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New name for liberal Party ?

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I don't know what they look like from your part of our Country ,but from here in South west nova ,they look right down discusting .

A few of the Things happening in our part of the Country sence Liberals took the helm.

Our town warfe here in Digby ,where all the fishing boats lay they gave away to some friends , also gave them 3,000,000 in tax dollars to help with warfe upkeep . Nothing was spent on Warfe repairs ,the warfe is now literally falling down and hardly fit to lay too in wind . Warfeage has gone through the roof , even repair trucks and fuel trucks have to pay to drive on the warfe to service fishing vessels . Some fishermen have had to make morns to lay too as warfage is so high , and nobody can even ask where the 3,000,000 dollars of tax dollars went .

The fish (whats left of Them ) in our oceans are now owned bye landloveing business men , for a fisherman to catch fish now under this liberal corruption , they have to buy the fish from the liberal goverments friends before they go fishing . Some of these friends draw hundreds of Thousands of dollars while walking our nations golf cources while the working fisherman can't make a cent .

1 captain told me in 50 days fishing he put 1,100,000 dollars worth of fish on his deck . He had to throw the first 600,000 dollars worth back over board dead , he paid 300,000 dollars out to fees to the liberals friends . He only got to keep 200,000 .

Out of the 200,000 he had to pay vessel upkeep , insurances , licence fees , crews wages , gear upkeep ,WARFAGE , fuel ,groceries , boat payments . at the end of the year they cut his cell phone off for lack of funds to pay the bill with , and he had just put 1,100,000 dollars worth of fish on his deck in 50 days fishing .

The liberal friend s that he was made to pay 300,000 too had to pay nothing but maybe some golf cource dues . and the lobsters and crabs got lots of free meals of cod fish for nothing .

One of the liberals friends just sold his fishing licence back to the queen for 12,000,000 . He has not fished sence the early 80s but they give him 12,000,000 of your hard earned tax dollars for his piece of paper , then give the piece of Paper to a native band , the native band buys his boat for an other 2,000,000 then gives it all back to him to manage .

] I suspect the real owners of Canadas Fish in alot of cases is now the american mofia .

Just some of the things happening around here , Please folks open your eyes see how crooked these so called liberals are , get rid of them!

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Message to politicians; Nova Scotia needs some grammar schools.

If your captain friend threw back a lot of fish dead; he should be prosecuted. The laws are put in place to protect fish stocks; no wonder stocks are dwindling and for no good reason. The idea is to leave the fish in the water ALIVE and able to reproduce.

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So how much will i have to pay one of the liberals crooked friends before i could have one of these beautiful bananas ?

For cod fish we have to pay .60 a lb for fish still swimming to crooked liberals .

for Pollack one captain told me they charged him .50 a lb for the quota then forced him to sell the fish to them after he caught them for .35 so to bring the fish to the warfe he had to take a .15 cent a lb loss ,so he ended up throwing over a 100,000 lb back over board dead to save money and the crooked greedy liberals ended up leaveing their pollack quota in the water .

NICE GOVERMENT ! I hope your banana business is going better under liberal corruption, they sure mismanaged the fishery .

I figgure in the bay of fundy alone fishermen are forced to throw back 3,000,000 lb of cod a year dead , they got the cod stocks almost wiped out ,and are blaming the seals . The Poor Seals will be the victims of liberal Lies , our countries idiots will soon be trying to save the Cod with a death to the seals campaign.

OH WEll i see they went off to bust a portugeese trawler to help make a smooth election .

You know I figgure if some Canadians was a little less worried about perfect grammer ,and a little more wiser to truth . Maybe smooth talking liberals would not be so successful . It appears you can sell any amount of lies as long as the grammer is perfect! Stay in Grammer School my problem is i have to live reality .

THE LIBERAL PARTY OF CANADA is full of Corruption and mismanagement but they probly do have good grammer !

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I bet he's just mad because a NS seasonal worker pays 25 cents into EI and gets a 1.25 out of it -- when they think that if it wasn't for Liberal corruption, they could get 2.25 for every dollar put in.

What's really corrupt is how much power the seasonal workers have, and how they extract these insane concessions from the Liberals and Bloc for even more generous and outrageous EI benefits.

I agree that the Liberal Party is corrupted.

