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Is the Party sweeping Ignatieff out?

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The Liberals still have a good oppertunity to do well in this election. Harper's record is far from perfect and there is a lot to critisize him on. The attack ads have been what has really runied Ignatieff, though he doesn't have much political smarts, when he first became leader the party did well in the polls and when Harper has screwed up they caught up. The Liberals did well during this summer's tour and with positive press and solid policy ideas the party may surprise in the election. While their polling numbers may not look to great right now there are still a lot of Canadians who would be willing to vote for the Liberals. Forming a government is unlikely but pulling strong numbers in eastern Canada is a likely possibility and who knows the election of Christy Clark in BC may also help them.

The Liberals somewhat improved at the polls during his summer tour, but it was not significant. But yes, who knows what will happen come election day. The polls right now suggest a possible harper majority...

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The Liberals somewhat improved at the polls during his summer tour, but it was not significant. But yes, who knows what will happen come election day. The polls right now suggest a possible harper majority...

The summer numbers showed they could win 100+ seats or so, that would be very good for Ignatieff. He'd still need to leave but at least he wouldn't be totally embaressed.

Edited by Posc Student
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Some Liberal strategists, anonymous of course, say "let's get it over with".

The question arises to why the Liberals, down anywhere from seven to 16 points in the polls, would plunge the country into an election that they seem almost certain to lose.

And the answer that comes back from Liberals is: Let’s get it over with.

This is not a good rationale for an election. But then Ottawa, seized with its own kind of March Madness, is not a very rational place right now.

There are even some Liberals who have privately expressed the hope that Stephen Harper will be returned with a majority so they can get on with properly rebuilding the party, in terms of both ideas and leadership, over the next four or five years.

So intent are the Liberals on forcing an election that they even seem indifferent to the likelihood they will be blamed as the cause of one.

And when you walk them through the poll numbers, they just shrug. Let’s get it over with.


Seems to me March break is an opportune time for Professor Ignatieff to polish up and print his resume. His stint as politician will serve him well in his future academic duties.

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Actually there's almost a good point there...

Except of course Ignatieff didn't "come back" to be the leader of the Liberal Party...

He was elected by a bunch of stupid Liberals to replace Dion because he spoke a lot better english than Dion and little more reason than that...

Ignatieff is just about the worst "polititian" I've ever seen, so "politics" is not what I see as having much to do with Ignatieff...

Where-as thinking he could help Canada and Canadians become better would be behind Ignatieff's motivation...

Sadly neither being all-political nor non-political works very well... Which is why Ignatieff is a political if not personal failure as leader of the Liberals... He never understood what it takes to be a leader... It doesn't appear to be in him...

It is like you live in your own Liberal Happy land where the events in politics don't happen.

Here is a news flash for you Ignatieff ran for the Liberal Leadership long before he was crowned leader by the Liberal party because no one else wanted to go down with that sinking ship.

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It is like you live in your own Liberal Happy land where the events in politics don't happen.

Here is a news flash for you Ignatieff ran for the Liberal Leadership long before he was crowned leader by the Liberal party because no one else wanted to go down with that sinking ship.

Are you saying Ignatieff was an elected MP in Canada prior to running for the leadership and not a Harvard professor "called up" to become the Liberal's savior?

Say it isn't so... Many here will be very disappointed if you are right you know...

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It makes you wonder why 2 months before the budget's out, the Liberal Party's so adamant to reject the budget they haven't seen.

It makes you wonder why weeks before the Oda, the In-and-Out, the Court ruling, the two-times contempt on Parliament ruling.....the LIberal Party has already made up its mind to trigger an election. The recent controversies only gave the convenient excuse to make this determination easier to trigger.

It makes you wonder why Ignatieff is shooting his foot by such a reckless, desperate announcement such as the funding of an arena....at a time of economic distress.

It makes you wonder why with such a consistently dismal poll projection....the Liberal Party is still quite determined to have this election.

I suspect that behind closed doors, Ignatieff's been told he has to go. As the policy of the Liberal Party seems to be that a leader has to go through at least one election before he can be booted out....this spring must be it for Ignatieff.

Come what may, win or lose.....there has to be an election. Soon. The Liberals know they need a new leader.

No. The party is far more united than any CPC supporter wants to hear.

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No. The party is far more united than any CPC supporter wants to hear.

If Iggy manages to trigger an election and the Liberals lose seats, and more to the point if Harper manages to get his majority, I'll see your "united" and raise you an "early Liberal leadership convention".

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If Iggy manages to trigger an election and the Liberals lose seats, and more to the point if Harper manages to get his majority, I'll see your "united" and raise you an "early Liberal leadership convention".

Of course, but if we're to be fair, even if there were never any stories about infighting whatsoever, he'd still be gone if he lost seats in an election. There are lots of stories about infighting within the CPC (Peter McKay, anyone?), yet, the Liberals are magnified problems are magnified simply because they're not in power.

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Of course, but if we're to be fair, even if there were never any stories about infighting whatsoever, he'd still be gone if he lost seats in an election. There are lots of stories about infighting within the CPC (Peter McKay, anyone?), yet, the Liberals are magnified problems are magnified simply because they're not in power.

