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Calm down, person. Unions do not fight this hard for their members. They really aren't worthy of defending.

Better have them out of the way by introducing legislation that would the thin end of the wedge to attacking The Rand Formula and implementing a "Made in Canada" Right to Work jurisdiction?

'Cause it's all about the "business knows best"/personal freedom...

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Calm down, person. Unions do not fight this hard for their members. They really aren't worthy of defending.

When you say "unions do not fight this hard for their members" what do you mean?

Lets recap what I have done shall we.

I started a thread and made several comments,and you call this hard work??!

And earlier you said unions protect lazy people(or something along those lines)

Good luck buddy!


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I agree with Ami's description of the intent of the bill and that's why I linked to it. Other than that I could not care less about his opinion on this or any other issue.

I have read the bill and no, I have not studied between the lines to find a hidden purpose or to predict unintended consequences. I'll leave that to the unions' head honchos and their partners. I haven't seen anything in the bill that prevents them from conducting business as usual. I have wondered though, why unions are so worried about divulging, other than within the union establishment, how they spend their members' dues.

No and I don't intend to.

It's ridiculous that you would claim I would support rolling back gains made by unions when I have never given any opinion anywhere, anytime here on anything remotely connected.

Ben Ami's "job" here is to try to placate enough people and make them think this is esentially benign and it's all about the "transparency and accountability"...

I expect nothing less from an anti-union free marketeer...Which is why one should be concerned about this and consider who and what elements are behind it.

Again...The information about spending is available at any time,particularily at monthly meetings,to any DUES PAYING MEMBER who wants to see them and question tit,if necessary...As a member (or former member) you should know that!

I don't expect you,or any other person who feels this is just a benign accountability issue,wouldknow how any RTW operatives work and how they try to tilt things legislatively.You would do yourself a favour by looking into these things..

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I guess that you never heard about the right to privacy or constitutional rights?

Ever thought that maybe from time to time these things matter and must be applied?


I'm curious. Have you approached your union's executive to ask if they submitted a brief containing their concerns about Bill C-377 and notifying them of your views about breaches to the right to privacy and constitutional rights?

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Its not if you do not want to significantly contribute to yourself improvement,your family and future generations!!!

Look Triple W Double T, I worked for almost 40 years and contributed plenty on all fronts, including raising 3 productive children, 2 of which have served in our military. If you want to lecture me on being a good Canadian go right ahead but you're wasting your time.

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I'm curious. Have you approached your union's executive to ask if they submitted a brief containing their concerns about Bill C-377 and notifying them of your views about breaches to the right to privacy and constitutional rights?

I'm not sure if I am going to answer this one here lady,or even how?

Lets put it this way,the government,through this legislation, is unfairly subjecting such organizations disadvantage through disclosing private information and giving their competition an advantage since this legislation does not subject all organizations that provide services to publicly disclose.

The government is being biased and is favoring some organizations over others.

This is obviously unconstitutional!


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Shut out ALL special interests, and limit all political contributions to private citizens. If Corporations and Unions want to pursue political goals, then they can try to pursuade their membership to make private donations, but Unions should not be able to spend dues on this, and Corporations should not be able to spend their shareholders profits on it either.

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Shut out ALL special interests, and limit all political contributions to private citizens. If Corporations and Unions want to pursue political goals, then they can try to pursuade their membership to make private donations, but Unions should not be able to spend dues on this, and Corporations should not be able to spend their shareholders profits on it either.

This bill is about disclosing financial transactions.

Competitors half the world away can with just a few clicks on the computer access all this information.

Our institutions that protect the rights,safety and livelihood of Canadians need to be protected just as our other institutions that employ them!


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No, this bill is about transparency.. And something the Unions and NDP refuse to allow the Canadian voter/citizen. This bill will allow you or I to see how much the Unions have trampled the common man and woman in Canada. I say good on them for finally writing this bill.

This will allow for a more informed voter.. Something the Unions do NOT want..

This bill is about disclosing financial transactions.

Competitors half the world away can with just a few clicks on the computer access all this information.

Our institutions that protect the rights,safety and livelihood of Canadians need to be protected just as our other institutions that employ them!


