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The ugly hate-filled Left

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God is punishing those who scuttled the Kyoto Agreement

Boston Globe: Katrina's real name is global warming

German enviromental minister: Bush to blame for Katrina

Bush to blame for oil spike

National Guard shortage because of Bush's "illegal war"

Radio Left: Let us expose the duplicity and dishonesty of the Bush administration to all

Blame the Republicans

I won't contribute a dollar to Katrina

many of these W-worshipping numbskulls deserve to suffer and to die.

Put the Ni**ers in the Superdome

Democratic National Committee: Continue looting

Bush to victims: Just die

Former Clinton advisor Sidney Blumenthal (in Germany): Blame Bush

For a look at the difference between rightwing sites (link after link for help for this tragedy) and leftwing sites (few links of support for the victims, but lots and lots of Bush-bashing, I could flood this forum with the differences, but this sums it up:

The hate-filled left versus the compassionate right

Air America: Bush happy to see dead Democrats

And we have already seen this red-hot super-nova of hatred of Bush on this very forum; one poster even suggested that Bush is happy to see ni**ers dying.

Disgusting. :angry:

Which reminds me of the difference between the left and the right for Iraq. While the right has link after link encouraging readers to support the troops and the Iraqi people (give anything you can spare), the left has few, if any, links to support democracy in Iraq and the troops...

How low? How low will the left, and it is not just the far left...how low will these scumbags stoop? The answers are above.

This is the true face of the far left; pure unadulterated Bush Derangement Syndrome. They cannot, even for quite possibly the biggest disaster in US history, put aside their political agenda.

A prediction: This will backfire on the hate-filled left.

The Republicans will not lose anything in the 2006 mid-term elections, and the Republicans will win the White House in 2008.

Who wants to vote for someone with so much hate in their heart?

What a bunch of partisan dirtbags. :angry:

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God is punishing those who scuttled the Kyoto Agreement

Boston Globe:  Katrina's real name is global warming

German enviromental minister:  Bush to blame for Katrina

Bush to blame for oil spike

National Guard shortage because of Bush's "illegal war"

Radio Left:  Let us expose the duplicity and dishonesty of the Bush administration to all

Blame the Republicans

I won't contribute a dollar to Katrina

many of these W-worshipping numbskulls deserve to suffer and to die.

Put the Ni**ers in the Superdome

Democratic National Committee:  Continue looting

Bush to victims:  Just die

Former Clinton advisor Sidney Blumenthal (in Germany):  Blame Bush

For a look at the difference between rightwing sites (link after link for help for this tragedy) and leftwing sites (few links of support for the victims, but lots and lots of Bush-bashing, I could flood this forum with the differences, but this sums it up:

The hate-filled left versus the compassionate right

Air America:  Bush happy to see dead Democrats

And we have already seen this red-hot super-nova of hatred of Bush on this very forum; one poster even suggested that Bush is happy to see ni**ers dying. 

Disgusting.  :angry:

Which reminds me of the difference between the left and the right for Iraq.  While the right has link after link encouraging readers to support the troops and the Iraqi people (give anything you can spare), the left has few, if any, links to support democracy in Iraq and the troops...

How low?  How low will the left, and it is not just the far left...how low will these scumbags stoop?  The answers are above.

This is the true face of the far left; pure unadulterated Bush Derangement Syndrome.  They cannot, even for quite possibly the biggest disaster in US history, put aside their political agenda.

A prediction:  This will backfire on the hate-filled left.

The Republicans will not lose anything in the 2006 mid-term elections, and the Republicans will win the White House in 2008.

Who wants to vote for someone with so much hate in their heart?

What a bunch of partisan dirtbags.  :angry:

Well done. The politics of envy is a one way street.

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Here's more:

Editorials, Including Those at Conservative Papers, Rip Bush's Hurricane Response

Editorials from around the country on Friday -- including at the Bush-friendly Dallas Morning News and The Washington Times -- have, by and large, offered harsh criticism of the official and military response to the disaster in the Gulf Coast. Here's a sampling.

Dallas Morning News

As a federal official in a neatly pressed suit talked to reporters in Washington about "little bumps along the road" in emergency efforts, New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin issued an urgent SOS. The situation near the convention center was chaotic; not enough buses were available to evacuate thousands of survivors, and the streets were littered with the dead.

Moments later, President Bush took center stage and talked at length about the intricacies of energy policy and plans to keep prices stable. Meanwhile, doctors at hospitals called the Associated Press asking to get their urgent message out: We need to be evacuated, we're taking sniper fire, and nobody is in charge.

Who is in charge?

