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BC Latest Polling Results

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Are we going through this stuff once again?

Why is it always the rich who exploit the poor that want to abolish minimum wage, whereas the poor want minimum wages raised? :angry:

If you want a prosperous and healthy society for all, raise the minimum wage to $15-$20 per hour depending on the cost of living where you live in Canada.

That will only make the investment environment worse in BC, please read some of te stats done by Fraser Institue, they might be biased, but they are right for the large part. NDP made sure people have unrealistic expectations when it comes to the union workers, Gordon is not going to do the same.

As for the poll results, they are done at a bad time. It's easy to point fingers and say "I'm going to vote for NDP coz I dont like Gordon Campbell." But when it comes to the party platform, people are going to vote the other way. I have a strong belief that "Campbell Liberal" is going to have a majority again. We shall see how popular Liberal is in just a few weeksafter the by-election.

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BC is the one place in Canada where the provincial politics are less messed up than in Quebec....

If BC Unity, the Conservatives and Socreds could get together, you will get one wild Italian style legislature.

However, that is unlikely so we will probably see the BC Libs getting in again, on account of the split Green/NDP vote.

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The greens are not that popular here and Campbell is THAT unpopular that he will not get in again. He has had more scandals that any other starting with his drunk driving in Hawaii

It seems that once again BCs situation is not altogether different from Quebec's.... I don't think that under Jean Charest, the Quebec Liberals could be re-elected. With a new leader, they might be able to pull it off.

Would that be the case in BC, say, if Campbell himself steps down in favour of a more poular underling?

I pity you all if the New Democrats get back in......

BC Unity all the way!

IF I am still in Quebec when the next election comes (highly unlikely) I will vote ADQ while holding my nose.

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If BC Unity, the Conservatives and Socreds could get together, you will get one wild Italian style legislature.

Are you from BC?????? Our politics are as messed up as they come. The Socreds are long gone; now called Liberals as they hijacked that party name. We have had a raid on our legislature connected to drug dealing, organized crime and money laundering but are still not getting any real facts. Our premier get arrested for drunk driving and tries to sell off all our assets as fast as he can to his rich American friends. geesh.

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As I said, the only place that makes Quebec look desireable....

You know that if the likes of Svend Robinson, Hedy Fry and Libby Davies, can get elected there you have a problem....

Not to mention the crooks in the provincial NDP.... and the mafiosos in the Liberals....

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Neal; you know little about BC politics. Our provincial government (crooks) are the" liberals" and it is the ministerial aids for that government that are being investigated.

As for Libby Davies, Hedy Fry, and Svend Robinson; all have worked well for their constituents. Svend's problems are personal problems and do not mean that he was not an effective MLA. Clinton had his personal problems (as did JFK) but they are still considered good leaders.

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  • 1 month later...
The most recent Mustel Group poll (taken October 6-17, 2004) indicates that the BC Liberals continue to hold a six percentage point lead over the NDP. If an election were held tomorrow, the BC Liberals would have the support of 45% of decided voters, and the NDP the support of 39% of voters.

Mustel Group Oct 2004

The BC Liberals seem to be picking up. Will Campbell be re-elected? How well will the Green party do? Anybody have a seat breakdown? Will the Greens get people into the Legislature?

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The most recent Mustel Group poll (taken October 6-17, 2004) indicates that the BC Liberals continue to hold a six percentage point lead over the NDP. If an election were held tomorrow, the BC Liberals would have the support of 45% of decided voters, and the NDP the support of 39% of voters.

Mustel Group Oct 2004

The BC Liberals seem to be picking up. Will Campbell be re-elected? How well will the Green party do? Anybody have a seat breakdown? Will the Greens get people into the Legislature?

I have no seat predictions to look at however the last B.C provincial election saw the greens get 12% of the vote and still come up lackng, so it could happen again. Other then that I don;t know.

