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Stephen Harper, Conrad Black & Richard Perle (aka Darth Vader)

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One can look at Caribbean gang problems in Toronto or aboriginal gang problems on the prairies that have been allowed to fester and grow for years in complete silence because people have been so scared of causing offense that legitimate discussion of social problems has been stifled.

Was it a "gang problem" ?? If so, what's wrong with discussing it.

You cannot really discuss gang violence without discussing racial and ethnic problems. And while Canada's human rights agencies and laws do not yet have the power they do in Europe they continue to add powers. Had I posted what I did here, with regard to, for example, Muslims, I could well be arrested in some European countries.

Just because some people abuse a valid and good system, doesn't mean that it should be discarded. For example, if sexual perverts are conducting themselves indecently in public washrooms, the solution isn't to ban public washrooms, but rather to find a better method of policing them.... If human rights commissions are being abused, this should be dealt with to make the system function as intended, rather than shutting it down....
The nature of human rights agencies, and those who staff them, is such that they will always strive to attack the many at the behest of the few, which winds up becoming a tyranny of thought police.

It could be quite important. As I said earlier, the possibility that "human rights" commissions could infringe on our constitutional freedoms is something we should be mindful of.


Stephen Harper quote: Human rights commissions are an attack on our freedoms. It is in fact totalitarianism. I find this is very scary stuff.

Richard Perle quote: If we go forth, and wage a total war, our children will sing great songs about us

It is very scary that Harper, Conrad Black and Richard Perle are all in bed together.

You religious conservatives are always whining about what people do in bed.
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Stephen Harper quote: Human rights commissions are an attack on our freedoms. It is in fact totalitarianism. I find this is very scary stuff.

Richard Perle quote: If we go forth, and wage a total war, our children will sing great songs about us

It is very scary that Harper, Conrad Black and Richard Perle are all in bed together.

You religious conservatives are always whining about what people do in bed.

I'm not a even conservative Argus.

Neo-cons are always using double-think and petty diversions to avoid explaining themselves -- probably because most people wouldn't put up with the ugly agenda they espouse.

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It's funny that all the neo-cons on this site are slinging mud at the liberals for wasting tax dollars.

Martin has payed down the debt 8 years in a row. If Harper is elected he will follow Bush's lead in driving the country to the brink of bankruptcy (Like Mulroney did before him)

Harper's War in Iraq and Missile pseudo-Defence would have cost Canada far more than any waste in Martin's govenment. It is anybody's guess what other useless government spending Harper would have promoted.

Harper has no record of anything other than supporting neo-fascist-conservative fanaticism -- just like his buddies Richard Perle and Paul Wolfwitz mentioned at the top of this article. That's probably why the neo-con election campaign seems to be soley focused on slamming the Liberals.

Your posting style is absolutely obnoxious without even reading the actual words you're typing. If you wish to have a serious discussion, perhaps work on making your posts look like they weren't written by a preschooler with a fetish for crayons.

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It's funny that all the neo-cons on this site are slinging mud at the liberals for wasting tax dollars.

Martin has payed down the debt 8 years in a row. If Harper is elected he will follow Bush's lead in driving the country to the brink of bankruptcy (Like Mulroney did before him)

Harper's War in Iraq and Missile pseudo-Defence would have cost Canada far more than any waste in Martin's govenment. It is anybody's guess what other useless government spending Harper would have promoted.

Harper has no record of anything other than supporting neo-fascist-conservative fanaticism -- just like his buddies Richard Perle and Paul Wolfwitz mentioned at the top of this article. That's probably why the neo-con election campaign seems to be soley focused on slamming the Liberals.

Your posting style is absolutely obnoxious without even reading the actual words you're typing. If you wish to have a serious discussion, perhaps work on making your posts look like they weren't written by a preschooler with a fetish for crayons.

I like those fonts cybercoma (does your name reflect that you are a zombie?)

unlike most of the neo-cons on this board, my posts have more than a few well thought out ideas. I realize that people like yourself have trouble reading more than a few sentences, so I use formats to categorize the text and highlight the main ideas.

If cyberzombies like you are really having trouble reading my posts, copy and paste them into notepad.

This board would be a lot better if it wasn't cluttered with petty complaints like yours.

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It could be quite important. As I said earlier, the possibility that "human rights" commissions could infringe on our constitutional freedoms is something we should be mindful of.


Stephen Harper quote: Human rights commissions are an attack on our freedoms. It is in fact totalitarianism. I find this is very scary stuff.

Richard Perle quote: If we go forth, and wage a total war, our children will sing great songs about us

It is very scary that Harper, Conrad Black and Richard Perle are all in bed together.

Please show me the connection. Two people being at the same place at the same time doesn't make them "bed buddies". Show me any example of how the two have worked together. Anything.

