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  1. I don't think any body minds helping someone with a disability. what i mind is goverment power used to take working peoples money for no just cause . no body minds paying for folks who are down on their luck. if its not self induced or faked.Nobody minds paying for needed programs, but who wants their money wasted or stolen? the problem is this liberal goverment uses the powers of goverment to just take for its supporters , after while they will break this countrys will to work when they can work .
  2. My post are weather driven , when its blowing i get lots of time to post . when its fine im at sea being a slave for corrupt liberal landlords (ITQ holders) My what a system these liberals got , last week my boat stocked 18,000 dollars . 6000 went in fuel , 6000 went directly to liberals (Itq Holders ) after every thing else was paid the boat and the workers get almost nothing. You got a Job for me in Alberta Right winger? Ive had enough of this liberal run east coast can you find me a nice conservitive place to hang my hat?
  3. Maybe we could try to fix Canada , but it would include big changes . Capital punishment for crooked politiceans and judges would be a start. Make all men and women equal would be next , stop giving special rights to natives and french . Give us all a level field .
  4. As a Nova Scotian I have alot of respect for Newfoundlanders in most cases i would say you have more wisemen per capita then any part of Canada . You would have to see with your own eyes what this bunch of liberal crooks has done to the nova scotia fishery with the fools the hire to mis manage it .Then you might know why i would rather be part of the US . These crooked liberal's have only managed in a way to help their rich buddies have all . Nothing else has been on their minds ,conservation is just a word used to hide their real motives. I suspect Newfoundland's luck would of been much different if snow crabs had not replaced the mighty cod . It was missmanagement that lead you too it but you got lucky . by wipeing the cod out ,then came the crabs . You would have to see it Newfie to know where im coming from!
  5. I agree Fellowtraveler . This country will be in big trouble if the liberals are put back in. We all know they are a bunch of thiefs and crooks ,but some will chose thieves and crooks just because Stephen Harper is from Alberta . Why wouldn't the west be pissed? Letting men govern tax dollars that we know have a history of missuse just because Ontario's people could not stand the thought of a western primeminister . This western prime minister might of been a honest man ,but because hes from Alberta he can't make it as prime minister even when running against known crooks and thiefs and liers . I think we deserve a relief from liberal mismanagement of our tax dollars if it means taking a chance on a western prime minister , lets do it . Smarten up Ontario your going to break Canada up . 4-5 years with an Albertan running this country will not ruin Canada . Putting back a bunch of Known crooks will ruin Canada as they will steal again especially if they win a majority after so much scandle being overlooked.
  6. I know america is not perfect ,but in an issue like fisheries management they have Canada beat 10 to 1 . Even the issues that we use to brag about being Canadian like medicare are now nothing but messes in Canada ,there was a time i would of agreed Canada was better governed in some ways . We may still have america beat in some places such as crime rates in major cities . homelessness of the down and out is probly worse in america then in Canada . But i think America is winning over all when it comes to who is better governed . Canada has way more fools in goverment its mostly to do with many years of the left leading and the fact that a french speaking fool applieing for a goverment office will win every time over a english only somewhat wiseman .When picking Goverment beuracrates the ability to speak french always wins over real ability to govern . One of Canadas major problems is we really don't know who we are loyal too its the english monarch's face on our money ,and the one who takes us to court ect ,But we allow for 1/3 or more of our country's loyalty to be somewhere else . The biggest problem in Canada we have less God fearing men and woman in Goverment , We got alot of anything goes type people governing this country.
  7. I know a woman that was lugged off to jail a while back for asaulting her husband . The Bast--d deserved it too ! cost her 30,000 in legal fees to get rid of the charges too and she was attacked first . Just the better at boxing . TIMES ARE CHANGEING
  8. Alot of our fish now will be sold to chinese buyers that ship them froozen by container to china to process them ,then they send the finished products back to sell . Hard to beleave they save enough on labour cost to ship to china and back and still make a profit . aquaculture if the truth be known is mostly a great disaster in Canada it would be hard to get the truth in Canada as its hid from the public . Millions of tax dollars have been invested in aquaculture . in new brunswick its big business . at first it looked like we struck gold many millionaires was made . Then reality struck , diseases . More then the public will ever be told about . I visited a salmon farmer in new brunswick a while back and stayed at his house . At the time they was burying salmon underground . He told me 70% or more of all salmon farms in new brunswick was full of diseased fish . Diseases was in my opinion spreading in wild populations . Human beings that eat these sick diseased , antibiotic filled fish i think are eating poison foods . While in Florida i seen a front page article claiming a direct link from farm raised salmon to cancers . ITS really a man made disaster this aquaculture industry but our crooked lieing goverment hides it . The state of maine has closed down alot of its salmon farms because of the disease . But in Canada its hidden as millions of tax dollars was thrown into this industry . A few quick millionairs walked away and the goverment will be left with the clean up responsibility some day soon. I suspect Salmon farms kill more pollack then commercial fishing , as pollack start their lives in inland water ways , they find these farms a feed source and mostly get more then free food out of the deal they get free diseases to take back to their friends. time will tell just how much damage salmon farms have really done , i think its also added to a future crash of herring resources(the oceans backbone) as herring was slaughtered by the boat loads to grind up as salmon feeds . Our oceans could of supported us if mannaged rightously ,but now i fear we are headed to famine shortly from our oceans state . Im now a trawler captain and i beleave trawling is too much tecnology it should never been allowed . I beleave longlining in moderation could of went on for eternity if trawlers had been avoided .I only go trawling as you stand no chance of survival in a longliner competeing with trawlers.
  9. Bigdude they probly got their own history books made up to read they probly all beleave they won! Hard to say how their books tell it .
