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80% of Canadians are opposed to the war in Iraq,

Bull, unless you are from Quebec.

Illegal invasion of Iraq

Enforcing a broken ceasefire is illegal? Are you a troll or really that ignorant?

Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11

The courts say differently. Clinton appointed federal judge Harold Baer awarded two 9/11 familys $104 million in damages last year against the state of Iraq. Don't tell me the CBC didn't report that? :o

I don't think I was ever as embarrassed as a Canadian as when Chretien decided the blood money Chretien's daughter and son-in-law were taking from Saddam was more important than enforcing the broken ceasefire. Shameful. Absolutely shameful. It made Canada look as morally bankrupt as France. :angry:

It was all about oil

Indeed, besides the $10.1 billion the UN made off the Oil for Food program. Here is the list of the countries, companies and individuals who were taking oil bribes from Saddam. Ironically the anti-democracy loony leftists were correct; IT WAS ALL ABOUT THE OIL!

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What a bunch of nonsense. Fingers were pointed at Canada for the blackout; it was an American caused problem. Canada was blamed for the WTC terrorists getting in that country; they were in the USA on legal visas for the most part. Bush did get very nasty when Chretien did not join in on the invasion of Iraq. The only province that did support the invasion of Iraq was Alberta. The UN did NOT sanction the invasion of Iraq.

The USA does not trade fairly as agreed to under NAFTA; when they are found in the wrong; they just ignore it. Even their own experts said that trade in beef should be immediately re opened to Canada long ago, still they drag their feet.

Has California ever paid for the hydro power we supplied them with several years back.

MB There was NO broken ceasefire .

Where do you yankee wannabees dream this up.

American citizens are now learning the truth of how they have been lied to by their own government..

I suppose you characters think that it is okay that the USA government condoned holding prisoners against the Geneva conventions and that torturing the prisoners is permissable.

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caesar you are just plain ignorant come live in the US then we can talk the US does not give a shit what Canada does niether do Americans infact youre lucky if they can find it on a map. The world unfortunatly does not revolve around Canada. You can bash the US all you want and think that they care but Canada is irrelavant to them much the same way Botswana would be irrelavant to the vast majority of Canadians. Once you except this fact and quit self agrandising yourself it is much easier to deal with the US.

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The US is our largest trading partner so obviously they are important to us. Economically, Canada is also important to the US. More importantly, Canada provides the US with political capital when we support their decisions to go to war. Perhaps the US media rarely reports what happens here, but I am sure their government is very aware of what we do. If you read your history books, you will find that US intelligence was quite concerned about the rise of the NDP in the 70's. And, have you ever heard the Trudeau bashing by Nixon in the Watergate tapes?

By the way Noel, I agree that most Americans probably could not find Canada on a map but they probably could not find the US either.

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The US is our largest trading partner so obviously they are important to us. Economically, Canada is also important to the US. More importantly, Canada provides the US with political capital when we support their decisions to go to war. Perhaps the US media rarely reports what happens here, but I am sure their government is very aware of what we do. If you read your history books, you will find that US intelligence was quite concerned about the rise of the NDP in the 70's. And, have you ever heard the Trudeau bashing by Nixon in the Watergate tapes?

By the way Noel, I agree that most Americans probably could not find Canada on a map but they probably could not find the US either.

The US represents 82% of Canadian trade Canada represents 20% of US trade who is important to who. Canada is also not growing china and india are. Yes Canada comes up on the US governments radar screen but not in the way US policy dominates Canadians lives.



This is not the seventies the US is no longer concerned with world socialism so do not kid youreself that W sits around worrying what pauly might do or say.

Yes Canada would provide all that great political capital that countries like the UK and Australia have provided and it got the US What exactly?

I did not mean to insinuate americans were stupid people just tend to learn very little about things that do not concern them. Most Americans know were Mexico is What the Capital is who there president is and where to go and not to go in mexico the even know the state names. Would the average candian know this of course not and why should they. Do not assume americans are stupid because there need to know anything about our country is zero so there knowledge about our country is zero.

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"the US does not give a shit what Canada does niether do Americans infact youre lucky if they can find it on a map. The world unfortunatly does not revolve around Canada."

Sorry to hear that Americans are so dumb. Many I met are not that ignorant. Perhaps they need to improve their schools. I presume you went to school there as you cannot spell., make or make sentences.

Come to think of it; the Americans couldn't find all those WMD that they claimed were in Iraq and that they KNEW where they were. he he.