I like those fonts cybercoma (does your name reflect that you are a zombie?)

unlike most of the neo-cons on this board, my posts have more than a few well thought out ideas. I realize that people like yourself have trouble reading more than a few sentences, so I use formats to categorize the text and highlight the main ideas.

If cyberzombies like you are really having trouble reading my posts, copy and paste them into notepad.

This board would be a lot better if it wasn't cluttered with petty complaints like yours.

Is your MO simply to annoy everyone into submission? Do you figure if people stop responding to your idiocy you've won?

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Please show me the connection. Two people being at the same place at the same time doesn't make them collaborators. Show me any example of how the two have worked together. Anything.

Perle and Black are clearly soulmates:

Both were Primary Hollinger Directors

Both looted Hollinger

Both are being charged in the US for looting Holinger.

Harper and Black are clearly soulmates:

Black's Giant Media Chain Backs Harper and continually advances the neo-con agenda.

Harper was at 2003 Bilderburg Meeting holding Black's hand along with Perle and Wolfwitz

Richard Perle quote: If we go forth, and wage a total war, our children will sing great songs about us

Stephen Harper quote: Human rights commissions are an attack on our freedoms. It is in fact totalitarianism. I find this is very scary stuff.

Harper being part of Perle's cabal is very scary stuff.


What is Stephen Harper doing at a super-secret Bilderberg meeting of the Western worlds central bankers, defense experts, press barons, royalty, prime ministers, international financiers, industrialists and government officials?

The 2003 guest list includes names such as David Rockefeller, Richard Perle, Klaus Schwab (World Economic Forum), Henry Kissinger, the King and Queen of Spain, Paul Wolfowitz and a host of other bankers, corporate heads and royalty. Some Canadians in attendance included Conrad Black, Mark Steyn (National Post) Heather Reisman (Chapters-Indigo), Anthony Fell (RBC Dominion Securities) and Stephen Harper, Leader of the Opposition

Attending this meeting wouldn’t generally be a problem, but Harper has a history of kissing up to the worst of these guys while smearing Canada in the process.


The Bilderberg group's secret annual meeting determines many of the headlines and news developments that you will read about in the coming months. But the Establishment media completely black out any news of it and remain strangely reluctant to lift the curtain hiding this major event. A number of high-ranking members of the press who attend the annual meeting are sworn to secrecy, and news editors are held responsible if any of their journalists "inadvertently" report on what takes place. Yet few have ever heard of this exclusive and secretive group of the world's most powerful financiers, industrialists and political figures.

(Why would Bilderburg not want to advertise their agenda on a website? Obviously because the public would not find any benefit in that agenda. http://www.vivelecanada.ca/article.php?sto...005040313371980

Conrad Black (key Harper supporter and former owner of 3rd biggest media empire in the world, including the National Post and dozens of other Canadian newspapers) was working side by side with Richard Perle (architect of the Iraq Invasion, self proclaimed Darth Vader, and key pupeteer behind the Bush administration)

Both of these guys are being indicted over conspiracies involving Hollinger International

The amount of money stolen by Black and his cohort David Radler amounted to $400m, a staggering 95.2% of Hollinger’s net income for that period.

Hollinger went from being an expanding business to becoming a company whose sole preoccupation was generating current cash for the controlling shareholders (This same treasury plundering happened in the USA when the neo-cons came to power, and it will happen to Canada if Harper is elected. Remember how quickly Canada went into debt when Mulroney was elected?),

As a result of his involvement on Hollinger’s executive committee, uber-neoconservative Richard Perle, ‘The Prince of Darkness’, sometime Chairman of the Pentagon Defence Policy Board, may soon find himself out of pocket to the tune of 5 MILLION DOLLARS

Hawkish author Tom Clancy (Patriot Games and The Hunt for Red October) "almost came to blows" with Richard Perle. "Perle was saying how Colin Powell was being a wuss because he was overly concerned with the lives of the troops," Clancy said. "And I said, 'Look ..., he's supposed to think that way!' And Perle didn't agree with me on that. People like that worry me."

Lawrence Wilkerson, General Colin Powell's chief of staff until January this year, alleged that US policy on Iraq before and after the March 2003 invasion had been hijacked by an alliance between Dick Cheney and Defence Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, fostered by President George Bush's "detached" attitude to details of post-war planning.


Wilkerson even accused Vice-President Dick Cheney of creating the climate in which prisoner abuse could flourish, and implied that he might have committed war crimes.

Wilkerson said that Cheney must have sincerely believed that Iraq could be a spawning ground for new terror assaults, because "otherwise I have to declare him a moron, an idiot or a nefarious bastard."


Richard Perle would have been a key puppeteer in this Hijacking of the US Government. If Perle’s Network penetrates into Harper’s Government (see diagram above) Canada could face the same kind of neo-fascist hijacking that happened in the US.