But I also think that the corrupted spirit of the Seasonal Worker is worse.

The Chutzpah is striking!

(PS. If it wasn't for the seasonal workers demand for unfair EI coverage in the first place, wages wouldn't have fallen to the point where you didn't need EI. It's called "Labour Hoarding". You might want to look it up sometime.)

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There will be more to talk about the EI if the liberals could get an other term with a majority .

My prediction would be a complete loss of fishing resources ,its not about EI its about men who was not man enough to face the sea wanting most of the wealth brought back from the sea by the men that did face our oceans .

Most of our fishery resources are now privately owned all handed out by this liberal goverment to rich liberal friends . One man owns 67 percent of all offshore scallop quota . Most the ground fish quota i beleave now is owned by 10-15 men . Some of this men are now making hundreds of thousands of dollars a week and most do it with no labour .

You probly could keep the majority of the EI ,if this goverment of ours was into conservation and making all mens rights to our oceans equal .

It seems the only thing they are interested in useing the power of the crown for is to make their wealthy friends have it all .

The men that worked the ocean now have no historical rights to the ocean , All historical rights are now held by this goverments powerfull rich friends , we are starting to look like africa ,where the wealth is governed into the hands of 1% of the population .

IF your not in that 1% why would you vote Liberal ? Ever take a walk into reality?

Reality Is the Fish in Canadas oceans are now all owned bye the Liberals powerfull friends , and users have to buy them before catching them .

the one captain i told you about paid 300,000 to liberals in 50 days fishing .Don't you think he could of took a few years off with no EI if he never had to pay golfing liberals all the money from his labour .

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Argus: You can have a banana too.

Digby: Nice deflection.

It takes two for policy to become reality.

An electorate to demand it, and a government to provide it.

When it comes to seasonal workers in Nova Scotia, both the Liberals, and the workers, are guilty of corruption.

It's disgusting how little those workers put in, and how much they get, and they treat it as though it's owed to them.

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Takeanumber : EI is not as big a part of life in this part of the world as you are educated to beleave ,if the wealth was aloud to be evenly distributed im sure most EI would be of little use to most as incomes would be too high .

But the liberal way is to make a few men worth 20 -100 million ,and all their neighbours being forced to fill their bank acounts a little fuller.

I As you probly have already guessed have been a fishing Captain all my life , My poor Grammer can be explained as you guessed by lack of education . At 17 years of Age i Was a Trawler Captain faceing the north atlantic with 3 other mens lives under my responsibility .It was not seasonal work like you are educated to beleave it was year around ,i spent blizzards 100 miles from land ,half the time half seasick i spent 1/3 of my life on the water in them years.(But now i Have no Historical rights 90% of all historical rights are held by men who was never to sea) I could not Make Beleave I had Wisdom , In my life the rocks and the storms was real .I had to Grow up quick .

I spent 12 years as a trawler Captain untill the distruction i could no longer bare , I presently Own and Captain a Longliner and i do see the day coming when comercial fishing will be nothing but memory .

Fishermans Greed is somewhat to blame but their only human . What I see as the real problem is mismanagement . Two forms of Mismanagement i see around me , one goverment corruption , putting conservation second to putting the wealth into the hands of liberal supporters has taken a terrible toll on our oceans. This Goverment we now have is truely a Moralless corrupt Goverment in my judgement from what i see they need to go .

The other form of mismangement comes from our education systems , now maybe im being a little jelous here but this is what i see happening .

They take some of us away to university , they take your money and supposedly make you wise , but i think wisedom is a gift some have it some don't . Alot of our university educated may have been taught with text books full of untruths ,and some never had the ability to relise all was not true .

So they put one of these persons in an office who may of never seen a fishing boat in opperation in their lives , they give them great power for law making . They never check the results . these people was told they was wise ,reality is they have no idea what their powerfull pens is doing in reality , The scary thing is alot of them don't even care , they never admit to making mistakes and even when we are on a wrong road ,because it may cause political embarresment our wrongs can only be hid and not fixed .

Our Canadian oceans are headed for trouble in a big way , Our present liberal Goverment don't care about conservation ,thats only a lie they tell the gullible .

Their only agenda has been Making rich friends Richer , i see it happening i find it discusting.

