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Old Whities in Alberta responsible for Harper's Power

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I was reffering to today, but I might have used to broad of a brush ,but white majority suffered just as much as anyone ,asked the irish who built the redeau canal.But overall, what % of chinese are we talking about and the same with blacks that were able to make it up here, compared to white people.

The Chinese did a helluva lot on the West Coast of North America. Here in BC, they were used extensively for the most dangerous parts of the Pacific railway, which opened up BC directly to Eastern North American markets, so I'd say their contribution was pretty large.

And I suffer no whiteman guilt, so your veiled comment that I am racist will not work.

I have no idea whether you're a racist or not. Your comment certainly skirted the line, however.

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I may have white skin - but I am black inside...I really don't like white people..whether they be white black people or white people who fail to have soul...You know what I mean..the term "white" now equates with that stiff upper British lip that whispers souless words and shows no mercy to those plundered..NOW other races are catching on and British cruelty is being practices by those other than whites..we trained them well and now they will use colonial cruely to give whites a bloody nose.

That's called white liberal guilt, and it's the result of years of brainwashing.

Take slavery for example. The fact is that it was a rich man's game that average white folk couldn't afford to play even if they wanted to. Slavery had been around for thousands of years, and it was not only white man that was involved in it, but white man did abolish it, yet it is white man, and ONLY white man, that continues to be given a guilt trip for it. Nobody in my family ever owned slaves. Why should I feel guilty about it?

We always hear about six million Jews that died in WWII, but what about the tens of millions of white Christians that also died? What about the white Christians that died because of communism? And Jews played a role in communism, but that gets swept under the carpet.

We see what Jews think of the lives of non-Jews in Israel. Just look at how they treat Palestinians.

The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews, according to Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the head of Shas’s Council of Torah Sages and a senior Sephardi adjudicator.

“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel,” he said.


The hostility towards the US in the Middle East is primarily because US foreign policy does just that - serves Israel.

But for thousands of years, Jews have been innocent victims of irrational hatred, or so the story goes.

Why did apartheid fall? Because of pressure from white countries.

Since then, South Africa has created affirmative action programs that favour the black majority while in white countries, we have affirmative action programs that discriminate against the white majority.

Whenever there's a major disaster in the world, it's usually white people that help - take the 2004 tsunami or Haiti for example.

But if you listen to half the bullsh*t in the media and the education system, it's easy to see how one would conclude that white people are responsible for everything that is wrong and do nothing right.

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The Chinese did a helluva lot on the West Coast of North America. Here in BC, they were used extensively for the most dangerous parts of the Pacific railway, which opened up BC directly to Eastern North American markets, so I'd say their contribution was pretty large.

The Chinese worked on two one-hundred mile sections, and they were brought in to save money - some things never change.

The railway consisted of 28 sections, and 93% of the workers were of European origin. I think it's fair to say that it was primarily built by Europeans.


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The article seems to suggest that white senior males are acting like a voting block serving their own interest, and if that's the case, they're really just shooting themselves in the foot.

The Conservatives are maintaining an immigration level of 250,000 per year - highest per-capita in the world - despite the recession and slow economic growth that's expected to last until 2017 - according to the OECD. White people are already a minority is some of Canada's major cities. America is expected to have a white minority nationally by 2042, and Canada can expect the same, if not sooner, if mass immigration continues.

In other words, the party that white senior males are supporting is committed to a policy to ethnically replace them, and turn a white country into a non-white country. But it's not white senior males that will have to live in it - that fate will be passed on to their children and grandchildren. Essentially, they inherited a European society and they're allowing it to be destroyed for future generations. In the natural process of life, our children should replace us, but social engineers think they know better.

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In other words, the party that white senior males are supporting is committed to a policy to ethnically replace them, and turn a white country into a non-white country.

Silly boy, it will always be a white country, at least from December to April. Then it gets brown and turns a little more green every week.

Essentially, they inherited a European society and they're allowing it to be destroyed for future generations. In the natural process of life, our children should replace us, but social engineers think they know better.

"allowing it to be destroyed ? Too funny....be even funnier if it were true.

Social engineers.....hmmm...whats the pay like in that profession.

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"allowing it to be destroyed ? Too funny....be even funnier if it were true.

Social engineers.....hmmm...whats the pay like in that profession.

I can just imagine this guy around 1070 AD.

"Aye Ulfric, our culture is being destroyed by those Norman bastards! Curse those Viking-French mongrels! We want our proper English culture back."

Cultures evolve over time. They adopt practices from other cultures, and good thing to, because we got all our grains, livestock and basic metallurgy from Asians and Africans, not to mention writing and religion.

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allowing it to be destroyed?