Complacent conservatives, of course, assure us that whatever happens, Canada has a strong constitution and the rule of law prevails.

However, the Perle network in the US led the Bush Administration to withdraw from several international treaties, and contravene several international laws.

Bush (under the Perle Cabal’s Direction of course) was recently quoted as saying the US Constitution was just a GOD-DAMN PIECE OF PAPER.

“I don’t give a goddamn,” Bush said. “I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.”

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”

“Mr. President,” one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.”


Remember how furious Harper was that Chrétien wouldn't let Canadian soldiers die "shoulder to shoulder" with Americans over Iraq's non-existent weapons of mass destruction --- even when it was completely obvious that Iraq didn't pose any near-term threat to anybody?

Well the war drums are still beating. The neo-cons still have Iran, Syria and Venezuela in their gun sights.

How has Harper changed in the last few years. Probably not much -- though he may be more cunning.

If we just let our vision of the world go forth, and we embrace it entirely, and we don't try to piece together clever diplomacy but just wage a total war, our children will sing great songs about us years from now.

Richard Perle

It's hard to believe that key neocon puppeteers like Perle could change their philosophies that much overnight.

Westerners, but Albertans in particular, need to think hard about their future in this country. Albertans should decide that it is time to seek a new relationship with Canada. The next logical step is to begin building a much more autonomous Alberta. ( Stephen Harper National Post, December 8, 2000)

“Whether Canada ends up as one national government or two national governments or several national governments, or some other kind of arrangement is, quite frankly, secondary in my opinion… And whether Canada ends up with o­ne national government or two governments or ten governments, the Canadian people will require less government no matter what the constitutional status or arrangement of any future country may be.” (Stephen Harper Speech to the Colin Brown Memorial Dinner, National Citizens Coalition, 1994)

Harper's statements are clear to me. It wouldn't even surprise me if Harper is backing the Quebec separatists because he hopes that will help precipitate Alberta's (or nothern Alberta's) separation.

Do you know that a start up job at MacDonalds in Northern Alberta pays $17/hr. No wonder these guys think they are so hard done by.

Harper's relationship with the Conrad Black and Richard Perle indicates that maybe the whole thing is in someway tied with Bush's energy policy. Are Bush's buddies trying to get "freer" access to Alberta's oilfields?

Canadians should get very serious and look into this instead of treating it like it is such an unlikely scenario.

Don't forget that even oil-rich Venezuela is in the Perle Cabal's gunsights.

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Please show me the connection. Two people being at the same place at the same time doesn't make them collaborators. Show me any example of how the two have worked together. Anything.

Perle and Black are clearly soulmates:

Both were Primary Hollinger Directors

Both looted Hollinger

Both are being charged in the US for looting Holinger.

Harper and Black are clearly soulmates:

Black's Giant Media Chain Backs Harper and continually advances the neo-con agenda.

Harper was at 2003 Bilderburg Meeting holding Black's hand along with Perle and Wolfwitz

Richard Perle quote: If we go forth, and wage a total war, our children will sing great songs about us

Stephen Harper quote: Human rights commissions are an attack on our freedoms. It is in fact totalitarianism. I find this is very scary stuff.

Harper being part of Perle's cabal is very scary stuff.


What is Stephen Harper doing at a super-secret Bilderberg meeting of the Western worlds central bankers, defense experts, press barons, royalty, prime ministers, international financiers, industrialists and government officials?

The 2003 guest list includes names such as David Rockefeller, Richard Perle, Klaus Schwab (World Economic Forum), Henry Kissinger, the King and Queen of Spain, Paul Wolfowitz and a host of other bankers, corporate heads and royalty. Some Canadians in attendance included Conrad Black, Mark Steyn (National Post) Heather Reisman (Chapters-Indigo), Anthony Fell (RBC Dominion Securities) and Stephen Harper, Leader of the Opposition

Attending this meeting wouldn’t generally be a problem, but Harper has a history of kissing up to the worst of these guys while smearing Canada in the process.


The Bilderberg group's secret annual meeting determines many of the headlines and news developments that you will read about in the coming months. But the Establishment media completely black out any news of it and remain strangely reluctant to lift the curtain hiding this major event. A number of high-ranking members of the press who attend the annual meeting are sworn to secrecy, and news editors are held responsible if any of their journalists "inadvertently" report on what takes place. Yet few have ever heard of this exclusive and secretive group of the world's most powerful financiers, industrialists and political figures.

(Why would Bilderburg not want to advertise their agenda on a website? Obviously because the public would not find any benefit in that agenda. http://www.vivelecanada.ca/article.php?sto...005040313371980

Conrad Black (key Harper supporter and former owner of 3rd biggest media empire in the world, including the National Post and dozens of other Canadian newspapers) was working side by side with Richard Perle (architect of the Iraq Invasion, self proclaimed Darth Vader, and key pupeteer behind the Bush administration)

Both of these guys are being indicted over conspiracies involving Hollinger International

The amount of money stolen by Black and his cohort David Radler amounted to $400m, a staggering 95.2% of Hollinger’s net income for that period.

