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  1. Who negotiated and signed the Kelowna Accord to fix the infrastructure, education and Health services on reserves? And who canceled it as soon as he got voted in? The fix was there, with federal, provincial and First Nations cooperation and Harper canceled it and blew the money on increased spending in the PMO
  2. So now all Harper has to do is get rid of the Governor General and he will be the Commander in Chief of his own war mongering military. Whoo Hoo
  3. There were 45 flights in 2009 - 2010 by federal cabinet ministers. In all, 282 trips in the period carried the prime minister, Governor General, ministers or VIPs, according to the mission reports and passenger manifests. Times $10,105 per flying hour. See Harper's saving money
  4. The Truth: Harper Calls For Mideast Peace Deal Based on Israel’s Pre-1967 Borders
  5. In the 1980 the feds had sunk billions into the Cold Lake tar sands and the oil industry was young and Canadian companies had a chance. In order to play with the big boys, governments must back up their own. The NEP was going to back Canadian companies. Petro Canada was started and became very successful. Canada had a golden opportunity but its all US now.
  6. bush_cheney2004 - maybe now but not back then which is what the NEP was suppose to address - governments financing Canadian companies to produce and refine out own oil. As the years have gone by, US companies have gotten bigger and bigger drilling Canadian oil and shipping it south for refining. August1991 - in 1980 one price for Canadians and one price for the rest was what the NEP was about. You didn't read the link and find out the truth did you. The Nep was a bad policy but the part about financing and building up Canadian oil companies and refineries was brilliant. Opportunity lost. But if things had been different and Canada had build up its OWN oil company business with the NEP, Canada would have more clout instead of just handing it all over to Big Oil, except for 5%. And without the Sydney Crosby's the US wouldn't have much of a national hockey league.... like our oil.
  7. Trudeau brought in the NEP to give Canadians a made in Canada price for their oil and to help Canadian business explore and profit from the oil in Alberta and Saskatchewan. http://www.albertasource.ca/petroleum/industry/issues_government_nep.html Things did not work out as intended when Trudeau and Lougheed signed the National Energy Program (NEP) in October 1980. OPEC was the driver behind the spike in the oil prices that triggered the NEP but excess oil in North Sea, Alaska, Mexico, and else­where brought prices way down and that is what caused the oil companies to leave Alberta for other fields. The NEP intention was to provide good policy for Canadians and Canadian business that was not good for the oil industry or the west. Because the oil companies refused to drill unless they received the profit with a pittance to Canadians. And so it remains today with the fat US Oil filling their pockets and shipping our bitman and jobs south. And nobody will stand up for Canada and Alberta. Especially not Conservatives. They are quite happy to be the drawers of wood for Big Oil. Canada is big enough that we can manufactur our own gas and oil with Canadian companies. Harper doesn't have the courage to stand up to Big Oil. Stelmach is a wimp. It is time that Alberta pundits stop lying about the NEP and using it as a stick against Liberals.
  8. The GST was lowered and became a useless source of revenue since purchases were way down and the USA was not buying our products so NAFTA was of no use either. Plus with the dollar at a record high, our goods became too expensive for the US and manufacturing tanked. The banks remained healthy and were able to keep the interest rates low so people could survive. IF the banks had been deregulated like Harper wanted, Canada would have been in a mess. Mortgages, real estate, car loans, business loans were able to continue as the banks kept and followed regulations left in place by Liberal governments, although at a more moderate pace. The gst was not such a saviour as it mostly replaced the hidden 13% excise tax, plus Mulroney and Harper added the gst to more goods and services even while Harper lowered it. Chretien couldn't get rid of the gst without putting the hidden excise tax onto goods and services. He made a mistake and was smart enough not to make another one and get rid of the gst.
  9. Funny. I remember Harper attacking that Liberal leader unmercifully because he refused to deregulate the banks - which is what really saved Canada these past years.
  10. All Harper has to do now is get rid of the Governor General and declare hisself Commandor in Chief. He would be so pleased to accept all those salutes from his military ;p
  11. Before the last kick can land on the Liberals, one will have to observe their actions and the results the next 12-18 months. If the old guard is swept out, the party will revert back to its roots. Not a good thing for NDP or CPC. Good for Canada though.
  12. Michael Ignatieff will be the next Liberal party leader ;p
  13. Tell me that you and Harper are not serious in asking Liberals to vote for Conservatives? For 5 years Harper has abused, beaten, spent millions to demonize Dion and Ignatieff and now we should vote for Conservatives? Is he daft? Are the rest of you daft? ABC
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