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Suspect may be many armed and dangerous, approach with indignation

Do guns kill people or People kill people. Did God personally do what you are accusing him of doing or some people in the name of? If I go into an airport and yell bomb, who is arrested the person yelling bomb or whoever inspired me to go in and yell bomb. You can't have it both ways. You can't say god doesn't exist yet accuse this god of committing crimes. You are not making any sense. Which is it, did God commit these crimes or men?

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Do guns kill people or People kill people. Did God personally do what you are accusing him of doing or some people in the name of? If I go into an airport and yell bomb, who is arrested the person yelling bomb or whoever inspired me to go in and yell bomb. You can't have it both ways. You can't say god doesn't exist yet accuse this god of committing crimes. You are not making any sense. Which is it, did God commit these crimes or men?

in this case the people are the gun, an all powerful god is the one pulling the trigger/or not...surely such a powerful entity could wipe away all suffering in blink of an eye...what is the point of letting infants die, what point is this all powerful god trying to make with such callous behaviour?

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in this case the people are the gun, an all powerful god is the one pulling the trigger/or not...surely such a powerful entity could wipe away all suffering in blink of an eye...what is the point of letting infants die, what point is this all powerful god trying to make with such callous behaviour?

Which god are you talking about? As for infants dieing were they egyptions? As that god killed all the pharoahs first born to get even with the Egyptions for not releasing the children of Isreal. The people of the world suffer at the hands of man not God. Is a God responsible for the corruption of people and those who these people prey upon or is the society which these people are apart of the guilty. The problem with the modern world is you have corrupt governments, politicians, and societies abusing people for their own vanity. The abused are conditioned to blame God for their woes but you have to blame yourself and the society. The fact is, there is no god looking out for anyone, so you have to rely on society to look out for you. You are right such an all powerful entity could wipe out the worlds suffering if there was evidence such an entity exists. All we have is stories and because of this people suffer at the hands of man, not god.

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According to some, causing floods, 9/11, and AIDS.

Right...That's the best this God can do? He created the world, parted the sea, and led the children of Isreal to military victory when he was around. Because the momemtum of the story has led to the Children of Isreal seeing and experiencing God to being abandoned by God. The Salient points is that God's first temple was destroyed.


According to the Hebrew Bible, the First Temple was built by King Solomon (reigned c 970-c 930 BCE).[1] It was the center of ancient Judaism according to Hebrew scripture.[2] As the sole place of Jewish sacrifice, the Temple replaced the local sanctuaries and crude altars in the hills.[3] This First Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BCE

Five centuries later, this Second Temple was renovated by Herod the Great in about 20 BCE, also known as Herod's Temple. It was subsequently destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE (see The Siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE).

What has been done to replace these temples? In any case the original taberancle was built with this God's guidance through a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. The children of Israel pissed this God off so I think this temple went into the crapper. Here we are, thousands of years Later. Only one conclusion can be drawn from this God's once upon a time direct involvement to now nonexistence is this.

FAK OFF. ;) He's not listening and if he was I am sure he would do better than 9/11 and aids.

As for a flood. The Mayans which the Spanish Christians slaughtered predicted the world will be flooded on December 2012. Their God was kulkulkan, not this hebrew god.

The world has a long history of many God's.

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Brain washing and more brain washing that cleans the mind of any higher than animal thoughts. Watching that chump David

I am god Zusukie, I get preturbed and preplexed on how this now old man is still attempting to debase humanity to the level of chimps. The way the edit his documentaries shows an agenda..first you see a young human child jump from a tree into a stream..then in a split second you see a chimp doing the same thing...what he is saying is that children are monkeys..once we are brought down the level of dogs and apes - there go our human rights. We will not have any seeing we are no longer human...we might get animal rights though?

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Lets get this finally straight...God is intelligence and goodness. Evil is stupidity and ignorance. As for religion and the Old Testiment and most of the NT - it is a celebration of horrific bad behaviour by human beings..I have no idea why the world perpetuatate this evil and glorified it as cool. Religion is man made and man is stupid hence evil for the most part.

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I love relativist theism. It's so nihilistic. It really highlights how hopelessly meaningless deities are.

You have to love a story of a God freed the people from slavery, squashed the egyptians as they pursued, parted the sea to clear a path to the journey to create his tabernacle. This God is hero and you would definately want him on your side. ;) How many were wiped out along the 4O year journey to never see moses come down from the mount to see the commandments or to see this tabernacle built. That book is an oddity and what's in it is stranger than fiction.

The fact is you can't escape history or philosophy, they will haunt the hitler revisionists. This god could exist or he may not, no one will ever know unless you are chosen to know. How overt can you get, the chosen, the children of Isreal, and they are led and so forth. What a story. I am not a jew, so I am not the chosen. In any case deities only matter when you are ill or on deaths bed, see how many cry uncle then. :o You could also die a man, and embrace life! and know that life is and will always be, and that is your God.

