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Opposition Agrrement on Election

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The leaders of the three opposition parties in the House of Commons met this afternoon. They agreed to support an NDP (New Democratic Party) motion that will be moved at the earliest possible opportunity calling on the government to agree to call an election in the first week of January, 2006.

Mr. (Jack) Layton (the NDP leader) said, "We welcome the openness to a common sense compromise demonstrated today. If three parties can agree on a compromise path that allows things to get done this fall and avoid a holiday election, we await Mr. Martin explaining why the Liberal Party cannot."

"While we would prefer to move more quickly, this NDP proposal does allow Parliament to complete some business in the public interest and avoid a Christmas election, if that is what the government really wants," Mr. (Stephen) Harper (the Conservative leader) said.

The leader of the Bloc Quebecois, Gilles Duceppe, said that "the debate on the question of Liberal privilege about the sponsorship scandal will continue until the government commits itself in writing to maintain the Supply Days of November 15, 17, 22 and 24, 2005 and not prorogue the House prior to the call of the election."

Should the government refuse to debate this motion or refuse to abide by the motion if it is passed, then the Leader of the Opposition, seconded by the Leader of the New Democratic Party, will move a motion of non-confidence in the government the following week.

The opposition house leaders will meet shortly to discuss which bills should pass Parliament.

Conservative Party website

Now, how will Martin respond? I suspect he'll dither and claim this means nothing and he intends to govern as he was elected to do and get on with the business of government...

That implies that the government will fall on a non-confidence motion in December and we will have an election in early January, before Gomery II.

Also, can the House pass a motion binding the government to call an election at a future date? What happens if the government doesn't abide by its commitment?

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The leaders of the three opposition parties in the House of Commons met this afternoon. They agreed to support an NDP (New Democratic Party) motion that will be moved at the earliest possible opportunity calling on the government to agree to call an election in the first week of January, 2006.

Mr. (Jack) Layton (the NDP leader) said, "We welcome the openness to a common sense compromise demonstrated today. If three parties can agree on a compromise path that allows things to get done this fall and avoid a holiday election, we await Mr. Martin explaining why the Liberal Party cannot."

"While we would prefer to move more quickly, this NDP proposal does allow Parliament to complete some business in the public interest and avoid a Christmas election, if that is what the government really wants," Mr. (Stephen) Harper (the Conservative leader) said.

The leader of the Bloc Quebecois, Gilles Duceppe, said that "the debate on the question of Liberal privilege about the sponsorship scandal will continue until the government commits itself in writing to maintain the Supply Days of November 15, 17, 22 and 24, 2005 and not prorogue the House prior to the call of the election."

Should the government refuse to debate this motion or refuse to abide by the motion if it is passed, then the Leader of the Opposition, seconded by the Leader of the New Democratic Party, will move a motion of non-confidence in the government the following week.

The opposition house leaders will meet shortly to discuss which bills should pass Parliament.

Conservative Party website

Now, how will Martin respond? I suspect he'll dither and claim this means nothing and he intends to govern as he was elected to do and get on with the business of government...

That implies that the government will fall on a non-confidence motion in December and we will have an election in early January, before Gomery II.

Also, can the House pass a motion binding the government to call an election at a future date? What happens if the government doesn't abide by its commitment?

He probably will dither, but I suspect he will find some way to bring Layton back.

No way the Liberals want to go to the polls before Gomery II where they can have an electorate-seducing pre-election budget.

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Would that be dithering or telling the opposition to observe Parliamentary procedure? I am beginning to hope that Martin rubs their noses in it. This could be a monumantal mistake by all the opposition parties.

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Harper gets criticized for not being a team player and yet that is clearly what he has demonstrated he is. This process, Layton's idea, has been handled intelligently. I assume that these three, and they're certainly not naive, have figured out a way to ensure the Liberals have no wriggle room.

This agreement appears, and it must be seen this way, as honest men standing up to a tyrant.

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Harper gets criticized for not being a team player and yet that is clearly what he has demonstrated he is.  This process, Layton's idea, has been handled intelligently.  I assume that these three, and they're certainly not naive, have figured out a way to ensure the Liberals have no wriggle room.

This agreement appears, and it must be seen this way, as honest men standing up to a tyrant.

