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Canada Emerges as a Moral Leader by Standing Up for Israel

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This statement is truly incredible!

Better believe it. Because it's true. There are some differences however. Black didn't have the power to twist arm of any bank manager to make illegal loan to friends, as Chretien did.

Edited by Saipan
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After the recent massacre of unarmed Palestinians on Israel's border with Syria

Who said unarmed?

How they got there?

Would that be like the innocent young "canadians" who went to "wedding" in Pakistan but later got caught carrying AK-47 in Chechnya and shot by Russians?

Or the innocent "unarmed" Albanians slaughtered by Serbian army? Unarmed because all arms were collected by other Albanians.

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You have no problem with foreign states stealing Canadian identities to kill their enemies?

No. that's what friends are for.

So if China wanted to take out a pro-democracy leader you'd be a-ok with your identity being used?

I would not. China is my enemy.

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When a leader stands up against most other leaders in the world over a certain topic, they better make darn sure they are going the right thing. This is more personal for Harper and I'm not sure were the rest of Canadians standing on Israel is the same of his. Since its Israel, Harper is standing by, does he put a "X" on his back and maybe Canadians, since the hatred between the two countries, that being Israel and the Palestine. Does he put our soldiers in more danger by voicing his own opinion? Only time will tell.

1) Palestine is not a country. One that used to be called Palestine is now Israel. There were no palestinians till some Egyptians (like Yasar Arafat) Jordanians and Syrians start calling themself so recently.

2) So if the terrorists are thread we should run to "safety"? Or make peace with them like Daladier and Chamberlain?

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I would have thought that when one runs out of power and resources, moralizing is the way to go. And with the threat of social conservatism on the horizon who needs that sort of moralizing. That this Great Praise comes from no less than Conrad Black, of all people, leaves me a little suspicious. As it turns out, moralizing is good for business:

Canadian Military Exports to Israel

Oh good God, I cited some crazy left-wing anti-war group research. That simply won't do. But you know what? It is pretty hard to find any information to confirm or deny this. Any one else have any luck in sourcing out the revenue generated from Canadian military exports to Israel? One would hate to think that, on the one hand Prime Minister Harper gets a nod from Conrad Black for being a world moral leader, while on the other hand, Prime Minister Harper gives the wink to some Canadian weapons being used to kill civilians.

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Conrad Black... really? Come on jbg. <_<

The author troubles me too. But his points are well taken.

Maybe I wouldn't want him as a Rabbi, Priest or my kids' Sunday School teacher. As a writer though he's fine. I am reading an Ernest Hemingway novel though I question his judgment in committing suicide.

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You have no problem with foreign states stealing Canadian identities to kill their enemies? So if China wanted to take out a pro-democracy leader you'd be a-ok with your identity being used?

Last I checked Canada and Israel were allies. I would suspect strongly that Scotland Yards, CSIS, the CIA and Mossad freely swap passports and resources where needed to accomplish their collective mission.
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I would not. China is my enemy.

This is your real face. China is your enemy no matter it is good or bad.

I hope all Chinese can realize this kind of things.

Stop being fooled by western culture.

Actually, the western culture is nothing but endless robbery, slavery, take away.

Just like what they did to the aboriginals in the Americas.

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Guest Derek L

You have no problem with foreign states stealing Canadian identities to kill their enemies? So if China wanted to take out a pro-democracy leader you'd be a-ok with your identity being used?

And yes, assuming someones identity is stealing their identity. Some criminals use an assumed identity to steal money, others use it to commit murder.

You're putting words in my mouth, I clearly was referring to Israel...........As I said, the Mossad had forged passports, hardly stealing someone's identity when you're creating one.

Still waiting for your source on Jewish media control....

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Well at least now we know for sure that Israel is the one that needs to back down.
And reopen displaced persons' camps at Auschwitz, Sobibor, Treblinka, and Bergen-Belsen for the people removed by Israel's "backing down"? Or should they learn to swim the Meditteranean or the Gulf or Aqaba?
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My favourite part about this article is that it was written by a fraudulent business man.

Showing, yet again that to CPC faithful that a fraud conviction is deemed an asset and not a liability. Maybe you get extra credit points based on how long you kept the fraud going before being caught?

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Maybe some of the backbenchers have the "insane beliefs" you decry. Maybe governments belong governing, not indulging the tangents offar-out people.

Maybe governments shouldn't endorse the nomination papers of far-out people who have crazy axes to grind. Maybe governments shouldn't pretend to be supportive of those far-out people/ideas when talking to them and to their far-out supporters, but insist that they don't share those 'insane beliefs' when being observed by anyone who would be offended by them.

Just sayin'.

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Maybe governments shouldn't endorse the nomination papers of far-out people who have crazy axes to grind. Maybe governments shouldn't pretend to be supportive of those far-out people/ideas when talking to them and to their far-out supporters, but insist that they don't share those 'insane beliefs' when being observed by anyone who would be offended by them.

Or endorsing the nominating papers of bartenders who don't speak French in Francophone ridings, or nineteen year olds.
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You're putting words in my mouth, I clearly was referring to Israel...........As I said, the Mossad had forged passports, hardly stealing someone's identity when you're creating one.

Illicitly copying a passport so an assassin can assume the identity of a Canadian, and then commit murder. Seems pretty cut and dry to me.

Still waiting for your source on Jewish media control....

I've never said such a thing. Lay off the substances...

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My favourite part about this article is that it was written by a fraudulent business man.

If it was fraud in Canada he would be convicted here.

But this is about Israel. Not Black, or Arar, or Khadr, or Martha, or anyone else.

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If it was fraud in Canada he would be convicted here.

Are you trying to prove that being convicted of fraud is an asset?

Because that is all I am getting when you try to minimize the conviction.

Edited by MiddleClassCentrist
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Guest Derek L

Illicitly copying a passport so an assassin can assume the identity of a Canadian, and then commit murder. Seems pretty cut and dry to me.

You said:

“You mean stealing the identities of Canadians to commit murder?”

What Canadian(s) identity did they "steal" when they created false passports?

I've never said such a thing. Lay off the substances...

You said:

"The Jewish Lobby does indeed have a huge influence over western media."

Prove it.

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You said:

“You mean stealing the identities of Canadians to commit murder?”

What Canadian(s) identity did they "steal" when they created false passports?

The Canadian whose name was on the passport? :blink:

You said:

"The Jewish Lobby does indeed have a huge influence over western media."

Prove it.

Funny, you claimed that I'd said the 'Jews control the media' yet theres nothing in that statement that that amounts to such a statement. I know you Cons are pretty poor at interpreting simple language, so I'll let this one slide.



Seriously, it's not as if this isn't common knowledge...

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The Jewish Lobby does indeed have a huge influence over western media.

Still waiting for your source on Jewish media control....

I've never said such a thing. Lay off the substances...

Battletoads, up till now I regarded you as a poster who I respected but usually disagree with. Now I regard you as an abject liar.
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