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Canadians fighting in Iraq...

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Canada's state-run, taxpayer-funded CBC: CSIS head says Canadians fighting in Iraq

The head of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) says Canadians have joined the insurgency in Iraq.  James Judd, the director of CSIS, revealed Thursday evening that some of the foreign fighters in Iraq battling coalition troops are Canadians. He said there aren’t many, but more are expected to join.

Speaking to reporters at a break during a security conference in Montreal, Judd was asked if Canadians were in Iraq fighting against the American-led coalition. “Yes, I believe so,” he said.  He said there weren’t many, “we’re talking single digit numbers.” But he said “we’re aware of several others who are contemplating leaving.”

If the US shoots and paralyzes one of these Canadian terror supporters, will the Canadian taxpayer, again, be forced to pay for this terrorist's medical bills and therapy for the rest of his life?

Let Osama pay his bills.

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Canada's state-run, taxpayer-funded CBC:  CSIS head says Canadians fighting in Iraq
The head of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) says Canadians have joined the insurgency in Iraq.  James Judd, the director of CSIS, revealed Thursday evening that some of the foreign fighters in Iraq battling coalition troops are Canadians. He said there aren’t many, but more are expected to join.

Speaking to reporters at a break during a security conference in Montreal, Judd was asked if Canadians were in Iraq fighting against the American-led coalition. “Yes, I believe so,” he said.  He said there weren’t many, “we’re talking single digit numbers.” But he said “we’re aware of several others who are contemplating leaving.”

If the US shoots and paralyzes one of these Canadian terror supporters, will the Canadian taxpayer, again, be forced to pay for this terrorist's medical bills and therapy for the rest of his life?

Let Osama pay his bills.

I think that when someone is defending their own country, it is not correct to call them "terrorists". For instance, if the USA were to invade Canada (because of Carolyn Parrish, certainly not for our oil), and we fought back, would we be counted as terrorsits ?????

PS. Osama didn't invade Iraq... The USA did....

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Canada's state-run, taxpayer-funded CBC:  CSIS head says Canadians fighting in Iraq
The head of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) says Canadians have joined the insurgency in Iraq.  James Judd, the director of CSIS, revealed Thursday evening that some of the foreign fighters in Iraq battling coalition troops are Canadians. He said there aren’t many, but more are expected to join.

Speaking to reporters at a break during a security conference in Montreal, Judd was asked if Canadians were in Iraq fighting against the American-led coalition. “Yes, I believe so,” he said.  He said there weren’t many, “we’re talking single digit numbers.” But he said “we’re aware of several others who are contemplating leaving.”

If the US shoots and paralyzes one of these Canadian terror supporters, will the Canadian taxpayer, again, be forced to pay for this terrorist's medical bills and therapy for the rest of his life?

Let Osama pay his bills.

Iraq is a warzone where people are taking positions that they believe in. To answer your question, should Canadian taxpayers have to pay for a Canadian citizen who fights against the U.S., the answer is simple: whether or not we support them if they are Canadian citizens and the government will not revoke their citizenship...do we have much choice?

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Canada's state-run, taxpayer-funded CBC:  CSIS head says Canadians fighting in Iraq
The head of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) says Canadians have joined the insurgency in Iraq.  James Judd, the director of CSIS, revealed Thursday evening that some of the foreign fighters in Iraq battling coalition troops are Canadians. He said there aren’t many, but more are expected to join.

Speaking to reporters at a break during a security conference in Montreal, Judd was asked if Canadians were in Iraq fighting against the American-led coalition. “Yes, I believe so,” he said.  He said there weren’t many, “we’re talking single digit numbers.” But he said “we’re aware of several others who are contemplating leaving.”

If the US shoots and paralyzes one of these Canadian terror supporters, will the Canadian taxpayer, again, be forced to pay for this terrorist's medical bills and therapy for the rest of his life?

Let Osama pay his bills.

I think that when someone is defending their own country, it is not correct to call them "terrorists". For instance, if the USA were to invade Canada (because of Carolyn Parrish, certainly not for our oil), and we fought back, would we be counted as terrorsits ?????

PS. Osama didn't invade Iraq... The USA did....

The Canadians fighting with the terrorists are not defending Canada--they are not "defending their own country".

They are foreigners following Al Qaeda's call to go to Iraq.

I do not want to pay for any more Canadian terrorists who are paralyzed by US gunfire.

Let Osama pay the bills of Canadian terrorists.

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I think that when someone is defending their own country, it is not correct to call them "terrorists".  For instance, if the USA were to invade Canada (because of Carolyn Parrish, certainly not for our oil), and we fought back, would we be counted as terrorsits ?????

PS.  Osama didn't invade Iraq... The USA did....

The Canadians fighting with the terrorists are not defending Canada--they are not "defending their own country".

They are foreigners following Al Qaeda's call to go to Iraq.

A lot of people who were born in Iraq will always think of it as home.... Similarly, if I were to move to England and get a dual citizenship, I would probably always consider Canada to be "home"....