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No, this bill is about transparency.. And something the Unions and NDP refuse to allow the Canadian voter/citizen. This bill will allow you or I to see how much the Unions have trampled the common man and woman in Canada. I say good on them for finally writing this bill.

This will allow for a more informed voter.. Something the Unions do NOT want..

Your anti-union rhetoric aside...

If it's tranparency you're after,surely you would have no problem with Merit Canada disclosing the very same iformation about each and every member it advocates for??

I'm sure you now feel that every private business should also have to be under the scurtiny of this legislation?

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Ya, have a look at the rules... Every donation over 1200 needs to be fully disclosed... Private citizen or company.. RIgHT now even! I'm glad this will level the playing field.... Ya, so yes indeed!

Your anti-union rhetoric aside...

If it's tranparency you're after,surely you would have no problem with Merit Canada disclosing the very same iformation about each and every member it advocates for??

I'm sure you now feel that every private business should also have to be under the scurtiny of this legislation?

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Ya, have a look at the rules... Every donation over 1200 needs to be fully disclosed... Private citizen or company.. RIgHT now even! I'm glad this will level the playing field.... Ya, so yes indeed!

But we aren't just talking about donations...

We are talking about all transactions over $5000...

By the way,if you had been knowledgable on the subject,instead of spewing open shop talking points,you would know that all financial information is available to ALL DUES PAYING MEMBERS at any time...And the financial information of what the local is spending is announced at the monthly meetings so it can be scrutinized...

So,seeing as we now know this isn't just about political or charitable donations,I'm sure you'll agree with me that evvry single private member of Merit Canada AND every private business that operates in Canada should be subject to this law...Not just organized labour,right?

I mean,it's all in the name of transparency...

Edited by Jack Weber
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I totally agree! It should be wide open and transparent EVEN to private companies.. As it is now...

BUT, a Union who funnels union dues to any political party is treating its membership like mindless goobers (hmmm).

Let's say the Ontario teachers union who you belong to decided to funnel donations to the Nazi Parti of Canada.. Can you leave the union on moral grounds (or other) and continue teaching??? No.. Didn't think so.. Unions have full control over their members and they treat them like ya, mindless goobers who cant choose their own destination!

See, even publicly traded companies, small private companies, all have a form of internal democracy... A Union has none.. Can you vote NOT to send your dues to party-x? At my company, we can vote for what medical plans we would like, vite for where or what software bundles we need... Seee.. Democracy in action.. Not so much in a union.

this bill that will force transparency on the Union dictatorships is well received..

But we aren't just talking about donations...

We are talking about all transactions over $5000...

By the way,if you had been knowledgable on the subject,instead of spewing open shop talking points,you would know that all financial information is available to ALL DUES PAYING MEMBERS at any time...And the financial information of what the local is spending is announced at the monthly meetings so it can be scrutinized...

So,seeing as we now know this isn't just about political or charitable donations,I'm sure you'll agree with me that evvry single private member of Merit Canada AND every private business that operates in Canada should be subject to this law...Not just organized labour,right?

I mean,it's all in the name of transparency...

Edited by Fletch 27
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I totally agree! It should be wide open and transparent EVEN to private companies.. As it is now...

BUT, a Union who funnels union dues to any political party is treating its membership like mindless goobers (hmmm).

Let's say the Ontario teachers union who you belong to decided to funnel donations to the Nazi Parti of Canada.. Can you leave the union on moral grounds (or other) and continue teaching??? No.. Didn't think so.. Unions have full control over their members and they treat them like ya, mindless goobers who cant choose their own destination!

this bill that will force transparency on the Union dictatorships is well received..


I didn't know private corporations were compelled to pubilcly declare financials to....The public??

(Again,this legislation is not about political donations...It's about ALL financial transactions)

Could you point to any legislation that has enshrined this in law??

If so,then this is much ado about nothing...

And by the way,do I have to instruct you on Agency Shop again???

And thanks for the insults...It's the usual MO of free marketeers who don't know what they are talking about...Like many I've sat across a negotiating table from...

The rest of this little missive is nothing but open shop talking points...

