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The soaring price of electricity is due to the green-energy activism o

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Secret forecasts, screw the taxpayer and average guy - what is this, are supposed to bend over an take it without complaint... time for a teaparty in Ontario !!!


he soaring price of electricity is due to the green-energy activism of George Smitherman

The Swedish retail giant IKEA announced yesterday it will invest $4.6-million to install 3,790 solar panels on three Toronto area stores, giving IKEA the electric-power-producing capacity of 960,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) per year. According to IKEA, that’s enough electricity to power 100 homes. Amazing development. Even more amazing is the economics of this project. Under the Ontario government’s feed-in-tariff solar power scheme, IKEA will receive 71.3¢ for each kilowatt of power produced, which works out to about $6,800 a year for each of the 100 hypothetical homes. Since the average Toronto home currently pays about $1,200 for the same quantity of electricity, that implies that IKEA is being overpaid by $5,400 per home equivalent.

Welcome to the wonderful world of green economics and the magical business of carbon emission reduction. Each year, IKEA will receive $684,408 under Premier Dalton McGuinty’s green energy monster — for power that today retails for about $115,000. At that rate, IKEA will recoup $4.6-million in less than seven years — not bad for an investment that can be amortized over 20.

No wonder solar power is such a hot industry. No wonder, too, that the province of Ontario is in a headlong rush into a likely economic crisis brought on by skyrocketing electricity prices. To make up the money paid to IKEA to promote itself as a carbon-free zone, Ontario consumers and industries are on their way to experiencing the highest electricity rates in North America, if not most of the world.

The government’s regulator, the Ontario Energy Board, has prepared secret forecasts of how much Ontario consumers are going to have to pay for electricity over the next five years. The government won’t allow the report to be released. The next best estimate comes from Aegent Energy Advisors Inc., in a study it did for the Canadian Manufactures and Exporters group. Residential rates are expected to jump by 60% between 2010 and 2015. Industrial customers will be looking at a 55% increase. (See graphic.)


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Secret forecasts, screw the taxpayer and average guy - what is this, are supposed to bend over an take it without complaint... time for a teaparty in Ontario !!!


he soaring price of electricity is due to the green-energy activism of George Smitherman


I guess McGuinty is determine to ensure that he destroys the last of Ontario's manufacturing capacity before he's finally booted from office.

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I was actually looking a bit at this program that Ontario is trying. It's extremely ambitious, to say the least. Completely phasing out coal power by 2014? Wowsers.

I'm going to be very interested to see how this turns out. It's absolutely neccessary, of course, to reduce emmissions and the sooner the better. But can this radical approach work in North America, where so many people still don't even believe AGW is real? Time will tell. I wish Ontario luck on this, 'cause it's going to raise a fair bit of trouble.

Won't be an easy ride, but I sincerely hope it ends up working in the end (creating the 20,000 new jobs promised, becoming a continental leader in renewable energy).

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The Oakville Power Plant reversal doesn't fill me with confidence about the current Ontario government. They appear too willing to waste millions of dollars to avoid political controversy. The system needs to be fixed, so that decisions are not driven by press releases and 20-second news clips.
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(creating the 20,000 new jobs promised, becoming a continental leader in renewable energy).

pathetic and laughable stats, plucked directly from a publicists anus for public consumption.

Canada- and US- have extreme difficulty competing with anybody for creating manufactured goods, it is why jobs have left and are likely gone for good.

I predict the only jobs created will in Ontario Hydro Corporate Communciations, a growth industry.

China can build windmills for a fraction of the cost in Ontario. And will. Even the sector leader, Denmark, knows that their forte is design and execution, not making the things.

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The Oakville Power Plant reversal doesn't fill me with confidence about the current Ontario government. They appear too willing to waste millions of dollars to avoid political controversy. The system needs to be fixed, so that decisions are not driven by press releases and 20-second news clips.

Yikes. That's pretty bad. There should have absolutely been some better info out there to inform people why the plant was necessary. Just 'cause it ain't renewable doesn't mean it's not currently the best option... and now because they fell through on their contract with the company the taxpayers will have to repay damages.

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The Oakville Power Plant reversal doesn't fill me with confidence about the current Ontario government. They appear too willing to waste millions of dollars to avoid political controversy. The system needs to be fixed, so that decisions are not driven by press releases and 20-second news clips.

It was an imbecilic place to put a power plant to begin with.

But now that they've backed off they're replacing it with -- nothing.

Apparently as the manufacturing sector melts away we need less power!

The benefit of McGuinty's economic planning at work.

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China can build windmills for a fraction of the cost in Ontario. And will. Even the sector leader, Denmark, knows that their forte is design and execution, not making the things.

