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Grandmothers Funeral


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Yesterday I attended my Grandmothers Funeral , It was not really that sad of a Funeral as she was a 102 years old and for the past few weeks was unable to get out of bed .and im not sure she even knew any body any more .

The funeral was done in a little local baptist Church and i just want to comment on it . The minister said she was now with the Lord in heaven and I just want to ask people if they have ever been to a funeral where they don't go to heaven?

My Grand mother was a good person and im not implying that she deserved hell but I know that at 102 years of age she had never been in a church in her life , She would not even attend Weddings or Funerals in a church .

I suspect she got discoraged with all the hippocrits that did go to church and she knew some of their acts.

I set in the service and listened to this baptist minister quote his bible scriptures and the place was crowded and nobody accept me seemed to notice he was actually leaveing scriptures out ,just plain doing his own thing in scripture to get the conclusions he wanted . I was discusted . How come i could notice what he was doing with scriptures but a whole building full of people seen nothing wrong?

I beleave my grandmother was not a christian , because she was not a christian i beleave her eternal fate has not been decided . I beleave a Christian is someone in whom the holy spirit dwells . I beleave the christians are being judged in this life time ,and that the rest get judged in the great white throne judgement where the book of life is still open. So i beleave at this time my grandmother is dead (no thoughts ,no passage of time ,just like a deep sleep) I do beleave she will wake up again someday to be showed the truth then judged to see if she should recieve Eternal life .

If she had been a Christian then she would of been judged in this life time , if she was judged to be a respector of Gods Wisdom she would recieve eternal life as a king or priest at Christ return . If she was judged as incorectably wicked she would recieve eternal death .

So i was not one bit worried about my grand mother while setting in her funeral but it discusted me how this man had her in heaven. I just don't know how these baptist type ministers can preach every body into heaven.

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My big beef with most religions, Christian denominations in particular, is that their heaven is so hard to get into. I mean, surely a life lived with good intentions and good deeds, not free from all sin (humans being human), but free from the most egregious acts against one's fellow man, would suffice for a loving god. I certainly don't see how a just and loving deity could alow such a thing as eternal damnation to exist. A eternity of torment and pain for sins committed in a single short lifetime on this earth? Seems like a raw deal to me.

No, IMHO, I don't think Jesus would have really cared if we believed in him or not. Nor do I think he would think we'd have to be completely pure to get into his kingdom.

But then, I don't actually buy any of that stuff anyway.

America...."the worlds largest, best-armed shopping mall."-Ivor Tossell
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Dear Digby,

Most times preachers are like snake-oil salesmen. They are selling you what you want to hear..."Whatever you got, this'll cure it! Guilt? Fear of death? We got the cure for you!"

Not to be callous, but I suspect that the preacher at your grandmother's funeral was telling the people what they wanted to and expected to hear.

Would the Special Olympics Committee disqualify kids born with flippers from the swimming events?

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You don't have to be sinless, and it is impossible to be sinless. IMO, what is expected is that if you know you are doing something "bad", then you try not to keep doing it.

Christians arent perfect, nor are they expected to be perfect. A true Christian is not hypocritical; you make mistakes and others make mistakes; the difference being that a true Christian does not ignore the mud in their own eye while spotting it in another's eye.

Too often, church going religious types, think just going to church will save your soul, lift you from your sins. They then hang that religion on the back of the church door when they depart and go on to commit as many sins as they like, knowingly. They figure that next Sunday at their weekly sermon, they will once again repent their sins and start afresh, they can stab and gouge, lie and cheat with a clear conscience. These religous types give Christianity a bad name.

Digby, your grandmother, if she was a good person (not a perfect person) I think she will be judged as just that. As far as being a Christian..... well, how do you know. Many people are Christians yet they don't speak of it. It is their own personal state of being; not one to be flounted in public.

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If any man (or woman) have not the spirit of Christ he is none of his . Being a Christian is nothing to do with beleafs (although a real christian can find truth easy,they have the eyes for it).Its too do with the Spirit in a Person .