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It's largely the utter, absolute failure of our Maritime elite that has forced all of the youth (that doesn't want an EI fate) to leave.

It's time for people in Atlantic Canada to take some god damned responsiblity for their fate, stand up for themselves, and say, no -- EI ain't gonna do it anymore. It's driving down wages and it's putting off the inevitable.

Enough with the patronage.

Enough with the goddam Pork Barrelling.

And you know the culture that I'm talking about.

Maritimers are obsessed with blaming Ottawa for everything that has gone wrong, instead of working through their provincial governments to fix the problems.

I've thrown away that blanket of victimization long ago.

It's time to stand up, take some damned responsibility for your future, and get on it, regardless of what happens federally.

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The Maritime Elite Was Bought off , the wise men of our last generation beleaved in the liberal goverment of old times . And the first thing done was to buy off last generations wise men .

One of these older maritime wise men approached me one day , seems hes getting older and preparing for death is becoming almost as important as bank account balances . His Statement Was : I never Knew it was eternity ,meaning back when they decided he would be a itq holder , and he started drawing 200,000 dollars a year while rocking in his rocking chair drawing the old age pension , he never dreamed they was giving him eternity , he could draw 200,000 a year off young mens labour for the rest of his life , the rest of his childrens life , and so on for eternity . all because of a 2 year catch history , it was nice but with death approaching and the possibility of a day of judgement in his future , he was haveing second thoughts on if he had been living his best exsample with taking the 200,000 a year and shutting his mouth to the wrongs he was seeing happen to his communities next generation.

He Knew Liberal Goverment was Wrong and years of Supporting it and recieving its modern day rewards was bothering him as death was starting to look like reality in his life .

Are you really ticked off About EI ? Or is it your way of detering attention from this goverments corrupt deeds , to keep people from looking to the east for even greater exsamples of Liberal corruption then they found in Quebec .

Are you only interested in changeing our topic?

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It takes two to be corrupt.

An electorate that tolerates and expects it.

A government that is desperate for support.

I didn't hear the Bloc, or anybody else in quebec complaining when they were getting millions upon millions for the Montreal Grand Prix.

(In fact, I heard the Bloc saying that MORE money should be given.)

I still don't hear anybody from the maritimes complaining about the enhanced EI for seasonal workers in the maritimes.

In fact, the Libs got a huge boost in the polls in the Maritimes after the changers were announced.

That to me is a clear signal that Maritimers are pro-status-quo.

There exists Maritimers and Quebeckers who are just as corrupt as the federal Liberals, and to suddenly turn on them and point at them takes a very high amount of chutzpah.

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Digby the liberals are corrupt pieces of garbadge and I think alot of people agree with you that they need to be eighty sixed. I would trust my dog with an open pint of guiness before I trusted the liberals with a wooden nickle.

Vote NDP I will not agree with you on anything but I can respect youre opinion. If Vote Conservative you can put the country on the right track. But if you vote liberal I hope you are safely in there pocket ripping off the canadian taxpayer because other wise you are just stuck on stupid.

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Nobody Corrupt west of Quebec? well thats good to hear i guess there is hope .

I know most things in our world are now corrupt and moralless ,the problem in a democracy is that when a good part of the population becomes corrupt ,they will stand and allow corrupt goverment . I think history would reveal that corrupt goverment leads to a collapse of society . And i Know Changeing our goverment may not be the answers to all of our problems .

I only think it would slow it down , as with 10 -12 years of liberal goverment , liberal crooks have built nice nests , liberal companies have done very well , its time fore change and to let a different bunch of crooks take the helm ,or the strong liberals will own canada and the rest of us will be their monkeys .

I guess I know its a down hill slide from here .

I kind of got an anger in me against the liberal goverment ,because of Robert Thebeau, as you know he was minister of fisheries before Reagan , Being our MP in this rideing most of us small fishermen thought he would be an answer to our problems , we thought with a minister of fisheries right here in our rideing he would see the wrongs in our area and fix some of them, he would actually be a saviour for us small business fishermen .

Unlike other minister of Fisheries he was close enough to know the truth of our rideing , I myself as well as other fishermen went to his office many times , He was told about the massive Dumping of Cod , He was told by many witnesses , Hes not blind .

