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During the next election, whenever it may be, Harper and the Conservatives need to start playing dirty, even if it involves blatantly lying or using sharp personal attacks on others, in order to even have a chance of winning a decent minority.

He has been playing dirty in the last few weeks - the polls say it has got him no where. People are sick and tired of that kind of politics. If Harper does not start putting forward a positive vision for the country he will go down in flames.

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The main point is not that people disagree with his ideas and policies, but that he cannot communicate them effectively to many Canadian voters, who tend to vote for appearances rather then ideals.

I'm afraid you are dead wrong, and aslong as conservatives persist in that error, they wiil remain dead at the ballot box.

The majority of people don't want what the tories are selling, and packaging is not the problem.

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During the next election, whenever it may be, Harper and the Conservatives need to start playing dirty, even if it involves blatantly lying or using sharp personal attacks on others, in order to even have a chance of winning a decent minority.

Well thanks a lot. I didn't know whether to snort with derision or cough with disgust and now you've made me spill my drink.

Anyway, the tories need to CHANGE their tactics, not just resort to their usual tricks.

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His hair. It doesn't move. Ever. Honestly, I think the hair is actually the one running the show. Stephen Harper is a hairpiece astride a humanoid robot. That's pretty scary to me.

Sooooooo true... he looks almost mechanical with that hairstyle. I know this has nothing to do with his policies and such but the hair thing is just weird. I guess thats the hairstyle you get when you avoid the stylist with the lisp.. (i kid i kid... :rolleyes:) Its such a small part of what a politician and leader should be but image does count... right now harpers seems to be devoid of life... strangely plastic.

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Well said IMR!


Other than the Conservative Party of Canada & Stephen Harper, it is the only way for Alberta to get a fair shake from these crooked Liberals.

Of once you achieve your goal of separating Alberta from Canada you will likely need to start a party to get Calgary to seperate from Alberta because those polictians in Edmonton are all crooks. Next, of course will be to get North Calgary to separate from South Calgary....

You will also need to get a posse to lynch all those nastly left wingers living in Alberta (about 40% of population the last time I checked). Having to live in a democratic country with people who disagree with you must be quite horrible. You have my sympathy.

40% of Albertans are Left wing?? Can we see some stats on that? Or are you a Liberal too? I guy who makes outlandish statements with no backing whatsoever?

How can you call Canada a democratic country? If you live in Ontario or Quebec it is democratic, if you live in the west or east, you're screwed! We live in a communist society which is run by Ontario & Quebec, if they don't like it, it doesn't fly. So you can take your sympathy and stick it up your ass, lets separate!!! If we can't separate, maybe Ottawa opens it's tunnel vision eyes and sees that we supply Canada with all the money to pretty up Ontario & Quebec! Also, maybe Ottawa will realize that just because most of us were born in Canada, doesn't mean we should be treated like a lesser person than an immigrant. Or treated like a lesser person because English is our first language!

Hey and while we're at it, maybe we should have a lawsuit against half of the Liberal party for calling us "redneck", would that not qualify for slander? Yet when that thing(Stronach) is called a dipstick or a whore it qualifies as slander.

It comes right down to the fact that, if you were born in Canada, spoke English first, male, heterosexual, with any religious background whatsoever, you're SCREWED!

Sad but true!

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Of once you achieve your goal of separating Alberta from Canada you will likely need to start a party to get Calgary to seperate from Alberta because those polictians in Edmonton are all crooks. Next, of course will be to get North Calgary to separate from South Calgary....

You will also need to get a posse to lynch all those nastly left wingers living in Alberta (about 40% of population the last time I checked). Having to live in a democratic country with people who disagree with you must be quite horrible. You have my sympathy.

40% of Albertans are Left wing?? Can we see some stats on that? Or are you a Liberal too? I guy who makes outlandish statements with no backing whatsoever?


Last election shows that 32% of Albertans voted Liberal or NDP. Not 40% but still a significant number. You better get started you have a lot of lynching to do.

How can you call Canada a democratic country? If you live in Ontario or Quebec it is democratic, if you live in the west or east, you're screwed! We live in a communist society which is run by Ontario & Quebec, if they don't like it, it doesn't fly.

Last time I checked a democracy is a place where 1 person has one vote and the majority rules. Quebec and Ontario cast 8 million votes in the last election. Alberta cast 1 million. It seems perfectly reasonable that Quebec and Ontario would have stronger voices on the national scene. Just like Calgary and Edmonton have a bigger voice compared to Fort McMurray. How much money is Fort McMurray sending to Edmonton? Maybe Fort McMurray should separate? Vive le Fort McMurray libre!

