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The old double standards still alive and well


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Lictor, what also needs to be said is your efforts at downplaying the Holocaust are thoroughly unconvincing. I consider the only purpose behind Holocaust denial is to discredit Jews in some way, because some people don't like Jews.

I have never understood why people dislike and distrust Jews. I kind of get that the Jews seem to draw jealousy because of their general financial success and close knit famly ties, but I admire that myself. I also get that as a cultural trait, Jews do seem to be rather more fixated on money than others cultures. But it wasn't a bunch of Jews who ran Ford when they decided it was cheaper to compensate the victims of exploding cars than fix them. It wasn't Jews who ran the cigarette companies and decided to downplay the danger of smoking in order to make profits. It wasn't all Jews who caused the recent near banking collapse and recession.

In other words, avarice, greed and immorality in business are hardly traits one can assign solely to the Jewish community. And so I can see no substantive basis for those who work so energetically to demonize and discredit Jews.

Well, I look at the Jews for what they actually do. I try to look at the big picture, not the many individual jews who are absolutely ordinary ... and often very productive members of society. Look into banking conglomerates... the history of Rothschild, Chase and Key banks... look at media ownership today... which is vastly disproportionately controlled by jews.... further look at the double standards in treatment... why is it wise to choose to ignore these things?

And I was merely citing the most dubious parts of holocaust history to highlight that the holocaust wrests on rather shaky scholarship

when M.Dancer said that the Holodmor, probably was way way exaggerated and that either way "we can't rely on soviet info"

either way I think we've agreed to disagree on this most sensitive topic before.

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There is a huge difference. Jewish "involvement" in killing Ukrainians consisted of the employment by the czarist and then USSR government of a few individual Jews. The Jews, doctrinally have never, since after the writing of Deuteronomy, advocated killing any group as a collective whole.

Granted, under the OT Amalkites and Jebusites didn't do so well. But there was never as drive on the part as Jews qua Jews to kill Ukrainians. The Ukraininans qua Ukrainians and Nazis qua Nazis of course targeted Jews as a group.

The head butcher of the Ukraine... the Holodomor,s equivalent Hitler and Goebbels... was the Jew Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich...

but that wouldn't phase your obvious hypocrisy of course...

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Also, the Holodomer was a famine. Some of it was planned and other parts were the result of misguided collectivization policies. Also, it's a fact that there have been other planned famines in the world, such as Biafra. Is Lictor616 excited about that one?

it was also mass deportations of 2+million people to forced labor camps in siberian GULAGS where the average inmates life was 43 hours.

It was also rape, summary executions, interrogations with torture, and every other kind of repression....

but we won't expect you to "cry for them" ...

moral leper.

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Well, I look at the Jews for what they actually do. I try to look at the big picture, not the many individual jews who are absolutely ordinary ... and often very productive members of society. Look into banking conglomerates... the history of Rothschild, Chase and Key banks... look at media ownership today... which is vastly disproportionately controlled by jews.... further look at the double standards in treatment... why is it wise to choose to ignore these things?

Don't forget the vast tinfoil holdings....

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Don't forget the vast tinfoil holdings....

Yeah Dancer... i mean of course i'm a crazed conspiracy nut for claiming that Rothschild is a jewish banking family... and that the chairmen of the federal reserve have been jewish since the 20's.

again your rejections out of hand don't impose on anyone...

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Basically, the way I see it, it was part of an ongoing struggle. The situation with the Jews was different. They were basically living, minding their business and were often selected for hatred and killing.

So Ukranians murdered by Stalin weren't living and minding their own business? What were they doing?

There is a huge difference. Jewish "involvement" in killing Ukrainians consisted of the employment by the czarist and then USSR government of a few individual Jews. The Jews, doctrinally have never, since after the writing of Deuteronomy, advocated killing any group as a collective whole.

Granted, under the OT Amalkites and Jebusites didn't do so well. But there was never as drive on the part as Jews qua Jews to kill Ukrainians. The Ukraininans qua Ukrainians and Nazis qua Nazis of course targeted Jews as a group.

So did just about every other national group in Nazi-occupied Europe to some degree or another. What's your point?