Oh the government of the USA is quite aware of Canada. We do provide them with much of their power sources and we help fund their space program, too. We do have a large border and they are aware of us. They are, also, aware of our oil resources up north and are trying to lay claim. (Canada is now mapping out the boundaries between Canada and Alaska to ensure they keep their mitts off.) American companies are always right here bidding on projects whenever our governments have a large one.

And Americans (California / Shwartzenegger) is not too happy about all the film jobs going to Canada.

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"the US does not give a shit what Canada does niether do Americans infact youre lucky if they can find it on a map. The world unfortunatly does not revolve around Canada."

Sorry to hear that Americans are so dumb. Many I met are not that ignorant. Perhaps they need to improve their schools. I presume you went to school there as you cannot spell., make or make sentences.

Come to think of it; the Americans couldn't find all those WMD that they claimed were in Iraq and that they KNEW where they were. he he.

Oh the government of the USA is quite aware of Canada. We do provide them with much of their power sources and we help fund their space program, too. We do have a large border and they are aware of us. They are, also, aware of our oil resources up north and are trying to lay claim. (Canada is now mapping out the boundaries between Canada and Alaska to ensure they keep their mitts off.) American companies are always right here bidding on projects whenever our governments have a large one.

And Americans (California / Shwartzenegger) are not too happy about all the film jobs going to Canada.

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Sorry to hear that Americans are so dumb. Many I met are not that ignorant. Perhaps they need to improve their schools.

I wouldn't say "dumb", I'd say ignorant to the fact.......as others are trying to drum into your head caesar, the Yanks can afford to be ignorant towards Canada, but the reverse is not true.

I presume you went to school there as you cannot spell., make or make sentences.

I'm not here for a spelling bee, but I always find it funny when a person !ucks up when they are trying to correct anothers grammer......... "cannot spell., make or make sentences"....... :rolleyes:

Come to think of it; the Americans couldn't find all those WMD that they claimed were in Iraq and that they KNEW where they were. he he.

And they have not found the WMDs the French, Russians, Israelis, and Canada said Iraq had either......whats your point?

Oh the government of the USA is quite aware of Canada. We do provide them with much of their power sources and we help fund their space program, too. We do have a large border and they are aware of us. They are, also, aware of our oil resources up north and are trying to lay claim. (Canada is now mapping out the boundaries between Canada and Alaska to ensure they keep their mitts off.) American companies are always right here bidding on projects whenever our governments have a large one.

And Americans (California / Shwartzenegger) are not too happy about all the film jobs going to Canada.

I know where this is going *Straps on tin-foil hat*, So I'll save you the trouble caesar

War plan Red


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And they have not found the WMDs the French, Russians, Israelis, and Canada said Iraq had either......whats your point?

Show me where any of those countries; other than Israel: made claims of any viable WMD is Iraq. We may have conceded that there was a possibility of some. Canada, France, Germany, Russia, and even China believed that the UN weapons inspectors were making sufficient progress in the search and that they should carry on.

The US Congress is now saying pretty much the same thing.American intelligence was flawed at best;

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"the US does not give a shit what Canada does niether do Americans infact youre lucky if they can find it on a map. The world unfortunatly does not revolve around Canada."

Sorry to hear that Americans are so dumb. Many I met are not that ignorant. Perhaps they need to improve their schools. I presume you went to school there as you cannot spell., make or make sentences.

Come to think of it; the Americans couldn't find all those WMD that they claimed were in Iraq and that they KNEW where they were. he he.

Oh the government of the USA is quite aware of Canada. We do provide them with much of their power sources and we help fund their space program, too. We do have a large border and they are aware of us. They are, also, aware of our oil resources up north and are trying to lay claim. (Canada is now mapping out the boundaries between Canada and Alaska to ensure they keep their mitts off.) American companies are always right here bidding on projects whenever our governments have a large one.

And Americans (California / Shwartzenegger) are not too happy about all the film jobs going to Canada. 

Actually I went to school at the U of A thank you.

Americans are not dumb they just have no need to know about Canada which is my point. What can you tell me about Andorra? Nothing I pressume, does that make you dumb no, ignorant perhaps. Do you need to know anything about Andorra no so is this ignorance a bad thing probably not.

If you keep thinking the US gives a squirt about you, you will keep being pissed at her. The reality is she does not care about you at all which is the point Canada is a place to do buisness that is it.

