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Terrorism Charges infringe on Charter Rights

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Too much alcohol in it, and it shows.

First nations did it to indians, and aboriginals and natives ever since they came from Asia. As recently as 180 years ago Ojibway exterminated Lakotas from Minnesota Red Lake region, using white men's advanced repeating rifles.

How did other races who came with nothing? Take Korean couple for example that started washing dishes, barely speaking the language, and in two decades sent their children to university and own grocery store.

Compare to "first nation": free post secondary education (but never making it there) speaking the language, unable to fix even their own plumbing. And constantly moaning that others races owe them living.

The Ojibway were at war with the Lakota, Sioux, blackfoot people for centurys, much like how centurys of war happened in europe. The difference between a mutual war, and terrorism, is in war, 2 or more countrys agree to go to war mutually. In terrorism, one group might have a "Peace Treaty", or "Treaty" like in Canada, and the outright extermination of people and culture is deliberate. There is a big difference between the Lakota's and Sioux and Ojibway people. all the while dividing up lands and terroritory. Aside, the war was over the fur, and flint trade.

Look at the Chippewa/Ojibway people who defeated General St.Clair and 600 of his men. That was a mutual war. General St.Clair was quoted as saying "The Indians don't fight fair, they hide behind trees, and rocks". The Chippewas/Ojibways lost just 40 men. They went in with 200 warriors.

The 1st President later was involved with a peace offering. He was a silversmith, and he hand made a bunch a little tins, and inside of the tins, were smallpox blanket squares. Then most of the Anishnabe died off. The Canadian Government, and Commonwealth, upped the ante a bit, and actually spread Tuberculosis purposely with the intent of killing off the rest of the First Nations population in Residential Schools with a 50% death rate. This is the start of terrorism, and its history.

Another question you might ask yourself is. Why didn't the Government pick up and abduct any of the non-english speaking children like the Koreans, Germans, Jews, Chinese who immigrated to Canada. Place them next to the First Nations in every Residential School across Canada. Simply because at the highest levels, the terrorist plot for genocide was going according to plan. This was all to ensure that every immigrant, whom most never had a right to own land before they came to Canada, could sell off the resources, land, and launder the commidities back to each other. This could be coined as "Economic Terrorism", since the First Nations were denied a right to make a profit by Canadian law and the INdian Act.


The Indian Act

1881: Amended to make officers of the Indian Department, including Indian Agents, legal justices of the peace, able to enforce regulations. The following year they were granted the same legal power as magistrates.[3] Further amended to prohibit the sale of agricultural produce by Indians in Prairie Provinces without an appropriate permit from an Indian agent.[3] This prohibition is, as of 2008[update], still included in the Indian Act, though it is not enforced.[4]

1884: Amended to prevent elected band leaders who have been deposed from office from being re-elected.

1885: Amended to prohibit religious ceremonies (such as potlatches) and dances (such as Tamanawas dances)[5][6]

1894: Amended to remove band control of non-natives living on reserve. This power now rested exclusively in the hands of the Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs.[7]

1895: Amended to outlaw all dances, ceremonies and festivals that involved the wounding of animals or humans, or the giving away of money or goods.[6]

1905: Amended to allow aboriginal people to be removed from reserves near towns with more than 8,000 residents.[8]

1906: Amended to allow 50 % of the sale price of reserve lands to be given to band members, following the surrender of that land.

1911: Amended to allow municipalities and companies to expropriate portions of reserves, without surrender, for roads, railways, and other public works.[8] Further amended to allow a judge to move an entire reserve away from a municipality if it was deemed "expedient."[7] These amendments were also known as the Oliver Act.

