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Strippers, escorts should be added to job bank: Ottawa


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Tories thinking with their heads now...

Strippers, escorts should be added to job bank: Ottawa

According to a draft Oct. 1 memo obtained by the Star, Ottawa has determined these careers once considered “morally offensive” should be put on the federal government’s Job Bank, which is also available for use by the provinces.

The surprise memo from Human Resources and Skills Development Canada has set a few tongues wagging among those wondering how these careers suddenly became respectable, and how Conservatives could allow this to happen.

“This is such a contradiction for the holier than thou family values gang to all of a sudden endorse an escort service as a legitimate occupation for unemployed Canadian women,” NDP MP Pat Martin said.


The job posting change is at odds with the Conservatives’ outrage over the recent federal court decision stating that Canada’s prostitution violated the Constitution. The government immediately appealed the decision, saying “prostitution is a problem that harms individuals and communities.”

Hey, are we seeing a return of the "progressive" conservative? Diane Finley - you rock!

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Tories thinking with their heads now...

Strippers, escorts should be added to job bank: Ottawa

Hey, are we seeing a return of the "progressive" conservative? Diane Finley - you rock!

I suspect that Monsieur Bernier might have helped influence this decision perhaps to help out his former girlfriend. Either that or the PM is once again looking for yet another chief for his staff.
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The funny thing about all the folks interested in legalising (or decriminalising)or otherwise legitimising prostitution and the sex trade is they hypocritically draw the line when it comes to their daughters being recruited at the escort booth on high school career day.

Now it's not like Canadian women aren't pretty easy as it is. Combined with the internet to wave their womenhood around looking for takers it amazes me why anyone would actively seek to pay for sex.

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The funny thing about all the folks interested in legalising (or decriminalising)or otherwise legitimising prostitution and the sex trade is they hypocritically draw the line when it comes to their daughters being recruited at the escort booth on high school career day.

Now it's not like Canadian women aren't pretty easy as it is. Combined with the internet to wave their womenhood around looking for takers it amazes me why anyone would actively seek to pay for sex.

Would you prefer they cover themselves up grainfedckaburkaboy?
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Dressed or undressed they are still beautiful humans. I don't think we should worry abut this at all. It needs to be legalized anyway, in order to control the trade. Tax it, regulate it, clean it up, get the young girls out of it, get rid of the pimps and the drug dependencies and then you can start to deal with the health issues and the protection of society. We need to grow up and realize that the trade exists and it has issue that effect society.

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Just so you guys know. The Liberal provincial government as well as Ottawa are both appealing this ruling. Courts should not be making law in this country.

The people of Canada should get the to say by vote whether they want open brothels everywhere and anywhere. It's going to effect the average home owning Canadian. We should have a say on whether we want a brothel opened up on a quiet cul de sac of not.

If they want open prostitution then find a party to support it and include it as part of that parties mandate. The hookers and the johns shouldn't be making laws that will effect the rest of Canada to a much larger degree.

Since this will effect society as a whole, it is society who should be making the decision.

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The funny thing about all the folks interested in legalising (or decriminalising)or otherwise legitimising prostitution and the sex trade is they hypocritically draw the line when it comes to their daughters being recruited at the escort booth on high school career day.

It's not hypocritical. I wouldn't want my daughters to be parasitic Securities Traders or Conservative MPs, either, but ultimately, adults can make their own choices.

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The people of Canada should get the to say by vote whether they want open brothels everywhere and anywhere. It's going to effect the average home owning Canadian. We should have a say on whether we want a brothel opened up on a quiet cul de sac of not.

You mean like how drinking establishments are legal and bars suddenly appeared on quiet cul de sacs?

The horror!

If they want open prostitution then find a party to support it and include it as part of that parties mandate. The hookers and the johns shouldn't be making laws that will effect the rest of Canada to a much larger degree.

Since this will effect society as a whole, it is society who should be making the decision.

Hookers and johns set law? Amazing, I thought there was another process.

Wont effect (sic) me . So much for that thought

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You mean like how drinking establishments are legal and bars suddenly appeared on quiet cul de sacs?

The horror!

Hookers and johns set law? Amazing, I thought there was another process.

Wont effect (sic) me . So much for that thought

No woman wants to be a prostitute - to encourage it or facilitate it is a disgrace and a shame - Imagine that YOUR daughter or son took up the profession? In the Netherlands they are so debased on this issue that the secularist phag bureacrats will suggest to a healthy female applying for social assistance "you are young and attractive - there is work in the sex trade" - what a bunch of shit - When I was younger and more hedonistic - after inheriting a bunch of money - I drove fast cars and bought expensive "escorts" - Yah I was a bad boy attempting to enjoy himself...