Yes, they have cheap power over there which comes from their many coal powered generating stations.

Meanwhile, Ontario's power rates continue to soar.

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I share the collective disgust, but I must also add that wind and solar energy collection systems NEED to be placed on the acres upon acres upon acres of roof made available by urban sprawl, not wastefully placed on land that is not already human occupied. Every roof should have solar collectors and a windmill. Every darned one.

To that very limited degree, I applaud the IKEA deal.

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Secret forecasts, screw the taxpayer and average guy - what is this, are supposed to bend over an take it without complaint... time for a teaparty in Ontario !!!

Mike Harris set the stage for this. He was the one listening to the Energy Lobbiests of the day. And this is where its lead too. McGuinty is just another earpiece to wear the jewelry of the lobbiests.

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I guess McGuinty is determine to ensure that he destroys the last of Ontario's manufacturing capacity before he's finally booted from office.

I fully agree. I don't see anyone doing it differently. Actions speak louder then words and it was when Eves was in power that many companies that rely on Internal Generation and forging that the PCS drove away. Many companies saw the changes in the electricity market and made their plans then to get out of Dodge.

But McGuinty doesn't have a clue what to do and his ears are only good for piercing.

Edited by madmax
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(creating the 20,000 new jobs promised, becoming a continental leader in renewable energy).

20,000 jobs is mere electoral fantasy and propoganda. Not impossible, but with the current government it is improbable and falls inline with the other fantasy fabrications put forth by team Pinochio.

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Yes, they have cheap power over there which comes from their many coal powered generating stations.

Meanwhile, Ontario's power rates continue to soar.

For every Coal Plant we intend to "Close" China opens up 10 to meet our consumption demand in consumer goods. Ontario was far more environmentally friendly and effiecient then many G8 nations. But considering how much Ontario used to punch above its weight in manufacturing, what is happening now is an embarrassment.

As far as I am aware, there is only one atmosphere around this planet, and some people think that we can reduce our electricity production and consume more without a direct effect on the environment.

The math doesn't work.

Open the wallet we are going to pay more for less. And we are going to do less and rely on others for both our goods and our power.

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pathetic and laughable stats, plucked directly from a publicists anus for public consumption.

Canada- and US- have extreme difficulty competing with anybody for creating manufactured goods, it is why jobs have left and are likely gone for good.

I predict the only jobs created will in Ontario Hydro Corporate Communciations, a growth industry.

China can build windmills for a fraction of the cost in Ontario. And will. Even the sector leader, Denmark, knows that their forte is design and execution, not making the things.

Good Post..

My friends putting up these turbines work for Danish, Irish, and Korean companies in the installations. They are one shot deals.

My other friends are in Korea (SOUTH LOL) working on power stations and delivery systems so that they can come here and displace our facilities.

Its brilliant... if you are Korean..

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Yes, they have cheap power over there which comes from their many coal powered generating stations.

Meanwhile, Ontario's power rates continue to soar.

We have cheap power here too, from coal and hydro. Or rather we did, now you are about to pay plenty to subsidize production of fantastically expensive alternative power, generated on equipment made by major polluters, equipment they themselves will not use because.... too expensive..

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Ontario's "green" energy plan has nothing to do with reducing emissions. If the government was even a little bit interested in lowering emissions, they would have had scrubbers installed in coal-fired plants. Better yet, they could have increased nuclear generation and eliminate emissions altogether while giving Ontario an abundance of electricity to use and to sell on the market.

The OPA's website basically states that the feed in teriff, what is under discussion here, is for the benefit of "entrepreneurs and businesses". What's an "entrepreneur"? That would be Schneider Power, as one example, who will shortly begin construction of a 10 MW solar farm. Wow! How much of a dent in coal-burning generation does this represent? Rounded down, coal-fired generation in Ontario is about 6,500 MW.

Are you paying attention? That's 0.15%. That's a completely insignificant amount. A hundred such solar farms would be required to discplace just 15% of coal, and once you add oil/gas, it's even more absurd. Of course, the 10MW probably refers to peak capacity, which will rarely be fulfilled in our climate and geographical location. If referring to average capacity then the project will be much larger than similar projects in better locations.

So if it's not about emissions, what could possibly induce the government to give public funds to "entrepreneurs and businesses" far in excess of the commercial price of power? Well, who benefits from it? It's certainly not the tax-payers. The polar caps are doomed regardless of what we do, but even for feel-good reasons, the actual amount of carbon emissions that stand to be impacted are completely marginal and will probably amount to zero as it's probably not feasible to reduce coal-fired generation by fractions of a percent per generating station. The elite business players on Schneider Power's management team certainly do, and looking at their profiles at http://www.schneiderpower.com/management gives us a clue as to what kind of people they rub shoulders with. When people talk about "activists", someone like Thomas Schneider doesn't come to mind.