You obviously live in some dream world were Canada is the center of the universe and have no clue as to the realities of the world around and as personal attacks seem to be the order of the day I will go to bed knowing happily that no matter how horribly I spell that it can be fixed were as you are an ignorant fool with penis envy of the US.

PS like my run on sentence it's good hun

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"Americans are not dumb they just have no need to know about Canada which is my point"

Just like they didn't need to know if their intelligence on Iraq was valid; eh. Didn't really matter as they had every intention of invading the country for their own reasons.

U of A University of Alabama???????

I really don't give a damn; what American's think of Canada. Canada should just get off its duff and look for more fair and diverse trading partners.

I am sure we would be able to find other countries that could put our resources to good use. Why keep banging our heads on the American door. Until the USA is prepared to honour agreements and trade in good faith. Forget it; look elsewhere.

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Until the USA is prepared to honour agreements and trade in good faith. Forget it; look elsewhere.
Are you saying Americans do not trade honestly? They don't honour the contracts they have signed? (To my knowledge, all agreements to purchase our lumber were honoured.)

If Americans choose not to buy our softwood lumber, that is entirely within their rights. Should you be forced to buy products from a store if you don't want to?

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We just had a NAFTA decision that come down in favour of Canada that htey are just ignoring. Yes, I am saying they do not honour their agreements. They are dragging their heels on re-opening the border to our beef, too, despite their own panels finding that our industries are too intertwined to differentiate and that the borders should be re-opened.

They are charging a duty on our lumber that they are refusing to refund.

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We just had a NAFTA decision that come down in favour of Canada that htey are just ignoring. Yes, I am saying they do not honour their agreements. They are dragging their heels on re-opening the border to our beef, too, despite their own panels finding that our industries are too intertwined to differentiate and that the borders should be re-opened.

They are charging a duty on our lumber that they are refusing to refund.

So they should now be forced to buy our Beef?

And do you know why they are charging a duty on our Lumber?

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We wuz robbed!!!!! Pay back your student loan, then, deadbeat. Pay for your own education.

Now that is funny as I paid back my student loan all 40k of it with in 6 months of graduating. As to being a deadbeat I can only assume you are comparing me to bill Gates and Ted Turner and one day I hope to rival even them.

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We just had a NAFTA decision that come down in favour of Canada that htey are just ignoring.
You are confusing a treaty between governments and private contracts between individuals.

It remains that, IME, Americans honour their private contracts and they are free to buy our products or not. Blaming them for not buying from us is, well, you tell me?

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I am talking about government treaties. I am not confused. You are. California bought our power and last I heard still hadn't paid up. American citizens and house builders do want our lumber. It is the American Beef Producers that are putting up resistance to our beef being allowed in.

My problem has never been with individuals. I is with the Americangovernment and big business that tries to blck our trade so they can charge the American public inflated prices.

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California bought our power and last I heard still hadn't paid up.
Sue Califormia.
American citizens and house builders do want our lumber. It is the American Beef Producers that are putting up resistance to our beef being allowed in.
I agree completely with you. My point is that even if your store offers the best products at the lowest prices, customers may choose not to buy from you. Are the customers dishonest? Do they trade in bad faith?
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" agree completely with you. My point is that even if your store offers the best products at the lowest prices, customers may choose not to buy from you. Are the customers dishonest? Do they trade in bad faith? "

So where is our disagreement. I am talking about the USA government and Big business not individuals.

I understand that we must sell them certain products whether we want to or not; under the free trade agreement. That includes; even when we have environmental concerns. I do know, that some American company is suing Canada for refusing to sell water.

I am not really in complete understanding of how this works; but...... The recent finding at NAFTA, that Canada does not unfairly subsidize our lumber issue on which the USA has been collecting punishing duties to the tune of billions of dollars. The USA government has so far refused to acknowledge this finding. It has handed out our money to the Lumber industry in the USA which I believe is illegal according to our FTA.

I, myself, do try as much as possible to buy Canadian, only.

I believe, it should be binding on our government to buy Canadian/ Provincially, only whenever possible. Government money spent, in their own jurisidiction; would find more money returning to government coffers via employment and company taxes. This could make the product / service cheaper than the competing foreign product in the long run.

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And they have not found the WMDs the French, Russians, Israelis, and Canada said Iraq had either......whats your point?

Show me where any of those countries; other than Israel: made claims of any viable WMD is Iraq. that

Your Pm PM said it on national television.

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