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Missing and Needed U.N. Resolution


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the u.s. just vetoed another resolution. all 14 security council members backed the resolution and the u.s. came out with another expected veto.

Where's the Security Council on this story:

BENGHAZI, Libya—Protesters demanding Moammar Gadhafi's ouster came under a hail of bullets Friday when pro-regime militiamen opened fire to stop the first significant anti-government marches in days in the Libyan capital. The Libyan leader, speaking from the ramparts of a historic Tripoli fort, told supporters to prepare to defend the nation.

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Witnesses reported multiple deaths from gunmen on rooftops and in the streets shooting at crowds with automatic weapons and even an anti-aircraft gun.

"It was really like we are dogs," one man who was marching from Tripoli's eastern Tajoura district told The Associated Press. He added that many people were shot in the head, with seven people within 10 yards (meters) of him cut down in the first wave.

i'm still waiting to hear from someone, anyone, about the former AIPAC president and his comments in regards to the influence AIPAC/israel has over american politicians.

I'm still waiting for an answer as to why, when there are real horrors going on in the world, people concentrate on delegitimizing Israel.

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So what is missing and what is needed?

Some UN condemnation, on a repetitive, boring basis, of Libya and similar countries. Also, this item:

By Barry Rubin

Repression in Turkey steadily increases and is ignored by the international community. The latest event is the jailing of a famous columnist for Hurriyet, Soner Yalcin, and three journalists for a website publication called Odatv.

The crackdown came the day after Odatv reported that it had videos showing the state’s case in the Ergenekon conspiracy, the made-up case used to imprison military officers and dissidents--to be false.
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Why do they not condemn such actions? One has to understand the politics of power. If we were to truly do what's right, the whole system would have to be dismantled from top to bottom. I say this because, all have blood on their hands.

Too many big contracts are at stake. They love money more than truth, love and respect. These people have sold out. They don't have a moral leg to stand on. All they have is, money.

Edited by Sir Bandelot
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UN general assembly resolutions aren't worth the paper they are printed on.

UN Security council resolutions actually have some weight. The problem is that the UN can't do much and any resolution that says "we condemn and you should stop" is useless and only serves to undermine the security council's "power".

given the UN's track record in conflict intervention, what does a resolution matter? Who is going to listen? Who is going to care?

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Why do they not condemn such actions? One has to understand the politics of power. If we were to truly do what's right, the whole system would have to be dismantled from top to bottom. I say this because, all have blood on their hands.

Then the U.N. is a useless debating society.

If they served a purpose they'd be in there with force to create and keep peace. There's no real support for Qadafi, either inside Libya or without. If the U.N. can't find it in itself to get involved even in this clear-cut case, then they are a useless collection of high-priced debaters and paper-pushers.

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Then the U.N. is a useless debating society.

If they served a purpose they'd be in there with force to create and keep peace. There's no real support for Qadafi, either inside Libya or without. If the U.N. can't find it in itself to get involved even in this clear-cut case, then they are a useless collection of high-priced debaters and paper-pushers.

What is the UN? It is made up of people. Maybe if the US appointed someone with better intentions than John Bolton, we'd see some progress. Otherwise what we see is, lies and iniquity leading to paralysis, and finally, self defeat.

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Then the U.N. is a useless debating society.

If they served a purpose they'd be in there with force to create and keep peace. There's no real support for Qadafi, either inside Libya or without. If the U.N. can't find it in itself to get involved even in this clear-cut case, then they are a useless collection of high-priced debaters and paper-pushers.

It is a useless debating 'society'. When a single country can veto a resolution for whatever reason, the system as it was originally intended, fails. The UN is not democratic by any definition.

And now it's only because Qadafi pissed off the western leaders (because the west could not give two shits about the people in Lybia suffering) that you will see any action on Lybia. Harper is now implementing sanctions on Lybia along with other countries. The Lybian government wont suffer, the Lybians themselves will suffer.

We've seen what sanctions do to a country. Iraq is a perfect example. Maybe we can put in another oil for food program to 'help' the poor people of Lybia.

The UN overall has been a useless entitiy for years now. Like come on, China is part of the human rights council? Does that just not sound right to you?