Hollinger went from being an expanding business to becoming a company whose sole preoccupation was generating current cash for the controlling shareholders (This same treasury plundering happened in the USA when the neo-cons came to power, and it will happen to Canada if Harper is elected. Remember how quickly Canada went into debt when Mulroney was elected?),

As a result of his involvement on Hollinger’s executive committee, uber-neoconservative Richard Perle, ‘The Prince of Darkness’, sometime Chairman of the Pentagon Defence Policy Board, may soon find himself out of pocket to the tune of 5 MILLION DOLLARS

Hawkish author Tom Clancy (Patriot Games and The Hunt for Red October) "almost came to blows" with Richard Perle. "Perle was saying how Colin Powell was being a wuss because he was overly concerned with the lives of the troops," Clancy said. "And I said, 'Look ..., he's supposed to think that way!' And Perle didn't agree with me on that. People like that worry me."

Lawrence Wilkerson, General Colin Powell's chief of staff until January this year, alleged that US policy on Iraq before and after the March 2003 invasion had been hijacked by an alliance between Dick Cheney and Defence Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, fostered by President George Bush's "detached" attitude to details of post-war planning.


Wilkerson even accused Vice-President Dick Cheney of creating the climate in which prisoner abuse could flourish, and implied that he might have committed war crimes.

Wilkerson said that Cheney must have sincerely believed that Iraq could be a spawning ground for new terror assaults, because "otherwise I have to declare him a moron, an idiot or a nefarious bastard."


Richard Perle would have been a key puppeteer in this Hijacking of the US Government. If Perle’s Network penetrates into Harper’s Government (see diagram above) Canada could face the same kind of neo-fascist hijacking that happened in the US.

Complacent conservatives, of course, assure us that whatever happens, Canada has a strong constitution and the rule of law prevails.

However, the Perle network in the US led the Bush Administration to withdraw from several international treaties, and contravene several international laws.

Bush (under the Perle Cabal’s Direction of course) was recently quoted as saying the US Constitution was just a GOD-DAMN PIECE OF PAPER.

“I don’t give a goddamn,” Bush said. “I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.”

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”

“Mr. President,” one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.”


Remember how furious Harper was that Chrétien wouldn't let Canadian soldiers die "shoulder to shoulder" with Americans over Iraq's non-existent weapons of mass destruction --- even when it was completely obvious that Iraq didn't pose any near-term threat to anybody?

Well the war drums are still beating. The neo-cons still have Iran, Syria and Venezuela in their gun sights.

How has Harper changed in the last few years. Probably not much -- though he may be more cunning.

If we just let our vision of the world go forth, and we embrace it entirely, and we don't try to piece together clever diplomacy but just wage a total war, our children will sing great songs about us years from now.

Richard Perle

It's hard to believe that key neocon puppeteers like Perle could change their philosophies that much overnight.

Westerners, but Albertans in particular, need to think hard about their future in this country. Albertans should decide that it is time to seek a new relationship with Canada. The next logical step is to begin building a much more autonomous Alberta. ( Stephen Harper National Post, December 8, 2000)

“Whether Canada ends up as one national government or two national governments or several national governments, or some other kind of arrangement is, quite frankly, secondary in my opinion… And whether Canada ends up with o­ne national government or two governments or ten governments, the Canadian people will require less government no matter what the constitutional status or arrangement of any future country may be.” (Stephen Harper Speech to the Colin Brown Memorial Dinner, National Citizens Coalition, 1994)

Harper's statements are clear to me. It wouldn't even surprise me if Harper is backing the Quebec separatists because he hopes that will help precipitate Alberta's (or nothern Alberta's) separation.

Do you know that a start up job at MacDonalds in Northern Alberta pays $17/hr. No wonder these guys think they are so hard done by.

Harper's relationship with the Conrad Black and Richard Perle indicates that maybe the whole thing is in someway tied with Bush's energy policy. Are Bush's buddies trying to get "freer" access to Alberta's oilfields?

Canadians should get very serious and look into this instead of treating it like it is such an unlikely scenario.

Don't forget that even oil-rich Venezuela is in the Perle Cabal's gunsights.

Again, your conspiracy theories and the faith you put in them are unbelievable. What next River?

FYI if all of that is true we are screwed regardless of PM.

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Authority figures are and should be subject to scrutiny, and should conduct themselves appropriately for the office they hold. If you find it incorrect that this teacher was penalized for criticising homosexuals, then would you think it equally OK for him to be critical of the lifestyles of Jews or blacks.... <_<

Don't look now, but I don't think there's actually such thing as a "black lifestyle" or a "Jewish lifestyle". However, there are indeed significant numbers in the homosexual community that continue to lead a high-risk lifestyle which is known to lead to astronomical drug and disease statistics in the gay community. Is it hateful to acknowledge that there are problems?

