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I left nutty bush for scary Harper ?

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After Bush's 1st term, in disgust, I arrived in Canada (the real democracy). Now a new Canadian Citizen, I am all ready to become a part of this moderate to left leaning country's political system. And just when I think i'm all juiced up for the federal election process, i look into the eyes of Stephen Harper- the scariest pair of eyes I have ever seen ! Now back in the states, Bush's victory was somewhat understandable. The conservatives in the south showed up on election day. Stephen Harper becoming PM on the other hand is outright horror !

I see that there has already been threads discussing Harper, so I won't add too much to that, except that from my standpoint, if somehow, this guy does sneak in, then i'll feel i got kicked in the gut a second time.

However, this is Canada after all and that won't happen, especially now. How I know that ? Because the polls have shown the conservatives with a slight lead. And I've lived here long enough to know that that slight bit of advantage on paper is enough to fire up the liberal base and make people realize that the probable damage that Harper can unleash far exceeds any corruption that the liberals have been accused of.

I am pleased to be a liberal minded Canadian now. Certainly shows how much conservatives have to scrape for in this country when the leadership places so much emphasis on the sponsorship scandal and even goes to bed with the separatists.

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After Bush's 1st term, in disgust, I arrived in Canada (the real democracy). Now a new Canadian Citizen, I am all ready to become a part of this moderate to left leaning country's political system. And just when I think i'm all juiced up for the federal election process, i look into the eyes of Stephen Harper- the scariest pair of eyes I have ever seen ! Now back in the states, Bush's victory was somewhat understandable. The conservatives in the south showed up on election day. Stephen Harper becoming PM on the other hand is outright horror !

I see that there has already been threads discussing Harper, so I won't add too much to that, except that from my standpoint, if somehow, this guy does sneak in, then i'll feel i got kicked in the gut a second time.

However, this is Canada after all and that won't happen, especially now. How I know that ? Because the polls have shown the conservatives with a slight lead. And I've lived here long enough to know that that slight bit of advantage on paper is enough to fire up the liberal base and make people realize that the probable damage that Harper can unleash far exceeds any corruption that the liberals have been accused of.

I am pleased to be a liberal minded Canadian now. Certainly shows how much conservatives have to scrape for in this country when the leadership places so much emphasis on the sponsorship scandal and even goes to bed with the separatists.

Boy, it's a good thing Robert Redford and that Alex whats-his-name did not move this side of the border....or we'll never hear the end of the whining.

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I am pleased to be a liberal minded Canadian now. Certainly shows how much conservatives have to scrape for in this country when the leadership places so much emphasis on the sponsorship scandal and even goes to bed with the separatists.

Sir/Ma'am....what you're saying is an insult to a lot of Canadians. Since you had just recently turned your back on your own country.....using a president you don't like as a convenient excuse....it is understandable that your values may not be the same with a lot of Canadians.

Corruptions is not part of Canadian values. We show our love of country by trying to stop it from destroying our system. We do not just abandon our country that easily....whether we like the one who sits in power or not.

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After Bush's 1st term, in disgust, I arrived in Canada (the real democracy). Now a new Canadian Citizen, I am all ready to become a part of this moderate to left leaning country's political system. And just when I think i'm all juiced up for the federal election process, i look into the eyes of Stephen Harper- the scariest pair of eyes I have ever seen ! Now back in the states, Bush's victory was somewhat understandable. The conservatives in the south showed up on election day. Stephen Harper becoming PM on the other hand is outright horror !

Because he has scary eyes? This is the only thing which came to mind, meaning your "outright horror" is as senseless and shallow as your post.

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I'm not scared of Stephen Harper, I'm scared of what will happen to my country if the Liberals get back in. Harper has done nothing to me. Paul Martin and the LIberlas have stolen, lied and cheated for 13 years. Paul Martin was the head financial officer of Canada for most of the the 13 years and he claims to know nothing. He's either stupid or incompetant. He might even be both.

Enough is enough. If we don't punish this party for the scandal and mismanagement of our money we are giving them a mandate to continue on the same path. The only way we can ensure this type of thing doesn't happen again is by punishing the party involved. We must end this insanity.