The country was built by Europeans and they remained 83% of the population in 2001, but they're projected to be minority in about 30 years. At 250,000 immigrants per year regardless of economic conditions, we're well on the way. And if you turn a European society into one that's majority non-European, yes, you destroy it.

Asia for Asians

Africa for Africans

White countries for everyone or you're racist.

Anti-racist is code for anti-white.

Social engineers.....hmmm...whats the pay like in that profession.

Forget about it. With affirmative action, you'll have no chance.

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Cultures evolve over time. They adopt practices from other cultures, and good thing to, because we got all our grains, livestock and basic metallurgy from Asians and Africans, not to mention writing and religion.

I wouldn't call a flood of third world immigration into Western civilization an evolution.

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Thus far, we in Canada have been spared the really bad stuff. As bad as they are, the numbers of non-acceptable immigrants we get have been relatively low. But look at what is happening to most European countries. An if we don't smarten up, the same will happen to us. You want the riots that France, Germany, Holland and Belgium have being having?

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Take slavery for example. The fact is that it was a rich man's game that average white folk couldn't afford to play even if they wanted to. Slavery had been around for thousands of years, and it was not only white man that was involved in it, but white man did abolish it, yet it is white man, and ONLY white man, that continues to be given a guilt trip for it. Nobody in my family ever owned slaves. Why should I feel guilty about it?

There's no reason for you to feel personally guilty about it. And no one is trying to make you feel personally guilty about it: that's just your impression, because you're oversensitive to the mere mention of historical truths.

We always hear about six million Jews that died in WWII, but what about the tens of millions of white Christians that also died?

The Jewish Holocaust has taken precedence in the cultural imagination because it was specifically directed at eradicating the Jewish people. There was never the faintest plan of eradicating white Christians; that is, the white Christians were never interested in eradicating themselves.

That doesn't diminish the scale of the crimes committed against the victims; it only shows that the mass murder of Jews was wholly different than the mass murder of non-Jews; because they weren't murdered because they were not Jews. Now, were they?

What about the white Christians that died because of communism? And Jews played a role in communism, but that gets swept under the carpet.

Lots of people played a role in communism, and the vast majority had perfectly good intentions, which have proved naive. As for Jewish communists: you don't suppose there was some Jewish plot to destroy "white Christians" through communism, do you? That's absurd. This same "theory" is a direct line to the "Jews control the media" argument (and, of course, "they control" it for nefarious purposes); and has led directly to the "leftist media" argument we hear today.

We see what Jews think of the lives of non-Jews in Israel. Just look at how they treat Palestinians.

A serious issue, but it is a problem of the institutional matters of state, not because of terrible Jewish genes. Israel doesn't behave badly because of some Jewish characteristic that tends towards violence. It is an immensely complex issue.

The hostility towards the US in the Middle East is primarily because US foreign policy does just that - serves Israel.

First of all, I disagree with those, left and right, who say that "Us foreign policy...serves Israel." I think that US foreign policy uses Israel. Second, this is an oversimplification even as it stands.

But for thousands of years, Jews have been innocent victims of irrational hatred, or so the story goes.

It appears the story is broadly correct.

Why did apartheid fall? Because of pressure from white countries.

Please. Apartheid fell because of the courageous struggles of black South Africans and some white South African ideological allies. The white countries--who were directly responsible for apartheid in the first place--eventually got on board (after decades of supporting the racist regime) and started exhibiting pressure.

It's as if you're saying we should appreciate gangsters for finally, after long years of violence, deciding that they should stop oppressing people, even though the oppression was largely their fault in the first place.

And in fact, I mean the "gangster" analogy quite literally, unfortunately.

Whenever there's a major disaster in the world, it's usually white people that help - take the 2004 tsunami or Haiti for example.

That has nothing to do with some inherent benevolence of the white race(es). The people of the wealthier countries made some effort to help out. That's it. Economic ability, not race, was the factor.

But if you listen to half the bullsh*t in the media and the education system, it's easy to see how one would conclude that white people are responsible for everything that is wrong and do nothing right.

Again, this is your inference; that doesn't mean you're reading what's implied (much less baldly stated) correctly.

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The country was built by Europeans and they remained 83% of the population in 2001, but they're projected to be minority in about 30 years. At 250,000 immigrants per year regardless of economic conditions, we're well on the way. And if you turn a European society into one that's majority non-European, yes, you destroy it.

Simple solution if this is a real concern for you, start breeding more. How many kids do you have? How many kids do your buddies have? If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

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I can just imagine this guy around 1070 AD.

"Aye Ulfric, our culture is being destroyed by those Norman bastards! Curse those Viking-French mongrels! We want our proper English culture back."

Cultures evolve over time. They adopt practices from other cultures, and good thing to, because we got all our grains, livestock and basic metallurgy from Asians and Africans, not to mention writing and religion.