In my opinion the real spirit of Christ is something that is very hard to find on this earth .I suspect 1% or less maybe way less actually have the real Spirit Of Christ . My grand mother never claimed to have the spirit of Christ nor did she seem to have much knowledge of truth . She had good morals , I don't think she would lie ,she would not steal ,most of Gods commandments she kept and she was a good neighbour . But Im quite sure she never had the spirit of Christ .

I'm also quite sure she never had a bad spirit .In my opinion she only had her spirit guiding her through life and she was a good person .

In my opinion there is 3 types on this earth , people with gods spirit (which is the most rare its sometimes very few and far between) . People being lead or Influenced by Evil Spirits (this is comman usally these people are found around religous establishments or goverment offices ). And 3d People who are just on their own with their own spirit . No influenence accept their own mind and the advertiseing that evil spirits promote. I'm almost sure my Grandmother was in this 3d catagory .

I beleave that staying away from this worlds churches actually helped my grandmother stay pure from evil spirits , as i beleave if you go to a church to recieve the Spirit of Christ and if its not Christ Church and you invite the spirit in , You have indeed Invited a Evil Spirit into your Life . I suspect this worlds churches are actually making or society sick from spreading unholyspirits into our population . Plain and simple IF its not the Spirit Of Christ making Penticostals Bark like Dogs , Roll in the Floor and vibrate ,Lauph hysterical then it is a EVil SPirit force showing their power .And it is Evil Spirits influeceing the minds of these people .

In my opinion going CHRIST hunting is nothing to be taken lightly , you got 1000 or so doctrines out their all claiming to be from Christ . BUT WHAT IF THEIR NOT?

Christ gave us a road map to find him , How ?

He is the SAme ,yesterday today and forever , He changes not !


So if you got a christian church that has been changeing the way Christ walked ,you probly don't really have a christian church . You have to ask where did Christ step?

Did Christ Keep Sunday?

Did Christ eat Pork?

Did Christ Keep Christmas?

You have to ask if you have a unchanging Christ in your church ,or did your Christ change his ways ? Its the Only Way to find the real Guy , Somewhere in that mess of 1000 different pictures of Christ the real Christ can be found .

Remember No Lie is from the truth .

IS CHRISTMAs christ Birthday ? or is it a lie?

If someone is serious about really finding Christ and staying away from evil spirits pretending to be Christ ,its easy too do . YOU JUST GOT TO BELEAVE HIS WORDS . He changes not . HE lies NOT .

you would not have 1000 different churches if somebody was not trying to hide something .

In the Bible modern christianity is refered too as MYSTERY BABALON the GREAT babalon means confusion. Real christianity is hid from the masses by surrounding it with a Satanic Counterfiet .

Why did God allow all this ? Because the Truth is Dangerous Knowledge ! ONCE YOU RECIVE THE REAL HOLY SPIRIT you start being judged . They can only Kill Real Christians for eternity at this time. Thats why we have so much deception.

MY GRANDMOTHER IS oK , sHE WILL AWAKE again in about 1000-1100 years , She will come back to a wonderfull earth , she will be told the truth and given Christ spirit , Then she will be judged . OUR God Does not judge Blindmen from what they can't see , He opens their eyes first ! My grand mother was just not meant to be a King or a priest,The kings and priest of our future have to take judgement now! Some of these future kings and priest will make eternity , Some will not .

Real Christianity is dangerous ! Its A life or Death Situation. Eternal life or death!

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Up until a couple years ago, I made my living as a sound tech, doing live sound gigs for a variety of bands/performances/events.

i had the pleasure of working with a couple fine native musical acts.

One of these bands, based in Northern Ontario, did a gig one weekend on a reserve.

A couple hours before the show began, I accompanied them to a graveyard, wherein the childhood friend of one of the singer/songwriters in the group was buried.

The singer had written a song for his friend which he performed at the funeral a few months earlier.

On the lad's headstone, they had engraved the words from the chorus of the song.

I found these words inspiring, in a non-denominational sort of way, and have always remembered them.

I pass them on to you, and to your Grandmother.

"On the wings of an eagle he(she) flies, to meet his(her) creator".

I think that about sums it up for any religion.

Digby, my condolences on the loss of your Grandma.