Al Qaeda wasn't in Iraq before the US invasion. Some of them could very well be Iraqis who didn't like their country being invaded.

Let Osama pay the bills of Canadian terrorists.
Or how about letting Exxon and Haliburton pay for it... The war was executed by George Bush's administration for their past and future employers... Exxon and Haliburton....
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QUOTE(Montgomery Burns @ Oct 21 2005, 11:03 PM

Speaking to reporters at a break during a security conference in Montreal, Judd was asked if Canadians were in Iraq fighting against the American-led coalition. “Yes, I believe so,” he said.  He said there weren’t many, “we’re talking single digit numbers.” But he said “we’re aware of several others who are contemplating leaving.”[/quote)

If the US shoots and paralyzes one of these Canadian terror supporters, will the Canadian taxpayer, again, be forced to pay for this terrorist's medical bills and therapy for the rest of his life?

Let Osama pay his bills.

I think that when someone is defending their own country, it is not correct to call them "terrorists".

A terrorist is a terrorist, and most of them are not defending their own country. You don't defend your country by blowing up a market full of Shiites or executing a bus full of janitors who had the temerity to work for the Iraqi government. Nor do foreign fighters, particularly from Canada, count.

For instance, if the USA were to invade Canada (because of Carolyn Parrish, certainly not for our oil), and we fought back, would we be counted as terrorsits ?????

Well, if Canada was in the grip of a decades long dictatorship with a pervasive and brutal secret police and a brutal dictator family who enjoyed torturing and murdering thousands of men, women and children every year I would hope the US or SOMEBODY would invade Canada.

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Let Osama pay the bills of Canadian terrorists.
Or how about letting Exxon and Haliburton pay for it... The war was executed by George Bush's administration for their past and future employers... Exxon and Haliburton....

Right. And Tony Blair is a moron who couldn't see that. He led his country in with the US, for no political or economic gain and great economic and political loss just... just because.

Far be it for me to agree with Burns, but if we have the names of any of those "Canadians" who are over there we should burn their passports and make it clear they're not welcome back.

A for that "canadian" kid in Cuba - they can hang him for all I care. I certainly don't want him here.

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Tony Blair is nit a moron. He is, however, like Bush, a religious kook. He just does not let it be seen in public.

After God told Bush to invade Iraq, Bush passed the message on to Blair.

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I think that when someone is defending their own country, it is not correct to call them "terrorists".  For instance, if the USA were to invade Canada (because of Carolyn Parrish, certainly not for our oil), and we fought back, would we be counted as terrorsits ?????

PS.  Osama didn't invade Iraq... The USA did....

The Canadians fighting with the terrorists are not defending Canada--they are not "defending their own country".

They are foreigners following Al Qaeda's call to go to Iraq.

A lot of people who were born in Iraq will always think of it as home.... Similarly, if I were to move to England and get a dual citizenship, I would probably always consider Canada to be "home"....

Al Qaeda wasn't in Iraq before the US invasion. Some of them could very well be Iraqis who didn't like their country being invaded.

Let Osama pay the bills of Canadian terrorists.
Or how about letting Exxon and Haliburton pay for it... The war was executed by George Bush's administration for their past and future employers... Exxon and Haliburton....

1) The article says nothing about the Canadians being born in Iraq. Al Qaeda was in Iraq before the liberation began.

2) Perhaps Chretien can use some of that blood money he got from Saddam to pay for paralyzed terrorists who are trying to kill the people fighting for freedom and democracy. Or maybe Paul Martin can use that $1 million that Saddam invested in one PMPM's companies. The Canadian govt wanted Saddam to continue to thumb his nose at international law, at the broken ceasefire he signed, and to continue slaughtering his own people (1.5 million), for the simple reason is that the Canadian govt wanted more of Saddam's blood money. Chretien and Martin should be ashamed of themselves. They have embarrassed Canadians and now I have to put stickers of the American flag on my luggage when I travel abroad because I don't want people to think that I am a greedy moneymonger who despises moral values.

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Al Qaeda wasn't in Iraq before the US invasion.  Some of them could very well be Iraqis who didn't like their country being invaded.
I guess you're smarter than the American intelligence community who say that he wasn't....
1)  The article says nothing about the Canadians being born in Iraq.  Al Qaeda was in Iraq before the liberation began.
Well, where do you think they were born, Timmins, Ontario ??? It is probably safe to assume that the individuals in question are not French Canadian, African American, Irish Canadian, or Native Americans... Use your loaf... they're probably Arabs Montgomery.... and more than likely Iraqi born....
2)  Perhaps Chretien can use some of that blood money he got from Saddam to pay for paralyzed terrorists who are trying to kill the people fighting for freedom and democracy.
In Iraq... you must be thinking about another war... Iraq is about OIL.
Or maybe Paul Martin can use that $1 million that Saddam invested in one PMPM's companies.  ...

(Balance of text removed to spare viewers injesting excessive stupidity)

I don't want people to think that I am a greedy moneymonger who despises moral values.

No Montgomery, I think people have formed a strong opinion of you and your views already, and that's not exactly it....
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Right. And Tony Blair is a moron who couldn't see that. He led his country in with the US, for no political or economic gain and great economic and political loss just... just because.

