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Politically incorrect rant


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I'm not politically correct. And that's not going to fucking change. I'm sick of the shrill, whiny people of all races and colors, of all genders and gender preferences and sexual orientations all fucking bitching and whining and complaining about how hard they've got it. Fuck off, the lot of you! You're living in just about the least racist/sexist/homophobic country in the least racist/sexist/homophobic part of the world in the least racist/sexist/homophobic time in history and all you can do is fucking whine about it. Endlessly! The media can fuck right off with their desperate need to keep foisting their progressive indignation in my face and digging up every argument or incident between someone white and someone else. You think I don't know you're ignoring all the other ones? I'm not as dumb as you guys are.

Black people. I'm sick of seeing you all over my TV because woke networks and advertisers think they're insulating themselves from accusations of racism and virtue signalling to the rest of us. They never show natives or Indians or Hispanics or anyone else. Just Black people because they're in fashion this year.  Fuck off! BLM is bullshit. You don't want to get shot by police, don't be a criminal, don't resist arrest, do as you're told when the  poorly trained man with the gun points it at you and screams orders. And by the way, it would help if you finished high school and didn't get pregnant  until you were married or at least in a long term relationship. Also, get a job. It would help you, and it would help society.

Natives. Listen, there are a billion people, maybe two, who would give their left nut to come and live here. They don't speak the language. They don't even use the same alphabet. It's fucking cold here compared to where they live. But they'll come to improve their lives. You guys want to sit in the bush and whine about the lost glories of your hunter/gatherer tribes when you used to live to 30, by all means do so. Don't expect me to feel sorry for you. Get your ass somewhere there's jobs and take one. The world does not owe you a living into perpetuity.

Women. What the fuck do you have to complain about? Seriously! You're living in paradise for women. You can do anything you damn well want, and if some guy so much as looks at you twice you can complain to HR. Can't get a man? Maybe put down the donuts and exercise a little. And by the way, if all a guy has to do to get into your pants is swipe right on Twitter that's all you're going to get from him. Maybe keep your legs closed a little longer and try to set up some kind of actual relationship? Maybe that would be good? Maybe you girls could hold a meeting about that. In the meantime you can fuck right off about your complaints about 'toxic masculinity'.

Transgenders. Get a bloody psychiatrist. There's something fucked in your skull. And no, I'm not going to use some weird made-up pronoun because you think that makes you 'whole. If you want to be a woman cut your dick off. Not gonna do that? Then you're not a woman. End of story. And no, you can't play football with the girls. I realize that's the only way you can be successful at a physical contest but if you can't compete with men then stop trying.

Muslims. A lot of your beliefs are not compatible with living in a sophisticated society. If you insist on holding to them I would suggest you go live in the shithole  you came from, where such views are considered acceptable. No, I'm not going to respect them. No, I'm not going to respect you. Especially since some of your beliefs say you should kill me. I'm not that bloody tolerant. You came here because life was better here. Life is better here because we don't pay attention to dumbass religious shit. And that's not changing.

Welcome to 2021. Let's hope it has less whining from all the drama queens and pathetic, sniveling activists and race hustlers.

Edited by Argus
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4 hours ago, Argus said:

I'm not politically correct. And that's not going to fucking change. I'm sick of the shrill, whiny people of all races and colors, of all genders and gender preferences and sexual orientations all fucking bitching and whining and complaining about how hard they've got it. Fuck off, the lot of you! You're living in just about the least racist/sexist/homophobic country in the least racist/sexist/homophobic part of the world in the least racist/sexist/homophobic time in history and all you can do is fucking whine about it. Endlessly! The media can fuck right off with their desperate need to keep foisting their progressive indignation in my face and digging up every argument or incident between someone white and someone else. You think I don't know you're ignoring all the other ones? I'm not as dumb as you guys are.

Black people. I'm sick of seeing you all over my TV because woke networks and advertisers think they're insulating themselves from accusations of racism and virtue signalling to the rest of us. They never show natives or Indians or Hispanics or anyone else. Just Black people because they're in fashion this year.  Fuck off! BLM is bullshit. You don't want to get shot by police, don't be a criminal, don't resist arrest, do as you're told when the  poorly trained man with the gun points it at you and screams orders. And by the way, it would help if you finished high school and didn't get pregnant  until you were married or at least in a long term relationship. Also, get a job. It would help you, and it would help society.

Natives. Listen, there are a billion people, maybe two, who would give their left nut to come and live here. They don't speak the language. They don't even use the same alphabet. It's fucking cold here compared to where they live. But they'll come to improve their lives. You guys want to sit in the bush and whine about the lost glories of your hunter/gatherer tribes when you used to live to 30, by all means do so. Don't expect me to feel sorry for you. Get your ass somewhere there's jobs and take one. The world does not owe you a living into perpetuity.

