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The republicans were busy when negative comments by liberals such as Chretien,Parish,Dalhiwal,etc. were hurled their way.

Will John Kerry be as easy going if we are unlucky enough to have him leader of our closest neighbour?

Will he take those negative comments about his nation and people from the Canadian government,thus the Canadian people,as political speak,or as our real sentiment?

Thanks to the liberals,border trade and crossing might become something of a chore,not something we can take for granted.

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Hopefully, Kerry will understand our frustration and disgust with Bush's arrogant attitude. Canadians make Canadian decisions; we don't need to do whatever the American government wants. Any American who cannot respect our right as Canadians to make our own decisions can go to ....! If the price of American friendship means that we give up our right to make our own decisions without their input; then they are not friends; they are bullies. I have faith that Kerry when elected will be much more rational than was Bush.

Canada's stand has been proven to be right; thankfully, we were not involved with the invasion of Iraq which has only added fuel to the fire in regards to terrorism. Nor are Canadians complicit in the illegal holding of prisoners nor for their illegal torture.

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Canadians did not make the decision,Chretien did.The problem with that,he was in a majority gov.,but with only 60%off Canadians voting in his last election,only 36% of those voted to put him there.That is hardly a case to say that he spoke for all Canadians,as he did not even speak on the same level as his Minister of Defence,or did you forget that.

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Canadians did not make the decision,Chretien did.The problem with that,he was in a majority gov.,but with only 60%off Canadians voting in his last election,only 36% of those voted to put him there.That is hardly a case to say that he spoke for all Canadians,as he did not even speak on the same level as his Minister of Defence,or did you forget that.

Bro.....what absurdity is coming from you next?

I see you subscribe to the Mulroney theory of politics: If you throw enough s*** against the wall, some of it will stick. Jeez man, give it a break!

80% of Canadians are opposed to the war in Iraq, more than 50% of Americans are also opposed to the war.

Tell you what though - if you are so supportive of the conflict in Iraq, get your butt over there. Walk your talk. :lol:


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Well ,only history will prove I'm right,but had enough nations got on board with the coalition forces from day 1,a lot fewer casualties would have occured.If you give a thief an inch,he'll take a mile.If you don't contain terrorists or tyrants,their area of attacks will be very far reaching.

Everybody is blaming the Americans for war casualties,I still blame countries like ours for their lack of support,and that did not mean being on the front lines necessarily,which lead the terrorists to think they have major support from our country,which in the future will be to our detriment,because they know we are not firm against their sort of agression.Dalliaance at the beginning of WW2 cost many lives,aaaaaand that sir is a documented fact.

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You see, it is always those who don't do the fighting that believe in war. They believe in it for others.

Seriously, if you believe in war so much, don't let us stop you, go over to Iraq and join the fighting.

And take Stephen Harper with you - you deserve each other. :lol:

BTW Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, but everything to do with oil. Stop beating a dead horse.

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You see, it is always those who don't do the fight that believe in war. They believe in it for othersing that believe in war. They believe in it for others.

Seriously, if you believe in war so much, don't let us stop you, go over to Iraq and join the fighting.

Actually ,the thought of war disgusts me,but it is allowed to evolve from people with pacifist ideas such as yours.

Sometimes you have to stick up for what matters,but by your last smily face,I take it you don't think all the lives lost so far in this ordeal as a serious matter.The families of the deceased would be very proud of your smartass

smily faces.

War scares the shit right out of me,no amount of pepto bismol would help.

The truth is,I would rather support a stronger military than we have,I mean at least buy proper uniforms,maybe a few weapons,besides their dollar store compasses.

If we do not have some resemblance of a strong army to fight on foriegn soil,then we will be fighting it here,you won't have to become a trained soldier to go to war,it will come here.

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Being against the illegal and unnecessary invasion of Iraq; does not make one a pacifist. Wars may be necessary to defend your country but that was not the case here.

The invasion of Iraq has done nothing to help solve the terrorism problem. It has, in fact, done the opposite. Bush left the terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan for the easy picking of Iraq. The invasion of a Muslim/Arab country that WAS STILL cooperating with the UN; angered many Muslims and Arabs which will supply the terrorist with new recruits. The original terrorist including Osama bin Laden have been scattered and allowed to flourish. Whatever, Bush's motive for this invasion; be it the oil, the strategic area for a military base (USA) or revenge for daddy; it has not done anything to make us safer in North America. It has made distrust and dislike for the USA to flourish.

Thousand of Iraqi citizens and hundreds of American young soldiers died; many many more of both have serious maiming and injuries. All for a LIE; Iraq was no threat. Iraq had no WMD.

Even Harper has tried to jump on the :we shouldn't join the American in the Iraq invasion) bandwagon but we pushed him off. Too late; His previous statements are on video tape,

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Well,back to the beginning.The wmd's.Iraq self confessed

they had them,the left kept saying the US supplied them,so where are they?Did Mr. Hans Blink at opportune times and miss them?The whole issue of whether to invade Iraq was to be no,if Iraq could document where their stockpiles of gas and nerve agents went.They did not,ample time was given,and unfortunately,the coalition had to take ,as their duty,the position to stop any further defiance by saddam ,on the off chance his non compliance meant he actually had more weapons than he was letting on.

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They were destroyed after the Gulf war under the supervison of the UN inspectors. DUH. Do you not read. Don't just read the little snippets taken out of context. Even UN experts concede that they are non-existent. That any connection to al Qaeda is non-existent.