How about if one were to talk about stereotypical "black lifestyle", portraying them as theives, unfaithful husbands, etc... That would be an unjust, unfair, and incorrect generalization.... and any teacher that publicly promoted these ideas should suffer some consequences. Is this generalization statistically more or less accurate than the teacher's description of one element of the gay population...???? Is it not as hateful ??

One can look at Caribbean gang problems in Toronto or aboriginal gang problems on the prairies that have been allowed to fester and grow for years in complete silence because people have been so scared of causing offense that legitimate discussion of social problems has been stifled.
Was it a "gang problem" ?? If so, what's wrong with discussing it.

I don't believe there's anything wrong with discussing it. However, I would point out that just because I feel that way doesn't mean it's feasible. In theory it would be easy for any offended minority to file a human rights complaint against any such discussion; as I understand it, they don't need to show that the statements are harmful or without merit... all they need to make a complaint, apparently, is to fire off a letter. People can suffer legal expenses and damage to their reputation as a result of complaints, even if the complaints are without merit. But more seriously for society at large, it is quite possible that merely the threat of complaint stifles discussion of relevant issues.

And because a woman can similarly accuse a man of sexual assault, and result in devastating consequences, should we remove the legal system... in case it damages an innocent man's reputation.... ???? See my previous comment... (below)
Just because some people abuse a valid and good system, doesn't mean that it should be discarded. For example, if sexual perverts are conducting themselves indecently in public washrooms, the solution isn't to ban public washrooms, but rather to find a better method of policing them.... If human rights commissions are being abused, this should be dealt with to make the system function as intended, rather than shutting it down....

Sure. But now instead of dismissing the topic out of hand, you're discussing the topic, and even agreeing there's potential for abuse. It's not something to be dismissed out of hand. It could be quite important. As I said earlier, the possibility that "human rights" commissions could infringe on our constitutional freedoms is something we should be mindful of.


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Please show me the connection. Two people being at the same place at the same time doesn't make them collaborators. Show me any example of how the two have worked together. Anything.

Perle and Black are clearly soulmates:

Both were Primary Hollinger Directors

Both looted Hollinger

Both are being charged in the US for looting Holinger.

Harper and Black are clearly soulmates:

Black's Giant Media Chain Backs Harper and continually advances the neo-con agenda.

Harper was at 2003 Bilderburg Meeting holding Black's hand along with Perle and Wolfwitz

Richard Perle quote: If we go forth, and wage a total war, our children will sing great songs about us

Stephen Harper quote: Human rights commissions are an attack on our freedoms. It is in fact totalitarianism. I find this is very scary stuff.

Harper being part of Perle's cabal is very scary stuff.


What is Stephen Harper doing at a super-secret Bilderberg meeting of the Western worlds central bankers, defense experts, press barons, royalty, prime ministers, international financiers, industrialists and government officials?

The 2003 guest list includes names such as David Rockefeller, Richard Perle, Klaus Schwab (World Economic Forum), Henry Kissinger, the King and Queen of Spain, Paul Wolfowitz and a host of other bankers, corporate heads and royalty. Some Canadians in attendance included Conrad Black, Mark Steyn (National Post) Heather Reisman (Chapters-Indigo), Anthony Fell (RBC Dominion Securities) and Stephen Harper, Leader of the Opposition

Attending this meeting wouldn’t generally be a problem, but Harper has a history of kissing up to the worst of these guys while smearing Canada in the process.


The Bilderberg group's secret annual meeting determines many of the headlines and news developments that you will read about in the coming months. But the Establishment media completely black out any news of it and remain strangely reluctant to lift the curtain hiding this major event. A number of high-ranking members of the press who attend the annual meeting are sworn to secrecy, and news editors are held responsible if any of their journalists "inadvertently" report on what takes place. Yet few have ever heard of this exclusive and secretive group of the world's most powerful financiers, industrialists and political figures.

(Why would Bilderburg not want to advertise their agenda on a website? Obviously because the public would not find any benefit in that agenda. http://www.vivelecanada.ca/article.php?sto...005040313371980

Conrad Black (key Harper supporter and former owner of 3rd biggest media empire in the world, including the National Post and dozens of other Canadian newspapers) was working side by side with Richard Perle (architect of the Iraq Invasion, self proclaimed Darth Vader, and key pupeteer behind the Bush administration)

Both of these guys are being indicted over conspiracies involving Hollinger International

The amount of money stolen by Black and his cohort David Radler amounted to $400m, a staggering 95.2% of Hollinger’s net income for that period.