  10. If i worked in parliment i would buy one of them big chains for my wallet that hooks to your belt . Thats how much confidence id have in our goverment , i know what they are after.
  11. As a Nova Scotian who was born here and whos family has been here sence 1621 , id be glad to see the maritimes become a state of the US . In the Issues that face me i just beleave america is better governed . I have nothing against Canada accept i have little hope of seeing any form of wise goverment under Ottawa's makeup. More western politiceans might give me a little hope , as long as Canada is mostly managed by men and women from Quebec and Ontario I doubt our ability to have good goverment. Any goverment that is more concerned with making the gays happily wed and the pot smokers the norm rather then more important issues is not fit to govern a country. And thats all we will ever get for a goverment from Quebec and Ontario. I'm not saying becoming a state would fix every thing as i know we would still have problems .I know the Americans better govern their fishery and make it fairer for all .they are not so much for promoteing this land lord peasant system Canada has adopted . In America they Don't allow ITQ Quotas , somebody down there still got a little wisdom . Up here fools are sprouting in goverment faster then any place on earth. I know Ontario and Quebec still have good people too i'm not saying they are all bad .I just don't think much of the goverments we keep getting from them.
  12. The Canadian goverment has been telling fisherman that we have a huge biomass of haddock on Georges Bank . Most fishermen includeing myself have been doubting the goverment was right about the haddock biomass but surely they must be some right . The goverment has raised our haddock quotas about 5 times their normal amounts with plans of next year putting it to 10 times the normal amounts . There was even rumers that our goverment was going to let chinese trawlers come into our waters to help catch all these haddock .Fish plants have been plotting for months to be able to sell all this haddock that are to hit the market on june first . I myself have been looking forward to getting a crack at these large haddock resources our goverment is telling us about . As in the areas im fishing now fish are getting so scarce we are lucky to pay our fuel cost any more. To make a long Story short our goverment picked 6 of their rich liberal friend 's to let go to georges bank last week as they wanted to treat their buddys to a few loads of haddock before the prices crashed with the june first opening when the whole Canadian fleet hits Georges bank as well as the americans hit their side of georges . the price now for haddock is about 1.00 a lb -1.30 a lb out of the boat after june first prices was predicted to be .30 to .50 so it was a real treat for these crooked liberals to be aloud to go before the rest of the fleet . As it was predicted that 2-3 tows would bring in 70,000 to 100,000 lb of haddock . So these boats was suspecting 100,000 dollar stocks in less then a day's fishing . They could not find no haddock! according to the goverment millions of lbs are there ready to be harvested ,like i say they even been considering getting the chinese to help us catch all these haddock . But 6 boats went there last week and could not find them! the highest boat had 15,000 lb and only 5000 of haddock aboard when landing and our goverment says there is millions and millions of lbs there ready for harvesting . Millions of dollars have been paid to rich ITQ holders in advance for a chance to get at all these haddock . I know one fish buyer that paid 1,200,000 dollars up front to itq holders for these haddock . I imagine he may be setting somewhere crying at this time . One company alone had 8,000,000 of haddock to catch there .And they are not there as of last week ! What kind of Fools is running this country??? how hard a shape is our ocean in? The beuracrates that set this quota will just lauph this off they didn't lose millions too itq holders.
  13. Maybe there is times a democracy will not work . The idea of a democracy i admit sounds good ,you know we all get an opinion on who governs us . But what happens if 50% of your population became fools ? What happens if 50% or more are brainwashed with falsehoods ? What we all don't want to admit some are smarter and wiser then others .Some are evil ,some are good . What if the majority becomes fools or evil? In some places at times i suspect over 50% become corrupted with falsehoods and false education . When this happens a democracy becomes dangerous . I really beleave the secrets to a long liveing society that lives in peace and prosperity is Keeping your Judges judgeing fair something we are loseing . Keeping our Goverment full of men of honour something now i think is impossible as now days they would trade the man of honour in for someone who will say what ever needs to be said to get elected . I am loseing hope myself for this country haveing real prosperity in the future as i think the real secret to a country prospering is to put God in their decision making . Let real prophets speak . We are so far gone that we now have chosen Godlessness over the many false prophets that are walking amonst us . We have probly been distroyed by a large number of false prophets riseing in our midst and the result being people throwing out God . That would not be a bad deal if No God exist , But i Beleave one does . And if a real God exist his word predicts the times we are in . Isaiah 3 tells how distruction will come upon us in the end of this age . Its exsactly what i see happening , We lose our mighty men ,the man of war ,the judge ,and the prophet,and the prudent and the ancient, the captain of 50 ,and the honourable man,and the couciler,and the cunning artiicer,and the eloquet orator. The only chance we got to survive in prosperity as a nation is to return to good goverent ,To get good goverment we have to return to our God . I beleave this will be next to impossible as our land now is full of false prophets and most could not find the real road to God even if they did decide to return . This democracy is now sick , we got a parliment building full of Fools and corrupt men . Our churches have lead us to Godlessness . We will shortly see the results of all this .
  14. No Offence Folks ,but i really beleave the problem most of you have with beleaveing is lack of understanding . here is a magazine you can order free or read on line ,you can also order booklets on any subject . I really think you will find it alot harder to throw away God if you increase your knowledge in what the bible really teaches . http://www.tomorrowsworld.org http://www.cemnetwork.com is also a good site for learning i find Ron Dart a very wise teacher . Most of you just don't understand !
  15. Click on the http://cemnetwork.com and look under essays and find the one on hell fire . You will find that the version of hell fire this world is being lead to beleave in is not what the bible truely teaches . This man goes through every scripture .
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