1914: Amended to require western Indians to seek official permission before appearing in "aboriginal costume" in any "dance, show, exhibition, stampede or pageant."[3]

1918: Amended to allow the Superintendent-General to lease out uncultivated reserve lands to non-aboriginals if the new lease-holder used it for farming or pasture.[7]

1920: Amended to allow the Department of Indian Affairs to ban hereditary rule of bands.[8] Further amended to allow for the involuntary enfranchisement (and loss of treaty rights) of any status Indian considered fit by the Department of Indian Affairs, without the possession of land previously required for those living off reserve. Repealed two years later but reintroduced in a modified form in 1933.[7]

1927: Amended to prevent anyone (aboriginal or otherwise) from soliciting funds for Indian legal claims without a special license from the Superintendent-General. This effectively prevented any First Nation from pursuing aboriginal land claims.[3]

1930: Amended to prevent a pool hall owner from allowing entrance to an Indian who "by inordinate frequenting of a pool room either on or off an Indian reserve misspends or wastes his time or means to the detriment of himself, his family or household". The owner could face a fine or a one-month jail term.[3]

1936: Amended to allow Indian agents to direct band council meetings, and to cast a deciding vote in the event of a tie.[7]

1951: Amended to allow the sale and slaughter of livestock without an Indian Agent permit. Status women are allowed to vote in band elections. Attempts to pursue land claims and the use of religious ceremonies (such as potlatches) are no longer prohibited by law. Further amended for the compulsory "enfranchisement" of First Nations women who married non-status men (including Métis, Inuit and non-status Indian, as well as non-aboriginal men), thus causing them to lose their status, and denying Indian status to any children from the marriage.[7]

1961: Amended to end the compulsory "enfranchisement" of men or bands.


Not only did First Nations get terrorized by churches and governments, but they were stripped of there nationhood and labelled an "Indian" by law.

Indians couldn't even sell livestock for a profit until the 50s. And they were only considered Humans by law in the 1950s in Canada from "Wards of the State".

Edited by Chippewa
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The difference between a mutual war, and terrorism, is in war, 2 or more countrys agree to go to war mutually.

Lakotas didn't agree to be attacked by Ojibway.

Neither did all the European nations attacked by Germany.

USA didn't agree to be attacked by Japan. Tibet didn't agree to be attacked by Red China.

Terrorism has NOTHING to do with it. See Geneva Convention Art.4.

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The 1st President later was involved with a peace offering. He was a silversmith, and he hand made a bunch a little tins, and inside of the tins, were smallpox blanket squares. Then most of the Anishnabe died off. The Canadian Government, and Commonwealth, upped the ante a bit, and actually spread Tuberculosis purposely with the intent of killing off the rest of the First Nations population in Residential Schools with a 50% death rate. This is the start of terrorism, and its history.

"Smallpox blanket squares"? And they actually WORKED? I'm not sure even ANTHRAX is that effective!

Do you have any medical or technical education at all or do you just pull things out of your butt?

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Lakotas didn't agree to be attacked by Ojibway.

Neither did all the European nations attacked by Germany.

USA didn't agree to be attacked by Japan. Tibet didn't agree to be attacked by Red China.

Terrorism has NOTHING to do with it. See Geneva Convention Art.4.

The Ojibways didn't make laws, and subject the Lakota's to a 50% death rate over decades of time by placing them in Residential Schools. War is war.

Germany went to war. Different then Terrorism

For all First Nations knew at the time. Japan was bombing North America to save them from the internment camps, and residential schools and a 50% death rate at those schools, or maybe Japan was trying to save First Nations kids from being abducted and murdered illegally by Churches and Government.

The difference between Terrorism, and how Canada applied it to First Nations, is the fact, Canada and the Commonwealth did the same thing all around the world. The Genocidal Terrorism that happened in Canada, Australia, and most of the Commonwealth area's is a fact. Examples are the Aparthied Act, Indian Act, Austrailia's Stolen Generations, Canada's 60's Baby Scoop

If organizations can place Nazi war criminals in prison, and have them sent to trail for crimes 60 years ago, then why can't the Churches, Canadian Governments be charged for "War Crimes", "Genocide", "Terrorism". Churches were responsible for moving Nazi War Criminals, and the genocide of First Nations in Canada.

The reason why nothing hasn't been done and nobody has been charged, is the fact Governmental Terrorism, and Genocide is being covered up. The racketeering laws need to be applied to both the Church and Government.