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You can also expect the BC Liberals to brush off the loss as no big deal; hey, no governing party has won a by-election since 1981, right? Well, yeah, indeed. A closer look shows that the NDP government lost by-elections in ridings that they didn’t hold in the first place. The last time that by-election losses were a big deal was back in the Vander Zalm days, when the NDP was taking seats they almost never won—the old Boundary-Similkameen, Cariboo, and Point Grey ridings, not to mention Oak Bay—as the voters were sending a message to the SoCreds.

As well the Green party leader ran in the election and quickly became a non-factor. Progressive Greens will be supporting the NDP in the next election, as the Green party has no chance of removing Campbell from power.

Like the recent Surrey Panorama Ridge by-election results, a lot of people are going to be very surprised with the BC election results next May.

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VANCOUVER – B.C. Federation of Labour President Jim Sinclair today launched the largest grassroots political action campaign in the Federation’s history at the 48th Convention of the B.C. Federation of Labour.

"We're going to reach out to every one of our members and make sure they understand the choice facing BC so that they understand the connection between the ballot box and their workplace, the connection between the ballot box and our communities," Sinclair told the crowd.

Sinclair explained that the campaign, called "Count Me In", isn’t about money, but about organizing large numbers of workers to get involved in politics in every BC community.

"Our war chest is over half a million people strong. Unions represent working women and men right across this province."

"Pundits would have us believe Gordon Campbell can't be beaten," said Sinclair. "I have three words for them: Surrey—Panorama—Ridge."

Sinclair also told delegates that unions must step up to the plate to fight for fair wages.

Sinclair said CEO's of the top 100 publicly traded companies got an average pay increase of thirty-six percent last year and fifty-one percent this year.

I had heard labour was going to pull out all the stops like never before to rid BC of the drunk who is currently at the helm of our province. Maybe once the election over, BC can get back to being a healthy province for all its citizens not just the few select CEOs.

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Like the recent Surrey Panorama Ridge by-election results, a lot of people are going to be very surprised with the BC election results next May.

I hope that I will not be surprised and dismayed by this upcoming election here in BC. Are people going to be gullible enough to be swayed by the few bones being tossed out by Campbell and Company now. They are not even restoring things to how they were prior to their taking office; they have brought MORE scandal to our province. Not only Campbell's drunk driving but the raid on the legislature and the ministerial aids selling or taking illegal drugs. We have yet to hear all or even much of the truth there. Selling off our provincial assets. Selling BC rail after promising not to. Government contracts (jobs) constantly being given to foreign interests. Sensitive data put at risk by utilizing insecure American companies which puts our private information prone to invasion by USA homeland security. I could go on but we all should remember all the cuts they made to hospital workers which has left the safety and cleanliness of our hospitals at risk.

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Neal, Unity will never go anywhere, it'd be interesting if they won a seat though.

To the socialist panel, the NDP WAY overspent when we were in an economic boom and just kept spending...deficits are a great way to ensure that in the future, we will have LESS social programs and spending than now. That's exactly what happened...the NDP spent way too much and now we're paying for it. We can't afford the sort of services we had with the NDP in charge, it would be nice if we could, but we can't.

I don't think the Liberals are perfect, but they're a hell of a lot better than the NDP.

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Like every other political party the NDP has made mistakes while in power. A lot of people in BC were quite disappointed with Clark's personal behaviour - I know he was framed, but he was being very naive, or just stupid, concerning his relationship with the fellow who built his deck or renovations to his home. Politics is a dirty game and you have to be very careful how you conduct your personal affairs. But Clark is gone now, and if you have been following the recent spat of NDP nominations, Carole James seems to be creating a welcome change, bringing in some people from the business community.

But to suggest that social democrats are the only ones who screw up is absurd - Look at what happened to the Conservatives in Saskatchewan, the Union Nationale in Quebec, the Liberals Sponsorship and Arar Inquiries. And that Colin Thatcher wasn't he a murderer? All parties screw up at times, but we need to live in the present, not the past.

Presently in Canada we have three provinces paying in more than their share:

Alberta - Conservative government

Ontario - Liberal government

Saskatchewan - New Democratic government.

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A lot of people in BC were quite disappointed with Clark's personal behaviour

Not me. I didn't mind that at all, it was his money wasting policies that bugged me.