Hollinger went from being an expanding business to becoming a company whose sole preoccupation was generating current cash for the controlling shareholders (This same treasury plundering happened in the USA when the neo-cons came to power, and it will happen to Canada if Harper is elected. Remember how quickly Canada went into debt when Mulroney was elected?),

As a result of his involvement on Hollinger’s executive committee, uber-neoconservative Richard Perle, ‘The Prince of Darkness’, sometime Chairman of the Pentagon Defence Policy Board, may soon find himself out of pocket to the tune of 5 MILLION DOLLARS

Hawkish author Tom Clancy (Patriot Games and The Hunt for Red October) "almost came to blows" with Richard Perle. "Perle was saying how Colin Powell was being a wuss because he was overly concerned with the lives of the troops," Clancy said. "And I said, 'Look ..., he's supposed to think that way!' And Perle didn't agree with me on that. People like that worry me."

Lawrence Wilkerson, General Colin Powell's chief of staff until January this year, alleged that US policy on Iraq before and after the March 2003 invasion had been hijacked by an alliance between Dick Cheney and Defence Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, fostered by President George Bush's "detached" attitude to details of post-war planning.


Wilkerson even accused Vice-President Dick Cheney of creating the climate in which prisoner abuse could flourish, and implied that he might have committed war crimes.

Wilkerson said that Cheney must have sincerely believed that Iraq could be a spawning ground for new terror assaults, because "otherwise I have to declare him a moron, an idiot or a nefarious bastard."


Richard Perle would have been a key puppeteer in this Hijacking of the US Government. If Perle’s Network penetrates into Harper’s Government (see diagram above) Canada could face the same kind of neo-fascist hijacking that happened in the US.

Complacent conservatives, of course, assure us that whatever happens, Canada has a strong constitution and the rule of law prevails.

However, the Perle network in the US led the Bush Administration to withdraw from several international treaties, and contravene several international laws.

Bush (under the Perle Cabal’s Direction of course) was recently quoted as saying the US Constitution was just a GOD-DAMN PIECE OF PAPER.

“I don’t give a goddamn,” Bush said. “I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.”

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”

“Mr. President,” one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.”


Remember how furious Harper was that Chrétien wouldn't let Canadian soldiers die "shoulder to shoulder" with Americans over Iraq's non-existent weapons of mass destruction --- even when it was completely obvious that Iraq didn't pose any near-term threat to anybody?

Well the war drums are still beating. The neo-cons still have Iran, Syria and Venezuela in their gun sights.

How has Harper changed in the last few years. Probably not much -- though he may be more cunning.

If we just let our vision of the world go forth, and we embrace it entirely, and we don't try to piece together clever diplomacy but just wage a total war, our children will sing great songs about us years from now.

Richard Perle

It's hard to believe that key neocon puppeteers like Perle could change their philosophies that much overnight.

Westerners, but Albertans in particular, need to think hard about their future in this country. Albertans should decide that it is time to seek a new relationship with Canada. The next logical step is to begin building a much more autonomous Alberta. ( Stephen Harper National Post, December 8, 2000)

“Whether Canada ends up as one national government or two national governments or several national governments, or some other kind of arrangement is, quite frankly, secondary in my opinion… And whether Canada ends up with o­ne national government or two governments or ten governments, the Canadian people will require less government no matter what the constitutional status or arrangement of any future country may be.” (Stephen Harper Speech to the Colin Brown Memorial Dinner, National Citizens Coalition, 1994)

Harper's statements are clear to me. It wouldn't even surprise me if Harper is backing the Quebec separatists because he hopes that will help precipitate Alberta's (or nothern Alberta's) separation.

Do you know that a start up job at MacDonalds in Northern Alberta pays $17/hr. No wonder these guys think they are so hard done by.

Harper's relationship with the Conrad Black and Richard Perle indicates that maybe the whole thing is in someway tied with Bush's energy policy. Are Bush's buddies trying to get "freer" access to Alberta's oilfields?

Canadians should get very serious and look into this instead of treating it like it is such an unlikely scenario.

Don't forget that even oil-rich Venezuela is in the Perle Cabal's gunsights.

I'm afraid your tinfoil hat is wrapped a little too tight. Do you even read what you post?

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You know, River has some intense posts. But to ridicule them offhand is totally inappropriate.

To post the same demented, blustering nonsense over and over and over again in great big bright colours on multiple threads is totally inappropriate, too.

Why does the right continue to demean others? Even if it's entirely bogus, do you get some perverse please about trashing the person who wrote it?


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You know, River has some intense posts. But to ridicule them offhand is totally inappropriate. Why does the right continue to demean others? Even if it's entirely bogus, do you get some perverse please about trashing the person who wrote it?

Do you honestly want to know why we ridicule him? Because he is here as a troll trying to get the ire of conservatives. Given that is his intention and he is such a wing nut in what he does, why should we accord him respect that he isn`t showing us?