One thing I learned about prostitution - Is that WE have in effect taken our best - most intelligent and most attractive females - that would have made the best wives that would have made their husbands successful - THIS resourse was and is squandered - INSTEAD - we take our ugly stupid woman - do them up in expensive clothes and send them to the top of society -

AND we take our BEST and force them to be WHORES.....THIS - is a prime example of the war utlitarians who are homely - are waging on beauty - Those who encourage prostitution are those that envy the gifted and beautiful angels God has sent in female form.........Shame on you bastards who drive the most beautiful rose into the ground while you exault the common weed.

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No woman wants to be a prostitute - to encourage it or facilitate it is a disgrace and a shame - Imagine that YOUR daughter or son took up the profession? In the Netherlands they are so debased on this issue that the secularist phag bureacrats will suggest to a healthy female applying for social assistance "you are young and attractive - there is work in the sex trade" - what a bunch of shit - When I was younger and more hedonistic - after inheriting a bunch of money - I drove fast cars and bought expensive "escorts" - Yah I was a bad boy attempting to enjoy himself...

Others are moral degenerates who should be ashamed of themselves; Oleg, however, was a loveable scoundrel, a "bad boy, merely "attempting to enjoy [him]self"....

One thing I learned about prostitution - Is that WE have in effect taken our best - most intelligent and most attractive females - that would have made the best wives that would have made their husbands successful

The primary duty and objective of the female, of course.

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The funny thing about all the folks interested in legalising (or decriminalising)or otherwise legitimising prostitution and the sex trade is they hypocritically draw the line when it comes to their daughters being recruited at the escort booth on high school career day.

Now it's not like Canadian women aren't pretty easy as it is. Combined with the internet to wave their womenhood around looking for takers it amazes me why anyone would actively seek to pay for sex.

If my daughter is 18, there's precious little I can do to stop her. Minors, on the other hand, certainly could not legitimately work as prostitutes.

In other words, you're full of crap, and a pretty nasty piece of work on top.

Edited by ToadBrother
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No woman wants to be a prostitute - to encourage it or facilitate it is a disgrace and a shame - Imagine that YOUR daughter or son took up the profession? In the Netherlands they are so debased on this issue that the secularist phag bureacrats will suggest to a healthy female applying for social assistance "you are young and attractive - there is work in the sex trade" - what a bunch of shit - When I was younger and more hedonistic - after inheriting a bunch of money - I drove fast cars and bought expensive "escorts" - Yah I was a bad boy attempting to enjoy himself...

One thing I learned about prostitution - Is that WE have in effect taken our best - most intelligent and most attractive females - that would have made the best wives that would have made their husbands successful - THIS resourse was and is squandered - INSTEAD - we take our ugly stupid woman - do them up in expensive clothes and send them to the top of society -

AND we take our BEST and force them to be WHORES.....THIS - is a prime example of the war utlitarians who are homely - are waging on beauty - Those who encourage prostitution are those that envy the gifted and beautiful angels God has sent in female form.........Shame on you bastards who drive the most beautiful rose into the ground while you exault the common weed.

what fucking planet are you from?

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If my daughter is 18, there's precious little I can do to stop her.

If your daughter is 18 and beyond and you still have no discernible influence in her life then she is probably giving it up for the boys (and girls) pretty routinely already in a misguided quest for male attention. That is the psychological characteristic of any promiscuous female and no amount of politically correct drum thumping or feminist whitewashing will change it.

This is why your hot to trot wife or girlfriend, the gal who put out any where, any time gets married and now is so frigid a little light comes on when she does open her thighs. Until of course - you neglect her enough because you can't get anything anywho and she needs "daddy" again and up goes her profile on Ashley Madison.

And your knocked up teenage or unwed daughter? Just shrug your shoulders and proclaim there is nothing you could have done to prevent it because kids screw each other. Of course, deep down you know if you spent half the time with her that you do on the internet you wouldn't be a grandpa and your second or third wife wouldn't be a Nana or whatever it is you "blended" family types would call her.

Minors, on the other hand, certainly could not legitimately work as prostitutes.

How noble of you. So let's change hooker career day from high school to community college and you're suddenly all in favour?