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After Bush's 1st term, in disgust, I arrived in Canada (the real democracy). Now a new Canadian Citizen, I am all ready to become a part of this moderate to left leaning country's political system. And just when I think i'm all juiced up for the federal election process, i look into the eyes of Stephen Harper- the scariest pair of eyes I have ever seen ! Now back in the states, Bush's victory was somewhat understandable. The conservatives in the south showed up on election day. Stephen Harper becoming PM on the other hand is outright horror !

Because he has scary eyes? This is the only thing which came to mind, meaning your "outright horror" is as senseless and shallow as your post.

Wow that was unbelievable. :rolleyes:

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USA Liberal... when you picked Canada as a destination, were you aware that this is a democracy? A country with multi-party elections? I'd have assumed something like that would have come up in the citizenship exams. You said that Canada is "the real democracy," yet you seem aghast in horror at the notion that people might actually choose a government you don't support. Perhaps if you were uncomfortable with the idea that people might actually exercise their democratic rights, you should have picked a single party state or a handy dictatorship.

As an aside, I find it hilarious that the same people who thought it was "despicable" to speak badly of Jean Chretien's mangled, f'ed up, fugly, gruesome visage are now supporting their opposition to Stephen by speaking badly of his personal appearance. How funny is that? That's hilarious.


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I am pleased to be a liberal minded Canadian now. Certainly shows how much conservatives have to scrape for in this country when the leadership places so much emphasis on the sponsorship scandal and even goes to bed with the separatists.

Sir/Ma'am....what you're saying is an insult to a lot of Canadians. Since you had just recently turned your back on your own country.....using a president you don't like as a convenient excuse....it is understandable that your values may not be the same with a lot of Canadians.

Corruptions is not part of Canadian values. We show our love of country by trying to stop it from destroying our system. We do not just abandon our country that easily....whether we like the one who sits in power or not.

Let me straighten up a few things here. both my parents are Canadian born, and although i never aquired a canadian passport, by law, the citizenship was always there. i have not abandoned my country. my love for both sides of the border are the same. George Bush's policies in itself didn't play a role in my move here. It included the appeal of Canadian values, excluding Conservative viewpoints. Of course corruption is not a part of Canadian values, i never said that. It is rare in Canada, all I suggest is that the conservatives are so desperate that they will milk out every drop of the corruption card to get elected. My point was not to say that the Liberal party reflects Canada's corruption, rather to point out that to me, and many other Canadians Stephen Harper is a scary guy. A friend yesterday suggested to me that he'd rather vote for the devil that he knows as supposed to the one that he doesn't.

what canadian values are you specifically talking about ? lets clear the air. hope to hear from you soon.

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USA Liberal... when you picked Canada as a destination, were you aware that this is a democracy? A country with multi-party elections? I'd have assumed something like that would have come up in the citizenship exams. You said that Canada is "the real democracy," yet you seem aghast in horror at the notion that people might actually choose a government you don't support. Perhaps if you were uncomfortable with the idea that people might actually exercise their democratic rights, you should have picked a single party state or a handy dictatorship.

As an aside, I find it hilarious that the same people who thought it was "despicable" to speak badly of Jean Chretien's mangled, f'ed up, fugly, gruesome visage are now supporting their opposition to Stephen by speaking badly of his personal appearance. How funny is that? That's hilarious.


look, my 3 year old thinks stephen harper is scary looking and we'll leave it at that. Its not meant to begin a serious form of discussion, but appearance does play a role in election, like it or not.

Of course Canada is the real democracy, and I am equally horrified at the notion of Harper coming into power at the same time. If he does get elected, I will accept it, because I view Canadians as intelligent people making smart decisions. but that's not going to happen. My "aghast in horror", as you suggest is part of the democratic process. It includes your right to feel whatever way you want to towards candidates and vote whichever way you desire.

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It was not an insult to "a lot of Canadians," betsy and was quite to the point. What is an insult to a lot of Canadians is the attitude ofa few rednecks that they can buy the vote with the appearance of giving them money. The hypocritical appeal to ethics by a greedy and unethical leadership - and backing - of the Conservative party.

Perhaps, though, it is not an insult but a recognition of the level of intelligence and understanding of the "average" Canadian who is proving that he can be fooled and bought.