Women. What the fuck do you have to complain about? Seriously! You're living in paradise for women. You can do anything you damn well want, and if some guy so much as looks at you twice you can complain to HR. Can't get a man? Maybe put down the donuts and exercise a little. And by the way, if all a guy has to do to get into your pants is swipe right on Twitter that's all you're going to get from him. Maybe keep your legs closed a little longer and try to set up some kind of actual relationship? Maybe that would be good? Maybe you girls could hold a meeting about that. In the meantime you can fuck right off about your complaints about 'toxic masculinity'.

Transgenders. Get a bloody psychiatrist. There's something fucked in your skull. And no, I'm not going to use some weird made-up pronoun because you think that makes you 'whole. If you want to be a woman cut your dick off. Not gonna do that? Then you're not a woman. End of story. And no, you can't play football with the girls. I realize that's the only way you can be successful at a physical contest but if you can't compete with men then stop trying.

Muslims. A lot of your beliefs are not compatible with living in a sophisticated society. If you insist on holding to them I would suggest you go live in the shithole  you came from, where such views are considered acceptable. No, I'm not going to respect them. No, I'm not going to respect you. Especially since some of your beliefs say you should kill me. I'm not that bloody tolerant. You came here because life was better here. Life is better here because we don't pay attention to dumbass religious shit. And that's not changing.

Welcome to 2021. Let's hope it has less whining from all the drama queens and pathetic, sniveling activists and race hustlers.

Ok.  Are you ok with people complaining about White Men ?  They seem to whine more than anyone, although that might be because we hear from them more than anyone.  

I don't care either way, but I'm wondering if you feel like you owe anyone bandwidth...

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3 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Ok.  Are you ok with people complaining about White Men ?  They seem to whine more than anyone, although that might be because we hear from them more than anyone.  

I don't care either way, but I'm wondering if you feel like you owe anyone bandwidth...

I don't owe anyone shit. I'm not okay with complaints about white men. That's because the media simultaneously asserts white men are not a group even while offering up general attacks upon them. Whatever anyone else's problems are it's laid at the feet of white men.

White men complain a lot? How many demonstrations have you seen in the last year about white men being oppressed by 'the system' ie, someone else? How many newspapers have devoted regular space to the sad stories of white people being oppressed or discriminated against? How many lead stories on the mainstream news shows were devoted to the oppression of white men? Who even ever writes anything about white men being treated badly? I mean, if a cop shoots a black guy it's national and international news. If a cop shoots a white guy no one gives a shit.

That you would SAY we complain more than anyone is just because you hear every dismissal or rejection of the complaints against us as us somehow 'complaining.' That's because white men don't have the right to complain about anything or anyone. We're the elites, the oppressors, and we have to just shut up and bow our heads while everyone else bitches and whines and throws things at us because we're guilty of something or other. Whatever happened to everyone else they don't like that's the fault of white men. It's not the fault of history. It's not the fault of the way the world worked back then. It's not their own fault due to their own behavior. It's our fault.

Fuck that.

Edited by Argus
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4 hours ago, Argus said:

1. I'm not okay with complaints about white men. T 

2. White men complain a lot? How many demonstrations have you seen in the last year about white men being oppressed by 'the system' ie, someone else?

3. How many newspapers have devoted regular space to the sad stories of white people being oppressed or discriminated against?

4. How many lead stories on the mainstream news shows were devoted to the oppression of white men? Who even ever writes anything about white men being treated badly?  

5. That you would SAY we complain more than anyone is just because you hear every dismissal or rejection of the complaints against us as us somehow 'complaining.'

6. That's because white men don't have the right to complain about anything or anyone.

7. Fuck that.

1. Ok but you want to complain about everyone... Seems a little asymmetrical.  I wouldn't ask people I disagree with to shut up, myself.

2. That's not the best metric, IMO.

3. That's a different question.

4. That's a different question.

5. I didn't say we do, I qualified my statement.

6. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.  Hahaha.

7. Like I said, I don't care either way, but ok.



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12 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. Ok but you want to complain about everyone... Seems a little asymmetrical.  I wouldn't ask people I disagree with to shut up, myself.

I'm not complaining about anyone. I'm telling people to stop complaining about white men, to stop whining about how their problems are our fault.

12 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

2. That's not the best metric, IMO.

3. That's a different question.

4. That's a different question.


No, bud, it's all the same question. White people aren't complaining about our lot in life. We're simply irritated at how everyone else is bitching about THEIR lot in life, and blaming us. Did I tell you to be criminal? Nope. That was your decision! Did I advise you to drop out of school? Nope! That's on you! Did I suggest having sex without protection? Your fault, not mine. Was it my idea to fight with a cop who was trying to arrest you? Nope. Yours!

You're not in prison because of a racist society. You didn't get shot because of a racist society. You made your own damn decisions, just like I did mine. Maybe you should have made better decisions.