In other words, you're full of crap,

You would have to climb to the top of a mountain to get the kind of sage advice I offer. Start taking notes and I'll make you a better person.

and a pretty nasty piece of work on top.

I can't believe she told you that. Maybe I was wrong about your relationship with her.

Edited by grainfedprairieboy
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No woman wants to be a prostitute - to encourage it or facilitate it is a disgrace and a shame - Imagine that YOUR daughter or son took up the profession? In the Netherlands they are so debased on this issue that the secularist phag bureacrats will suggest to a healthy female applying for social assistance "you are young and attractive - there is work in the sex trade" - what a bunch of shit - When I was younger and more hedonistic - after inheriting a bunch of money - I drove fast cars and bought expensive "escorts" - Yah I was a bad boy attempting to enjoy himself...

One thing I learned about prostitution - Is that WE have in effect taken our best - most intelligent and most attractive females - that would have made the best wives that would have made their husbands successful - THIS resourse was and is squandered - INSTEAD - we take our ugly stupid woman - do them up in expensive clothes and send them to the top of society -

AND we take our BEST and force them to be WHORES.....THIS - is a prime example of the war utlitarians who are homely - are waging on beauty - Those who encourage prostitution are those that envy the gifted and beautiful angels God has sent in female form.........Shame on you bastards who drive the most beautiful rose into the ground while you exault the common weed.

AND we take our BEST and force them to be WHORES.....THIS

Good lord...

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If your daughter is 18 and beyond and you still have no discernible influence in her life then she is probably giving it up for the boys (and girls) pretty routinely already in a misguided quest for male attention. That is the psychological characteristic of any promiscuous female and no amount of politically correct drum thumping or feminist whitewashing will change it.

This is why your hot to trot wife or girlfriend, the gal who put out any where, any time gets married and now is so frigid a little light comes on when she does open her thighs. Until of course - you neglect her enough because you can't get anything anywho and she needs "daddy" again and up goes her profile on Ashley Madison.

And your knocked up teenage or unwed daughter? Just shrug your shoulders and proclaim there is nothing you could have done to prevent it because kids screw each other. Of course, deep down you know if you spent half the time with her that you do on the internet you wouldn't be a grandpa and your second or third wife wouldn't be a Nana or whatever it is you "blended" family types would call her.

How noble of you. So let's change hooker career day from high school to community college and you're suddenly all in favour?

You would have to climb to the top of a mountain to get the kind of sage advice I offer. Start taking notes and I'll make you a better person.

I can't believe she told you that. Maybe I was wrong about your relationship with her.

Your whole argument is meaningless because peoples daughters sometimes become prostitutes whether its legal or not. So by opposing the legalization youre not really opposing prostitution. Youre fighting for prostitutes to work in unsafe conditions, be routinely raped, beaten, and robbed, and to have most of their earnings taken by organized criminals.

Youre not looking out for anybodys daughters here, or for women. Youre doing the exact opposite.

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If your daughter is 18 and beyond and you still have no discernible influence in her life then she is probably giving it up for the boys (and girls) pretty routinely already in a misguided quest for male attention. That is the psychological characteristic of any promiscuous female and no amount of politically correct drum thumping or feminist whitewashing will change it.

This is why your hot to trot wife or girlfriend, the gal who put out any where, any time gets married and now is so frigid a little light comes on when she does open her thighs. Until of course - you neglect her enough because you can't get anything anywho and she needs "daddy" again and up goes her profile on Ashley Madison.

And your knocked up teenage or unwed daughter? Just shrug your shoulders and proclaim there is nothing you could have done to prevent it because kids screw each other. Of course, deep down you know if you spent half the time with her that you do on the internet you wouldn't be a grandpa and your second or third wife wouldn't be a Nana or whatever it is you "blended" family types would call her.

Us 'Blended' types prefer Gramps while your type is still figuring out what moniker to use when she goes from your sister to your wife.

Stereotypes, they are not your friend.

However, should you have a degree to show us to prove your proclamations, well, by all means.

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Your whole argument is meaningless because peoples daughters sometimes become prostitutes whether its legal or not. So by opposing the legalization youre not really opposing prostitution. Youre fighting for prostitutes to work in unsafe conditions, be routinely raped, beaten, and robbed, and to have most of their earnings taken by organized criminals.

Youre not looking out for anybodys daughters here, or for women. Youre doing the exact opposite.

I disagree. I don't want to come off as some holier then thou jackass Green party type but I once was involved with a halfway home for wayward former prostitutes called Exodus House in Calgary back in the 1980s. Here I realised that pretty much every girl involved in the trade had serious issues surrounding family, perceptions of worth of self etc.