Edited by Chippewa
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"Smallpox blanket squares"? And they actually WORKED? I'm not sure even ANTHRAX is that effective!

Do you have any medical or technical education at all or do you just pull things out of your butt?

Jefferson. was actually the president who accomplished "Biological Terrorism" on First Nations in the U.S.A. Some of these tin's are still around, and yes, they were tested, and tested positive for smallpox. Yes it worked.

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Jefferson. was actually the president who accomplished "Biological Terrorism" on First Nations in the U.S.A. Some of these tin's are still around, and yes, they were tested, and tested positive for smallpox. Yes it worked.

That being the case then you should have no problem providing some sort of proof of this contention.

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The Ojibways didn't make laws, and subject the Lakota's to a 50% death rate over decades of time by placing them in Residential Schools. War is war.

Germany went to war. Different then Terrorism

For all First Nations knew at the time. Japan was bombing North America to save them from the internment camps, and residential schools and a 50% death rate at those schools, or maybe Japan was trying to save First Nations kids from being abducted and murdered illegally by Churches and Government.

The difference between Terrorism, and how Canada applied it to First Nations, is the fact, Canada and the Commonwealth did the same thing all around the world. The Genocidal Terrorism that happened in Canada, Australia, and most of the Commonwealth area's is a fact. Examples are the Aparthied Act, Indian Act, Austrailia's Stolen Generations, Canada's 60's Baby Scoop

If organizations can place Nazi war criminals in prison, and have them sent to trail for crimes 60 years ago, then why can't the Churches, Canadian Governments be charged for "War Crimes", "Genocide", "Terrorism". Churches were responsible for moving Nazi War Criminals, and the genocide of First Nations in Canada.

The reason why nothing hasn't been done and nobody has been charged, is the fact Governmental Terrorism, and Genocide is being covered up. The racketeering laws need to be applied to both the Church and Government.

Anybody have any idea of how to approach either organization of crimes of genocide, terrorism.

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Ive seen one in person. They still exist, and a few books have been written on them. look it up yourself. History has a lot of secrets.

Not how it works sunshine. You made the claim, now you back it up. Otherwise your claim has no merit and is just so much fantasy. So, step up and show credible proof, or admit that it is false.

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The Ojibways didn't make laws, and subject the Lakota's to a 50% death rate over decades of time by placing them in Residential Schools. War is war.

Germany went to war. Different then Terrorism

For all First Nations knew at the time. Japan was bombing North America to save them from the internment camps, and residential schools and a 50% death rate at those schools, or maybe Japan was trying to save First Nations kids from being abducted and murdered illegally by Churches and Government.

The difference between Terrorism, and how Canada applied it to First Nations, is the fact, Canada and the Commonwealth did the same thing all around the world. The Genocidal Terrorism that happened in Canada, Australia, and most of the Commonwealth area's is a fact.

St Augustine tells a story of a pirate captured by Alexander the Great. "How dare you molest the sea?" Alexander asks the pirate. "How dare you molest the whole world?" the pirate responds. "Because I do it with a little ship only, I am called a thief; you, doing it with a great navy, are called an Emperor."

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If organizations can place Nazi war criminals in prison, and have them sent to trail for crimes 60 years ago, then why can't the Churches, Canadian Governments be charged for "War Crimes", "Genocide", "Terrorism". Churches were responsible for moving Nazi War Criminals, and the genocide of First Nations in Canada.

Then we fawn over the monarchy whenever they step foot into Canada.

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For what it is worth to you: A Terrible Sickness Among Them

Interesting link, thanks. However it does refute the previously made statement that Jefferson engaged in biological warfare against Natives as it states in the footnote that Jefferson attempted to actually innoculate Natives against Smallpox. Quite a divergence from the original assertation.

It is understandable that attempts that were failures could be misconstrued as deliberate attempts to do the exact opposite though.

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Germany went to war. Different then Terrorism

For all First Nations knew at the time. Japan was bombing North America to save them from the internment camps, and residential schools and a 50% death rate at those schools, or maybe Japan was trying to save First Nations kids from being abducted and murdered illegally by Churches and Government.