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I am pleased to be a liberal minded Canadian now. Certainly shows how much conservatives have to scrape for in this country when the leadership places so much emphasis on the sponsorship scandal and even goes to bed with the separatists.

Sir/Ma'am....what you're saying is an insult to a lot of Canadians. Since you had just recently turned your back on your own country.....using a president you don't like as a convenient excuse....it is understandable that your values may not be the same with a lot of Canadians.

Corruptions is not part of Canadian values. We show our love of country by trying to stop it from destroying our system. We do not just abandon our country that easily....whether we like the one who sits in power or not.

Let me straighten up a few things here. both my parents are Canadian born, and although i never aquired a canadian passport, by law, the citizenship was always there. i have not abandoned my country. my love for both sides of the border are the same. George Bush's policies in itself didn't play a role in my move here. It included the appeal of Canadian values, excluding Conservative viewpoints. Of course corruption is not a part of Canadian values, i never said that. It is rare in Canada, all I suggest is that the conservatives are so desperate that they will milk out every drop of the corruption card to get elected. My point was not to say that the Liberal party reflects Canada's corruption, rather to point out that to me, and many other Canadians Stephen Harper is a scary guy. A friend yesterday suggested to me that he'd rather vote for the devil that he knows as supposed to the one that he doesn't.

what canadian values are you specifically talking about ? lets clear the air. hope to hear from you soon.

It's good that you've straightened that out. Your topic title plus the post was misleading.

Integrity, family, honesty....those are the values I'm talking about.

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Still USA_Liberal, corruption over conspiracy theories doesn't cut it for me.

Also, Canadian values? That is a Liberal Party phrase, remember Chretien (Liberal values are Canadian values)? Your values are based on your upbringing and where in the country you live. I don't know where you live but I am assuming it is in a Liberal province?

The Liberals in Canada are looking to create a Canadian myth in this country, much like the Republicans are trying to create an American myth in the States.

I don't think it will work because our countries are so vast and spread out, it is unlikely they will succeed past Ontario in Canada and Middle America in the States.

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After Bush's 1st term, in disgust, I arrived in Canada (the real democracy). Now a new Canadian Citizen, I am all ready to become a part of this moderate to left leaning country's political system. And just when I think i'm all juiced up for the federal election process, i look into the eyes of Stephen Harper- the scariest pair of eyes I have ever seen ! Now back in the states, Bush's victory was somewhat understandable. The conservatives in the south showed up on election day. Stephen Harper becoming PM on the other hand is outright horror !

I see that there has already been threads discussing Harper, so I won't add too much to that, except that from my standpoint, if somehow, this guy does sneak in, then i'll feel i got kicked in the gut a second time.

However, this is Canada after all and that won't happen, especially now. How I know that ? Because the polls have shown the conservatives with a slight lead. And I've lived here long enough to know that that slight bit of advantage on paper is enough to fire up the liberal base and make people realize that the probable damage that Harper can unleash far exceeds any corruption that the liberals have been accused of.

I am pleased to be a liberal minded Canadian now. Certainly shows how much conservatives have to scrape for in this country when the leadership places so much emphasis on the sponsorship scandal and even goes to bed with the separatists.

We'll have to send you back, get you Hannitized and then let you back ... LOL

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The Canadian values thing is a laugh. Harper responded to it very well.

Also, Canadian values? That is a Liberal Party phrase, remember Chretien (Liberal values are Canadian values)? Your values are based on your upbringing and where in the country you live. I don't know where you live but I am assuming it is in a Liberal province?
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It was not an insult to "a lot of Canadians," betsy and was quite to the point. What is an insult to a lot of Canadians is the attitude ofa few rednecks that they can buy the vote with the appearance of giving them money. The hypocritical appeal to ethics by a greedy and unethical leadership - and backing - of the Conservative party.

A recent assessment of donations shows:

the Conservative Party has a base of individual donors that is much larger than the other four parties

the Liberals have many more donors donating more than $1,000 than all the other parties combined

Donations of under $200 made up 77.0% of Conservative money

Donations of under $200 made up 11.2% of Liberal money

Donations of under $200 made up 17% of Bloc Quebecois donations

Donations of under $200 made up 76.2% of NDP donations

Democracy Watch 2005

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It was not an insult to "a lot of Canadians," betsy and was quite to the point. What is an insult to a lot of Canadians is the attitude ofa few rednecks that they can buy the vote with the appearance of giving them money. The hypocritical appeal to ethics by a greedy and unethical leadership - and backing - of the Conservative party.