Also a great deal of mathamatics and numeral system, music, our time keeping system.

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Historical truth is that people of many different ethnic groups were kept as slaves and wealthy people were responsible. Historical truth is that white people abolished slavery while it continued in other countries. There are reports that slavery STILL exists in Sudan, yet whenever the subject comes up, it's white man that's always the center of attention.

Lots of people played a role in communism, and the vast majority had perfectly good intentions, which have proved naive. As for Jewish communists: you don't suppose there was some Jewish plot to destroy "white Christians" through communism, do you? That's absurd. This same "theory" is a direct line to the "Jews control the media" argument (and, of course, "they control" it for nefarious purposes); and has led directly to the "leftist media" argument we hear today.

"With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspira­tion and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders." -- Winston Churchill (Churchill. “Zionism versus Bolshevism.” Reprinted in The Collected Essays of Sir Winston Churchill. Vol.4: Churchill at Large: 26-31)

Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, Yakov Sverdlov were Jewish, and it turns out that Lenin was part Jewish.

While Marx was wrong about the workers of the world uniting, he inspired Cultural Marxism, which was Jewish almost to a man, and set out to change Western society from within. They started with what was known as the Frankfurt school, which fled to America from Nazi Germany. Members included: Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Erich Fromm, Leo Löwenthal. All were Jewish.

As for the media:

How deeply Jewish is Hollywood? When the studio chiefs took out a full-page ad in the Los Angeles Times a few weeks ago to demand that the Screen Actors Guild settle its contract, the open letter was signed by: News Corp. President Peter Chernin (Jewish), Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Jewish), Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger (Jewish), Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton (surprise, Dutch Jew), Warner Bros. Chairman Barry Meyer (Jewish), CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves (so Jewish his great uncle was the first prime minister of Israel), MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Jewish) and NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker (mega-Jewish). If either of the Weinstein brothers had signed, this group would have not only the power to shut down all film production but to form a minyan with enough Fiji water on hand to fill a mikvah.

The Jews are so dominant, I had to scour the trades to come up with six Gentiles in high positions at entertainment companies. When I called them to talk about their incredible advancement, five of them refused to talk to me, apparently out of fear of insulting Jews. The sixth, AMC President Charlie Collier, turned out to be Jewish.

"all eight major film studios are run by men who happen to be Jewish."

But I don't care if Americans think we're running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them.


And people that talk about Jewish control are either forced to apologize, like Oliver Stone, or find themselves out of a job, like Rick Sanchez, but of course, Jews don't really have any control of the media....


The New York Times is run by Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr. (Jewish)

The Wallstreet Journal is run by Katherine Meyer Graham, daughter of Eugene Meyer, and she appointed her son Donald publisher of the paper. (all Jewish)

A serious issue, but it is a problem of the institutional matters of state, not because of terrible Jewish genes. Israel doesn't behave badly because of some Jewish characteristic that tends towards violence. It is an immensely complex issue.

Communists and Nazis didn't have anything to do with the state?

The situation in Europe wasn't complex?

And Israel happens to be a "Jewish state," but that's just a coincidence.

First of all, I disagree with those, left and right, who say that "Us foreign policy...serves Israel." I think that US foreign policy uses Israel. Second, this is an oversimplification even as it stands.

You can disagree, but the Neo-Cons that pushed for the Iraq war were mostly Jewish. To name some of them: Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, William Kristol, Eliot Abrams, Charles Krauthammer.

Obama's surrounded by Jews, too, but what's interesting is that they seem to be jumping ship (Emanuel, Summers, and Axelrod).

America also supplies Israel with weapons and financial support, and uses its veto in the UN to block anything with the slightest bit of criticism towards Israel.

And AIPAC is one of the most powerful lobby groups in Washington. Both Obama and McCain felt it was important to speak to AIPAC during the presidential election campaign. Also worth noting, Wolf Blitzer from CNN used to work for AIPAC.

Oh, and Alan Greenspan, Lawrence Summers, Robert Rubin and Arthur Levitt (all Jewish) can take much of the blame for the financial crisis. Even Obama suggested that it was caused by the partial repeal of the Glass–Steagall Act.

It appears the story is broadly correct.

"Any people who have been persecuted for two thousand years must be doing something wrong." - Henry Kissinger (The Icarus Syndrome: 195)

Please. Apartheid fell because of the courageous struggles of black South Africans and some white South African ideological allies.

Of course, sanctions had nothing to do with it, right? It's much easier to bring down an economically weak and isolated regime.

That has nothing to do with some inherent benevolence of the white race(es). The people of the wealthier countries made some effort to help out. That's it. Economic ability, not race, was the factor.

Hate to break it to you, but just because people are wealthy doesn't mean that they are generous. So no, it's not based solely on economic ability.

