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Harper's inexperience - this is serious folks

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Are you even Canadian? Fuck-off with your anti-american bullshit. We are not anit-american. Iraq? ya their anit-american. Canada? Freinds. Real Canadians know this and I think emailforcanada sumed that up quite well.

Take a deep breath. And read the article below.... then count to 10 before replying.


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Are you even Canadian? Fuck-off with your anti-american bullshit. We are not anit-american. Iraq? ya their anit-american. Canada? Freinds. Real Canadians know this and I think emailforcanada sumed that up quite well.

Take a deep breath. And read the article below.... then count to 10 before replying.


I am now hoping for a CPC majority.

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Let's adress: "But polite conversation is a much better way to make way toward real negotiation and progress."

Look ... this trade dispute started off over 2 years ago if I am not mistaken... someone correct me if I am but it has been in lay a long time.

For the LONGEST time, arrogant people currently running the show in the US gave us the finger. We were polite and dipolmatic but time and time again, when we called them on how they are screwing us .... we again got the finger.

I am actually proud and amazed how patient we have been... and even now, in spite of the insulting behaoviuor and arrogance from those currently in power in the US, we STILL are willing to hold out the hand of friendship. That is because ost Canadians know that Bush's time is limited that he, and those responsible for treating their best friend this way are NOT representative of all Americans. There is viscious backlash in the US by Americans who are discusted by their leadership.

No leader shoudl put up with it. Absolutely none. We said that is enough and we are standing firm. That is the right thing to do.

what part of this country do you live in?

I won't be as point blank as Hollus was but you are taking a complete bias towards this situation...if you live anywhere near a major urban city you know the animosity many Canadians have toward our American friends and you know damn well if you own a TV or the Internet the preached hatred from the PM loather himself Chretien. Bush can be a jerk too don't doubt me on that but you have to look at both sides.

Your post represents your inherent bias which I find reprehensive.

Yes I live in the city.

I think some of us may have trouble differentiating between our dissaproval with current US admin. policy and the bond we share as citizens. The bush admin. has drawn alot of missdirected anger and frustration upon the America. Ofcousre, anyone intelligent enough to see past a persons nationality knows this is not the fault of american people.

We're not america haters we're just scared and angry with the behavoir of their leaders, and quite a few of them are too

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Are you even Canadian? Fuck-off with your anti-american bullshit. We are not anit-american. Iraq? ya their anit-american. Canada? Freinds. Real Canadians know this and I think emailforcanada sumed that up quite well.

Take a deep breath. And read the article below.... then count to 10 before replying.


I am now hoping for a CPC majority.

Oh, give me a break! NORA JACOBSON says we're unamerican. Okay well I'll just let an AMERICAN speak for my country.

"Any country that defines itself through a negative ("Canada: We're not the United States") is doomed to an endless and repetitive cycle of hand-wringing and angst."

I think she's anti canadian. Thats not how I view Canada


I am now praying for anything except cpc majority.

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Yes I live in the city.

I think some of us may have trouble differentiating between our dissaproval with current US admin. policy and the bond we share as citizens. The bush admin. has drawn alot of missdirected anger and frustration upon the America. Ofcousre, anyone intelligent enough to see past a persons nationality knows this is not the fault of american people.

We're not america haters we're just scared and angry with the behavoir of their leaders, and quite a few of them are too

That's garbage. Not the fault of the American people? We aren't talking about some dictatorship in Africa. Americans vote in their leaders. You are clueless.

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Are you even Canadian? Fuck-off with your anti-american bullshit. We are not anit-american. Iraq? ya their anit-american. Canada? Freinds. Real Canadians know this and I think emailforcanada sumed that up quite well.

Take a deep breath. And read the article below.... then count to 10 before replying.


I am now hoping for a CPC majority.

Oh, give me a break! NORA JACOBSON says we're unamerican. Okay well I'll just let an AMERICAN speak for my country.


I am now praying for anything except cpc majority.


None of my posts were directed at you... :blink:

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Oh, give me a break! NORA JACOBSON says we're unamerican. Okay well I'll just let an AMERICAN speak for my country.

Hey I said count to 10 before replying. ;)

Yes Nora Jacobson, a liberal American who fled to "tolerant" Canada after Bush won, says we're anti-American. I think she does a wonderful job of explaining what it's like for an American living. I know quite well how it is for Americans here having to put up the hate that comes out of Canadians mouths.

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Oh, give me a break! NORA JACOBSON says we're unamerican. Okay well I'll just let an AMERICAN speak for my country.

"Any country that defines itself through a negative ("Canada: We're not the United States") is doomed to an endless and repetitive cycle of hand-wringing and angst."

I think she's anti canadian. Thats not how I view Canada


I am now praying for anything except cpc majority.

Your maturity gives you such crediability, I hope it continues.

That is how Martin defines Canada, he said it in those worlds exactly.

Your hate is obvious in the first line... "well I'll just let an AMERICAN speak for my country." Are American opinions non-valid? Seems like your implying that.