So you can take your sympathy and stick it up your ass, lets separate!!! If we can't separate, maybe Ottawa opens it's tunnel vision eyes and sees that we supply Canada with all the money to pretty up Ontario & Quebec!

In dollar terms, Ontario pays more into the federation than Alberta does. It is a complete fiction to say that Alberta is paying money to Ontario.

It comes right down to the fact that, if you were born in Canada, spoke English first, male, heterosexual, with any religious background whatsoever, you're SCREWED!

Sad but true!

Gee, that describes me and I don't see any problems. Maybe it is because I realize that in a democracy I can't get my way all of the time.

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Last election shows that 38% of Albertans voted Liberal or NDP. Not quite 40% but close enough. You better get started you have a lot of lynching to do.
Uh, the Liberal (22%) and NDP (9.5%) vote totals for Alberta are around 31.5%. I would not characterize all Liberal voters as left-wing. (Come to think of it, I'm not certain how I would characterize Liberal voters but that's another issue.)
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Last election shows that 38% of Albertans voted Liberal or NDP. Not quite 40% but close enough. You better get started you have a lot of lynching to do.
Uh, the Liberal (22%) and NDP (9.5%) vote totals for Alberta are around 31.5%. I would not characterize all Liberal voters as left-wing. (Come to think of it, I'm not certain how I would characterize Liberal voters but that's another issue.)

I assumed the numbers in the table added up to 100% and the conservatives got 62% :(

Liberal voters would be left wing from the point of view of RightWinger.

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Liberal voters are usually middle of the road with a left wing tendency. They mostly represent people who are easily pursuaded and generally uninformed. They go which ever way the wind blows. They have no real policy except that they don't like what they like to call the "extremist" voter. Basically Liberal voters have sub-standard IQ's! (The 80-90 range)!!!!

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Liberal voters are usually middle of the road with a left wing tendency. They mostly represent people who are easily pursuaded and generally uninformed. They go which ever way the wind blows. They have no real policy except that they don't like what they like to call the "extremist" voter. Basically Liberal voters have sub-standard IQ's! (The 80-90 range)!!!!

Gee, another "anyone who does not think like me must be an idiot" rant. Sounds like someone who has been brainwashed by the conservative Alberta media.

There is a strong correlation between education and Liberal/NDP support. In other words, the more people know about the world the more likely they will support center or left wing parties.

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There is a strong correlation between education and Liberal/NDP support. In other words, the more people know about the world the more likely they will support center or left wing parties.

Let's take that a step further. The less people work, the more likely they are to support center or left wing parties.

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Gee, another "anyone who does not think like me must be an idiot" rant.
strong correlation between education and Liberal/NDP support

So how much time did you spend in school? You missed the logic class ehh.

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IMR, I must say, I am a fan of yours. You really know how to hit home! This may him them(Left Wingers)where it hurts!

If Jack Layton had his way, everyone would make $500/week and he would hold the purse strings. If you didn't vote his way, he would reduce it to $300/week, just so a person could survive! And welfare recipients would make $750/week!

Gotta love Left wing politics!

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Well said IMR!


Other than the Conservative Party of Canada & Stephen Harper, it is the only way for Alberta to get a fair shake from these crooked Liberals.

Of once you achieve your goal of separating Alberta from Canada you will likely need to start a party to get Calgary to seperate from Alberta because those polictians in Edmonton are all crooks. Next, of course will be to get North Calgary to separate from South Calgary....

You will also need to get a posse to lynch all those nastly left wingers living in Alberta (about 40% of population the last time I checked). Having to live in a democratic country with people who disagree with you must be quite horrible. You have my sympathy.

This is how you misunderstand Albertans. You mistake their desire for political freedom for being spoiled and wanting a uniform political state. In a way you are right. Everytime the Liberals win a battle there are some who lash out in a knee-jerk reaction crying "separation!". But I think most of the Alberta Separatists realize that strong opposition is neccesary to have a balanced government. Alberta simply wants the same thing Quebec, and maybe even Newfoundland, wants. To not be governed by Ontario.

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There is a strong correlation between education and Liberal/NDP support. In other words, the more people know about the world the more likely they will support center or left wing parties.

Let's take that a step further. The less people work, the more likely they are to support center or left wing parties.