To our Surprise things got worse , He sided with the rich that was causeing the distruction , even though he knew reality , my conclusion was he had to be on the take ,and very corrupt . He allowed our Fishery to be distroyed in his rideing , when he was Minister of fisheries , by a few that was finaceing his Campains , DISCUSTING!

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without a doubt, there has been plenty of garbage floating around the past 11 years under the Liberals. Look at our Agricultural minister, his farm went bankrupt years ago. The garbage will continue to keep floating to the surface if the Liberals stay in power. The Liberals have been very good at spreading their money to buy votes and keep key people in power. Vote buying is not a new idea.

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It takes two for policy to become reality.
wow, that's like, so deep. :rolleyes:

If only it actually meant something.

When it comes to seasonal workers in Nova Scotia, both the Liberals, and the workers, are guilty of corruption.
Oh bullshit. Maritimers are trying to get by, just like anyone else. It's not like they have a helluva lot of choices out there. Successive federal governments have screwed them over, screwed up their fishery, and done nothing positive to help their economies expand and diversify. Maybe if the federal fisheries department was located in the Maritimes, like Harper wants it, it'd have more people in it that actually know something about fishing - or cared. The way the fisheries have been mismanaged by the last three governments ought to have put cabinet ministers and senior civil servants in prison for criminal negligence.
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I kind of got an anger in me against the liberal goverment ,because of Robert  Thebeau, as you know he was  minister of fisheries  before Reagan , Being our MP in this rideing  most of us small fishermen  thought he would  be an answer to our problems , we thought with a minister of fisheries right here in our rideing  he would see the wrongs in our area  and fix some of them, he would actually be  a saviour for us small business fishermen .

Unlike  other minister of Fisheries he was close enough to know the truth of our rideing , I myself as well as other fishermen  went to his office  many times , He was told about the massive Dumping of Cod , He was told by many witnesses  , Hes not blind .

To our Surprise things got worse , He sided with the rich that was causeing the distruction , even though he knew reality , my conclusion  was he had to be on the take ,and very corrupt .  He allowed our Fishery to be distroyed in his rideing , when he was  Minister of fisheries , by a few that was finaceing his Campains , DISCUSTING!

One of the aspects of our political system which is most dysfunctional is that our elected "representatives" tend not to represent us to Ottawa, but instead, due to the stringent requirements of party loyalty, represent Ottawa to us.

What you want doesn't matter. What's good for you isn't important. It's what's good for the party that matters. And if the party is corrupt - as the Liberals have always been - then what's good for the party is often big donations from wealthy companies, corporations and lobbyists.

The local MP is told to shut his mouth about any problems he might have. "Explain the party line to your riding, and if they boot you out for it, don't worry, we'll give you a fat patronage job on the immigration board, or Ports Canada, or hey, want to be a judge?"

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Im actually Voteing NDP this election got their signs on my lawn . Why ?

Its only because of the local canidate , im finding it hard to vote ndp as im more of a right wing christian value type person .

The Local canidate Arthur Bull was the president of our bay of fundy inshore fishermans association , he has been to meeting representing smaller fishermen for years . I beleave he is anti trawler , anti ITQ quotas(the worse system ever came up with by mankind) i beleave he would be our areas best voice in ottawa so hes getting my support .

But i must admit i like some of the things i hear coming from the conservative camp and i almost feel guilty for voteing ndp , as im pro american , anti abortion , against gay marriage . I don't agree with the loseing of the laws of pot (I Work withPot Heads in the FisherY ,we don't need more of them) . Im against most goverment jobs being handed ot to french speaking people . Im scarred what ndp immigration laws would be like . I truely am haveing second thoughts about my decision to vote NDP ..

But is Harper and that Gang really different then the conservetives of old , Brian maronies Goverment was just as corrupt as these liberals , this system called ITQ quota was actually thought up by Conservetives like John Crosby . who was only serving big fishing companies desires . Ive actually thought about going conservitive and not supporting this local NDP canidate who i know would support small business fishermen . I truely would rather Have some westerners with some power , its got to be better then many many quebecers haveing the powerfull seats of our land .

