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Ontario Ministry of Transport Third Reich Legislation

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Highly dangerous erosion of human rights contained in the Ontario Ministry of Transport's proposed legislative language as part of a revision of the Highway Traffic Act:



Pilot projects

228. (1) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may by regulation authorize or establish a project for research into or the testing or evaluation of any matter governed by this Act or relevant to highway traffic. 2005, c. 26, Sched. A, s. 33 (1).

Project may conflict with Acts

(2) Under a project authorized or established under subsection (1),

(a) persons or classes of persons may be authorized to do or use a thing that is prohibited or regulated under this Act, the Dangerous Goods Transportation Act, the Motorized Snow Vehicles Act, the Off-Road Vehicles Act or the Public Vehicles Act or to not do or use a thing that is required or authorized by any of those Acts;

(B) the Minister or Ministry or any person authorized or required to do anything under this Act, the Dangerous Goods Transportation Act, the Motorized Snow Vehicles Act, the Off-Road Vehicles Act or the Public Vehicles Act may be authorized or required to do anything that is not authorized or required under any of those Acts or to do anything that is authorized or required under any of those Acts in a way that is different from the way it is authorized or required. 2005, c. 26, Sched. A, s. 33.

Limited to classes

(3) An authorization or requirement described in subsection (2) may be limited to any class of persons, class or type of vehicles, class of equipment, devices or highways, parts of Ontario, time of year or day, activities, matters or any other things. 2005, c. 26, Sched. A, s. 33 (1).

Regulation to create own scheme of rules

(4) A regulation made under this section may regulate the doing of anything or the use of any thing or prohibit the doing of anything or the using of any thing. 2005, c. 26, Sched. A, s. 33 (1).


(5) A regulation made under this section may require a person or class of persons to carry insurance of a kind and in the amount specified. 2005, c. 26, Sched. A, s. 33 (1).

Time limit

(6) A regulation made under this section must provide that it is revoked no later than the twelfth anniversary of the day the regulation is filed. 2005, c. 26, Sched. A, s. 33 (1).

Project prevails over Acts

(7) In the event of a conflict between a regulation made under this section and any provision of this Act, the Dangerous Goods Transportation Act, the Motorized Snow Vehicles Act, the Off-Road Vehicles Act or the Public Vehicles Act or of a regulation made under any of those Acts, the regulation made under this section prevails. 2005, c. 26, Sched. A, s. 33.


(8) Every person who contravenes a regulation made under this section is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to a fine of not less than $250 and not more than $2,500. 2005, c. 26, Sched. A, s. 33 (1).

While the language of this proposal is as garbled as any I've seen, the essence of what could too easily become a vast and unanswerable human rights crime against all Ontarians that is unprecedented since Nazi Germany was a legal political entity is contained in this paraphrasing of the proposal:

"A regulation made under this section may regulate the doing of anything or the use of any thing or prohibit the doing of anything or the using of any thing... ...In the event of a conflict between a regulation made under this section and any provision of this Act... ...the regulation made under this section prevails."

The key words in the above aggregate sentence "any thing".

This dandy little legislative horse of a decidedly Nazi stripe would give the Ontario government and thus the police the power to set in place almost instantly a police state tighter even than Hitler's leglisation whose aim was to subjugate entire races and exterminate them.

I have no idea whether or not any of you were paying attention in history class when the evolution of Nazi Germany and Hitler's rise to power was covered but I can tell you that if you need a refresher course, just get yourself a copy of the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. The legislation that gave the Nazis their power was written just like this Highway Traffic Act proposal.

Why is it so important? The last seven words in the paraphrasing as shown above can be used to set aside the Canadian Rights and Freedoms Act just like happened with the infamous street racing legislation and be even harder to combat in court.

