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The perfect Paul Martin Moment


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Wrong, again, Bubber.  I think you need to be a little closer to the right in your ideology to actually know what righties are thinking on Christmas, you pot crusader!!  At any rate Christmas is still the most highly anticipated holiday of the year, judging by the amount of Christmas shoppers in any mall this time of year.

I didn't think a winking smiley face was necessary when I said Christmas is on its way out, Sharkman I thought the sarcasm would be obvious. I must remember to s-p-e-l-l things out for you more clearly. (Oh, and BTW, why'd you back down from the pot debate? Out of your league, again.

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You wrote- " I was referring t o a specific quote by Leafless, which he appears to have since recanted. We all agree to love Canada, let's move on."

No sorry Bubber.

I said a better word than love could be used to describe one's dedication to Canada suggesting the word patriotic.

But I also said the ingerdients to this important quality is being diluted to a meaningless word under Liberal leadership.

So in fact at this time since I excluded 'love' as a proper word to describe ones feelings towards the country and the Liberals have destroyed the ingredients for one being patriotic towards this country, so at this time I can describe myself with little loyality left to support this country period.

In fact my screen I.D. reflects how I feel about canada.

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Christmas was “X” a long time ago. Look, in the 15th century X-mas emerged as a widely used symbol for Christmas. You can decide whether it is a plot to overthrow Christendom then or now

How do you think we ended up with Xmas? X is an unknown variable in mathematics and can take on unknown meaning

Christ was X out literally in Christmas and replace with X the unknown.

X is used to replace Christ in Christmas i.e Xmas

I mean its a pretty long time trying to be politically correct.

Happy holidays folks

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"You can love the life you're living or you can live the life you love." Canada under the Conservatives may remove that choice. The does one continue to love Canada.

I find that a very strange thing to say. How exactly would the conservatives remove a choice of loving life, and exactly which policy would do that?

Personally I think they would enhance it (life in Canada)

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I am afraid that you are missing something. The GST is not a regressive tax and, in fact, it would be better to raise it and to rethink other taxes.

Most economists agree that Consumption taxes are the fairest and most efficacious taxes. The countries that do have effective tax systems have far higher rates.

Harper and company know this yet they propose to worsen the situation and to make the already cumbersome and ineffective tax system more unfair to both the needy and to business.

It is just about the lowest form of politicking: to sell out the economic furure of the country for an appeal to the uninformed voter.

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It is just about the lowest form of politicking: to sell out the economic furure of the country for an appeal to the uninformed voter.

That's why the Libs tried using the GST to buy votes by saying they would get rid of it back in '93, it perfectly suited their style of politics.Then lied about it.

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Cutting the GST, the most regressive tax in Canadian history, is a proposal that would help the poor most. Or am I missing something?

How much money is this poor person going to save with a 2 cent GST reduction. They have no money to spend in the first place, so how is saving them 2 cents on a dollar going to help. The $49.50 which I believe is the basic GST rebate check, which is given out 4 times a year, would be equal to spending $2475 on Taxable Goods and Services every three months. What poor person do you know that has $2475 every three months in disposable income? Thats money after rent or mortgage payments. After food.

A cut to the GST only saves money for those who have money to spend.

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How do you define a regressive tax?

How is cutting the rate of the GST *more* unfair to the needy and to business?

How is cutting the rate of the GST selling out Canada's economic future?

I am afraid that you are missing something. The GST is not a regressive tax and, in fact, it would be better to raise it and to rethink other taxes.

Harper and company know this yet they propose to worsen the situation and to make the already cumbersome and ineffective tax system more unfair to both the needy and to business.

It is just about the lowest form of politicking: to sell out the economic furure of the country for an appeal to the uninformed voter.

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The GST is not regresive for the reasons that have been given. Simply, it does not affect the lower income groups disproportionately. Economically, the reason for consumption taxes is that they are held to discourage wasteful spending and to encourage investment for productive purposes.

Investment in Canada, and the US incidentally, has been slipping for years and that is in considerable part, the consequence of these taxes.

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Simply because their every policy proposal is designed to further impoverish the already poor.

Whatever choices those people might have had will be gone a la Harris & Co.

The CPC proposals are designed to help the poor, to stimulate the economy and create more jobs. There are 7 million or so people who little or no taxes, those people will benefit the the GST cut. Funny, the GST was so hated, now all of a sudden its a good tax and we should keep it.