Losing New Orleans to a natural disaster is one thing, but losing her to hopeless gunmen and a shameful lack of response is unfathomable. How is it that the U.S. military can conquer a foreign country in a matter of days, but can't stop terrorists controlling the streets of America or even drop a case of water to desperate and dying Americans?

President Bush, please see what's happening. The American people want to believe the government is doing everything it can do -- not to rebuild or to stabilize gas prices -- just to restore the most basic order. So far, they are hearing about Herculean efforts, but they aren't seeing them.


The Washington Times

Troops are finally moving into New Orleans in realistic numbers, and it's past time. What took the government so long? The thin veneer separating civilization and chaos, which we earlier worried might collapse in the absence of swift action, has collapsed.

We expected to see, many hours ago, the president we saw standing atop the ruin of the World Trade Center, rallying a dazed country to action. We're pleased he finally caught a ride home from his vacation, but he risks losing the one trait his critics have never dented: His ability to lead, and be seen leading.

He returns to the scene of the horror today, and that's all to the good. His presence will rally broken spirits. But he must crack heads, if bureaucratic heads need cracking, to get the food, water and medicine to the people crying for help in New Orleans and on the Mississippi coast. The list of things he has promised is a good list, but there is no time to dally, whether by land, sea or air. We should have delivered them yesterday. Americans are dying.


Philadelphia Inquirer (and other Knight Ridder papers)

"I hope people don't point -- play politics during this period." That was President Bush's response yesterday to criticism of the U.S. government's inexplicably inadequate relief efforts following Hurricane Katrina.

Sorry, Mr. President, legitimate questions are being asked about the lack of rescue personnel, equipment, food, supplies, transportation, you name it, four days after the storm. It's not "playing politics" to ask why.

It's not "playing politics" to ask questions about what Americans watched in horror on TV yesterday: elderly people literally dying on the street outside the New Orleans convention center because they were sick and no one came to their aid.

The rest of America can't fathom why a country with our resources can't be at least as effective in this emergency as it was when past disasters struck Third World nations. Someone needs to explain why well-known emergency aid lessons aren't being applied here.

This hurricane is no one's fault; the devastation would be hard to handle no matter who was in charge. But human deeds can mitigate a disaster, or make it worse.

For example: Did federal priorities in an era of huge tax cuts shortchange New Orleans' storm protection and leave it more vulnerable? This flooding is no surprise to experts. They've been warning for more than 20 years that the levees keeping Lake Pontchartrain from emptying into the under-sea-level city would likely break under the strain of a Category 3 hurricane. Katrina was a Category 4.

So the Crescent City sits under water, much of its population in a state of desperate, dangerous transience, not knowing when they will return home. They're the lucky ones, though. Worse off are those left among the dying in a dying town.

The questions aren't about politics. They are about justice.

And it goes on and on.

What's it going to take for you to realize Bush has disgraced America?

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Can we see all of this "And it goes on and on" from conservatives?

Unlike liberals who blindly follow the left's ideological line, conservatives do tend to critique each other.

Like I said, Bush Derangement Syndrome is running amok.

Two links does not an argument make.

I provided 15 links and I can provide more. B)

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Another great post Montgomery Burns! The left hates Bush so much for "illegally" deposing a murderous dictator that they'll stop at nothing to try and destroy him. Even if it means politicizing a terrible natural disaster and its resulting tragedy. And whether it's in Iraq, New Orleans, or of any other aspect of life, they ALWAYS gravitate towards pessimism. Pessimism is the lifeblood of liberalism. Never forget that.

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Can we see all of this "And it goes on and on" from conservatives?

Unlike liberals who blindly follow the left's ideological line, conservatives do tend to critique each other.

That's true. That's why I "critique" Bush. Mind you, I don't believe Bush is any kind of conservative - any more than you are. But I gotta hand it to you, for a guy who blindly, zealously, even fanatically defends anything and everyone he believes is conservative, and attacks anyone and everything he believes is liberal - without a single pulse of energy passing through your forebrain, you really make me laugh with that kind of statement.

Two links does not an argument make. 

I provided 15 links and I can provide more.  B)

Yes, I'm sure, all of them hand picked to support your argument. Do you actually believe you're convincing anyone but "true believers"?

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Another great post Montgomery Burns!  The left hates Bush so much for "illegally" deposing a murderous dictator that they'll stop at nothing to try and destroy him.  Even if it means politicizing a terrible natural disaster and its resulting tragedy.  And whether it's in Iraq, New Orleans, or of any other aspect of life, they ALWAYS gravitate towards pessimism.  Pessimism is the lifeblood of liberalism.  Never forget that.