They're magnified because of the way that Iggy was chosen, or rather forced upon the Liberals. By everything I've heard the whole coalition fiasco and Iggy's selection and ultimate rejection of it has indeed left a disgruntled group. But I've talked to a few Liberals who feel Iggy never really achieved the leadership the proper way, and feel his leadership is tainted.

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Are you saying Ignatieff was an elected MP in Canada prior to running for the leadership and not a Harvard professor "called up" to become the Liberal's savior?

Say it isn't so... Many here will be very disappointed if you are right you know...

I'm saying he ran for the leadership against Dion and Bob Rea and he lost.

Here is a link the wiki page


I know you probably wont go their so here is a video of him on stage after he lost the leadership to Dion. A debate and race which he lost to Dion BTW. So when Liberals keep telling me how great he will be when he ran I scratch my head. He already ran a race with debates and what not on his leadership AND HE LOST TO DION!!!! So I don't think he is going to do really now against Harper or Layton who are much better then Dion.

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I'm saying he ran for the leadership against Dion and Bob Rea and he lost.

Here is a link the wiki page


I know you probably wont go their so here is a video of him on stage after he lost the leadership to Dion. A debate and race which he lost to Dion BTW. So when Liberals keep telling me how great he will be when he ran I scratch my head. He already ran a race with debates and what not on his leadership AND HE LOST TO DION!!!! So I don't think he is going to do really now against Harper or Layton who are much better then Dion.

Are you under some misquided impression that I'm an Ignatieff supporter or something?

Or that I care about what Ignatieff does or doesn't do?

If so you're sadly mistaken...

I didn't go to any Liberal conventions, wasn't worth the money and besides I thought that the Liberals screwed themselves by not scrapping the convention format and making it one member one vote across the board...

In the whole post Martin mess, I was a Ken Dryden supporter, with Kennedy as an alternate choice, the rest of the bunch I couldn't care less about...

Sorry to burst your bubble like that...

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Are you under some misquided impression that I'm an Ignatieff supporter or something?

Or that I care about what Ignatieff does or doesn't do?

If so you're sadly mistaken...

I didn't go to any Liberal conventions, wasn't worth the money and besides I thought that the Liberals screwed themselves by not scrapping the convention format and making it one member one vote across the board...

In the whole post Martin mess, I was a Ken Dryden supporter, with Kennedy as an alternate choice, the rest of the bunch I couldn't care less about...

Sorry to burst your bubble like that...

Got it you love the Liberals will defend them to the ends of the earth think they are the bees knees but don't support Ignatieff. On the flip side you never differentiate between Harper and the Conservative party.

Got it, you are as clear as mud.

BTW you are off topic, I was pointing out Iggy did run for the Liberal leadership at one time. In fact he ran for it a whole 7 months after being elected to the house of Commons. So your point that and I quote you "Except of course Ignatieff didn't "come back" to be the leader of the Liberal Party." Is wrong that is just why he came back.

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Got it you love the Liberals will defend them to the ends of the earth think they are the bees knees but don't support Ignatieff. On the flip side you never differentiate between Harper and the Conservative party.

Neither do the Conservatives, who seem to sing his praises at every opportunity.

I'd give a lot for a party that said "You know what, our leader is human, he screws things up and ticks us off." Instead, aggrieved members of parties snipe at the leader from the shadows.

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Got it you love the Liberals will defend them to the ends of the earth think they are the bees knees but don't support Ignatieff. On the flip side you never differentiate between Harper and the Conservative party.

Got it, you are as clear as mud.

BTW you are off topic, I was pointing out Iggy did run for the Liberal leadership at one time. In fact he ran for it a whole 7 months after being elected to the house of Commons. So your point that and I quote you "Except of course Ignatieff didn't "come back" to be the leader of the Liberal Party." Is wrong that is just why he came back.

On the contrary, I merely think that the Liberal policies better reflect MY values more so than any other party's values...

Quite a simple concept really, you should try it sometime...

As for Layton and/or Harper they are who they are just as Ignatieff is who he is...

My view of them is simply a reflection of who they are and what they do/have done and nothing more or less...

YOU can make of that whatever you want, makes no difference to me what-so-ever... B)

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On the contrary, I merely think that the Liberal policies better reflect MY values more so than any other party's values...

Quite a simple concept really, you should try it sometime...

As for Layton and/or Harper they are who they are just as Ignatieff is who he is...

My view of them is simply a reflection of who they are and what they do/have done and nothing more or less...

YOU can make of that whatever you want, makes no difference to me what-so-ever... B)

What policy would those be? They voted last convention on like 12 then voted to send all 100 or so others to Iggy to decide on. So if you don't like him you might not like the Liberal policies now.

Again I was pointing out though when you said "He didn't come back to Canada to lead the Liberals" that is just wrong. That was the plan he just sucked so much at leadership race the Liberals went with Dion and then they forget how bad the man was are running and that they voted DION over him 2 years earlier. That is just history.