The question is, is life intelligent? Life is all around us? Can Life be contained and defined or is it spontaneous and accident?

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Guest TrueMetis

You have to love a story of a God freed the people from slavery, squashed the egyptians as they pursued, parted the sea to clear a path to the journey to create his tabernacle. This God is hero and you would definately want him on your side. ;) How many were wiped out along the 4O year journey to never see moses come down from the mount to see the commandments or to see this tabernacle built. That book is an oddity and what's in it is stranger than fiction.

It is fiction there is no evidence of jewish slaves in Egypt.

The question is, is life intelligent? Life is all around us? Can Life be contained and defined or is it spontaneous and accident?

Certain life is intelligent, Life is all around us, Life can be contained but no suitable definition has been thought up, it is not spotaneous or and accident. Evolution is a slow process guided by fundemental rules.

Edited by TrueMetis
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You have to love a story of a God freed the people from slavery, squashed the egyptians as they pursued, parted the sea to clear a path to the journey to create his tabernacle. This God is hero and you would definately want him on your side. ;) How many were wiped out along the 4O year journey to never see moses come down from the mount to see the commandments or to see this tabernacle built. That book is an oddity and what's in it is stranger than fiction.

It is fiction. There is no evidence of the Exodus, none. All the archaeological evidence points to the Yahwe cult developing in situ in Canaan. The Hebrews were simply Canaanite tribes that, initially, put their own tribal deity at the top of the list (henotheism), and by the First Temple period it had evolved into a monotheistic religion.

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Ra - Sun God, King of the Gods

a falcon crowned with a sun disk or a man with a falcon's head

Ra was the God of the Sun. He sailed across the heavens in a boat called the 'Barque of Millions of Years'. At the end of each day Ra was thought to die and sailed on his night voyage through the Underworld, leaving the Moon to light the world above. The boat would sail through the twelve doors, representing the twelve hours of night-time. The next dawn, he was born again.

It was not always smooth sailing. During the day Ra had to fight his chief enemy, a snake called Apep. He was helped by the other gods, such as Seth and Bastet.

The sun disk on Ra's head often has a cobra round it. A cobra appears on the forehead of Pharaohs, like Tutankhamun.

Ra was the greatest of the gods and he kept his power in his secret name, which only he knew. He had started to grow old, and sometimes he dribbled. Isis collected some of his saliva and made it into a snake. She hid the snake where Ra would walk. When Ra trod on it, it bit him, and Ra screamed in pain. All the gods gathered round, but none could heal him. Isis said "If you tell me your secret name, this will give me enough magic power to heal you." Ra didn't want to do this, but eventually the pain was so bad that he had to. Isis healed him, and ever since then she has the magic powers that Ra had.

Round and Round we go, pick your god. ;) The Egyptian God Ra, The Roman God Jupiter, Budda??, Hari Krishna, Siva, The Judeo Christian God, which one is God? The Bible is 2000 years old, how many stories have been documented and survived two thousand years. Yes, life is defined, and you are in it. you are nothing more than a fading torch of life. That torch will go on out when you are on deaths bed. The book may be fiction but unless you posses the power to beat death you have nothing going for you.

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Guest TrueMetis

Round and Round we go, pick your god. ;) The Egyptian God Ra, The Roman God Jupiter, Budda??, Hari Krishna, Siva, The Judeo Christian God, which one is God? The Bible is 2000 years old, how many stories have been documented and survived two thousand years. Yes, life is defined, and you are in it. you are nothing more than a fading torch of life. That torch will go on out when you are on deaths bed. The book may be fiction but unless you posses the power to beat death you have nothing going for you.

The bible may be 2000 years old but most of the stories in them were taken from much older polytheistic religions. I have plenty going for me friends, family, and the prospects of a good career. What more does one need?

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It is fiction. There is no evidence of the Exodus, none. All the archaeological evidence points to the Yahwe cult developing in situ in Canaan. The Hebrews were simply Canaanite tribes that, initially, put their own tribal deity at the top of the list (henotheism), and by the First Temple period it had evolved into a monotheistic religion.

Then why did anyone bother writing the story down?

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I love relativist theism. It's so nihilistic. It really highlights how hopelessly meaningless deities are.

Sustaining on a diet of multiple deities is not nutritional...it's like puffed wheat and distilled water with a dash of sugar. So my the force be with you my friend! The God concept has to be a total signularity if you know what I mean. The way I have simplifed my spiritual life is to look upon all of the endless universe as a structure - and entity - a being that has consciousness...I can't imagine that us with our little bit of grey jello is smarter than all the mass and energy spread out into timeless space. It's just plain dumb to say there is no God. Sure I like you probably have contempt for man playing God - and that is what religion is - Remember the human soul is not eternal - it is simply the animated life force for the matter - it's the motor - Spirit - or Holy Spirit is God - Is the universe and is the eternal and does provide enteral being...BUT to have this good virus or parsite enter into the soul and flesh - it like a vampire has to be invited...then in effect God lives in your flesh and you have a partnership with the devine life sustaining parasite - and it is symbiotic.