Edited by Jack Weber
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No, this bill is about transparency.. And something the Unions and NDP refuse to allow the Canadian voter/citizen.


To who?You?

Why should any union in Canada need to disclose information to anyone who is not a member?

You think you have some kind of entitled privilege over others?

Good luck!


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Yea me! I recall how the Auto Union went begging for my money... Teary eyed, crying about jobs that may be lost.... Fund these failing auto manufacturers !!! They screamed from the tops of their lungs...

Ya, I would like transperancy and no more Union hypocrasy... It would be nice for a change... No? Well then don't keep begging for my tax dollar when you bring companies to the edge of a cliff...


To who?You?

Why should any union in Canada need to disclose information to anyone who is not a member?

You think you have some kind of entitled privilege over others?

Good luck!


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Yea me! I recall how the Auto Union went begging for my money... Teary eyed, crying about jobs that may be lost.... Fund these failing auto manufacturers !!! They screamed from the tops of their lungs...

Ya, I would like transperancy and no more Union hypocrasy... It would be nice for a change... No? Well then don't keep begging for my tax dollar when you bring companies to the edge of a cliff...

Man that's a freekin funny statement!

And typical!

The corporations/banks/financial institutions caused the slowdown with their greed, but somehow it was the unions fault and the unions received all the bailout packages according to you.

And it sounds like you would say something like we would be better off without unions because they only get in the way of corporate profits?Am I right?

What really gets me is how some of the big defenders of big corporation mentality around here are just middle class joes


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Man that's a freekin funny statement!

And typical!

The corporations/banks/financial institutions caused the slowdown with their greed, but somehow it was the unions fault and the unions received all the bailout packages according to you.

:) Seriously, where do they come up with this stuff?

Continual diversion from the actual culprits.

Edited by bleeding heart
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Really? Wasn't it the "greed" of the "middle class" and average Joe as you guys may call it? Unionized and too damn dumb to know when to stop racking up debt? Jumping into a house only has bank and his Union said he could afford? Too stupid to realize that a 900 thousand dollar house, a 90 thousand dollar car, and a 50 thousand dollar boat... Really can't be carried on a stupid bumper-installers wage???

The losers that got burned in that crisis deserved it for simply being jack-ass dumb... Those same losers now point the fingers at the banks...

Yea! We would do a thousand times better without Unions.. They simply breed stupidity and enforce lazyness and promote lackluster performance. Yes, much better without them.

Why do we need Unions now? There is not a single reason to have them now... Well other than to ensure we have a lesser educated group of people ensuring that much talked about gap between rich and poor... You know, that "1%"... Unions are just legalized crime ensuring stupid people remain stupid but at a great wage..

Man that's a freekin funny statement!

And typical!

The corporations/banks/financial institutions caused the slowdown with their greed, but somehow it was the unions fault and the unions received all the bailout packages according to you.

And it sounds like you would say something like we would be better off without unions because they only get in the way of corporate profits?Am I right?

What really gets me is how some of the big defenders of big corporation mentality around here are just middle class joes


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Really? Wasn't it the "greed" of the "middle class" and average Joe as you guys may call it? Unionized and too damn dumb to know when to stop racking up debt? Jumping into a house only has bank and his Union said he could afford? Too stupid to realize that a 900 thousand dollar house, a 90 thousand dollar car, and a 50 thousand dollar boat... Really can't be carried on a stupid bumper-installers wage???

The losers that got burned in that crisis deserved it for simply being jack-ass dumb... Those same losers now point the fingers at the banks...

Yea! We would do a thousand times better without Unions.. They simply breed stupidity and enforce lazyness and promote lackluster performance. Yes, much better without them.

Why do we need Unions now? There is not a single reason to have them now... Well other than to ensure we have a lesser educated group of people ensuring that much talked about gap between rich and poor... You know, that "1%"... Unions are just legalized crime ensuring stupid people remain stupid but at a great wage..

You need to read more. Not just talking points, but you know, facts. The banks played a much bigger part in the sub prime mortgage collapse than the ordinary Joe did.

You should probably read up on Unions as well.

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