Perhaps, though, it is not an insult but a recognition of the level of intelligence and understanding of the "average" Canadian who is proving that he can be fooled and bought.

Of course it was an insult to "a lot of Canadians", if taken to mean as it was printed. And I say A LOT of Canadians, for majority have said that they want a change of government. And CORRUPTIONS was the one reason resonating and echoing all over Canada!

It must indeed be the level of intelligence and understanding of the "average" Canadian who is proving that he can be fooled and bought...or of the new moral standard that no longer sees anything wrong with corruptions....that only abet and encourage the gradual decay of our society.

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Perhaps, though, it is not an insult but a recognition of the level of intelligence and understanding of the "average" Canadian who is proving that he can be fooled and bought.

And liberals haven't been bought and fooled by Liberal promises never kept?

Thanks! When I read this I laughed harder than I have in a long time.

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On a lighter note, my first reaction when I read your post was : Boy, an American moving to Canada?

My reply then would've been:

You think being a Democrat makes a difference here? The Liberals hate ALL Americans!

Ironically, now that you're here....the ones you don't like (Conservatives) are the only ones who like you.


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Donations of under $200 made up 77.0% of Conservative money

Donations of under $200 made up 11.2% of Liberal money

Donations of under $200 made up 17% of Bloc Quebecois donations

Donations of under $200 made up 76.2% of NDP donations

and the $500,000 to pay off MacKay's party debt? Where did that come from?

Fairly obvious the idiot politician is a liberal, not a bright one either!

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Donations of under $200 made up 77.0% of Conservative money

Donations of under $200 made up 11.2% of Liberal money

Donations of under $200 made up 17% of Bloc Quebecois donations

Donations of under $200 made up 76.2% of NDP donations

and the $500,000 to pay off MacKay's party debt? Where did that come from?

Probably by donations. And who paid for Paul Martin's leadership campaign? In one, just ONE $10,000 a plate dinner in Toronto Martin raised close to a million dollars.

I wonder what all those "common", "ordinary" Canadians got for their ten grand a plate?

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look, my 3 year old thinks stephen harper is scary looking and we'll leave it at that. Its not meant to begin a serious form of discussion, but appearance does play a role in election, like it or not.

We live in a country that was governed for 11 years by the ugliest son of a bitch this side of Mick Jagger. How much of a factor could appearance really be?


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On a lighter note, my first reaction when I read your post was : Boy, an American moving to Canada?

My reply then would've been:

You think being a Democrat makes a difference here? The Liberals hate ALL Americans!

Ironically, now that you're here....the ones you don't like (Conservatives) are the only ones who like you.


Let me describe my street to you, betsy. It consists of people who have mixed US/Canadian heritage and it has Liberal tags all over right now. and here's something that will blow you away. its in alberta ! I know the conservatives like me. I am a huge supporter of my premier Ralph Klein. I vote conservative in provincial elections. I am a staunch fiscal conservative, and my provincial government is all about that. Heck, my buddies call me red **** ! yet, i wouldn't live anywhere else. love alberta, its home ! and we all receive a 400.00 rebate while we cast our vote on Jan 23rd !

On the federal level, its a different story. Stephen Harper ain't no ralph Klein. Federal Conservatives become a turnoff for me when they start talking about social issues. For that reason, I am just as Liberal in Federal elections.

kinda like quebec. they will vote for the bloc mostly, not so in a possible referendum.

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You think being a Democrat makes a difference here? The Liberals hate ALL Americans!

That's a pretty sweeping statement from someone who is quite obviously a CPC supporter.

As such, how is it that you would be aware of the thoughts and feelings of ALL Liberal supporters???

Have you conducted a nation-wide poll that we don't know about???

Would you care to cite a site supporting this wild claim???

Ironically, now that you're here....the ones you don't like (Conservatives) are the only ones who like you.

Gee, from the way you're addressing him, and the condescending tone of your post, it certainly seems that there is at least one Conservative who doesn't like him.

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