She's completely right. Most people in Canada, when meeting an American, get all worked up against them.

Your post implies that being an American is to be considered a negative trait, I say this is bigotry. How do you view Canada Hollus?

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Yes I live in the city.

I think some of us may have trouble differentiating between our dissaproval with current US admin. policy and the bond we share as citizens. The bush admin. has drawn alot of missdirected anger and frustration upon the America. Ofcousre, anyone intelligent enough to see past a persons nationality knows this is not the fault of american people.

We're not america haters we're just scared and angry with the behavoir of their leaders, and quite a few of them are too

That's garbage. Not the fault of the American people? We aren't talking about some dictatorship in Africa. Americans vote in their leaders. You are clueless.

Surely you reconize the low approval rating in the states. You must realize the Bush admins policies have caused alot of division in the american public, I dont see how our aliennation could be much different.

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Oh, give me a break! NORA JACOBSON says we're unamerican. Okay well I'll just let an AMERICAN speak for my country.

"Any country that defines itself through a negative ("Canada: We're not the United States") is doomed to an endless and repetitive cycle of hand-wringing and angst."

I think she's anti canadian. Thats not how I view Canada


I am now praying for anything except cpc majority.

Your maturity gives you such crediability, I hope it continues.

That is how Martin defines Canada, he said it in those worlds exactly.

Your hate is obvious in the first line... "well I'll just let an AMERICAN speak for my country." Are American opinions non-valid? Seems like your implying that.

She's completely right. Most people in Canada, when meeting an American, get all worked up against them.

Your post implies that being an American is to be considered a negative trait, I say this is bigotry. How do you view Canada Hollus?

Bigotry? I would call it insecurity...it is sort of a defence mechanism for leftist Canadian nationalists afraid of the "scary, evil empire." :lol:

Meanwhile, these insecure bigots (how is that for a compromise :) ) continue to watch American programming, where American clothing, and generally benefit from living next to the world's only remaining superpower.

Hypocritical? Yes. But mainly just ignorance and blind pride.

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"Surely you reconize the low approval rating in the states. You must realize the Bush admins policies have caused alot of division in the american public, I dont see how our aliennation could be much different."

Excellently put Hollus.

here is an example of the backlash...http://sympaticomsn.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20060120/google_request_060120

Yes I live in the city.

I think some of us may have trouble differentiating between our dissaproval with current US admin. policy and the bond we share as citizens. The bush admin. has drawn alot of missdirected anger and frustration upon the America. Ofcousre, anyone intelligent enough to see past a persons nationality knows this is not the fault of american people.

We're not america haters we're just scared and angry with the behavoir of their leaders, and quite a few of them are too

That's garbage. Not the fault of the American people? We aren't talking about some dictatorship in Africa. Americans vote in their leaders. You are clueless.

Surely you reconize the low approval rating in the states. You must realize the Bush admins policies have caused alot of division in the american public, I dont see how our aliennation could be much different.

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Oh, give me a break! NORA JACOBSON says we're unamerican. Okay well I'll just let an AMERICAN speak for my country.

"Any country that defines itself through a negative ("Canada: We're not the United States") is doomed to an endless and repetitive cycle of hand-wringing and angst."

I think she's anti canadian. Thats not how I view Canada


I am now praying for anything except cpc majority.

Your maturity gives you such crediability, I hope it continues.

That is how Martin defines Canada, he said it in those worlds exactly.

Your hate is obvious in the first line... "well I'll just let an AMERICAN speak for my country." Are American opinions non-valid? Seems like your implying that.

She's completely right. Most people in Canada, when meeting an American, get all worked up against them.

Your post implies that being an American is to be considered a negative trait, I say this is bigotry. How do you view Canada Hollus?

Excuse me! Do they still do alot of acid in university cause you just went for one wild trip.

I implied no such thing. I may not have defined my points clearly enough to follow.(so I apologize for the acid comment but Im not earasing it) I cant spend anymore time on this though, Im going snowboarding.

DONT! say anything mean while Im gone :angry:

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"Surely you reconize the low approval rating in the states. You must realize the Bush admins policies have caused alot of division in the american public, I dont see how our aliennation could be much different."

Oh but it is. We may not be a Bush-friendly nation, but we must remember that a lot of Americans are between a rock and a hardplate too. They don't like him, but they don't like other countries criticizing the American people because of him.

Ottawa should be cautious, but not condescending when dealing with the U.S. The Liberal government has been most condescending and rather vile. The Liberal negativity is costing the formerly "Natural Governing Party" this election. Everything is going wrong and everyone is jumping off the Liberal bandwagon.

Martin is a better man than history will remember him as. He is probably a good man deep down inside. However as PM he has tossed away all his values, all that he strove for, all that was important to him, and tossed it out so he could cling to power. Screw the Americans, screw the West, screw the leftist NDP, screw the right-leaning CPC, screw integrity.