How do to make a connection between people having more education doing less work?

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There is a strong correlation between education and Liberal/NDP support. In other words, the more people know about the world the more likely they will support center or left wing parties.

Let's take that a step further. The less people work, the more likely they are to support center or left wing parties.

How do to make a connection between people having more education doing less work?

All thet book-larnin' ain't no good fer nuthin'!

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IMR, I must say, I am a fan of yours. You really know how to hit home! This may him them(Left Wingers)where it hurts!

If Jack Layton had his way, everyone would make $500/week and he would hold the purse strings. If you didn't vote his way, he would reduce it to $300/week, just so a person could survive! And welfare recipients would make $750/week!

Gotta love Left wing politics!

Oh, I think one way or the other this is how things are going, although not how he'd prefer. In Canada there is a borderline disincentive to work. For instance, I work with consultants who choose to work less because they are taxed so highly the opportunity cost of not working is preferable to being more productive. There are many, like dentists, who choose to work 4 day weeks, for example, because working harder just isn't worth it. Add to this labor laws which make it difficult for employers to fire lazy employees and laws which cut down on employers profit margin but forcing them to pay all sorts of entitlements and you have an inefficient country. Of course the problem with this is life is great for a while, but the effects aren't seen for maybe a decade or two and by then it's too late, you're poor Ireland and you have to make radical reforms to get back. Norway is in a similar situation, a socialist country with a lazy workforce riding on it's oil resources. Norway

I good republican buddy of mine in the states used to tell me not to talk politics with my travelling pals when I backpacked around the world. He said people who travel generally don't work, and people who don't work are usually liberal. Funny but I think he's right.

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This is how you misunderstand Albertans.  You mistake their desire for political freedom for being spoiled and wanting a uniform political state.  In a way you are right.  Everytime the Liberals win a battle there are some who lash out in a knee-jerk reaction crying "separation!".  But I think most of the Alberta Separatists realize that strong opposition is neccesary  to have a balanced government.  Alberta simply wants the same thing Quebec, and maybe even Newfoundland, wants.  To not be governed by Ontario.

The trouble is the CPC does not want a balanced gov't: they want their style of gov't or nothing. Canadians elected a minority which gave Harper the option of collaborating with the Liberals and ensuring that Albertans views are fairly represented at the federal level. Instead, he pissed away the opportunity in the hopes of getting a CPC majority. Now after wasting all of his political capital on the 'corruption' issue he has no choice but to fume while the Liberals go around cutting deals for the next few months.

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Liberal voters are usually middle of the road with a left wing tendency. They mostly represent people who are easily pursuaded and generally uninformed. They go which ever way the wind blows. They have no real policy except that they don't like what they like to call the "extremist" voter. Basically Liberal voters have sub-standard IQ's! (The 80-90 range)!!!!

Gee, another "anyone who does not think like me must be an idiot" rant. Sounds like someone who has been brainwashed by the conservative Alberta media.

There is a strong correlation between education and Liberal/NDP support. In other words, the more people know about the world the more likely they will support center or left wing parties.

The correlation is between wealth and comfort and voting Liberal and NDP.

Families which are well-off tend to send their kids to university, where those kids, having grown up without want or need, earn the right to their own comfortable lifestyles. The poor, those who scramble for a living, farmers, mill workers, factory workers, the self employed, low wage earners, etc, are largely shut out of university without a really concerted effort. They lead lives more grounded in reality, and as such have little time for the NDPs nonsensical social engineering games or the Liberals' incompetence and corruption. The NDP, above all parties, tends to be supported by the well-off, the wine and cheese eating, gucci loving double income BMW drivers who like to feel magnanimous towards others.

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Harper wants Canada to resemble Alberta under Klein.

I suspect that most Canadians wouldn't want that.

Hmm, Alberta; better health care and education, lower unemployment, lower taxes, no debt. Yes, I can see how horrible it would be if the rest of Canada were like that.

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The poor, those who scramble for a living, farmers, mill workers, factory workers, the self employed, low wage earners, etc, are largely shut out of university without a really concerted effort.

How do you explain that there is a strong correlation between NDP ridings and the lower income areas of urban areas. Poor people in urban areas make more use of government services and therefore support the NDP.

Conservative supporters are for the most part are middle income rural or suburban voters living in ethnically and/or religiously homogenous areas. Liberal voters are urban or suburban voters living in ethnically diverse areas.

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