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What is the UN? It is made up of people. Maybe if the US appointed someone with better intentions than John Bolton, we'd see some progress. Otherwise what we see is, lies and iniquity leading to paralysis, and finally, self defeat.

John Bolton served a bit less than a year. Barack Obama did not appoint Bolton. The U.N. existed a long time before and after Bolton's tenure.

It is a useless debating 'society'. When a single country can veto a resolution for whatever reason, the system as it was originally intended, fails. The UN is not democratic by any definition.

The U.N. Security Counel ("UNSC") requirement of unanimity was put in during the ramp-up to the Cold War since neither the former U.S.S.R. nor thE U.S. were prepared to have U.N. military forces directed against them.

And now it's only because Qadafi pissed off the western leaders (because the west could not give two shits about the people in Lybia suffering) that you will see any action on Lybia. Harper is now implementing sanctions on Lybia along with other countries.

More because Qadafi hit the headlines.
The Lybian government wont suffer, the Lybians themselves will suffer.

We've seen what sanctions do to a country. Iraq is a perfect example. Maybe we can put in another oil for food program to 'help' the poor people of Lybia.

As always. One reason why sanctions, except in rare cases, are useless.

The UN overall has been a useless entitiy for years now. Like come on, China is part of the human rights council? Does that just not sound right to you?

Rogue regimes and dictators care not a bit about what some spurious "world opinion" thinks of them.
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John Bolton served a bit less than a year. Barack Obama did not appoint Bolton. The U.N. existed a long time before and after Bolton's tenure.

The U.N. Security Counel ("UNSC") requirement of unanimity was put in during the ramp-up to the Cold War since neither the former U.S.S.R. nor thE U.S. were prepared to have U.N. military forces directed against them.

More because Qadafi hit the headlines.

As always. One reason why sanctions, except in rare cases, are useless.

Rogue regimes and dictators care not a bit about what some spurious "world opinion" thinks of them.

Define "rogue regime". I see that term used a lot, but it seems it is only used in reference to nations who thumb their nose at the US.

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The UN is a useless debating society when it comes to political crisis in any particular jurisdiction. That is because it was originally set up that way. The notion of Sovereignty reigns supreme at the UN because the last thing all these countries want is somebody messing with their own turf. Considering at the time of its inception less than half the world was democratic, its understandable.

The idea of UN military intervention is incredibly scary and given its track record not something anyone should welcome. Why the security council could collude and conquer the world! .

Even when they do get off their fat asses they make sure that whatever troops they send are de-clawed with ridiuclous rules of engagement even when sitting in the middle of a genocidal civil war.

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The idea of UN military intervention is incredibly scary and given its track record not something anyone should welcome. Why the security council could collude and conquer the world! .

Even when they do get off their fat asses they make sure that whatever troops they send are de-clawed with ridiuclous rules of engagement even when sitting in the middle of a genocidal civil war.

So why have a U.N.? It's a horrible waste of money.
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So why have a U.N.? It's a horrible waste of money.

It is a horrible waste of money, it's the new 'boys club'. The UN is the world government that without funding from country's governments by taxation of the people. would have a very hard time existing. Abolish the UN and save your money!!

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It is a horrible waste of money, it's the new 'boys club'. The UN is the world government that without funding from country's governments by taxation of the people. would have a very hard time existing. Abolish the UN and save your money!!

A very rare time we agree. :lol:

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the illegal settlements have been illegal for decades.

the libya situation is less than a month old.

but yeah, anyway, mr. radical leftist lawyer:


The UN Security Council has agreed a package of sanctions against the Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi and members of his family and close associates, including international travel bans and the freezing of assets.

The unanimous vote also approved the immediate referral of Libya to the International Criminal court over alleged abuses during the current violence, and a complete arms embargo on Libya.

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the illegal settlements have been illegal for decades.

the libya situation is less than a month old.

but yeah, anyway, mr. radical leftist lawyer:


The UN Security Council has agreed a package of sanctions against the Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi and members of his family and close associates, including international travel bans and the freezing of assets.

The unanimous vote also approved the immediate referral of Libya to the International Criminal court over alleged abuses during the current violence, and a complete arms embargo on Libya.