As you would know if you read my book "Abuse of Power" the street racing legislation passed by the McGuinty government was passed using fraudulent means. At the time of its publication I said it was but the proof could not really be demonstrated until the ORSAR for 2007 was finally published amost three years late. That report confirmed everything I said about the corrupt means Fantino and the Ontario Legislature used to have the bill enacted. That ORSAR was delayed on purpose to keep it from blowing the street racing legislation out of the water. None of the street racing incidents upon which the legislation was based turned out to involve street racing. The example used the day the vote was taken as recorded in Hansard was a robbery chase involving police. All of Fantino's figures - his percentages to support his claims were false. Look what happened. A massive abuse of power and abuse of human rights by police ever since.

What this new section purports to do is give the Ontario government the right to do anything to Ontario citizens at all and get away with it. This proposal sets itself above the Criminal Code and the Rule of Law - the legal foundation of the country itself in a legally slippery way that once in place would be almost impossible to remove witihout an armed rebellion or even civil war.

You will notice that the financial penalties proposed are minor (unless you don't have the money) but financial penalties can easily be increased upwards at a moment's notice without telling anyone. Other penalities such as detention without cause can also be added as has been well demonstrated by the G20 and the street racing legislation. The McGuinty govnerment is very prone to use criminal means to achieve its ends and so often I've literally worn myself out trying to keep up with the number of actual major criminal code offenses committed by the McGuinty Liberals.

The reason we and other democratic nations have the Rule of Law is to prevent exactly this type of autocratic thinking and jackboot abuse of power.

My parents, your parents and millions of others fought the Second World War to defeat this type of polictical criminal thinking from gaining a foothold in free countries. The street racing legislation was the first legal dandelion and now we're seeing the second.

This is McGuinty minus the tiny moustache attempting to corrupt all of Ontario's fabric of life and warp it into a Nazi regime. Hitler would have been proud.

My reference to criminal undertakings by the Liberal government is no whimsical statement. McGuinty's administeration has achieve quite an impressive list of initiatives accomplishe using criminal means. I don't mean his administration doing things inadvertently. I mean his administration commtitting intentional acts that, since they were known at the time by the participants to be criminal actions, they were in fact committing indictable criminal acts. These acts were not small potatoes. All of them involve from millions to billions of dollars. They are all extremely complex and were kept will under the radar with the conivance of the Toronto Star and its last two publishers despite my best efforts.

People gripe on here all the time about things they don't like that the government does.

My view is this: if you don't like what's going on - read the legislation governing ever aspect of your issue. At the end of your research you will either shut TFU or you'll know something useful we would all be glad to read.

In the above cases I've endeavoured to do just that and in the process studied the Crminal Code at length as well as many other Acts. Most of you have no clue how close legislators skate to the line between legal and criminal or how often they cross that line. If the people on the forum really enjoy politics and have an interest in the future of freedom in this country it's time you got off your collective asses and brought yoursevlves up to speed before your freedoms have gone the way of the Dodo.

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The legislation that gave the Nazi their power was not like Highway Traffic Act patrol act at all. I guess someone didn't pay any attention in high school the legislation which gave the Nazi their power was the Enabling Act which made it so legislation no longer needed to passed through a minority parliament. It meant Minsters could enact whatever laws they wanted through directives essentially.

Not saying I like Ontario's high way patrol act, in fact I don't like the Legislation in almost all provinces which deals with high way patrol however you are dead wrong in your comparison. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

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"A regulation made under this section may regulate the doing of anything or the use of any thing or prohibit the doing of anything or the using of any thing... ...In the event of a conflict between a regulation made under this section and any provision of this Act... ...the regulation made under this section prevails."

The key words in the above aggregate sentence "any thing".

No, the key phrase is "of this Act."

This dandy little legislative horse of a decidedly Nazi stripe would give the Ontario government and thus the police the power to set in place almost instantly a police state tighter even than Hitler's leglisation whose aim was to subjugate entire races and exterminate them.

The only "law" applicable here is Godwin's law and you have circumvented it by making the comparison to Nazi in the OP. Congratulations. You didn't wait to lose all credibility, you started off with none. For instance:

Why is it so important? The last seven words in the paraphrasing as shown above can be used to set aside the Canadian Rights and Freedoms Act just like happened with the infamous street racing legislation and be even harder to combat in court.