May she find peace, warmth and happiness on the other side.

I need another coffee

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I've always harped about religion because how can any one religion stake claim to being the creator of all if there are so many OTHER religions out there that pretty much want to be the ONE. It's almost like they are all against each other in a fight for your votes...almost like politics.

Economic Left/Right: 3.25

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.26

I want to earn money and keep the majority of it.

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Cameron I kind of picture it like this . To hide the needle it was surrounded by a haystack.

Does that mean its impossible to find the needle ? Yes for some the majority. No for a very Few a very few have been given a magnet to help them.

Why wasn't every body given a Magnet because some was not suppose to have a needle in this life time .

Rev 5 : 9-10 I think gives us A big clue ,

AND WE (the saints) shall be kings and Priest and we shall reign on the earth . Every body can't be kings and priest , So every body can't be a saint (called out individual).

Yes Modern Christianity is mostly a mess it does have some sincere people though . The problem is only some are given this responsibility to try out to be a future King or Priest .

Thats what the Church is the real one , Its the ones picked to be our future Goverment . They have to be tried in a corrupt decieved world so as they can prove they are different.

People like my grandmother are not lost ,she could be in the future . But i beleave she was never judged yet , And i know scripture shows that in the great white throne judgement of our future THE BOOK OF LIFE is open.

I also know that the Saints will help judge the world .

THERE is a real church in all the mess refered too as christianity ,its a very small number and they got alot of responsibility to be the salt of this sinsick world .

we will not get good goverment untill the saints are put on their thrones .

Liberal ,conservative NDP , It don't matter . We can only prolong the tribulation that is ahead of us with putting God back in our judgement of morals . So if the Conservatives are truely people with morals we will get more time before the tribulation of the short term future comes upon us. If they are nothing but a bunch of Godless lieing thieves also . This land will soon crash .

Our beloved Canada will soon be a land full of tribulation.

I know whats ahead of Us ,I can understand Scripture. Its a shame for a Country like Canada to allow itself to be lead into great Tribulation.

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OK firstly I wish to respect the believes of everyone, and acknowledge the sensitivity of the issue at hand, and my condolences are extended to Digby

Now, I wish to say I have my own impressions about this death.

I mean why can't we also believe people just die out - that’s all.

I don’t know why we have to buy into some believe that people are rewarded after death and that something wonderful will be done for them if they exhibit for good behaviour while they were alive. Or they will be punished for being bad.

I mean if life is much more beautiful after death, we should all be striving to die a good death in a hurry. Like why wait, trying to prolong living – some of us really go though major hurdles and we are always looking for better life.

I would like to share my one experience with someone dear to me who died.

My dad was young and he died suddenly. I am proud to say that I saw the post-mortem of my dad and I was only an impressionable young girl.

My neighbour who supervised that operation let me into the room to watch the entirety of the procedure of autopsy.

She said it was my dad afterall, and plus I probably was not ever going to have an experience and witness anything like this again.

For once I was in the right place, and I am grateful of course. I still carry around vividly those memories of the autopsy.

Needless to say the only time I was upset about this whole death, is when the folks proceed to return the body parts haphazardly, just throwing carelessly and proceeded to stitched it up.

I had somehow hope my dad was going to be fixed. But my hopes had indeed faltered when I realise that the organs were not put into their right places, I mean there was no way body part are attracted to their correct position, and start working by themselves plus with the stitch job, it was hopeless, stapling.

The last I saw of my dad was at the funeral home and went up to hold his hand, just to make sure, but it was rather cold, only then I realise he was never really going to return.

I have never thought about what happened to him thereafter, all I knew that he was going to decay.

Plus, my sisters gave us young ones the breakdown of timeline of the decomposition of the dead body and we were satisfied with their explanation.

We currently have a headstand on a grave to honor my dad like everyone else – for me it symbolises my dad who once was and the fond memories I still carry.

I mean there is nothing about heaven in this account, and it’s my dad.

Hope I believe for happiness after death is really far fetched.

But thats what I think.

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Sorry to hear about your dad rb .