Boo Hoo....

You could join the Mulsim Brotherhood in sympathy if it would make you feel better???

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I'm still waiting for an answer as to why, when there are real horrors going on in the world, people concentrate on delegitimizing Israel.

when will you comprehend that the illegal settlements are just that, illegal and not part of israel. so being against the illegal settlements is not delegitimizing israel.

make an effort and understand the simple point above so it doesn't have to be explained to you again.

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Boo Hoo....

You could join the Mulsim Brotherhood in sympathy if it would make you feel better???

what are you babbling about now?

jbg was wondering why israel is getting air time with the UN and libya is not. i showed him that libya is on top of the UN security council agenda.

is there really a need to post something irrelevant like you usually do? wtf does muslim brotherhood have anything to do with this, skippy?

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what are you babbling about now?

jbg was wondering why israel is getting air time with the UN and libya is not. i showed him that libya is on top of the UN security council agenda.

is there really a need to post something irrelevant like you usually do? wtf does muslim brotherhood have anything to do with this, skippy?

I'm 'babbling' about your constant,one-trick pony bleating about this one particular subject you're fixated on,Dub,Naomi Glover (nice photo of Naomi Klein),Bud...

If it bothers you so much,go and try to join your sympathetic brethren in the Muslim Brotherhood (particularily,in Egypt)...

You'll be on the front lines near Gaza where you can get up close and personal with the "Zionist Entity"..

Oh...Wait a minute...You're NOT a Muslim (I'm assuming)...

You're one of "The Infidel"...

Enjoy your head being displaced forcibly from your neck....

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I'm 'babbling' about your constant,one-trick pony bleating about this one particular subject you're fixated on,Dub,Naomi Glover (nice photo of Naomi Klein),Bud...

If it bothers you so much,go and try to join your sympathetic brethren in the Muslim Brotherhood (particularily,in Egypt)...

You'll be on the front lines near Gaza where you can get up close and personal with the "Zionist Entity"..

Oh...Wait a minute...You're NOT a Muslim (I'm assuming)...

You're one of "The Infidel"...

Enjoy your head being displaced forcibly from your neck....

maybe you should avoid coming online when you're intoxicated. you turn into an ugly person. you become dogonporch and bob's lovechild.

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maybe you should avoid coming online when you're intoxicated. you turn into an ugly person. you become dogonporch and bob's lovechild.

Actually,I abhor Bob's position as much as I abhor your's...

You are both two different sides of the same intransigent coin that will get practocal people nowhere..

You want to give Hamas a hug...He wants to slit their throats...

GREAT!!!...Lot's of dead people all around...

And if I'm ugly,Sir/Madame...It's because I turned the mirror around on you,and you don't like it...

Tell me something...Do you really think the Islamic radicals you stick up for would give any pause to slit your throat if given the chance???

I realize you think that you are sticking up for the average Palestinian,but they elected Islamofascists to represent them in Gaza...These bloodthristy thugs,therefore,speak for them...

Nevermind the fact they they are funded/assisted by Islamofascist groups that are simply intent on,not only destroying Israel,but every other non-Muslim,if given the chance...

I also realize that you reject that premise,even though it's been shown to you time,after time,after time...In you're many sobriquet sessions here....

But,do you think they give a wit about what some "infidel" thinks of them,positive or negative???

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The UN Security Council has agreed a package of sanctions against the Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi and members of his family and close associates, including international travel bans and the freezing of assets.

The unanimous vote also approved the immediate referral of Libya to the International Criminal court over alleged abuses during the current violence, and a complete arms embargo on Libya.

Why not really doing something like a Korea or Congo-style intervention?

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"The unanimous vote also approved the immediate referral of Libya to the International Criminal court over alleged abuses during the current violence, and a complete arms embargo on Libya."

Oh Yay! We should all start feeling better now, that something effective is being done!

It hardly matters, since over the past ten years the British have been selling them every sort of weaponry the Libyans ask for! And made some nice money on the way... all in exchange for a mere Lockerbie bomber... but of course our government wouldn't have known about these things before they happened.

UK 'set for record Libya arms sales'

Sarkozi gets cosy

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