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Minor thread hijack to follow:

Googling 'diversity' I get this:

1the state of being diverse; variety.
"there was considerable diversity in the style of the reports"
2the practice or quality of including or involving people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders, sexual orientations, etc.
"equality and diversity should be supported for their own sake

Selecting the former as the definition, is a rant like the above true diversity? Where someone can be 'politically IN-correct' and get bandwidth, and have their ideas out there to be challenged and argued over and mean bad words said? I think so. I think it takes a bit of courage and it's hard to do and we'd all be better served if we were all a little less 'correct'.

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2 hours ago, Adam1980 said:

Minor thread hijack to follow:

Googling 'diversity' I get this:

1the state of being diverse; variety.
"there was considerable diversity in the style of the reports"
2the practice or quality of including or involving people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders, sexual orientations, etc.
"equality and diversity should be supported for their own sake

Selecting the former as the definition, is a rant like the above true diversity? Where someone can be 'politically IN-correct' and get bandwidth, and have their ideas out there to be challenged and argued over and mean bad words said? I think so. I think it takes a bit of courage and it's hard to do and we'd all be better served if we were all a little less 'correct'.

When they call for diversity they're not calling for diversity of views. The people who most believe in diversity also believe in conformity of thought and ideology and political and social beliefs. They tend to be extremely intolerant of other views, and pretty rigid in their closed-box thinking.

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19 hours ago, Argus said:

When they call for diversity they're not calling for diversity of views. The people who most believe in diversity also believe in conformity of thought and ideology and political and social beliefs. They tend to be extremely intolerant of other views, and pretty rigid in their closed-box thinking.

For sure. I think the present (it has changed!) definition of diversity misses the mark. Of course different viewpoints and experiences and approaches will problem solve better. Of course if you can incorporate that into the process you'll be better off. How one gets there is another question; just having people with different genitalia and skin colours is not sufficient. I think a good marker of real and valuable diversity is a lot of conflict. 

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25 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

I like diversity.  And inclusion.  That's why I support cultural appropriation in all its forms.

I came across a video the other day of some dumb cunt assailing a white guy for wearing dreadlocks. Because apparently a hairstyle is patented to Rastafarians - but anyone black can still use it. But not white people. The fact people have been doing the same shit to their hair for a thousand years before anyone set foot on Jamaica apparently eluded her. It was all about yelling and shaming this guy and stopping him from just walking away by getting in his way and then shrieking "Don't touch me!" when he tried to push past.

Honestly, we need to buy an island somewhere with unpleasant weather and ship all these people there.

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16 minutes ago, Argus said:

I came across a video the other day of some dumb cunt assailing a white guy for wearing dreadlocks. Because apparently a hairstyle is patented to Rastafarians - but anyone black can still use it. But not white people. The fact people have been doing the same shit to their hair for a thousand years before anyone set foot on Jamaica apparently eluded her. It was all about yelling and shaming this guy and stopping him from just walking away by getting in his way and then shrieking "Don't touch me!" when he tried to push past.

Honestly, we need to buy an island somewhere with unpleasant weather and ship all these people there.

Those people just don't want to be inclusive and they hate diversity, I guess.

My great great etc. Grandmother had locks.  Apparently they were called fairy locks back then.  Bob Marley appropriated them.  I'm perfectly fine with that.


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5 hours ago, Argus said:

I came across a video the other day of some dumb cunt assailing a white guy for wearing dreadlocks. Because apparently a hairstyle is patented to Rastafarians - but anyone black can still use it. But not white people. The fact people have been doing the same shit to their hair for a thousand years before anyone set foot on Jamaica apparently eluded her. It was all about yelling and shaming this guy and stopping him from just walking away by getting in his way and then shrieking "Don't touch me!" when he tried to push past.

Honestly, we need to buy an island somewhere with unpleasant weather and ship all these people there.

Again with the hair?  :D

Good thread too. Don Trump would be proud...

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3 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Again with the hair?  :D

Good thread too. Don Trump would be proud...

Donald Trump only cared about things like this once he became a politician. You have to look out for people who only express opposition about something AFTER they start looking to woo voters. Like he was against outsourcing work to China once he became a politician, except that he did just that. And he was against illegal migrants once he started running for office, except he actually used them at his golf courses and job sites.

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  • 3 months later...

I'm also not politically correct but it is not something about bullshit racialist I can find on internet like "race and IQ" but it is about the religious and/or sects.

Exemple, peoples (Marwan Muhammad who was director of Collective Against Islamophobia in France - Wikipedia if you need name) want notably to impose the crime of blasphemy by calling islamophobia and if you critical islam you are racist, you are in the politically incorrect.

Other exemple, Jesus can be a historical fake. Richard Carrier says it's more lickely that Jesus never exited but of course it is raciste, politically incorrect because it offends the faith of believers.





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