We don't have to do anything for other countries, yet we do time and time again.

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"With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspira­tion and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders." -- Winston Churchill (Churchill. Zionism versus Bolshevism. Reprinted in The Collected Essays of Sir Winston Churchill. Vol.4: Churchill at Large: 26-31)

Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, Yakov Sverdlov were Jewish, and it turns out that Lenin was part Jewish.

While Marx was wrong about the workers of the world uniting, he inspired Cultural Marxism, which was Jewish almost to a man, and set out to change Western society from within. They started with what was known as the Frankfurt school, which fled to America from Nazi Germany. Members included: Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Erich Fromm, Leo Löwenthal. All were Jewish.

As for the media:

And people that talk about Jewish control are either forced to apologize, like Oliver Stone, or find themselves out of a job, like Rick Sanchez, but of course, Jews don't really have any control of the media....


The New York Times is run by Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr. (Jewish)

The Wallstreet Journal is run by Katherine Meyer Graham, daughter of Eugene Meyer, and she appointed her son Donald publisher of the paper. (all Jewish)

Everyone knows that there are a tremendous number of Jewish people involved in Media, notably in Hollywood. Hell, Jews were integral to the initial building of the movie industry.

But it's no conspiracy.

Tell me this: how many propagandistic pro-Israel movies have you seen?

If there is some sinister project afoot, the Jewish citizens sure are taking their time.

Communists and Nazis didn't have anything to do with the state?

There is nothing inherently evil to white people that spurred Nazism on.

Which is really your argument, though you seem unaware.

And Israel happens to be a "Jewish state," but that's just a coincidence.

I'm saying that Israel's behaviour cannot be blamed on something genetically monstrous in Jewish people.

States behave badly all the time. When we or our allies subvert democracy in a third wolrd country, or support terrorism, or conduct wars under questionable pretences....is it because we're white?


You can disagree, but the Neo-Cons that pushed for the Iraq war were mostly Jewish. To name some of them: Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, William Kristol, Eliot Abrams, Charles Krauthammer.

Since you bring up the US, Iraq is not by a long shot their worst adventure. How can you then account for others, where you can't blame the Jews?

Hell, YOU quoted Kissinger--a genuine war criminal.

America also supplies Israel with weapons and financial support, and uses its veto in the UN to block anything with the slightest bit of criticism towards Israel.

Israel is considered America's "cop on the beat" (was that the Jew-hating Nixon's words? I believe they are!). That's why they support Israel.

Of course, sanctions had nothing to do with it, right? It's much easier to bring down an economically weak and isolated regime.

I stated clearly that the West eventually got involved against the regime.

AFTER years of struggle by anti-apartheid forces OPPOSED by the West; AFTER the fact that apartheid was imposed by the West in the first place.

Man, you're easy to please: when the criminals simply STOP their OWN oppressive acts, you think they're saviours of the Earth.

Hate to break it to you, but just because people are wealthy doesn't mean that they are generous. So no, it's not based solely on economic ability.

But it's not based at all on the innate generosity of white people. That's just racist lunacy.

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Also a great deal of mathamatics and numeral system, music, our time keeping system.

Yep, but what have they done lately? B)

I agree Dave that western (really British) civilization cheerfully adopted many things from different cultures. That was one of its greatest strengths! It was that Utilitarian ethic that said "If it works, or works better than our way, then why not? That led to a drastically accelerated pace of change and improvement. Eventually, thanks to that sort of thinking we put a man on the Moon and perfected many medical methods that have drastically extended the human lifespan and comfort.

Contrast that with some fundamentalist cultures, like that of the more strict Islamic ones. They haven't changed in a thousand years except to adopt the use of western weapons! Just for fun, try googling how many western books have been translated into Arabic and are sold in countries like Afghanistan or the Taliban areas of Pakistan.

How many new things have been invented in those cultures today that are positive and are worth adopting?

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Yep, but what have they done lately? B)

I agree Dave that western (really British) civilization cheerfully adopted many things from different cultures. That was one of its greatest strengths! It was that Utilitarian ethic that said "If it works, or works better than our way, then why not? That led to a drastically accelerated pace of change and improvement. Eventually, thanks to that sort of thinking we put a man on the Moon and perfected many medical methods that have drastically extended the human lifespan and comfort.

Contrast that with some fundamentalist cultures, like that of the more strict Islamic ones. They haven't changed in a thousand years except to adopt the use of western weapons! Just for fun, try googling how many western books have been translated into Arabic and are sold in countries like Afghanistan or the Taliban areas of Pakistan.

How many new things have been invented in those cultures today that are positive and are worth adopting?

Yet many of the great inventions that have come out of the West were invented BEFORE multiculturalism and diversity.

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