The old saying "I like him, but I don't respect him" is a good way for me to describe how I feel about Martin. As for Harper, I don't agree with a lot of his right-leaning policies. But compared with Martin, he is a man of integrity. No one, right or left, can say Harper is not sincere and will not hold steadfast to the policies he put together and ran on in this campaign.

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Yes I live in the city.

I think some of us may have trouble differentiating between our dissaproval with current US admin. policy and the bond we share as citizens. The bush admin. has drawn alot of missdirected anger and frustration upon the America. Ofcousre, anyone intelligent enough to see past a persons nationality knows this is not the fault of american people.

We're not america haters we're just scared and angry with the behavoir of their leaders, and quite a few of them are too

That's garbage. Not the fault of the American people? We aren't talking about some dictatorship in Africa. Americans vote in their leaders. You are clueless.

Bush got a clear majority. That is unless you believe the Democrat lies that Republicans spend their election days keeping black people from voting, and that they really won Ohio, and Florida in 2000.

If voters were so disenfranchised by Bush they wouldn't have voted him back to office. DUH.

Like Martin is about to go down in Canada. I Martin were really the better choice it would be he in the lead in the polls, not Harper. That Harper still leads after all the Liberal lies and scare tactics tells you he's not.

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How the hell can anyone take Harper as a serious leader when just after loosing the last election he was ready to throw in the towel. Is that a quality you look for in a leader?

I've never seen nor have I heard this. Post a link lest it be seen as untruth.

ask and you shall get ... also you could find this on this thing called the Internet.


I am sure there are more articles out there.

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How the hell can anyone take Harper as a serious leader when just after loosing the last election he was ready to throw in the towel. Is that a quality you look for in a leader?

I've never seen nor have I heard this. Post a link lest it be seen as untruth.


He never said it, though I'm willing to admit that pondering his future isn't the stongest position in the direction of continuing.

In his defense, if my campaign fell apart like his did last time I might contemplate the same.

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Foreign connections are almost irrelevent to Canada, except one, our relationship with the United States

Sure they're irrelevant. LOL

And China is not growing, nor is India. They'll never need our resources. Only one country on earth will ever need our resources so we better kiss their butts and quickly!


China and India have far closer resources close at hand. The US is not merely a nation which draws on our natural resources, it consumes 85% of our manufacturing. Do you think China and India - or anyone else - will ever do that? Our trade relationships with China and India are actually harmful to our economic interests right now. It is the US which is pouring money into our economy.

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Harper is definately weaker on foreign policy. But if your going to say he has no international ability, then you've also got to stop saying he's going to work hand in hand with Bush. Can't really have both.

Don't understand that logic. Our working relationship with the states seems a little onesided. What could Harper posibly do to resolve this without giving in on issues like missle defence, gay marriage, war on drugs or invading countries on false pretense for oil? Sure we can solve cattle and softwood, we just have to give up on having or own national identiy. So when this comes to pass and Im over "liberating" Iran or North Korea, I wont be hear to tell all you Harper supporters 'I told ya so', so... I told ya so.

The US does not need our troops for anything. We could have made them perfectly happy if we'd just given them moral support on both Iraq and missile defence. That's a small price to pay given how one-sidedly in our favour the relationship between us and them has been to date.

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Class and respect?????

I point out that Harpers only tool in solving economic disputes with the US is to fall inline with their policy on key social issues. Issues that will define us as a nation.

The US has never shown the slightest interest in what our social policies are. Nor would I expect that to change.

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Let's adress: "But polite conversation is a much better way to make way toward real negotiation and progress."

Look ... this trade dispute started off over 2 years ago if I am not mistaken... someone correct me if I am but it has been in lay a long time.

For the LONGEST time, arrogant people currently running the show in the US gave us the finger.

The nature of government in the US means there have always been different power bases. And that means there have always been strong, regional protectionist forces in the congress working to defend their particular little area. That is where the softwood lumber dispute originated, not with the Bush administration, but with congress. However, Bush has seen no reason to use up political points in fighting off these forces on behalf of a snarky, insulting, offensive Canadian government. Why should he? That may change if he has a sense the leadership here is more respectful and friendly.

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Are you even Canadian? Fuck-off with your anti-american bullshit. We are not anit-american. Iraq? ya their anit-american. Canada? Freinds. Real Canadians know this and I think emailforcanada sumed that up quite well.
There is a lot of anti-Americanism in Canada. They say they're against Bush and his policies, but you don't have to dig very far to get the sneers about cowboy Americans, about their gun mentality, about their religious beliefs, and about many other aspects of their society and culture. Americans are thought to be simplistic, uncultured and stupid, though that's not put in so many words very often. You hear it coming from the smug, wine and cheese set, but you also hear it parotted back by fairly simple and ordinary Canadians because they're regurgitating what Martin and Chretien and their type have been spreading around for so many years. I have heard from several people, young people with little political awareness, who rarely follow the news, in ordinary jobs, that Stephen Harper would sell us out to the Americans, be Bush's lap dog. Where are they getting this nonsense from? The political elites, of course.
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