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You know, River has some intense posts. But to ridicule them offhand is totally inappropriate. Why does the right continue to demean others? Even if it's entirely bogus, do you get some perverse please about trashing the person who wrote it?

Thanks newbie. You have to understand that the neo-fascists have no interest in debate. They are aggressively pursuing their agenda and they try to demean anyone who questions them in 4 ways.

examples are:

(1) A petty, completely mindless, attempt at diverting the question, without making any attempt to either answer or even acknowledge it.

Try using the "Insert Image" feature.

Or, rather, please don't (by PocketRocket)

This has been used to a highly cluttering degree on this site

(2) Make fun of the question without making any attempt to answer it.

Can you provide a link with a picture of these guys holding hands??? That would make a wonderful addition to my collection of "Strange Bedfellows" pictures.

I can put it right beside Sonny and Cher (by PocketRocket)

A moderately funny attempt at diverting the question, without making any attempt to either answer or even acknowledge the issue.

(3) Moderate Belligerence under the guise of Humor

I'm afraid your tinfoil hat is wrapped a little too tight. Do you even read what you post? (by Cybercoma)

This is a moderately aggressive, completely mindless, hate filled attack. Note that cybercoma even sounds like Darth Vader (aka key neo-con puppeteer Richard Perle)

(4) Outright hate filled belligerence

With a nickname like RiverGod, hopefully the song they sing will be "Smoke on the Water", right after you and your conspiracy theories get nuked.

My word, you are certainly obsessed. (by PocketRocket)

Again a completely mindless attack without making any attempt to either answer or even acknowledge the issue.

The neo-con movement has clearly become unbalanced when media giants like FOX NEWS label the biggest capitalists in the world as “left-wing” if they don’t pledge unquestioning blind allegiance to Cheney and Bush’s Administration.

The American fanatical-right are trying to create a culture of double-think, where people who question the Iraq War are left-wing traitors who are endangering the troops. Stunningly, zealots who want to expand the crusade to Syria, Iran and Venezuela are supposedly keeping the troops safely out of harms way.

The sad reality is, of course, that the fanatical right is becoming more entrenched as the neo-fascist right (Pillaging National treasuries in the process). The neo-fascist corporate welfare scheme of pork-barreling military contractors and oil companies doesn't seem to be concerned with democracy, freedom or capitalism--it is far closer to an ideology of theft and repression.

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Actually it was a very fair question. They probably weren`t actually holding hands. So why would you say that they were? Why are you avoiding this question? pot-kettle kettle-pot

Can you provide a link with a picture of these guys holding hands??? That would make a wonderful addition to my collection of "Strange Bedfellows" pictures.

I can put it right beside Sonny and Cher (by PocketRocket)

A moderately funny attempt at diverting the question, without making any attempt to either answer or even acknowledge the issue.

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You know, River has some intense posts.
Intense isn't the word I'd use, but ok.
But to ridicule them offhand is totally inappropriate. Why does the right continue to demean others? Even if it's entirely bogus, do you get some perverse please about trashing the person who wrote it?

I made an honest effort to boil down his bloated cut-n-paste laden ramblings to their essense and respond to the actual points he's making (as meagre as those are) and what did I get for my trouble? He cut-n-pasted the same rambling pile of poo back to me, and reposted the same pile of poo to respond to somebody else as well. He hasn't made any effort to actually participate in discussion. In fact, he hasn't even shown he's capable of original thought. All of this stuff he's posting might easily have been copied word-for-word from some website. Maybe I'll spend a few minutes later on and see if I can find a website that these messages have been copied word-for-word from. (do you think I'll succeed?)

I'm happy to discuss things with people who are willing to put some effort and original thought into a discussion. River_god has done neither. I don't think he's earned any further effort. This is like trying to have a discussion with a street-corner preacher. Try and ask him some questions and he'll just jam a Jack Chick tract into your hand and keep on ranting.

Here's a challenge for you, n00b... you seemed so impressed by his message in the Morals and Religions section... "A New Years Blessing for GW Bush". I invite you to paraphrase him. Produce a nice, concise little summary. That's my challenge. I'm curious to see what you come up with, and whether you still think it's such a brilliant post after you've gone through the exercise.


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If you can follow the information it will lead you into a weird web of high profile high powered people who have banded together to further their own agendas by manipulating politics and media.

The truth is coming out in the States. This is not unlike the same type of "conspiracy" River God is trying to make people aware of.

Unfortunately the inability for people to believe that such a conspiracy is plausable has allowed them to continue operating. But the end may soon be near. The fallout of what is happening in the US will have far reaching implications. People will hopefully be more willing to investigate alleged conspiracies, and not dismiss obvious questionable connections. If the ties do exist as RG has pointed out, then the CPC will make the Liberal Party look like a bunch of Boy Scouts.