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So Ukranians murdered by Stalin weren't living and minding their own business? What were they doing?
Georgians (of which Stalin was one) and Ukrainians had been duking it out for centuries.
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And we've already established that the queen is issued from the part jewish line of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, what a short memory you have.

No we haven't. My memory recalls you being made (with a good deal of help from yourself) to quite accurately to look like the fruitbar nutcase you are.

Tell us again the hebrew root of "British", most of us haven't laughed at you today.

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No we haven't. My memory recalls you being made (with a good deal of help from yourself) to quite accurately to look like the fruitbar nutcase you are.

Tell us again the hebrew root of "British", most of us haven't laughed at you today.

there are many unambiguous proofs of her jewishness.

Why does queen elizabeth have king davids... a jewish king... 4 stones underneath her royal chair?

But I had quoted the oft quoted and respected book: "The Jewish Book of Why" (Jonathan David, 1981)... who says of the subject:

"In England, the Royal House has a long tradition requiring that all male children be circumcised by the Jewish mohel of London."

Look at the record of Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, who became the Prince Consort of Queen Victoria in 1840, his genealogy and most of the bloodline from 1022 shows many jewish roots.

Also look at the crown's symbology... a Maltese cross... the symbol of non-jewish gentile Kabbalists... then you have the fleur de lis... which is a sacred judaic symbol... you may say that it signifies dominion over france... but it doesn't...

there are many tidbits on this ... but we've already established that you aren't willing to even consider them...

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... a Maltese cross...

Because crosses are soooo very Jewish....

Why does queen elizabeth have king davids... a jewish king... 4 stones underneath her royal chair?

She doesn't. There was a stone...the Stone of Scone, which was returned to Scotland.

You need to research this....


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Because crosses are soooo very Jewish....

She doesn't. There was a stone...the Stone of Scone, which was returned to Scotland.

You need to research this....


blanket denial and out of hand rejections ... business as usual eh Dancer?

you don't like answering questions do you?

you've become predictable, repetitive and so tedious... every reply is just more godwin's law, more insults, more ad hominems....

every embarrassing comment you write is

a/ blah blah blah, hitler nazi pooh pooh

b/ tin foil blah blah blah

c/ insults to me or my family...

I love it. you're making my points for me.

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At least that thread drift supplied a chuckle.

Looking too closely at thrones may lead to strange threories.

I'm sorry let's all ignore the elephant in the room... in the form of every royal male child having his penis clipped by the Jewish Mohel of London...

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There is zero proof that the current male members royal family* are:


2)circumcised by a mohel

...outside of the nutbar sites...

*They don't talk about their penises

I was going to ask that question. How does anyone know whether the males in the Royal Family are circumsised? Besides, there was, at least in North America, a general notion of physicians that baby boys should be circumsised, that had more to do with some now mostly debunked views on health. Does that mean a couple of generations of North American males became Jews, or does it just mean another odd mid-century idea on genital health?

But I doubt Lictor has one ounce of evidence for any of it.

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There is zero proof that the current male members royal family* are:


2)circumcised by a mohel

...outside of the nutbar sites...

*They don't talk about their penises

I'm sorry no proof?

The Jewish Book of Why" ("Magnificent."--Rabbi Saul I. Teplitz)- a wellknown and respected book...

"In England, the Royal House has a long tradition requiring that all male children be circumcised by the Jewish mohel of London."

for starters: which you simply reject...

The circumcision decision

On The Cutting Edge

by Edgar J. Schoen

(from: Moment, October 1997)

"Odly enough, circumcision has long been associated with non-Jewish upper classes and with royalty.

Ancient Egyptian priests were circumcised. King Louis XVI of france and Queen Victoria of England

popularizes the proceedure among their subjects.... Queen Victoria, convinced that the British royal family was decended from King

David, had her male offspring circumcised. This tradition continued through Edward VII, the Duke of

Windsor, and Charles, the current Prince of Wales, who was circumcised by a well-known physician and

mohel, Dr. Jacob Snowman."


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as well as the grand patroness of Freemasonry (and its kabbalistic hocus pocus!)

tee hee wink wink knidge knudge!

And many churches are heavily intertwined with Judaism... after all the Pope wears a Jewish Yarmulke!

Wait till you hear what people Jesus Christ sprang from. It'll really blow your mind.

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