Calling Martin a tyrant seems a bit harsh to me...

Sure the man will do ANYTHING to stay in power, but sincerely it seems to me that he made a promise to call an election within 30 days of the Gomery Report II.

Why not let him???

It just seems to me that the Conservatives are just demonstrating that they are just as power-hungry as the Liberals...does anyone REALLY speak for us, the people that live, work, go to school etc. in this country???

I say save our money and, for the record, let this government wear itself out. I, for one, say the later the election the better...and I probably will vote Conservative in the next election, if just to see another minority...

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Would that be dithering or telling the opposition to observe Parliamentary procedure? I am beginning to hope that Martin rubs their nises in it. This could be a monumantal mistake by all the opposition parties.

Oh boy, I look forward to the Prime Minister telling the voice of the majority of voters to piss off.

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Well, it appears we have the answer - although as always with the Liberals, it is a trial balloon:

Martin appears to be prepared to call the oppositions bluff and take his chances with a holiday campaign - and point the finger of blame at his political opponents for any inconvenience to the electorate.

"They can bring forward a motion of non-confidence," said a senior Liberal who spoke on condition of anonymity. "They will win that vote, and there will be a Christmas election."

Conservative Leader Stephen Harper said Martin can avoid interfering with holiday celebrations if he accepts the opposition's alternative proposal.

Under that scenario, Harper, Jack Layton of the NDP and Gilles Duceppe of the Bloc would let the government survive through the end of the year, as long as Martin promises in writing to call an election early in January.

And we also find out how the three were going to get Liberal compliance - a signed letter from Martin. (I don't know if that would work.) Canoe
Calling Martin a tyrant seems a bit harsh to me...
Yes, it is. And I certainly didn't mean to compare Martin to Caligula. But historically, Liberals lose elections when they are perceived to be arrogant and unaccountable - tyrannical. And that is what the Liberals are now.
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Money shot:

Layton told reporters: "If Mr. Harper can compromise, why can't Mr. Martin?

"It's offered in good faith and I believe that it's one he should accept. Particularly given that (Martin) spoke a lot about the democratic deficit, and after all, we have here three parties who represent the majority in the House who are offering this particular compromise," he said.

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Money shot:
Layton told reporters: "If Mr. Harper can compromise, why can't Mr. Martin?
Layton's compromise is a poisoned chalice since Gomery II will be released two weeks before the vote. Martin would have to be an idiot to accept those terms. If Jack really wants to avoid a Xmas election then he could suggest that Gomery II be delayed to after the election. However, I suspect the timing of Gomery II figures prominently in Jack's schemes so I don't think he will back of on that. Get ready for an Xmas election everyone.
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If Jack really wants to avoid a Xmas election then he could suggest that Gomery II be delayed to after the election.
Compromise means not having everything your own way. The Liberals want it all.

The last time the Liberals behaved like this, 1957 and 1984, they were soundly defeated. This time, it would require a large shift in their numbers (which I don't think will happen). But I think the only one to lose today was Paul Martin. It is unlikely he'll be PM next summer.

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Dear August1991,

Yes, it is. And I certainly didn't mean to compare Martin to Caligula. But historically, Liberals lose elections when they are perceived to be arrogant and unaccountable - tyrannical. And that is what the Liberals are now.
I am not worried about a holiday time election. In fact, getting rid of Martin Hood and his Merry Men (who rob from everyone and give to themselves) might be a dandy Christmas gift to all Canadians.
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Is there a precedent which the opposition parties could draw upon concerning Layton's proposal? I'm asking, I have searched but have not found anything yet.

I have to laugh at Martin's stance as he claims that the Liberals will not play politics on this issue yet at the same time Goodale rolls out tax cuts for all of us (economic update my ass). Funny how Liberal priorities change in the midst of an election (ok...impending election).

Regardless of weather Layton's proposal can be dismissed via parlimentary procedure, I am hoping most Canadian voters see this as a breach of ethical and moral procedure by the Liberal party which may chose to ignore the wishes of all opposition parties who together form a majority.

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If memory serves correctly times are very ripe for a repeat of 1984. This far out of the election the Liberals were trying to paint Mulroney as scary. Hopefully it works as well for them this time around...