If I was an Albertan instead of A Nova Scotian , id truely be tired of all the quebec bullshitt , and all the goverments just thinking about quebec and ontarios problems . If i knew Harper and his Gang was really into Honesty , Id have no choice but to Take down my NDP signs ,and go conservative . When you see NDP signs on my lawn you know im desperatly wanting Change . Im Voteing Against alot of My morals , because i don't trust anybody any more , im only voteing for this local ndp canadate who lives close by, and has set with small fishermen before .Ill Admit i feel guilty for voteing NDP , as I know i could never agree with alot of their policies . id like to see this local ndp canidate win , but im hopeing its a conservative minority goverment ,with a strong NDP Influence , And a bunch of Liberal Losers , the liberals got to go ,they been there too long too much corruption .

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The Liberal party has got to go no doubt. They have just become way too complacent in their way of doing things. When the Liberal party is in power, the average Canadian has no say, you just have a party that looks after itself and it's supporters.

Digby is correct when he says the current quota system is corrupt. The Liberals turned it into to more patronage money for party supporters. As with all quota systems, the rich can afford them, the startups with little money can not. Quotas are nothing but a fat handling fee that allow a few to sit on their butts while others struggle to pay for it. The fisherires quotas should be handed out in a lottery style system and then only a percentage of the haul should be paid, this way we would not see millions of pounds of dead fish being thrown overboard because the quota price is worth more than what the fish would bring in.

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I guess i should Explain a little more the reasons why millions of lbs of fish get discarded in canadian waters every year , its only one reason fish being worth less then greedy liberals charge for the quota .Not the main Reason .

ITQ = Individual Transverable Quota an individual actually owns a share of the tac (total alowable catch) . they own the fish swiming in our waters before they are caught .

This is a system based on the New Zealand system ,which like ours has been a complete disaster for fisheries resources , i heard ornge roughy is almost extint in new zealand because of this very corupt way of governing fishing resources. The Americans i beleave have outlawed this system .

The Canadian system used the years 1987 -1991 as the years for decideing who would own Canadas fish for eternity , your best 2 years out of these four was used to decide you would forever own these fish resources .

Most fishing licences in them years where not owned by fishermen but where owned by processing plants in reality ,sometimes with fishermen only being figgure heads with agreements with processing plants in lawyers offices .

Whats wrong with this System ?

1) the team of men that went to new zealand to study their system , after seeing the results of ITQ came back to Canada and secretly started prepareing for the future , they went to the rich and powerfull told them what the future held and even recieved secret ownership in some of the companies in return . These companies with this knowledge of the future , set out scareing fishermen away from their licences , telling them the future would be very bleak they started offering good money for the pieces of paper . In a short while a handfull of men held almost all paper . They would buy a boat and paper , insure the boat for value of paper and boat ,then the boat would go up in smoke ,and insurance compaies would buy these people free paper .

Also Some of these Men Ran into Rich Powerfull Men in Boston Mass (mofia) who had much laudered money that needed to be used , this was a perfect place for laudered money as this paper even though worth millions had no traceable value , one of these papers was way better then haveing cold cash as they was for eternity . Very Shortly The Boston Mofia secretly owned a good share of Canadas Fish , they did this through Canadian Figure Heads . Almost all fish rights was scarred out of fishermen by these men that knew this papers real value .

There was storys of Fishermen being offered 750,000 Cash in the night on the end of Warfes in a brief case for their paper . the problem with all this ,is it lead to a complete uncareing attitude by most fishermen , the young men would think ,well if our fish are going to be owned by the american mob for eternity who cares , Who Cares if its all distroyed .

2) the catch history data of the years 1987 -1991 was all lies , I was a trawler captain in them years , beleave me I LIE NOT , it was all lies .

Fishermen presured in most cases by land loveing business men who owned their boats would steal boat loads of cod , and pollack . there was very little enforcement in them days ,and the ones stealing alot became very rich and made others beleave in dishonestly . so it was 4 years of much lieing and cheating . But the fish was not sold for cash , so fishermen had to explain where this money was coming from . they would mark a boat load of cod as blackback flounder , or maybe red fish as no quota on these spieces in them years . lie after lie in the log books , hardly any thing was true in these log books . Along comes the goverment and issues historical quotas on these books of lies , Guys who never caught any Black backsor red fish got huge blackback and red fish quotas .once on paper it was very valueable. A itq holder sells the quotas to working fishermen for 1/2 the value of the fish in most cases . most of them have not owned a boat in over ten years they draw 100,000 to 500,000 dollars a year off these pieces of paper , some i suspect can draw 2-3 million a year without leaveing their house . The fishermenmostly can't make a cent .

the end result though was boats being ordered to catch these large red fish and blackback flounder quotas that now exist from our lies , these fish never existed .