I'm pretty sure that the Jews and others oppressed and murdered by the Nazi's would disagree with you regarding the Germans.

As for your next assertation, well, what a pile of revisionist and fantastical crap. Learn a little more about the causes of the Japanese agression towards the US and their subsequent entry into WWII before saying anything about it. Obviously you don't have the faintest idea as to the cause of this agression.

By the way, could you provide the names and locations of these internment camps for us?

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Interesting link, thanks. However it does refute the previously made statement that Jefferson engaged in biological warfare against Natives as it states in the footnote that Jefferson attempted to actually innoculate Natives against Smallpox. Quite a divergence from the original assertation.

It is understandable that attempts that were failures could be misconstrued as deliberate attempts to do the exact opposite though.

No, it wasn't given in an attempt to refute the specific. Just that there is information out there about the method.

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Not how it works sunshine. You made the claim, now you back it up. Otherwise your claim has no merit and is just so much fantasy. So, step up and show credible proof, or admit that it is false.

It works differently among natives. Oral stories are good enough.

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Guest Derek L

Which is why Lakota pain relief needs no clinical studies...

:lol:......Been taking it for a few years, in fairness, it does seem to help on the knees & wrists...

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It works differently among natives. Oral stories are good enough.
The lunacy of our courts does not make unreliable oral testimony any more reliable. The world we live in today where two different media outlets can spin the same facts in opposite directions should be enough to illustrate that oral traditions are biased to the point of being inaccurate. The only redeeming factor is they may be no more biased than the written records kept by the British but that does not make them correct or truthful. Edited by TimG
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Jefferson. was actually the president who accomplished "Biological Terrorism" on First Nations in the U.S.A. Some of these tin's are still around, and yes, they were tested, and tested positive for smallpox. Yes it worked.

Source, please? Something unbiased, without a conflict of interest.

A militant native newspaper won't cut it.

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Not how it works sunshine. You made the claim, now you back it up. Otherwise your claim has no merit and is just so much fantasy. So, step up and show credible proof, or admit that it is false.

We still have the contradictions between the claimed delivery methods of the smallpox virus and the medical evidence of how well the virus can survive with no human host, on a blanket, a stump or the back of a frog, and for how long.

The native anecdotes may or may not be true. The problem is that they DO contradict what is known about the virus! What's more, the anecdotes make no attempt to address these contradictions. They just take it as gospel that's the way it happened. It's like someone telling you about something and mentioning an instance where water ran uphill. When you asked him about it he just looks puzzled and says "So?"

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I'm pretty sure that the Jews and others oppressed and murdered by the Nazi's would disagree with you regarding the Germans.

As for your next assertation, well, what a pile of revisionist and fantastical crap. Learn a little more about the causes of the Japanese agression towards the US and their subsequent entry into WWII before saying anything about it. Obviously you don't have the faintest idea as to the cause of this agression.

By the way, could you provide the names and locations of these internment camps for us?

The names of the and locations of the internment camps are known as Residential Schools and Indian Reserves . Today, Reserves have have been upgraded to "Ghettos".


Witnesses testify that Priests from Churches were just throwing New Born Babys into furnaces while still alive. Witnesses also testify that "Terrorists on gunboats, called the RCMP, were abducting children from my community".

These are just some of the stories of the genocidal terrorism Churches and Canadian government put First Nations through, including my dad, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and the rest of my family.

To this date, no church or government has been charged with "War Crimes", "Genocide", or crimes against humanity. Although in Australia an international court found Australia guilty of "Genocide". Still there is no closure on the Genocidal Terrorism that the Canadian Government and churches put the First Nations through.

51% death rate for decades at a time Churches and Canadian Government were responsible for at Indian Residential Schools, made whatever the Jews and others went through in the world look like Boy Scouts. First Nations had to fight against Biological Warfare, Biological Terrorism, Terrorism, Economic Terrorism, Socio-Economic Terrorim, Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing, and the Indian Act for hundred or hundreds of years.

Edited by Chippewa
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