Just as Margaret Thatcher once excoriated the low state of Britain enfeebled by socialism and gutless government at the same time as she passionately loved her country, so conservative Canadians cherish the country we could be, while strongly condemning the hypocritical arrogance of Liberal Canada. It is indeed a sad state of affairs when we are told that the only Canadian values are liberal ideology and liberal values.

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Stick to trying to defend the Conservative proposals. It won't be easy they are indefensible and sliding into "values" and "cheishing the country" does not alter the economic effect of those proposals.

They will further skew the tax system in favout of the wealthier. They will discourage investment. They will cost jobs not create them and they will do nothing in even the short term for the diadvantaged.

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Simply because their every policy proposal is designed to further impoverish the already poor.

Whatever choices those people might have had will be gone a la Harris & Co.

The CPC proposals are designed to help the poor, to stimulate the economy and create more jobs. There are 7 million or so people who little or no taxes, those people will benefit the the GST cut. Funny, the GST was so hated, now all of a sudden its a good tax and we should keep it.

Just as Margaret Thatcher once excoriated the low state of Britain enfeebled by socialism and gutless government at the same time as she passionately loved her country, so conservative Canadians cherish the country we could be, while strongly condemning the hypocritical arrogance of Liberal Canada. It is indeed a sad state of affairs when we are told that the only Canadian values are liberal ideology and liberal values.

Good post, Harper's policy and proposals will sure benefit Canada and improve the economy. The best form of welfare is a job !

Socialism has been shown to be a failure; by its very nature, it is an inherently tyrannical ideology that uses force or the threat of force to take from those who produce and redistribute to those who don't (after the ruling elites take their cut). Under socialism, all power rests in the hands of the almighty State.

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Martin was out buying a wreath the other day, with the reporteres along for the photo op. But then a reporter jokingly asked him if it was a Christmas wreath or a "holiday" wreath.

"Simple Question. Martin's reaction? You know how a deer looks when it's caught in the headlights just before a truck hits it? That's what our 21st Prime Minister looked like. After a few moments of uncomfortable silence in which you could see Martin struggling to come up with a safe, inoffensive and politically correct answer, he finally blurted out "It's a $240 wreath!" Ha, ha, ha." 

How sad. Our Prime Minister, a man of 67, a Christian (Catholic) and a succesful businessman before entering politics can't bring himself to utter the word "Christmas" in the context of buying his own family a Christmas wreath."

Lorrie Goldstein - Sun media

Martin had no problems with wishing all of us a Merry Christmas in his closing remarks at the end of the debate with the rest following his lead.

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I understand your moniker, Southern Comfort. It must give you great comfort parroting the silly and unsupportable statements that come from the mouths of the Republicans from the South.

Your statements could do with a little enlightend commentary from some who might think that way. I suspect, though, that it will be hard to find them since no economist with more than half a brain thinks so.

It will be equally difficult to find support for the Bush/Reagn.Thatcher ideological claptrap.

It really is sad that people who profess interest in political affairs can be so steeped in mythology as reality.

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The CPC proposals are designed to help the poor, to stimulate the economy and create more jobs.  There are 7 million or so people who little or no taxes, those people will benefit the the GST cut.  Funny, the GST was so hated, now all of a sudden its a good tax and we should keep it.

Just as Margaret Thatcher once excoriated the low state of Britain enfeebled by socialism and gutless government at the same time as she passionately loved her country, so conservative Canadians cherish the country we could be, while strongly condemning the hypocritical arrogance of Liberal Canada. It is indeed a sad state of affairs when we are told that the only Canadian values are liberal ideology and liberal values.

Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe the majority of Canadians simply looked at Conservative ideology and values and reject them and that is why we have liberal ideology and values? I know that Harper has been acting liberal-lite and trying to bend to Canadian ideology and values but this just confuses everyone because he has to leave his conservative ideology and values hidden.

And where does this figure of 7 million who pay little or no taxes come from? Looking at someone who pays no taxes, they would have to earn around $10,000 next year and have a dependant. Under Harper's GST cut they would have to spend their whole income on taxable goods to save $100 in GST. That would mean no money left for groceries, rent or mortgage payments which are GST exempt and the real goods that lower income families spend their money on. Whooppeee!!! They would though get $1200 per year if their dependant was under six years of age, so they would have a little money for "beer and popcorn."