I did have a similar position as you (mainstream) but now I have nothing but contempt for any guy who would abuse someone so vulnerable. These girls need help more then most and we seem to turn our backs on them even more. The fantasy of some safe government regulated brothel is just that and the whorehouses of Amsterdam or Nevada are little different then the Escort agencies of Vancouver or Toronto.

We need to revolutionize our thinking as men in this country and start seeing women as beyond sexual objects. That is not to say we should become asexual Victorians or forsake our swing clubs. Lord knows we all need a good menage every now and again. But my experience suggest that prostitutes, strippers and most in the sex trade are far from consenting adults.

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However, should you have a degree to show us to prove your proclamations, well, by all means.

And should I produce such credentials do you really think it would have the remotest influence on your current perceptions?

Of course, if you are serious about any studies on the topic I suggest your start here: My link

Edited by grainfedprairieboy
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If your daughter is 18 and beyond and you still have no discernible influence in her life then she is probably giving it up for the boys (and girls) pretty routinely already in a misguided quest for male attention. That is the psychological characteristic of any promiscuous female and no amount of politically correct drum thumping or feminist whitewashing will change it.

This is why your hot to trot wife or girlfriend, the gal who put out any where, any time gets married and now is so frigid a little light comes on when she does open her thighs. Until of course - you neglect her enough because you can't get anything anywho and she needs "daddy" again and up goes her profile on Ashley Madison.

And your knocked up teenage or unwed daughter? Just shrug your shoulders and proclaim there is nothing you could have done to prevent it because kids screw each other. Of course, deep down you know if you spent half the time with her that you do on the internet you wouldn't be a grandpa and your second or third wife wouldn't be a Nana or whatever it is you "blended" family types would call her.

After ranting through this little series of thinly-veiled misogyny--with no real basis in reality--you go on to this:

You would have to climb to the top of a mountain to get the kind of sage advice I offer. Start taking notes and I'll make you a better person.

But this is then undermined by this little bit of nastiness:

I can't believe she told you that. Maybe I was wrong about your relationship with her.

I mean, is this really necessary? At the very least, it's the kind of greasy, unpleasant personalization of disagreement ("Hey, I'm bangin' yer daughter, hyuk hyuk!") that calls your ability to offer "sage advice"--never mind your basic decency--into question. Is this part of the "revolution in thinking" that you elsewhere advocate?

Conservative values, eh? :) If that's what they'd make me, then I think I'll pass, thanks.

Edited by bloodyminded
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If your daughter is 18 and beyond and you still have no discernible influence in her life then she is probably giving it up for the boys (and girls) pretty routinely already in a misguided quest for male attention. That is the psychological characteristic of any promiscuous female and no amount of politically correct drum thumping or feminist whitewashing will change it.

I think your problem is that you've never met a promiscuous female, or more likely you have, but you found even they had standards.

My point isn't that I wouldn't have any influence, my point is that at 18, she's the boss of her life. I'd be devastated if she became a prostitute. There's a whole host of careers I wouldn't want her doing. But I couldn't stop her if she did want to, no more than I could stop her from other insane behaviors like trying to climb Mount Everest.

This is why your hot to trot wife or girlfriend, the gal who put out any where, any time gets married and now is so frigid a little light comes on when she does open her thighs. Until of course - you neglect her enough because you can't get anything anywho and she needs "daddy" again and up goes her profile on Ashley Madison.

It's not my fault the hooker wouldn't take your $20.

And your knocked up teenage or unwed daughter? Just shrug your shoulders and proclaim there is nothing you could have done to prevent it because kids screw each other. Of course, deep down you know if you spent half the time with her that you do on the internet you wouldn't be a grandpa and your second or third wife wouldn't be a Nana or whatever it is you "blended" family types would call her.

Are you trying to make yourself look like a piece of dirt? You don't know me, pal, and I sure don't want to know you.

How noble of you. So let's change hooker career day from high school to community college and you're suddenly all in favour?

Because of course every possible career path has a career day at school. You're raving now.

You would have to climb to the top of a mountain to get the kind of sage advice I offer.

Pal, I wouldn't cross the street to get the advice you offer.

Start taking notes and I'll make you a better person.

From where I'm standing, I would just become an irrational jerk on the Internet.

I can't believe she told you that. Maybe I was wrong about your relationship with her.

Wow, you are an ugly worthless piece of slime.

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