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What policy would those be? They voted last convention on like 12 then voted to send all 100 or so others to Iggy to decide on. So if you don't like him you might not like the Liberal policies now.

Again I was pointing out though when you said "He didn't come back to Canada to lead the Liberals" that is just wrong. That was the plan he just sucked so much at leadership race the Liberals went with Dion and then they forget how bad the man was are running and that they voted DION over him 2 years earlier. That is just history.

In a word... So?

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Just pointing out you painting the picture that he didn't come back for the Liberal Leadership is wrong. That is why he came back and no matter how many times Liberals repeat something different it doesn't change things.

You do know what sarcasm is, right? Take another look...

- In 2005, Ignatieff left Harvard to become the Chancellor Jackman Professor in Human Rights Policy at the University of Toronto and a senior fellow of the university's Munk Centre for International Studies. He was then publicly mentioned as a possible Liberal candidate for the next federal election. -

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You do know what sarcasm is, right? Take another look...

- In 2005, Ignatieff left Harvard to become the Chancellor Jackman Professor in Human Rights Policy at the University of Toronto and a senior fellow of the university's Munk Centre for International Studies. He was then publicly mentioned as a possible Liberal candidate for the next federal election. -

After being courted by the Liberal party and promised a safe seat to run in and told he could wait in the wings for the party leadership. He came back to be Liberal leader and he was given a seat which has been Liberal for all but 12 years of it's existence. No wonder they didn't know he was a terrible campaigner they gave him the safest seat in the country. It should be noted that the Liberal vote dropped 10% in the seat when Mr. Ignatieff ran it from before.

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After being courted by the Liberal party and promised a safe seat to run in and told he could wait in the wings for the party leadership. He came back to be Liberal leader and he was given a seat which has been Liberal for all but 12 years of it's existence. No wonder they didn't know he was a terrible campaigner they gave him the safest seat in the country. It should be noted that the Liberal vote dropped 10% in the seat when Mr. Ignatieff ran it from before.

Honestly, I agree with you, so what? I don't care about Ignatieff one way or another... He won't be on my ballot, nor will Harper or Layton for that matter... What is it you don't understand about that? What would you like me to do about it?

You seem to have a problem with Ignatieff, I don't, get over it...

FYI I didn't particularily like Chretien either, again, so what?

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Honestly, I agree with you, so what? I don't care about Ignatieff one way or another... He won't be on my ballot, nor will Harper or Layton for that matter... What is it you don't understand about that? What would you like me to do about it?

You seem to have a problem with Ignatieff, I don't, get over it...

FYI I didn't particularily like Chretien either, again, so what?

Got it, for you it is about the party even though the party voted to send all decision to Ignatieff at the last convention so they could have more time for other stuff that made for better TV. I get it you don't like Ignatieff even though he is making most of the policy decision you actually like Liberal policy, made by a large amount of input from Ignatieff.

I get it. The Conservative party is Steven Harper, but the Liberal party isn't Ignatieff for no reason other then that is what you want to believe. I get it.

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Got it, for you it is about the party even though the party voted to send all decision to Ignatieff at the last convention so they could have more time for other stuff that made for better TV. I get it you don't like Ignatieff even though he is making most of the policy decision you actually like Liberal policy, made by a large amount of input from Ignatieff.

I get it. The Conservative party is Steven Harper, but the Liberal party isn't Ignatieff for no reason other then that is what you want to believe. I get it.

No, obviously you don't get it at all...

Go read up on Liberal policies... Or wait a couple of weeks and you'll hear them...


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No, obviously you don't get it at all...

Go read up on Liberal policies... Or wait a couple of weeks and you'll hear them...


I tried to but all I could find were talking points, I even checked for the stuff they passed at their Convention, I figured if the NDP can do 100 policies and have 20 some hours of debate the Liberals could. However alas they passed like 10 and then voted to let their leader decide on the rest because debating policy is to boring for TV after an hour of debate.

So maybe name a few I know there is Corporate tax cuts not right now but in the future maybe or maybe right now not really sure. There is New Fighter planes and maybe the ones the Conservatives promised but maybe not because maybe they can get them cheaper. There is some other wishy washy stuff but I really can't find one real policy or plan.

I know the Liberals Promised to have a policy book out in June of 2009 but everyone forgot they promised that. Well every Liberal anyway and then they put their blinders on. The rest of us are still waiting.

So I wont hold my breath on the Couple of weeks stuff GWiz some of us follow politics and have been waiting for that book for about 2 years now after there was a promise. They are Liberals though so we don't actually think they will do anything they promise.

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They're magnified because of the way that Iggy was chosen, or rather forced upon the Liberals. By everything I've heard the whole coalition fiasco and Iggy's selection and ultimate rejection of it has indeed left a disgruntled group. But I've talked to a few Liberals who feel Iggy never really achieved the leadership the proper way, and feel his leadership is tainted.

Maybe, but those same stories existed under Dion and he got in fair and square. These stories would've been around no matter what. If a party isn't power, and by no means just the Liberals - there's infighting within the party. This kind of speculation dogged the PCs for decades.

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