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Both the LPC and NDP have included in their plans to increase officials abroad to speed up the screening of the refugees.

Oh speed it up. Oh, well, that's easy enough. You just uh... how do you do that again? Are the experts going to work seventy five hour days? Are you going to wave your magic wand so there's ten times more of them than there were yesterday? Maybe you can train more investigators. Shouldn't take more than an hour or two, right?

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Oh speed it up. Oh, well, that's easy enough. You just uh... how do you do that again? Are the experts going to work seventy five hour days? Are you going to wave your magic wand so there's ten times more of them than there were yesterday? Maybe you can train more investigators. Shouldn't take more than an hour or two, right?

No you see more officials can process more people in less time. Or I'll put it a simpler way for you, many hands make light work. Plus the UNHCR already has soewhere around 16000 already screened.

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No you see more officials can process more people in less time.

Really? So you're saying we should be laying off most of the public service, because clearly they could be doing their jobs way, way faster.

Or I'll put it a simpler way for you, many hands make light work. Plus the UNHCR already has soewhere around 16000 already screened.

So I'm supposed to trust officials from the likes of Ghana and Camaroon to decide who should be coming to Canada? No thanks.

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Apparently you haven't been watching much news lately. Both Mulcair and Trudeau have stated they favor sending security and CIC officials to Turkey, Jordan, etc to speed up the process.

Since it usually takes a year and they intend to bring over thousands of people in a few months you're saying these officials can process people four or five times faster in Turkey than here? Geeze, maybe we should ship the whole public service to Turkey!

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Why don't you stop with the knee jerking and accusations. People are putting forth opinions and arguments. Address the arguments or shut up.

Yes, there are over one million Muslims in Canada at last census. But their numbers are doubling every ten years. There are already, as you point out, three times more Muslims than there are Jews in Canada. Their current numbers are expected to triple by 2020, and with that their influence on our culture and our politics and our laws. It's not ignorant or bigoted to be concerned with how the growing number of people with socially regressive beliefs impact our country and culture.

First of all YOU shut up yourself. Be civil or receive in kind. I never attacked you or refer to your post directly regarding bigotry until now and you read my comments and related that to your own posts and yourself. If the shoe fits then wear it.

I am not accusing I am just calling a spade a spade. What is obvious is obvious. Those who put all in one basket as rapists, violent, disrespectful and judge based on race or religion and worse of all skin color like you do ARE BIGOTS and you clearly are one of those as per your posts.

I can't think of any progressive non-white societies, except perhaps for Japan,

And by the way I have myself the whitest possible skin I have ever seen or met just in case you think I am opposing bigotry based on skin color (or religion as a matter of fact) out of self interest. And yes You are the one who is a danger to our compassionate and kind culture NOT the Muslims based on your demonstrated bigotry.

So that sums it up. Now we know. Your hatred for Muslims is not for any reason other than you see it as a threat to the Jews. Now we all know. Thank you for eventually clarifying that. And socially repressive cultures in YOUR book does not extend to orthodox Jews whose fanaticism are well known to all?.

There are already, as you point out, three times more Muslims than there are Jews in Canada.

Edited by CITIZEN_2015
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First of all YOU shut up yourself. Be civil or receive in kind.

You're not being civil, and are being treated in kind. And I was quoting from the rules, which pointedly tell people to address the argument, not the arguer.

I never attacked you or refer to your post directly regarding bigotry until now.

Smells racism or ignorance to me

I am not accusing what is obvious. Those who put all in one basket as rapists, violent, disrespectful and judge based on race or religion and worse of all skin color like you do ARE BIGOTS and you clearly are one of those as per your posts.

For a guy who repeatedly points out he's writing out of ignorance (and it shows) you're pretty quick to label other people whose arguments you can't counter but feel the need to insult. No one has mentioned race but you. Others have carefully pointed out that people reflect the values of the land they are raised in, and it is those values and beliefs people here have a problem with, not skin colour. As I pointed out in an earlier post, despite the ignorant, knee jerk response of idiots of the Left, it isn't Black people who are drawing suspicion, or Asians, but specifically Muslims, who are not a race, at all, and whose only collective similarity derives from their group behaviour.

So that sums it up. Now we know. Your hatred for Muslims is not for any reason other than you see it as a threat to the Jews. Now we all know. Thank you for eventually clarifying that. And socially repressive cultures in YOUR book does not extend to orthodox Jews whose fanaticism are well known to all?.