It says no such thing, implies no such thing, has no basis in fact and "...what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul." ( - Prncipal Max Anderson, Bill Madison, 1995)

Edited by Shwa
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No, the key phrase is "of this Act."

The only "law" applicable here is Godwin's law and you have circumvented it by making the comparison to Nazi in the OP. Congratulations. You didn't wait to lose all credibility, you started off with none. For instance:

It says no such thing, implies no such thing, has no basis in fact and "...what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul." ( - Prncipal Max Anderson, Bill Madison, 1995)

What the three replies above indicate to me is a complete lack of practical experience with the police who enforce the laws and the courts who enable the police to perjure themselves at will.

You obviously have never experienced what it's like to have a couple of police inspectors interpret law to suit themselves.

Bear in mind we are talking here about a legislative proposal. The street racing legislation started the same way and from start to finish was an exercise in legisative brutality and fantasy with no attempt to relate the legislation to reality or even the dictionary.

Consequently, nearly all of the people victimized by the law were ordinary citizens who had never participated in nor contemplated participating in a street race.

Thousands of people have been robbed by the police ever since.

You can say the most important word above is ACT but to me, any thing supercedes it because the intent is to give the police G20 discretion within this ACT. That means the powers of the police to become a roadside judges, juries and executioners.

You people seem to think that all police are rational normal human beings. That unfortunately is very far from reality. Go to the Thin Blue Line website and if you dig deep enough you'll find the real police mindset.

And yes I was paying attention in class and yes the Third Reich was built on a framework of legislation that systematically stripped freedoms from its citizens ultimately brought the entire German nation under one of the cruelest reigns of modern times. At the time there were plenty of people saying the same things you people are saying. That it was all nonsense, not to be taken seriously.

I was educated on that score by a family friend who grew up during the rise of the Third Reich. She was not a Jew. She told me plenty of stories of what went on and how according to her, most Germans did not believe such things could come to be until they did.

McGuinty has made a practice of resorting to criminal methods to achieve his objectives.

The most glaring one was the SEATON LAND EXCHANGE fraud. This is a fraud worth about 20 billion dollars because it involves the proposed Pickering Airport. The entire deal hinged on the Environmental Assessment for the Seaton Lands being approved so the land swap could take place.

The assessment required three things to be assessed: air, water and soil.

The water and soil assessments were done.

The air assessment never was. Instead, an assessment from downtown Toronto was substituted in a cut and paste.

Since the assessment was part of the real estate documentation, this constitutes a land fraud even if it is the government that does it because they knew at the time they were committing a fraud.

The importance of this fraud to the eastern GTA goes far beyond money. Using a downtown Toronto air quality assessement set the air pollution benchmark in Durham region to a highly polluted urban level against which all future monitoring will be measured against.

Even today, there is virtually no air pollution in this area. So what the government did was create an air pollution window of opportunity that will allow polluters a huge lattitude for contaminating Durhams's air shed.

Durham Region's air shed is the only corridor by which urban Toronto gets fresh untained air at present. All the other air corridor approaches have massive sources of air pollution upwind.

The projected air pollution load increase for Durham Region is 500 million tons annually.

That is substantial impact for taking the opportunity for a little cut and paste don't you think?

The guy who physically did the cut and paste now works in Ottawa and after my explaining what he was party to, his not a happy camper. But his response was that "we do it all the time."

Great. But that does not make such deceptions in any way legal no matter who does it.

So virtually every Environmental Assessment that involved air quality for many years has the potential to have been based on a fraud.

This is just one example. There are many, many more, some involving loss of life.

So before anyone starts saying I haven't done my homework, do some yourself.

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What the three replies above indicate to me is a complete lack of practical experience with the police who enforce the laws and the courts who enable the police to perjure themselves at will.

You obviously have never experienced what it's like to have a couple of police inspectors interpret law to suit themselves.

Bear in mind...

Oh, I get it. The chip on your shoulder has rendered everyone else wrong because you are the actual victim in all of your encounters with the police. Maybe next time you will obey the laws and avoid having to subject yourself to bad experiences. Most everyone else does just fine.