Sooo, let me get this straight. It wasn't Bush's fault for slashing what were already inadequate funds for flood management. And it wasn't Bush's fault for downgrading, decimating, and destroying FEMA. Is that pretty much your position?

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A prediction:  This will backfire on the hate-filled left.

The Republicans will not lose anything in the 2006 mid-term elections, and the Republicans will win the White House in 2008.

Because God is Great! God is Great! Say it for me, Montie! You know you wanna! God is great! Soon all the liberals will be in camps and all their nasty media outlets will be shut down! Then America will be great again!

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A prediction:  This will backfire on the hate-filled left.

The Republicans will not lose anything in the 2006 mid-term elections, and the Republicans will win the White House in 2008.

Because God is Great! God is Great! Say it for me, Montie! You know you wanna! God is great! Soon all the liberals will be in camps and all their nasty media outlets will be shut down! Then America will be great again!

Say what you really mean. Come on. You can do it.

Those people in Jayzuzland deserved what they got by voting for Bushco.

Fan belt broke on your car: Blame Bush.

Computer got a virus: Blame Bush.

Bush is to blame for everything. No one should ever ever accept personal responsibility.

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Another great post Montgomery Burns!  The left hates Bush so much for "illegally" deposing a murderous dictator that they'll stop at nothing to try and destroy him.  Even if it means politicizing a terrible natural disaster and its resulting tragedy.  And whether it's in Iraq, New Orleans, or of any other aspect of life, they ALWAYS gravitate towards pessimism.  Pessimism is the lifeblood of liberalism.  Never forget that.

Sooo, let me get this straight. It wasn't Bush's fault for slashing what were already inadequate funds for flood management. And it wasn't Bush's fault for downgrading, decimating, and destroying FEMA. Is that pretty much your position?

I suggest you pick up a book and familiarize yourself with the concept of a Constitutional Republic. Local government in Louisiana and New Orleans just never could quite find it in themselves to worry about hurricanes unless somebody else would pay the bill. They had more important things on their mind than the lives of their constituencies, after all, such as golf courses, Mardi Gras and new stretch limos for their elected officials. Of course, all of this is Bush’s fault.

Argus has this quaint notion that it is the citizens of Alaska’s responsibility to pay for a levee protecting the people of New Orleans. Because, as we all know, when people refuse to take an interest in their own well-being, it immediately becomes everybody else’s responsibility to pay for their excesses and indifference.

And when thousands died during France's "heatwave", that too was Bush's fault...

Because Bush is to blame for everything.

After all, Paul Krugman and Maureen Dowd said so.

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That is what people have been asking, for Bush to take some responsibility for his actions, or his lack of action, in the case of the Katrina disaster.

What was the name of that US president who coined the phrase?:

"The buck stops here"

You are losing pretty badly here, and no one likes a poor loser!  ;)

Mirror drops two links and concludes he is winning.

What is it like living in Bizarroland? :blink:

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All these diversions you keep trying to throw up when the issue is Bush's dismal failure are NOT going anywhere. You are whistlin' dDxie as they say. Unfortunately for you ,most of us here are not your fundamentalist religious nutbar types, that believes the garbage spewed out by Bush, Robertson and some of the other GOP trash.

One of the biggest problems I see for the American people as we watch this tragedy unfold is that there is no way to immediately turf Bush from office. But by not being able to do so the Republicans are now stuck with this albatross around their neck. It looks good on them!

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All these diversions you keep trying to throw up when the issue is Bush's dismal failure are no going anywhere. You are whistlin' dixie as they say.  Unfortunately for you most of us here are not your fundamentalist religious nutbar types that believes the garbage spewed out by Robertson and some of the other GOP trash.

One of the biggest problems I see for the American people as we watch this tragedy unfold is that there is no way to immediately turf Bush from office. But by not being able to do so the Republicans are now stuck with this albatross around their neck. It looks good on them!

Mirror, all I see is a bunch of people inflicted with Bush Derangement Syndrome. And they are not diversions; they are words written or spoken by hate-filled ugly people who fail to grasp the concept of personal responsibility and are looking to use this tragedy for political purposes. And I feel that what you are doing is disgusting. Unfortunately for you, most of us here are not your Loony Leftwing Liberal types who believe the garbage spewed by Michael Moore and the other Idiotarian trash.

One of the biggest problems I see is that we can't turf Paul Martin out of office for his slow tepid response to this tragedy. What a difference between the response of the Americans when Toronto was hit with that ice storm and when Louisiana was hit with this tragedy.

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One of the biggest problems I see is that we can't turf Paul Martin out of office for his slow tepid response to this tragedy.  What a difference between the response of the Americans when Toronto was hit with that ice storm and when Louisiana was hit with this tragedy.