I don't hate Muslims, but it's clear you have a major hate on for Jews. I tried in another conversation to attempt to draw out for you why you felt Iran's hatred of Israel was justified, and you kept sputtering and then ran away. Are you from the middle east? From Iran, perhaps? You seem to have a lot of good things to say about Iranian society and a lot of nasty things to say about "Zionists".

I only mention Jews here as a comparison of the numbers involved to those who seem to feel Muslims are rare in Canada. And FYI I have amply criticized orthodox Jews in the past.

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Wrong on all accounts and bigotry is not limited to hatred based on race or skin color but religion too. And of course in your case you not only hate Muslims but had said clearly that progressive people can only be found in those with white skin!!!!

I can't think of any progressive non-white societies, except perhaps for Japan,

And as I said I personally have the whitest possible skin you can find on this planet so my anger is because of obvious bigotry not self interest.

I will be adding you to the list of very few people (one other) who from now on I refuse to read their posts or respond because of your uncivil posts, insults and bad behavior.

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Really? So you're saying we should be laying off most of the public service, because clearly they could be doing their jobs way, way faster.

So I'm supposed to trust officials from the likes of Ghana and Camaroon to decide who should be coming to Canada? No thanks.

Well I will say one thing you do spread your bigotry around a fair bit. I guess it goes toward anyone who's brown eh?

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Wrong on all accounts and bigotry is not limited to hatred based on race or skin color but religion too. And of course in your case you not only hate Muslims but had said clearly that progressive people can only be found in those with white skin!!!!

No, I didn't, but feel free to cite where you think I did.

And as I said I personally have the whitest possible skin you can find on this planet so my anger is because of obvious bigotry not self interest.

Yeah, sure. And you're six foot three and have a supermodel girlfriend.

I will be adding you to the list of very few people (one other) who from now on I refuse to read their posts or respond because of your uncivil posts, insults and bad behavior.

Yeah you do that, and keep calling people names when you can't deal with their arguments. That's real impressive.

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Well I will say one thing you do spread your bigotry around a fair bit. I guess it goes toward anyone who's brown eh?

I don't spread bigotry. But I don't think you're smart enough to even know what bigotry is. And I doubt many Canadians will cheerfully be willing to accept officials from the UN deciding who is or isn't a security threat to Canada.

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There's an Iranian girl in our department. She's only here on a student visa. She seems like any other Canadian girl working in the department. The only difference so far is that she's surprised at how remote and quite our town is, since her city had 7 million people in it. She was also surprised that we have to wait for doctors appointments, since in Iran you apparently just show up at the doctor and he takes you right away or if he's busy you go down the street to another doctor. It's certainly not like New Brunswick where you go on a waiting list for 6 years before getting a family doctor. Would I want someone like her to be a citizen? Without hesitation. I would rather she and her family be citizens here than half closed-minded bigots on this forum.

Bravo cybercoma for giving a living example.

Actually my best friend was an Iranian lady for several years. She told me a lot about Iran and Iranians. Very progressive lady and so were her family who came to Canada two decades ago from a city of over 10 million. I also met a number of her friends too, some Iranians of both genders and in fact we did go to discos and bars together dancing and drinking. More progressive than any average girl in Montreal even. I met her family too and they too were all very progressive thinking and highly educated. What you say is very correct. She was surprised how poor the health care system in Canada is considering this is a rich country compare to Iran. Saying that all people from middle east or Muslims are backward thinking and non-compatible is simply stupid.

As yet another example Nazanin Afshin Jam is another Iranian in Canada, I wasn't lucky enough to meet her but she is a very intelligent beautiful young lady who became Miss World Canada 2003 and Miss Universe runner up soon after, She represented Canada in the contest. She is a human rights activists and has contributed very positively to Canada. I guess those people wanted to ban her (or her family) to come to Canada simply because she (or they) wasn't born in Europe!!! So Stop generalization and stereotyping based on ignorance and bigotry some people!!!!!. Shame on you :(

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Actually my girlfriend for 2 years was an Iranian some years ago. She told me a lot about Iran and Iranians. Very progressive lady and so were her family who came to Canada two decades ago from a city of over 10 million. I also met a few of her friends too of both genders and in fact we did go to discos and bars together dancing and drinking. More progressive than any average girl in Montreal even. I met her family too and they too were all very progressive thinking and highly educated and so were his family. What you say is very correct. She was surprised how poor the health care system is in Canada considering this is a rich country compare to Iran. Saying that all people from middle east or Muslims are backward thinking and non-compatible is simply stupid.