To prove that the weapons did exist is easy; You find them. (after all there were large stockpiles according to the USA and THEY knew where they were. To prove that something doe not exist is next to impossible. It would require searching every crack and cranny in Iraq. The USA has done that since the invasion; with no positive results. The probability is that there were no vialbe WMD but it is impossible to prove definitely.

You don't commit mass murder and risk your own soldiers on a weak maybe. Iraq was still willing to cooperate with the UN inspectors. That process should have continued.

That invasion without justification has only made the middle east population more convinced that the USA is prejudiced against their people. That in the eyes of the American government Israel can do no wrong and the Muslim nations can do no right.

Israel was in contempt of 7x more UN resolutions than was Iraq. This number would be even greater if the USA did not always veto any resolutions against Israel.

Israel has not always done the right thing under Sharon.

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I did heavy research and have found that Israel and the USA are not the innocent victims they would have others to believe. I just am well aware that all blame does not lay on one side. Israel has a long list of Human rights abuses and has failed to abide by UN resolutions. The present Israeli government has not been acting only in self defense as they and the USA and even Canada to a great degree would have us believe.

That does not make the Palestinian terrorists in the right either. The moderates on both sides need to take control and work towards peace again as Rabin was attempting before being assassinated by his own people.

By the way nitwit; I am one of the moderates; I do not like either side of extreme right or left to have control. Moderation is the key and keeps things more balanced and reasonable.

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tee hee ; You are a fine one to talk; you have called me leftist, anti american and now anti Israel. Obviously you cannot comprehend anyone's views that don't reflect your own. You seem to think everyone is either one extreme or the other. There are many of us who can see both sides of the real story. Generally, everything is a mix of rights and wrongs. We are the moderates in or near the center. We do not have to be right or left to any extreme. Geeesh.

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Thank you.You have just desribed liberal thinking to a tee.

Sit on the fence boys,and we won't have to accomplish anything,especially anything that is somewhat beneficial to Canadians or other people we claim to have compassion for.LOL.You do know your party ideals after


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Bro, you must understand that any person, no mater what side of the political spectrum can be a bigot or a nut-bar......isn't that right caesar?

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Sit on the fence. Because you are not an extremeist??? Now Harper is awakening to the problem with his party and why they did not win in the election. He is realizing that he must move his party more to the center if the Conservatives are ever going to get acceptance by a larger number of voters.

Things do get done. We support the most important and needed social programs as much as we can afford. Use a little common sense and compassion.

Of course each side and even a few in the center can have their nutcases and prejudices but the extremes of right and left can only see one side of any issue.

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Well,unlucky for us,all issues have two sides or more but in order to put an issue to rest,some sort of decision has

to be made,unpopular or not.

The liberals have proven they are not capable of this,as their sole purpose in life is to get and stay in power,regardless of improper decisions,regardless of what is best for Canada as a whole,and most of all,regardless of the people that put them their.

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This whole debate is based on the fact that Canadians actually think the US cares what Canada does, says or thinks. Reality check time the US could give two squirts of warm rat piss what Canada does. Our election results did not even make the news down here. The only Canadian most americans know is Wayne and why should they know or care about anyother Canadians we are not a great ally, there economy is not affected to any great extent by Canada and we do not cause trouble like mexico. What the US does greatly affects Canadians, what Canada does does not affect the US it is time for Canadians to realize this.

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Then why does Bush whine so much when we make decisions contrary to his hmmmmm.

Why do they play games with Free Trade. They don't care about Canada but they sure do want our resources. They just don't want to pay a fair price. If Canada were not here; whom would they try to blame when something goes wrong. blackout, terrorists, BSE, etc.

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This whole debate is based on the fact that Canadians actually think the US cares what Canada does, says or thinks. Reality check time the US could give two squirts of warm rat piss what Canada does. Our election results did not even make the news down here. The only Canadian most americans know is Wayne and why should they know or care about anyother Canadians we are not a great ally, there economy is not affected to any great extent by Canada and we do not cause trouble like mexico. What the US does greatly affects Canadians, what Canada does does not affect the US it is time for Canadians to realize this.

Well said........I've been saying that since I first started posting here (and long before that), the sad part is that some don't understand that (to their own detriment) and others use it as a "anti-US" rally cry.....

Then why does Bush whine so much when we make decisions contrary to his hmmmmm.

Name a time and place that Bush "whined" about a Canadian decision......

Why do they play games with Free Trade. They don't care about Canada but they sure do want our resources. They just don't want to pay a fair price. If Canada were not here; whom would they try to blame when something goes wrong. blackout, terrorists, BSE, etc.

What don't you understand about a nation (in this case the United States) putting it's own needs first? And when it comes to Canada's needs, they, for the most part, are only met because of the United States.........

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BSE has not made the news to speak of at all in the US. Free trade with regards to Canada is never mentioned in the news. The US news certainly did not blame Canada for the blackout and nor does Canada get mentioned that often with regards to terrorism. As I stated the Canadian news plays this up because what the US does affects Canadians What Canada does does not affect the US. I can count on my fingers and toes the number of times I have picked up my papers in the morning and read anything about canada since moving here 8 years ago. Plain and simple Canada is virtually irrelavant to the US. I am not saying this to be mean or horrible it is just a fact of life. California alone has more people and a larger economy than all of canada it is just a matter of geography and population. Canada as a market means nothing to the US china and India are far more important. As for our resources what resources are you talking about we have oil they still buy more from the middle east, lumbar they just want there own industry to survive and from what I have read atlantic canada also feels the west is subsidizing this industry. What other grand resources does Canada have the US does not or can not get some place else. Finally of course the US wants things from Canada cheap that is called BUISNESS it is not about being a bastard it is about money.

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