The last time the Liberals behaved like this, 1957 and 1984, they were soundly defeated.  This time, it would require a large shift in their numbers (which I don't think will happen).  But I think the only one to lose today was Paul Martin.  It is unlikely he'll be PM next summer.

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Dear Minimus Maximus,

I have to laugh at Martin's stance as he claims that the Liberals will not play politics on this issue yet at the same time Goodale rolls out tax cuts for all of us (economic update my ass). Funny how Liberal priorities change in the midst of an election (ok...impending election).
Indeed, I think all moves from this point forward can be seen as 'election posturing'. If Layton changes his stance and deals with the Liberals re:health care, and then reneges on his previous stance of 'not having faith in the gov't, it will be curtains for the NDP as well (in the credibility dept.) In that case, I would expect a PC minority with the BQ holding the balance of power. Might even be a good thing.
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Martin is gone gone gone soon after the election.

Supose Michael DOESN'T win the "Beautiful Minds" competition .... who else is waiting in the wings?

My money is on Frank McKenna, with Brian Tobin as a dark horse.

Win or lose, Martin is gone.

He has way way too much baggage now, and he is also getting too old at 67.

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Martin definitely won't run again. The only way he doesn't get forced out by the end of 2006 is IFF he wins a majority. Pretty doubtful, but he would be 71 at the end of that term anyways.

I would actually think about voting Liberal with McKenna at the helm.

What about Manley?

My money is on Frank McKenna, with Brian Tobin as a dark horse.

Win or lose, Martin is gone.

He has way way too much baggage now, and he is also getting too old at 67.

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Martin definitely won't run again. The only way he doesn't get forced out by the end of 2006 is IFF he wins a majority. Pretty doubtful, but he would be 71 at the end of that term anyways.

I would actually think about voting Liberal with McKenna at the helm.

What about Manley?

My money is on Frank McKenna, with Brian Tobin as a dark horse.

Win or lose, Martin is gone.

He has way way too much baggage now, and he is also getting too old at 67.

I don't know if, in this day and age, if I would talk about the "age" of a politician. Regan was about Martin's age when he took over the U.S. Granted, Regan acted like he was in his 40s and was a lot more charming than Martin.

I would have to investigate McKenna more before I could say that I would vote for him. People are forgetting about John Manley, Martin Cauchon, and others that were Chretien Liberals and cabinet ministers. I wouldn't rule them out, especially Manley.

It will be tough for Martin to a majority unless he seems to be acting coherently. He isn't a natural politician...he really needs to shed that detached CEO look.

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I would have to investigate McKenna more before I could say that I would vote for him.  People are forgetting about John Manley, Martin Cauchon, and others that were Chretien Liberals and cabinet ministers.  I wouldn't rule them out, especially Manley.
Anybody who is a 'Chretien' liberal does not have a snowballs chance in hell of becoming PM (assuming the Liberals would be dumb enough to elect another leader that could be linked to the sponsership scandal).
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Martin is gone gone gone soon after the election.

Supose Michael DOESN'T win the "Beautiful Minds" competition .... who else is waiting in the wings?

My money is on Frank McKenna, with Brian Tobin as a dark horse.

Win or lose, Martin is gone.

He has way way too much baggage now, and he is also getting too old at 67.

Martin's biggest baggage, IMO, is his bad relations with the Americans. And some of it is starting to rub off on Frank McKenna, I think.

Captain Canada ? I don't think so.

What about Michael?

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I would have to investigate McKenna more before I could say that I would vote for him.  People are forgetting about John Manley, Martin Cauchon, and others that were Chretien Liberals and cabinet ministers.  I wouldn't rule them out, especially Manley.
Anybody who is a 'Chretien' liberal does not have a snowballs chance in hell of becoming PM (assuming the Liberals would be dumb enough to elect another leader that could be linked to the sponsership scandal).

I am not sure that John Manley can be directly associated with the sposnorship scandal.

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I am not sure that John Manley can be directly associated with the sposnorship scandal.
No more so than Paul Martin. That will not stop his opponents from using his association with Chretien to imply he was involved.

True...though he seems pretty much covered in Teflon...that man wants more influence in this country's government.

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