All i can tell you rb is that according to what i read in the bible your dad is not done . Yes he is dead now , he not somewhere thinking and seeing he is at this time dead , Hes not in heaven . Hes not in this made up hell place .

Hes in his grave . BUT! there was something refered to as his spirit that was saved , this spirit can't think ,or see or feel now as it needs a body to do this with .

In about 1000 -1100 years from now i beleave your father will be resurected to life ,he will again be mortal and he will at that time have a chance to become immortal. If he gets judged that he should be given imortality he will be changed from being in a mortal body . to haveing a body Like Christ has at this time ,its something we can't even imagin as we only at this time are familure with mortal bodies.

God is reproduceing through man , This is why he is called our holy Father . Christ is a Older Brother .

Every man or woman ever born has the potential to be changed from mortal to immortal . but you must be judged first as there is no room for trouble makers in eternity . A very small number have been judged in this life time , this is known as the first fruits ,or the Spring harvest ,or the church ,or the saints . Its a very small number as these are only the future goverment or the kings and priest .

The rest of the world over 99% of all men are decieved , every religion or beleaf on this earth accept one very hard to find one has its orgins from Satan and the evil spirits . All these decieved people ,God is allowing to be decieved as they can not be harmed unless they have Gods Spirit . They can only suffer the first death ,its the eccond death we must fear.

The whole earth accept that very small number which has been chosen to be our future kings and priest is decieved and being lead by evil spirits.

God almighty Wanted us to know where eating off the tree of the knowledge of good and evil would lead (lawmaking without him). so hes setting back allowing man to mannage this earth with the help of evil spirits . Knowing we will distroy this earth . He wanted to prove to us he is the one with the wisdom.

He is doing all this so that in the future we will beleave in him . As he lets us about distroy this earth with our law making . But then he will come rule for 1000 years and force his laws on us . At the end of our lawmaking this earth will be a complete mess , oceans depleated of fish , pollution,disseases ,crime, animals being wiped out , war . this earth would lose all flesh if he don't stop it .

But he will stop it and then force us to obey him for 1000 years . The earth will become a wonderfull place during this 1000years , no war , no killing , no dissease , no crime . no corporate greed , A whole earth of happy healthy people.

Then he wakes up all those that have lived and lets them see the other side . they have already seen mans goverment , now let them see the result of Gods goverment .

Most like your Father will then aggree to Beleave on God , he is All WISE . We had to see a life of wrong direction first .to beleave in GODS WISDOM.

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  • 3 weeks later...
My big beef with most religions, Christian denominations in particular, is that their heaven is so hard to get into. I mean, surely a life lived with good intentions and good deeds, not free from all sin (humans being human), but free from the most egregious acts against one's fellow man, would suffice for a loving god. I certainly don't see how a just and loving deity could alow such a thing as eternal damnation to exist. A eternity of torment and pain for sins committed in a single short lifetime on this earth? Seems like a raw deal to me.

No, IMHO, I don't think Jesus would have really cared if we believed in him or not. Nor do I think he would think we'd have to be completely pure to get into his kingdom.

But then, I don't actually buy any of that stuff anyway.

Technically I think the christian heaven would be the easiest to get into, peace of cake...as it does nto neccasarilly require a Life of great deeds...apparently just two or three words...and being the lazy person I am well I draw the line at four words.

The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. - Ayn Rand



Economic Left/Right: 4.75

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.54

Last taken: May 23, 2007

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No Offence Folks ,but i really beleave the problem most of you have with beleaveing is lack of understanding .

here is a magazine you can order free or read on line ,you can also order booklets on any subject . I really think you will find it alot harder to throw away God if you increase your knowledge in what the bible really teaches .


http://www.cemnetwork.com is also a good site for learning i find Ron Dart a very wise teacher .

Most of you just don't understand ! B)

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  • 3 weeks later...
No Offence Folks ,but i really beleave the problem most of you have with beleaveing is  lack of understanding ...

...Most of you just don't understand ! B)

You're probably right Digby, but I choose to base my beliefs on the tangible, not on some 2000+ year old document; especially to solve 21st century problems. Here's a site for the open minded skeptic: http://skepticsannotatedbible.com.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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