Carole James seems to be creating a welcome change, bringing in some people from the business community.

Be honest, the NDP gets into power because of unions.

But to suggest that social democrats are the only ones who screw up is absurd

I agree, but that's not the point. The Liberal Party of BC has viable, sustainable economic policies. The NDP doesn't.

Liberals Sponsorship and Arar Inquiries.

Honestly the sponsorship thing wasn't a big deal to me, governments pay back their funders...that's a given. It isn't "screwing up" to do what every politician since the beginning of time has done.

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Be honest, the NDP gets into power because of unions.

Nope!!!!! Gordon Campbell will be all the reason I need to vote NDP. I voted for neither the "Liberals (right wing conservatives) or NDP last election; but next time around NDP...They're for me!!!!!! Not just a "get rid of Campbell at any cost" either. They are moving a little more to the center; plus It is time we gave a female leader a chance to show these males how to run a government.

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Not me. I didn't mind that at all, it was his money wasting policies that bugged me.

Well just wait to see how much money will be wasted on this RAV line and the Olympics related items like the Sea to Sky; You ain't seen nuthin yet. Plus it is Campbells selling out of BC Assets and jobs to foreign intersts that really burns my butt. Downgrading our hospitals and cleanliness/ safety of hospitals (those that CAN get in now for treatment) raising our premium and closing down services. Look at all that got delisted. Not to mention all the cuts he made to women's and children's ministries and seniors. Such a warm hearted ogre.

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Nope!!!!! Gordon Campbell will be all the reason I need to vote NDP.

Who fills their coffers? I don't think it's you.

I voted for neither the "Liberals (right wing conservatives)

Unity is right wing, NDP is left, Liberals are center.

They are moving a little more to the center;

The NDP is legally tied to big unions...that's not centrist.

plus It is time we gave a female leader a chance to show these males how to run a government.[/qoute]

I think that's rather sexist, or a bad joke.

Well just wait to see how much money will be wasted on this RAV line

It's sad to see an NDP supporter slaming public transit just because the Liberals are the ones building it.

and the Olympics related items

Olmpics before welfare.

Plus it is Campbells selling out of BC Assets and jobs to foreign intersts that really burns my butt.

So insteand he should've sold them to "domestic interests" for less money? Because if they'd been willing to pay, they'd own'em now instead of foreigners.

Downgrading our hospitals and cleanliness/ safety of hospitals (those that CAN get in now for treatment) raising our premium and closing down services.

It's all about the money.

Not to mention all the cuts he made to women's and children's ministries and seniors.

So what you're saying is that he cut welfare and you're bitter?

EDIT: Why aren't the tags working?

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The NDP is legally tied to big unions...that's not centrist.

Oh prove it! Prove the NDP are legally tied to unions.

Prove that unions are one homogenous group with no variation whatsoever. My father was a Teamster area rep. in Ontario and worked for Hoffa and crew in the 1970's. They are very different from the Steelworkers who I worked for. Nonsense. You do not know what you are talking about.

Prove that unions are "left". Left of what?!

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Oh prove it! Prove the NDP are legally tied to unions.

Well, they're tied to one union at least. http://www.caw.ca/index.asp

Prove that unions are one homogenous group with no variation whatsoever.

You're puting words in my mouth, I never said they were a homogenous group.

Prove that unions are "left". Left of what?!

Center. They're economically left of business owners as a group. I think small business owners represent the economic center, and the Liberals are on their side, against the unions.

What is with this attack on working people, ordinary Canadian citizens, that are members of a union, eh!

Since when does being an ordinary citizen preclude you from being criticized for doing stupid things? I'm an ordinary citizen too, but you dare to criticize me ;).

Obviously not from BC. These "Liberals" are as right winged as they come. Unfortunately, people didn't realize that when voting for them.

I am from BC, but I just don't agree with your assessment. These Liberals are certainly not right wing, unless you think Adam Smith was right wing too...they just aren't reform liberals like Trudeau, Chretien, or Copps. If they were right-wing they'd have over-turned the BC Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage, etc...on those sort of issues they're in the center or on the left.

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