So now fishing boats fish harder then ever before , they have no cod quota much ,so are made to fish for blackbacks or redfish . Blackbacks live on Cod bottom , so a boat may be ordered to fish in cod to bring in a trip of blackbacks . instead of putting 20,000-30,000 lb of cod aboard and calling it aweek , he now stays4-5 days pitching the cod over board dead scraping for these blackbacks his owners are forceing him to find in the ocean .

When i was a trawler Captain , there was no way out of discarding ,i would set in the wheel house with tears in my eyes watching as we cut our own throat . watching corrupt goverment blame the seals and foriegn boats .

The ITQ QUOTA system is a night mare we can't stop , these men drawing the 200,000 to 1,000,000 with no boats will not let it stop , they send lieing lobiest to evry fishery meating and deny the discarding , they lie and say this system is working ,when truth is it is a night mare!

I got out of the trawling as i never had the morals for discarding , but i know them trawler captains are not the guilty , its goverment and itq owners .

most fishermen have become littlemore then modern day slaves to ITQ holders .

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I'm extremely familiar with DFO policy.

And I'm extremely familiar with Ottawa bungling the fisheries.

And failing to stand up to the Portuguese poachers.

And the fact that industrialization all but halted in the Maritimes.

And the tacit monopolization of the provinces by the Irvings and McCain's.

The potatoe farmers, lumber yards, and workers of all kinds...the natural resource gatherers, have always been screwed over by the merchant.

We in the Maritimes understand this, and we understand that alliance between corrupt Liberals AND corrupt Conservatives and these interests.

That's why I say: it takes two to be corrupt in the Maritimes.

So, Digby, I suggest you, as a senior member of the community, stand up and do something about it.

You're not going to get the young elite of the counties to return until there's a pool of capital for us to use.

And Capital is the gap in the Maritime economy.

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Your Thinking like the goverment

Back a few years ago , I complained at a fisheries meeting to a top beuracrate in a powerful position . My complaint was I did not think it was right for our young fishermen to lose the rights to our ocean to laundered money .

I thought he would say i was crazy to say such a thing and to denie it was true , but his answer shocked me .

he said I don't care where the money is coming from the System Needs the money . He never denied that the next generation was loseing the rights to our ocean to laundered money . He just figgured we needed money into our system no matter where it was coming from .

But lets think about the results of laundered money and careless use of taxpayers money .

in 1990 a district 34 lobster licence sold for about 4000 dollars , today they are 1,000,000 just for the paper talk about inflation .

A district 34 lobster rig would do well to gross about 300,000 a year , out of the 300,000 all expensis are paid ,boat payments, bait, upkeep the crews get about 30% , i think if you do the math there is no way one could pay for itself . So a young man being the worlds hardest worker probly could not buy his way in . The result is some individuals with a good source of Cash now own 10 - 20 of these pieces of paper . Do we need the capital that bad , to stop all the next generation from ever being able to buy their way in?

Scallop licences now are worth millions , and a Good trawling Quota just fetched 12,000,000 of our tax dollars .

To attemp some return on money in this greedy liberal system , the only option is to shaft the crews .

Trawler crews that use to share 10% of the gross in alot of cases now have to fish for less then 1% of the gross .

Sometimes Scallop Crews , fish 7-8 days strait at 18 pluss hours a day in the hardest labour most Canadians could ever imagin and at the end of the week sometimes make only 100-200 dollars . Some Greedy Liberal setting ashore might make 10,000 to 20,000 in a week off their labour selling them the ITQ. Alot of the crews have had to turn to Stealing a few lbs to survive .

Some of these Greedy Liberals might own 10 or more of these ITQs and they make 100,000 dollars a week or more setting home while all their crews make almost nothing .............Its starting to look alot like africa ! Actually i think 3d world African Countries are better managed then Canada , I should not Insult these Countries .

Some of these ITQ holders here now spend millions like we spend hundreds . Some of these guys are becoming very wealthy , and quit work in their 20s .

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