No political gain?

Bush's Lewinsky-wannabe had no political gain in mind ???

Not even economic gain for British Petroleum ???

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Far be it for me to agree with Burns, but if we have the names of any of those "Canadians" who are over there we should burn their passports and make it clear they're not welcome back.

A for that "canadian" kid in Cuba - they can hang him for all I care. I certainly don't want him here.

If CSIS becomes aware of Canadians who have participated in the Iraq insurgency, I would hope that they'd be extradited to Iraq to stand trial there.


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Far be it for me to agree with Burns, but if we have the names of any of those "Canadians" who are over there we should burn their passports and make it clear they're not welcome back.

A for that "canadian" kid in Cuba - they can hang him for all I care. I certainly don't want him here.

If CSIS becomes aware of Canadians who have participated in the Iraq insurgency, I would hope that they'd be extradited to Iraq to stand trial there.



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Right. And Tony Blair is a moron who couldn't see that. He led his country in with the US, for no political or economic gain and great economic and political loss just... just because.

No political gain?


I'd have to agree that any political leader would risk the lives of its soldiers, spend billions of pounds, doing something that was defined as illegal by the UN for "absolutely no reason" has to be a moron....

You can't even think of a little teeny weeny reason why he'd send British troops off to their deaths ???

Not even "Better Public relations with America" ???? Isn't that a reason.???

The threat of the invisible weapons ??? They have to Be Prepared. Isn't that a reason (albeit, commonly known to be a false one prior to the illegal invasion) ???

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The Canadians fighting with the terrorists are not defending Canada

Likewise, the American troops can hardly be said to be "defending America" in this particular war.

That being said, I strongly disagree with any Canadian going to fight in this war, on either side, but most strongly as part of the insugency.

Two wrongs do not make a right.

I do not want to pay for any more Canadian terrorists who are paralyzed by US gunfire.

Hmmm. This is a sticky one. Is a "terrorist" someone who attacks civilian targets, or someone who attacks military targets???

If they were going around blowing up civilians, I would tend to agree.

If they are fighting armed troops, I would have to disagree with that label, no matter how abhorent I may personally find their choice to be.

Let Osama pay the bills of Canadian terrorists.

Good idea!!! Why don't you get him on the phone to talk about it.

Let us know what he says.

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Canadians fighting in Iraq against the U.S. could be viewed as traitors to Canada and Western ideologies which include capitalism and our form of democracy.

They are also threating the peaceful coexsistence with our U.S. friends and allies in which Canadians could be seen as an enemy of the U.S.

I hope these individuals will not be allowed to return to Canada.

I can't believe the hate for the U.S. and the British by some individuals on this site!

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Canada's state-run, taxpayer-funded CBC:  CSIS head says Canadians fighting in Iraq
The head of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) says Canadians have joined the insurgency in Iraq.  James Judd, the director of CSIS, revealed Thursday evening that some of the foreign fighters in Iraq battling coalition troops are Canadians. He said there aren’t many, but more are expected to join.

Speaking to reporters at a break during a security conference in Montreal, Judd was asked if Canadians were in Iraq fighting against the American-led coalition. “Yes, I believe so,” he said.  He said there weren’t many, “we’re talking single digit numbers.” But he said “we’re aware of several others who are contemplating leaving.”

If the US shoots and paralyzes one of these Canadian terror supporters, will the Canadian taxpayer, again, be forced to pay for this terrorist's medical bills and therapy for the rest of his life?

Let Osama pay his bills.

Iraq is a warzone where people are taking positions that they believe in. To answer your question, should Canadian taxpayers have to pay for a Canadian citizen who fights against the U.S., the answer is simple: whether or not we support them if they are Canadian citizens and the government will not revoke their citizenship...do we have much choice?

I would suggest that these Canadians they are talking about are more than likely people who have immigrated to Canada from some Arab country and are now back over in the Middle East basically involving themselves in a war that as Canadian's they have no business being involved in unless of course they are member's of the Canadian Armed Forces and they are fighting as part of a Canadian unit =sanctioned by our government. Otherwise they should be on their own, and if they are originally from a Middle East country they should be made to choose, either Canada or their country of birth. If they continue to involve themselve in fighting against a Canadian ally then their Canadian citizenship should be revoked immediately and they should not be allowed to reenter Canada, ever.
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Why's there even a question of what would be done?

Our government formally supports the new Iraq government, does it not?

We've sent them $300+ million to support their reconstruction?

Elections Canada provided assistance in the Iraqi elections, yes?

This is a government that we not only recognize but are actively assisting, democratically elected in a process that we helped impliment, in a country that we've invested a significant sum of money to help rebuild.

If Canadians were running around Italy or France committing acts of mayhem in an effort to destabilize those countries, we wouldn't give those Canadians safe haven when they returned home. We'd arrest them the moment we caught them, and we'd send them back there to stand trial. And that's exactly what should be done with any Canadians who we find have participated in the Iraq insurrection, as well.


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