Compare this to the Liberal Plan. Basic exemption raised by $500 with a point reduction in the tax rate, meaning more lower income Canadians would not have to pay taxes, so you could raise that 7 million to maybe 9 or 10 million, (I'm just guessing) and with funding to create more child-care spaces modeled after the Quebec plan, day care for these people would be around $7 per day. Now THAT is real saving.

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That's a bit overly simplistic. That's like saying under capitalism, the corporate elites hoard all the wealth, leaving scraps for the rest. That's only the case if you work at Wal-Mart.

You cannot tax a populace to wealth. Tax reductions are for the benefit of all and particularly aid the working poor. We all want less taxation for all and concern about the under-trodden victim, etc, etc, is not the monopoly of socialists.

As far as I'm concerned its the liberals who are selling out Canadians, and if you want to see the economy die and jobs leave, watch how fast that will happen if an NDP should ever get a majory.

To liberals, "compassion" means giving less productive people the fruits of the efforts of more productive people. But real compassion means enabling less productive people to become more productive themselves. That way, the poor have not only more material things but also more self-respect, as well as more respect from others, and the society as a whole has a higher standard of living and less internal strife. -- Thomas Sowell

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The CPC proposals are designed to help the poor, to stimulate the economy and create more jobs.  There are 7 million or so people who little or no taxes, those people will benefit the the GST cut.   Funny, the GST was so hated, now all of a sudden its a good tax and we should keep it.

Just as Margaret Thatcher once excoriated the low state of Britain enfeebled by socialism and gutless government at the same time as she passionately loved her country, so conservative Canadians cherish the country we could be, while strongly condemning the hypocritical arrogance of Liberal Canada. It is indeed a sad state of affairs when we are told that the only Canadian values are liberal ideology and liberal values.

How is saving 2 cents on the dollar supposed to help some one who has nothing to begin with. For the thousandth time, the GST cut will only help people who have lots of disposable income. If you can't afford to buy a sweater, how is saving 50 cents on it going to help you.

You have to understand there are poor people out there who pay their bills, feed their kids and if they are lucky they have enough money to rent a movie on the weekend. You need to see that with the full 2 cent reduction, you would have to spend $5000 before GST in order to save yourself just $100. If I have no money to spend, I save nothing. How does that help the poor?

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"What do our opponents mean when they apply to us the label "Liberal?"

But if by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people -their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal," then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal." -JOHN F. KENNEDY

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Low income people won't save as much, but they do have to spend money to live, but the GST is only a portion of the CPC tax platform, not the whole, they have put forward other proposals.

The net effect of a 2% GST reduction, as far as the lower income (under $20K/per person) households are concerned: Immediate 2% savings on all GST taxable items and services. So they will save SOME GST money on SOME things, which appears better than saving NO GST money on ANYthing. So the overall tax burden on the poor will shrink further which is what most people want - less taxes for the poor.

Unless of course the criticism is based on the usual politics of envy, and don't forget that 2% off the price of a new house or a car is a big savings.

Focusing on the GST opens the opportunity for much needed reform of this consumption tax and of related provincial taxes, personal income tax.

e.g. the current $30,000 annual-sales threshold for firms to register for GST could easily be doubled or even tripled at modest revenue cost. This would make life much easier for many small businesses. It would also significantly reduce both private tax compliance costs and public tax administration costs.

Even more important, a cut in the federal GST could be used to leverage reforms in the most economically damaging provincial taxes. Cutting the GST rate in a province could be tied to its agreement to phasing out its corporate capital tax and reforming its sales tax to remove the bias against business investment. Both of those changes would promote productivity and economic growth.

Cutting the GST itself will bring economic benefits, , so Tory tax policy could well deliver good economics as well as good politics.

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To liberals, "compassion" means giving less productive people the fruits of the efforts of more productive people. -- Thomas Sowell

What an offensive statement! Mentally and/or physically disabled individuals are often less productive. Many of them work and of those who don't, I suspect abilities might be a problem. What's wrong with more productive people giving them the fruits of their labour? Are you suggesting that we return to an era where private charity was the only help available to those who can't work?

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