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Why do people write fantasy stories?

The Bible is the greatest coherent epic that has survived the increments of time. It was constructed before modern media and the internet. It is a tower of words and a story of momentum. Whether it is true, fiction or a mattter of allegory.

al·le·go·ry (āl'ĭ-gôr'ē, -gōr'ē)

n. pl. al·le·go·ries

The representation of abstract ideas or principles by characters, figures, or events in narrative, dramatic, or pictorial form.

Everything is rooted is some truth and even if you experienced something that could not be shared unless experience by them you would not be believed. That is the world.

You have failed to establish how you have solved the problem of Man beating Death? We all die. Some faster than others. What happens then? Religion has always been about that problem. That hasn't stopped people from using religion as a way to make a living if for nothing else. That's the problem with Christian churchs, vehicles to cheat money out of people.

The machievellian view that people will have a conscious because of the various churches and religions is naive. The worlds countries has to rise above and stand on the virtues of right and wrong. Why won't this happen? Because then you will have uncovered the thrust of the Old Testament, Right, Wrong, and logic/Reasoning. That is that God. He is a god interested in Right and Wrong and you as a man can go toe toe with this God and reason with him. Of course this God is no where to be found and all we are left with is these stories.

Because this God is not around the people have to look at this book for Guidance.

Eye for Eye is the way of the OT.

The NT is to fight the good fight and let the God of Jesus deal with the Evil doers.

The question is, is the God of Jesus and the God of Moses the same? Perhaps because The God of the OT has put forward many prophets and seers to twist the minds of man. The thrust of it, is a test.

The god of the OT is about tests. The first test was Abraham ordered to sacrifice his son.

What's the point of this?

Will this God spare you from death or not. The rest of the story is the conditions of being spared. In anycase maybe life will recongize you as a force of life and keep you in it!! ;) If the earth is 5 million years old, that has given a life force alot of time to evolve and try to direct the conscious of life. Life is driven to evolve, sustain and advance.

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The Bible is the greatest coherent epic that has survived the increments of time. It was constructed before modern media and the internet. It is a tower of words and a story of momentum. Whether it is true, fiction or a mattter of allegory.

That's so subjective an argument that it pretty much cancels itself out. I happen to think the Greek mythos, especially through the Homeric tradition, much more captivating. The Bible, for the most part, is a rather dull bunch of rules interwoven into narratives of varying quality. It certainly doesn't have the magnificence of, say, the earliest Hindu writings (which hint at a rather fascinating Indo-European religion).

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Then why did anyone bother writing the story down?

Because they believed it. The stories, like the Greek and Indo-Iranian myths and legends, clearly date back to a period of oral history. But just because somebody believed these accounts at one time doesn't make them true in whole or in part. I mean, you don't seriously think Yggdrasil is real just because the ancient Germanic peoples believed it, right?

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Guest TrueMetis

Will this God spare you from death or not. The rest of the story is the conditions of being spared. In anycase maybe life will recongize you as a force of life and keep you in it!! ;) If the earth is 5 million years old, that has given a life force alot of time to evolve and try to direct the conscious of life. Life is driven to evolve, sustain and advance.

Don't really care about the other things you said but 1) the earth is 4.5 billion years old and 2) evolution is not about advancing.

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Don't really care about the other things you said but 1) the earth is 4.5 billion years old and 2) evolution is not about advancing.

Not about advancing? 25000 years ago humans lived out of caves, now we are propelled into space via technological discovery. How do you know how old the earth really is? Were around back then? Did you keep a record or is it some fancy estimation done by science. As for the rest of what I said, Samuel Jackson said in pulp fiction,

Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."

You have to watch out for those who pick up the sword of ezekiel. As I have stated over and over, this book will outlast whoever is alive and it will always be a book to send the evildoers a clear message to watch themselves. Whether this book is fiction or not, is irrelevant because it is about right and wrong, Good and evil.

If nothing else it liberates and stretches the hearts and minds of man trancending it above the vain and corrupt governance of the day.

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Not about advancing? 25000 years ago humans lived out of caves, now we are propelled into space via technological discovery.

Which is not evolution. 25,000 we were morphologically and behaviorally modern.

How do you know how old the earth really is? Were around back then? Did you keep a record or is it some fancy estimation done by science.

This is pure epistemological nihilism. To invoke it is to deny that any knowledge can be reliably gained. Were you there to watch your great-great-great-great-grandfather born? HOw do you know you have a great-great-grat-great-grandfather? Were you there to watch Latin evolve from proto-Italic or the Germanic languages split from Indo-European?

If this is your only critique of the age of the Earth, then surely you see it destroys whatever claims you like to make.

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