Or what about Sky Generation's Glen Estill, another brilliant light of eco "entrepreneurship" -- I fear I won't be able to make enough sarcasm drip from the word to do it justice -- and his couple of wind turbines? A board member and once president of government-connected "non for profit" group of renewable energy businesses, who ALSO found himself representing his own company on the government's Ontario Wind Power Task Force. Yes, you heard that right! The CEO of a wind energy company was put on a government task force to make recommendations to the government for spending tax dollars on wind energy! That's an absurd abuse, an insane conflict of interest.

It goes on and on, but I've already spent enough time on this and I hope you all get the point: renewable energy, carbon emissions -- all just an excuse to for business as usual, putting tax dollars into the pig through and the pockets of government offices and the biosphere of the Canadian elite entitlement regime. We are living in a banana republic.

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Secret forecasts, screw the taxpayer and average guy - what is this, are supposed to bend over an take it without complaint... time for a teaparty in Ontario !!!


he soaring price of electricity is due to the green-energy activism of George Smitherman


Great investment if the working-class taxpayers subsidizing this nonesense can afford it.

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The downside of wind turbines is the power surges that they create and who suffers for this? The customers. Since the wind turbine started to grow this area, it looks like New York city. Every where you look you see the turbine and at night all we see are the red lites on top. Now the downside are the power surges and the hydro companies are aware of this because they are getting complain left and right. BUT they can't do anything about because its the wind turbine company problem. First it was a power surge, once a month, then twice a month and now we are experiencing twice a week. Its hard on the computer , even with a power surge power bar and my satellite has to be reset from the company, which takes about 30 minutes after I call them. It a pain and I sure it must hit the smart meter and add more money for the hydro company.

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It is not just the soaring price of power that is out of control..It is the soaring price of human existance that has cracked though the ceiling that was once the sky..It is all about eccepted and established political and corporate corruption...The system is getting more and more crimminal as each days passes...more and more lucrative contracts are being handed out by elected officals..more and more bureacratic waste is taking place and more and more money is needed - more taxing and higher power bills to shore up a decaying status quo..it is really quiet hopeless with no end in sight.

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Minster Duncan was on a radio talk show and he said now with the smart meter they can trace where the pot houses are faster and shut them down. So I guess the pot growers are going to go to a generator and stay off the grid.

What a waste of time..How about tracing where the booze is made...or pharma product is manufactured then sold to "depressed" children..because some greedy jerk is so parasitic that living off of infants and those in poverty is easy hunting...smart meters are a lot like that ---shut off your car by satalite..which if there was every a social collapse..no one could get away from the nasty whores and pricks attemping to enforce their cut throat opportunists ideas on society ...smart meters are just another technical assist to enslave and worry the people...We get up every day and stress now because there is ONE more set of jerks coming to suck our blood.

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Yes, they have cheap power over there which comes from their many coal powered generating stations.

Meanwhile, Ontario's power rates continue to soar.

I think I know why rates are soaring.

I was at the Home Depot in Chatham a week ago, and there were some hustlers there trying to sell solar panels. $500 for enough panels to produce 60 watts! Only enough to run one light bulb. Obviously, the economics aren't there, but to make this German made crap saleable, they would put you into a 10 year contract with Hydro One, paying you 80¢ a kilowatt hour for power that they sell for 8¢ a kilowatt hour.

It doesn't make any sense at all, except lyin' Dalton wants to make it look like Ontario is 'doing something' for the environment.

The only feasible power source that is free of greenhouse gases is nuclear. That's what the coward won't deal with.

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I share the collective disgust, but I must also add that wind and solar energy collection systems NEED to be placed on the acres upon acres upon acres of roof made available by urban sprawl, not wastefully placed on land that is not already human occupied. Every roof should have solar collectors and a windmill. Every darned one.

To that very limited degree, I applaud the IKEA deal.

Well, sorry, but I think that's crazy. The economics aren't there. Which industries do you want to close first? Auto?

At latitudes above 45º, solar isn't effective, and anyway, why do we want to make electricity with it when we could use it better for heat?

I live on the Lake Erie shore, in an area where they are putting in 650 of these 'wind turbines', all producing jobs in Germany and Denmark, and profits for Koreans. They produce a noise that is compared to a jet aircraft preparing for takeoff by people who live half a mile away. Also, they kill birds, lots of them. And the power they produce is orders of magnitude more expensive than the present costs. Like 10 times more.

Sooner or later they will have to tell us the truth about this. It's beyond stupid. This article has a lot of the facts about the IKEA deal, which is applauded by Swedes.


Edited by Bugs
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