Actually, Bush really didn't want our help. He said (to paraphrase) "We appreciate the help, but we look after our own." This is when we had planes, ships, and supplies ready to go. You talk about accountability. Think back. How long did it take for Bush to respond to this tragedy, not to mention his comatose reaction to 911. Perhaps you haven't notice but this Bush love-in you seem to have isn't working on this forum.

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Bush is to blame for everything.  No one should ever ever accept personal responsibility.

An interesting pair of sentences given that Bush is well known for refusing to accept blame for _anything_ and that you are among that thankfully small, shrill minority which refuses to allow Bush to be blamed for anything - however obvious his faults, however obvious his errors and neglect.

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Sooo, let me get this straight. It wasn't Bush's fault for slashing what were already inadequate funds for flood management. And it wasn't Bush's fault for downgrading, decimating, and destroying FEMA. Is that pretty much your position?

I suggest you pick up a book and familiarize yourself with the concept of a Constitutional Republic. Local government in Louisiana and New Orleans just never could quite find it in themselves to worry about hurricanes unless somebody else would pay the bill. They had more important things on their mind than the lives of their constituencies, after all, such as golf courses, Mardi Gras and new stretch limos for their elected officials. Of course, all of this is Bush’s fault.

Local government in Louisiana, the second poorest state in the union, and New Orleans, one of the poorest cities in the nation, were supposed to build and maintain multi-billion dollar dikes and levees? Sorry, bubba, but that's as farcical as all your other blustering excuses. The US Corps of Engineers was responsible for those dikes and levees.

Argus has this quaint notion that it is the citizens of Alaska’s responsibility to pay for a levee protecting the people of New Orleans. 

Or consider Transportation Committee Chairman Don Young, the only member of the House from Alaska. Though 48th in population, Alaska is fourth in pork received via the highway bill. Crowning this offering to the inefficiency gods is a six-mile bridge connecting an island of 50 occupants to mainland Alaska. The purpose: eliminating the inconvenience of a ferry ride. The cost: $231 million — or more than $4 million for each islander.

So I guess it's okay for the entire nation to fork over a quarter billion for a six mile bridge to help a few dozen of Republican Don Young's constituents (almost certainly all White and well-off), but somehow all those poor black Democrats in New Orleans are just being selfish and lazy for asking for another $60 to help prop up their sinking levees? Where's their sense of personal responsibility!?

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Sooo, let me get this straight. It wasn't Bush's fault for slashing what were already inadequate funds for flood management. And it wasn't Bush's fault for downgrading, decimating, and destroying FEMA. Is that pretty much your position?
I disagree with your premise. Bush didn't "slash" "inadequate" funding. And Bush hasn't "downgraded", "decimated", and "destroyed" FEMA. That's all pure political nonsense.

President Clinton was dubbed the first "Black President". What did he do for New Orleans? What did he do for the 2/3 Black population? Shouldn't you also be blaming him for 2 full terms of non-action? Take your hyperbole elsewhere.

I suggest you pick up a book and familiarize yourself with the concept of a Constitutional Republic
It seems as though some of the Canadians in this forum are under the impression that America is governed under the monarchy-disguised-as-democracy in which Canada finds itself under. This is not the case.
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Sooo, let me get this straight. It wasn't Bush's fault for slashing what were already inadequate funds for flood management. And it wasn't Bush's fault for downgrading, decimating, and destroying FEMA. Is that pretty much your position?
I disagree with your premise. Bush didn't "slash" "inadequate" funding. And Bush hasn't "downgraded", "decimated", and "destroyed" FEMA. That's all pure political nonsense.

You can disagree that the Sun is bright but you'll only get laughed at. The cuts are openly acknowledged and that information is widespread. You can find it anywhere and everywhere.

President Clinton was dubbed the first "Black President".  What did he do for New Orleans?  What did he do for the 2/3 Black population? 

I don't know. That information is not readily accesible by web. Why would it matter? Is he the sitting president? No? Then why does it matter? Did he cut funding for the levees? I doubt it. Do you know he did? No.

I suggest you pick up a book and familiarize yourself with the concept of a Constitutional Republic
It seems as though some of the Canadians in this forum are under the impression that America is governed under the monarchy-disguised-as-democracy in which Canada finds itself under. This is not the case.

Perhaps we simply understand the political system better than you do. Certainly neither of you evidences the slightest awareness of anything I could remotely term political realities in the United States.

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Americans new motto:

Anyways take an axe when going to the attic

You know something mirror, I thought exactly that this morning. I was thinking about how I should put a bunch of stuff up in the attic, and popping down to Home Depot to get an axe. Never mind that I live 30 miles from the ocean and there never has been a storm surge here.

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