead when the decision makers and piers are principally male.

The core question here is why do so few women run for politics at all ? A male dominated world such as the world of politics means it is difficult for women to get ahead. Read some of the other posts here to get an idea of the attacks a women must face when in the public eye.

Have you any idea how long it took just for women to get the vote in this country ?????

As an aside, since you insist on using hearsay opinion to validate yours, I would be interested to know what rolls your aunty may have taken in male dominated worlds ? Did she have a career? Who were her piers in that career? Did she ever "get ahead" or try ? Did she play any sports or have any extra curricular activities outside of the home where maybe the majority of the people participating were not women ? Was she active in politics?

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Women did not run for the conservatives because their opinions are violated by core party ideals. The very few women who did run and were elected in the conservative party are not enough in numbers to represent most Canadian female points of view on many issues. Without some sort of gender equality in a selection of cabinet members, the voting female does not get fair representation of opinion on issues presented. I might also add that the cabinet is appointed, not elected. And oh, its not a female doing the appointing.

When women and men are represented equally in both a labour force and in management, women do not have a problem getting ahead. Women have problems getting ahead when the decision makers and piers are principally male.

The core question here is why do so few women run for politics at all ? A male dominated world such as the world of politics means it is difficult for women to get ahead. Read some of the other posts here to get an idea of the attacks a women must face when in the public eye.

Have you any idea how long it took just for women to get the vote in this country ?????

As an aside, since you insist on using hearsay opinion to validate yours, I would be interested to know what rolls your aunty may have taken in male dominated worlds ? Did she have a career? Who were her piers in that career? Did she ever "get ahead" or try ? Did she play any sports or have any extra curricular activities outside of the home where maybe the majority of the people participating were not women ? Was she active in politics?

They are equally represented in the labour force, if you count the very important job many mothers choose to do at home raising their children instead of shipping them out.

Are we going to be gender-biased or not? Is it more important that more Canadians values are represented or more women's? Your attitude its sexist towards men, saying we have some secret agenda against women, especially in the Conservative Party. Women need to get out and vote for people that support their rights. Too bad more people voted Conservative this time (even though this Party does the most for women, giving them the ability to stay at home with their children, which most mothers would cherish).

For future reference, its peers, not piers (not that I should be harsh on spelling, just saying).

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I notice that the wording "whore" and "Belinda" seem to go hand in hand....but look at the reactions people tend to have: sexist, bigot, etc... etc... A more transparent term, and notwithstanding insulting anyone, is to call Ms. Stronach an opportunist. Plain and simple. When this political fad passes, her attention will be turned elsewhere. When her father passes on, so will his powerful ambitions that are being lived vicariously through her.

Political Correctness liveth not here. A spade by any other name is not a spade.

Political correctness is for people that do not like to hear unfettered truth. I'll even admit that sometimes such truths are not pleasant to one's ear. However, to re-word such a description as to minimalize its effect is a lie too as you're mischaracterizing the severity of the situation ar hand. I respect the person that has the respect to tell me straight out a lot more.

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Yes, talk about whoring, I can't remember a party who so blatently designed its platform to "buy" votes. And stifle all of its members during election time that might express the true ideologies of the party, so as to win over the average Canadian voter with handouts.

First, what is wrong with a party that chooses tax cuts that Canadians will notice? I personally like the idea because it promotes integrity in government and its a lot easier to see a promise broken if they never arise. The part of this you're failing to see is that Harper put his party on the line by setting this kind of agenda. If he doesn't deliver on his promises, it will be right out in plain sight for Canadians to see. We won't need the Liberals or NDP to point it out because parents will certainly notice not getting their $100 per month for child-care or for putting their children into sports programs. Harper is in a position of do or die politically because of the route he chose to take. You may think he bought it, and he very well may have. But unless he makes it past the checkout, with everything paid for, his time as PM will be short and he'll do some real damage to his party. So did he buy it? Maybe so. But he certainly cannot be accused of taking the easy way out considering the minority parliament he faces outnumbers him 3-2 against--and on a lot of issues they're united against Harper's policies.

The main reason why I don't believe he 'whored' himself though, is because he's still stuck to his party's value system. He didn't sell himself out for a vote. And for the record, Harper wasn't the only one with multi-billion dollar promises. Layton's plan was just as ripe with promises, and Martin went on a $30B spending spree before the election and then went further with election promises. By your definition all three were 'whores'.

As for stifling their party members expression, Layton won't allow anyone of social beliefs other than those fostered by his party even into his party and if you don't think that given advance knowledge that Martin wouldn't have stifled all the embarassing comments made by his election team you're pretty naive.

Has anybody noticed that comments on this string concerning women politicians are just a little on the sexist side ? Are you guys all sure that Belinda had no real foundation for jumping ship on Harper and his band of idiots? She happens to be a very successful business person from a highly respected family, she would not have made this decision frivolously.

As far as winning her riding is concerned, that riding was always liberal until she ran in it for the conservatives, and won. It was no surprise to anyone that the constituency did not mind her crossing over to the liberals where they prefer to rest their votes.

I'll admit first and foremost that I shouldn't have made that post about the play on the word poll/pole. It was uncalled for and I do apologize to all who were offended by it. But I stick by my comments about her defection. If she knew what she believed all along as you insist, then why wouldn't she investigate the party she was to run for the leadership of before doing so. If she invested her companies' money like that she'd be laughed off the board in a heartbeat.

I'll give you the bit about her riding. Its obvious they didn't care enough about it to send her a message. But it doesn't make her switching teams for a spot in the starting lineup seem any less fishy or any less suspicious to me.

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"Have you any idea how long it took just for women to get the vote in this country ?????"

I am well aware. I am also aware it is one thing to have equal rights and another thing to make the system easier for some at the expense of other, such as affirmative action (read: reverse discrimination) systems.

"As an aside, since you insist on using hearsay opinion to validate yours, I would be interested to know what rolls your aunty may have taken in male dominated worlds ? Did she have a career? Who were her piers in that career? Did she ever "get ahead" or try ?"

My aunt was a top management executive at a computer company where she oversaw the jobs of many white men. She started at the bottom, worked her way up, and was very proud of doing that with less help from the system then she would have gotten if she was still working today. She also made more money than most of the men in my family.

"Did she play any sports or have any extra curricular activities outside of the home where maybe the majority of the people participating were not women ?"

I am unaware whether or not she played sports but she has been a tireless community activist working with many less fortunate people for years.

"Was she active in politics?"

My aunt considers her integrity higher than political office. Yet she has volunteered time, money, and written many letters on behalf of the conservatives whom she hopes will restore integrity to the political office and bring back family and personal responsibility to the forefront of the political agenda, rather than political correctness.

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