As yet another example Nazanin Afshin Jam is another Iranian in Canada, I wasn't lucky enough to meet her but she is a very intelligent beautiful young lady who became Mss World Canada 2003 and Miss Universe runner up soon after, She represented Canada in the contest. She is a human rights activists and has contributed so positively to Canada. I guess those people wanted to ban her or her family to come to Canada simply because she wasn't born in Europe!!! So Stop generalization and stereotyping based on ignorance and bigotry some people!!!!!.

I worked in Iran for some months in the aviation business, both in Tehran and down on Kish island. We had Iranian co-pilots, all men, and many other staffers who handled passengers, bags, freight, mostly women. Very competent people whichever job they held. And once I became trusted by them I was invited to the compound their company supplied for them. Once inside the hair coverings disappeared, the music went on, drinks, laughter and discussion ensued, not unlike it would back here. My point with all that is simply the people there are way ahead of their ayatollah leaders, and hopefully as they die off and are replaced by the younger population, the country will progress rapidly. And I'll take a further risk here by saying, the women were stunningly beautiful to my eyes.

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the country will progress rapidly. And I'll take a further risk here by saying, the women were stunningly beautiful to my eyes.

Exactly. Well said. And I think that is what scares some people as they see Iran as a future regional power and a threat to a certain country (would be thread hijacking if I name that country) also located in the middle east. And yes her and all of her female Iranian friends were stunningly beautiful and very progressive minded and intellectuals and very feminist too. Good for them.

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Exactly. Well said. And I think that is what scares some people as they see Iran as a future regional power and a threat to a certain country (would be thread hijacking if I name that country) also located in the middle east. And yes her and all of her female Iranian friends were stunningly beautiful and very progressive minded and intellectuals and very feminist too. Good for them.

One of the aircrew we had was x military, (actually most were) and had flown in the Iran-Iraq war, so he had lot's of stories to tell once we reached cruise. One in particular was that, as he was approaching retirement age, he planned to move to California to work with his brother who owned a couple of gas stations there. There was also a US election looming at the time and he was well aware of the candidates, their platforms etc. Again my point here is that a lot of the chagrin that is directed toward these people comes from people who probably don't ever get far enough away fro their TV set or their newspaper to acquire a very well formed opinion.

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Well, no, they're not. Europeans are.

Well no, they are not, Indians (and other Asians are). Below is the American story, and ours is pretty much the same:


Statscan reports they have roughly double the rate of education of the Canadian average.

Article pointing out half the richest are immigrants:


A quick search of our immigration numbers reveals most are coming from Asian countries. Also reported here:


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That makes no sense. So you are not disputing CC's figures on Sikh domestic abuse but you're just not really as concerned because they are better "performing immigrants after Jews"?

So, it's not as big a deal to kill your wife as long as you're working hard? What the heck?

Anecdotes don't make evidence. There is no evidence domestic abuse is higher in the sikh community than any other immigrant community. Some high profile cases were Sikh's and some were Muslims. The vast majority assimilate well and do well. In particular in business. Muslims come with the attitude of us against them, and create a mess in most place they are allowed to immigrant and concentrate.

There is no specific inferiority mandate for women in the Sikh texts, to my knowledge. There is clearly and unambiguously such precedent in Islamic texts. From women's opinions being worth half a man's, to a needing 4 women to testify or 1 man to testify in a rape case, to Mohammed reporting that he had seen hell, that is was mostly filled with women, and that the reason was they don't obey their husbands.

The beliefs people hold determine their future. Most immigrants integrate and love Canada. Muslims are an exception, not all but many. If you have ever visited the ummah forums (english forums for muslims), it is filled with Muslims in the west hating their host countries, wanting Islam to dominate Europe, etc. They come here because they know it is better, and immediately start complaining that we do not believe the same stuff that the craphole places they come from believe.

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I hate to be the one to bring up but does it not seem rational to see these Syrian refugee's fleeing before the religious nutbars ? These refugee's are the damn Moderates that all you war-against-terrorists-killthemovertherebeforetheycomehere crowd have been looking for since 2001 for godsake.

They're fleeing ISIL! These aren't the religious nutbars. Those guys are remaining behind to build the Caliphate not looking to go serve Big-Macs in Bremen.

These people are getting the hell out of there before its too late. And all I can hear is "one is too many"

(edited to fix some auto-correct)

Edited by Peter F
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