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Congrats on the post of hyperbole. :rolleyes:

attempting to corrupt all of Ontario's fabric of life and warp it into a Nazi regime. Hitler would have been proud Damn, but things must be fine in Ontario if you resort to this kind of hyperbole over this!

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What part of the 20 billion dollar fraud do you think I was the personal victim of?

If you had read my book Abuse of Power, you'd know that the many people who were victimized by the police did not include me. But I did gather their stories and they gave great insight as to what was going on. Some of those stories came from the police themselves, some from lawyers and some from paralegals.

There were many other abuses related to the street racing legislation but not directly part of it that were used by the police to illegally extend their powers during that time period.

It was no secret the police were and still do regularly perjure themselves to get convictions.

None of this matters to the average citizen until they become victims. Then in an instant, everything I've said snaps into focus in an instant. By then it's too late.

It kind of gives me a sense of the mindset you Uncle 3 dogs are trying to defend when you launch a petty attack on my credibility rather than ask insightful questions about the 20 billion dollar fraud. I would think a 20 billion dollar fraud claim would be cause for some skepticism since it represents the single largest crime in Canadian history that does not include criminal offenses against aboriginals.

The fact that you would even think of making an attack rather than sound me out to establish whether or not my information is accurate basically confirms my assertions about the lack of political acumen and interest that floats this site. If you had any clue at all you'd be researching the Seaton Land deal. But you aren't. You're content to babble.

There has never been a Canadian government that has so disregarded the sanctity of the Rule of Law the way the McGuinty government has. Their transgressions have set important legal precedents and you people who consider yourselves watchdogs of democracy have had it all happen right under your noses without your having suspected a thing. What does that tell you about your indepth knowledge? You don't know enough to even defend yourselves.

I'm not trying to insult you here. I'm trying to wake you up.

No matter who wins the next Ontario election, McGuinty has set the stage for further massive abuses of power regardless of who wins. You people could be whistle blowers. But not unless you get your acts together and start learning something about how seriously our rights are being eroded for no good reason.

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There has never been a Canadian government that has so disregarded the sanctity of the Rule of Law the way the McGuinty government has. Their transgressions have set important legal precedents and you people who consider yourselves watchdogs of democracy have had it all happen right under your noses without your having suspected a thing. What does that tell you about your indepth knowledge? You don't know enough to even defend yourselves.

I would agree, but at least he's consistent! Caledonia is an excellent example of how McGuinty considered the protection of the Law to be a mere political convenience, to be waived when it served his own interests.

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Yes Wild Bill,

Most crooks are consistent. That's why they're in jail so often. I believe McGuinty, Broten and Gerretsen should be in there keeping the other crooks company. They'd look good in orange. The trouble is, most crooks aren't too bright. McGuinty, weasel that he is, is also very bright. Unless he was in solitary, before we knew it, the IQ level of of the rest of the criminal population would have improved.

You know that Hudack wants to make the prisoners work. That is an excellent idea. But not for the reasons he thinks. I've worked in the prison system and I can tell you our prisons are universities for producing more proficient crooks. There is nothing about our prison systems that would cause anyone to be re-habbed while in there except by accident. Most of the prisoners could be be rehabbed if they were given proper education along with morals and ethics training then real job opportunities when they were released. Forget religion. That's nearly a total waste of time and mostly a scam inside and outside prison walls. Don't think prisoners don't know that well and like anything else, can be turned into a pretty efficient weapon.

Just imagine someone like McGuinty blabbering in prison. Before long he'd have corrupted the inmates. They'd be superb con artists and a plague worse than politicians.

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Hyperbole? The poster broke the Godwin Law in the OP!

Not broke; trampled.

Regardless, I believe my original point stands uncontested. This site is populated by political wannabes who can't be bothered to lift a finger to really learn about what they're blabbering about.

I'd say democracy is in big, big trouble and within a generation, will be history. It's well on its way to being wasted by people who don't appreciate what they have. Once it's gone you people will live to bitterly regret it.

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