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If you can follow the information it will lead you into a weird web of high profile high powered people who have banded together to further their own agendas by manipulating politics and media.

The truth is coming out in the States. This is not unlike the same type of "conspiracy" River God is trying to make people aware of.

Unfortunately the inability for people to believe that such a conspiracy is plausable has allowed them to continue operating. But the end may soon be near. The fallout of what is happening in the US will have far reaching implications. People will hopefully be more willing to investigate alleged conspiracies, and not dismiss obvious questionable connections. If the ties do exist as RG has pointed out, then the CPC will make the Liberal Party look like a bunch of Boy Scouts.

Gawd, the Muricans again.

Funny, the only conspiracy we actually do know of is that of the Liberal party to defraud the people Canada. Last I looked there were several investigations going on. When you find evidence concerning alleged conspiracies that the Auditor General will listen to, or you can take to the RCMP, I'm sure we will all pay attention.

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Guest eureka

It is not a conspiracy theory. I have posted a couple of times about the fact that a meeting in California in 1973 ended with the determination of a number of wealthy American families to gain control of the media and to found several Right Wing foundations.

They did that and brought about the election of Reagan and the rise of the Republican Party.

There are ties between some Right Wing elements in Canada and that group. More than that I do not know, but they have been effective as evidenced by the commentary of Right Wingers here which has swallowed the propaganda hook, line, and sinker.

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If you can follow the information it will lead you into a weird web of high profile high powered people who have banded together to further their own agendas by manipulating politics and media.

The truth is coming out in the States. This is not unlike the same type of "conspiracy" River God is trying to make people aware of.

Unfortunately the inability for people to believe that such a conspiracy is plausable has allowed them to continue operating. But the end may soon be near. The fallout of what is happening in the US will have far reaching implications. People will hopefully be more willing to investigate alleged conspiracies, and not dismiss obvious questionable connections. If the ties do exist as RG has pointed out, then the CPC will make the Liberal Party look like a bunch of Boy Scouts.

If this is as frightening as you say, how worried should we be that Paul Martin attended the conference in 1996? He's obviously been part of this secret cabal for much longer than Harper.



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That`s the beauty of using terms like *ultra right rhetoric*. Undefinable, so basically tough to dispute.

By shifting the ground of the debate you are veering off into irrelevance. A plurality of Canadians do not think of Harper as *scary* *scary* *scary*.

That has proven to be a losing strategy so far. Try something else or get ready for Paul Martin Official Leader of the Opposition. :lol:

Did Martin make a speech full of ultra right rhetoric at the convention?

Harper did.

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If this is as frightening as you say, how worried should we be that Paul Martin attended the conference in 1996? He's obviously been part of this secret cabal for much longer than Harper.



Attending this meeting wouldn’t generally be a problem, but Harper has a history of kissing up to the worst of these guys while smearing Canada in the process.


Perle and Black are clearly soulmates:

Both were Primary Hollinger Directors

Both looted Hollinger

Both are being charged in the US for looting Holinger.

Harper and Black are clearly soulmates:

Black's Giant Media Chain Backs Harper and continually advances the neo-con agenda.

Harper was at 2003 Bilderburg Meeting holding Black's hand along with Perle and Wolfwitz

Richard Perle quote: If we go forth, and wage a total war, our children will sing great songs about us

Stephen Harper quote: Human rights commissions are an attack on our freedoms. It is in fact totalitarianism. I find this is very scary stuff.

Harper being part of Perle's cabal is very scary stuff.

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The speech has been posted. If you fail to see the ultra right rhetoric in it that is your own problem, and will most likely lead you to believe a Harper-led conservative Govt would be good for this country.

Unfortunately what he displays in that speech is a desire to dismantle the country as we know it and rebuild a more privatized, Americanistic, fend-for-yourself country in it's place.

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If you can follow the information it will lead you into a weird web of high profile high powered people who have banded together to further their own agendas by manipulating politics and media.

The truth is coming out in the States. This is not unlike the same type of "conspiracy" River God is trying to make people aware of.

Unfortunately the inability for people to believe that such a conspiracy is plausable has allowed them to continue operating. But the end may soon be near. The fallout of what is happening in the US will have far reaching implications. People will hopefully be more willing to investigate alleged conspiracies, and not dismiss obvious questionable connections. If the ties do exist as RG has pointed out, then the CPC will make the Liberal Party look like a bunch of Boy Scouts.

If this is as frightening as you say, how worried should we be that Paul Martin attended the conference in 1996? He's obviously been part of this secret cabal for much longer than Harper.



Conspiracy theories take on a life of their own and today, reach a much wider audience. They are usually based on paranoia and are unsubstantiated. They appeal to those who wish to distract people from serious discussion of government corruption etc. It doesn't matter what the source or how psychotic these theories are, they remain a distraction and serve the wider purpose.

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