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Law protect racism and bully

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Um, no. That's not what was said.

You might want to read a link again.

(What's that up the road? A head?)

According to the Chinese kid that was interviewed on Chorus radio, that was what caused all of this. But what would he know; he was just there.

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"F***in' Chinese"


" F***", in Chinese.

What, exactly is the Chinese word for 'F***'? I'd honestly love to know.

(edit: And how much more 'Chinese' does that nice white boy speak?)

('nother edit: The 'Chinese kid' is Korean.)

Edited by Molly
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Interesting. No one in this thread seems to pinpoint the real issue.

The Asian-Canadian boy himself said that if he was charged then so should the other fellow. THAT's why over 150 of the other students are standing behind him! Whatever happened to "zero tolerance" for racism?

This boy has apparently never been in trouble before of any kind. He has maintained high grades. I doubt if he "went postal" merely because someone used on racially-charged name at him. Surely the case is not that simple.

The principal is really to blame! Sadly, we see this sort of thing all the time. Schools post noble sounding rules like "ZERO TOLERANCE FOR RACISM! ZERO TOLERANCE FOR BULLYING! ZERO TOLERANCE FOR NASTY WORDS!"

Indeed. I had thought that awareness of bullying was supposed to be at an all-time high. And yet, at its heart, this is a bullying story.

In the real world, it's often just crap! I've seen it myself at my daughter's school. Teachers and management ignore a problem until a victim can't stand it anymore and lashes back. At that point the victim has become "over the radar" by his or her actions so the staff take the easy route and punish the victim.

I applaud the Asian boy! No one becomes a vigilante because they want to. It's almost always because the "system" is letting them down. The other boy got what he deserved!

My little brother was often a target for bullies. (not for racial reasons, unless blond is a race. I suspect his twig-like physique, complete lack of athletic ability, and dismal social-skills were the reason.) At one particular school, the situation became so bad that he cried every day after school and often feigned illness to try to stay home. He was afraid every day. My parents spoke to the school several times and were assured that the offenders would be "spoken to". Nothing changed.

Being who I am (over-protective, fearless, irrational, ballistic temper, verrrrry good at judo...) I simply could not let that stand. I watched near by my little brother's locker one afternoon, and when I saw a kid harrassing him, I intervened. I tripped the kid to the ground, mounted him, and pummelled his face while a large crowd of kids stood around and watched. After a couple of minutes, a teacher arrived and pulled me off of the kid. He apparently was taken to hospital.

I got in a lot of trouble... the police became involved due to the seriousness of the kid's injuries... The principal was extremely upset. He was apparently shocked that the situation had escalated to such a degree. He kept asking why we didn't tell him things had gone to that level. My parents told him "We did."

I did homework on a desk in a storage-room for 2 weeks... but nobody at that school bullied my brother anymore.


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"F***in' Chinese"


" F***", in Chinese.

What, exactly is the Chinese word for 'F***'? I'd honestly love to know.

(edit: And how much more 'Chinese' does that nice white boy speak?)

('nother edit: The 'Chinese kid' is Korean.)

The kid is Korean? Now, that almost makes it funny. He was offended by a kid saying a dirty word in a language that isn't even his! Just who is the racist here?

How much more ridiculous is this story going to get?

(Actually, I'd like to know the Chinese word for f*ck too. Just curious.)

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I knew you would be coming to this one day. People are more or less intelligent based on their race. Now diversity is bad.

No wonder you believe that people should not confront racism.

Okay, so you don't think i'm right to say that diversity is a source of weakness rather then strength...

Now I will ask you to offer evidence of STRENGTH brought to us by our racial and cultural diversity... REAL CONCRETE SPECIFIC STRENGTHS.

Don't tell me about ethnic restauraunts... tell me about the various strengths that WE WOULD NOT HAVE: WITHOUT racial diversity.


I eagerly await your response and can't wait to see what you come up with.

For once BACK UP WHAT YOU SAY... stop just ASSERTING stuff out of thin air: VALIDATE IT!

Edited by lictor616
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Okay, so you don't think i'm right to say that diversity is a source of weakness rather then strength...

Now I will ask you to offer evidence of STRENGTH brought to us by our racial and cultural diversity... REAL CONCRETE SPECIFIC STRENGTHS.

Don't tell me about ethnic restauraunts... tell me about the various strengths that WE WOULD NOT HAVE: WITHOUT racial diversity.


I eagerly await your response and can't wait to see what you come up with.

For once BACK UP WHAT YOU SAY... stop just ASSERTING stuff out of thin air: VALIDATE IT!

For pretty well my whole life I've heard various dog breeders tell me that mongrels are in general stronger and that purebreds are prone to medical problems.

I've also read this as regards the breeding of other animals. I've had friends that have had to put purebred dogs down for things like hip dysplasia.

Then there are the snide comments on the children of the Royal Family in Britain and the shape of Prince Phillip's ears!

I agree with you that many cultures have negative traits that we would do well to avoid but when it comes to human bloodlines I can't help but think that from a more scientific perspective the more we mix the better the offspring.

Or would you maintain that pure bloodlines make healthier offspring?

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For pretty well my whole life I've heard various dog breeders tell me that mongrels are in general stronger and that purebreds are prone to medical problems.

I've also read this as regards the breeding of other animals. I've had friends that have had to put purebred dogs down for things like hip dysplasia.

Then there are the snide comments on the children of the Royal Family in Britain and the shape of Prince Phillip's ears!

I agree with you that many cultures have negative traits that we would do well to avoid but when it comes to human bloodlines I can't help but think that from a more scientific perspective the more we mix the better the offspring.

Or would you maintain that pure bloodlines make healthier offspring?

There's quite a big difference between ordinary Europeans and the half Jewish incestuous royal clan in Great Britain.

In essence what you're saying is that mestizos (mexicans say... who are mixtures of white and native elements) are superior humans to ... a German with no non-European ancestry...

You're saying that Brazilians are a superior form of human life... right? What evidence do you base this claim on? Life expectancy? intelligence? Susceptibility to specific diseases? Physical aptitudes?

Its a recurring liberal argument that is so often used to justify stamping out racial diversity as we know it (especially WHITE racial diversity) the notion that "of course while ALL RACES ARE EQUAL" ... mixed race people are MORE equal then puny "whites or asians"...

got that about right?

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The kid is Korean? Now, that almost makes it funny. He was offended by a kid saying a dirty word in a language that isn't even his! Just who is the racist here?

How much more ridiculous is this story going to get?

(Actually, I'd like to know the Chinese word for f*ck too. Just curious.)

Umm, are you trying to be funny? The white kid called him a "f**king Chinese", then shoved him, then punched him in the mouth...

He had heard his white classmate throw an angry racial slur in his direction after an argument during a gym class game of speedball, and now the student was shoving him backward, refusing to retract the smear.

The white student swung first, hitting the 15-year-old with a punch to the mouth.

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For pretty well my whole life I've heard various dog breeders tell me that mongrels are in general stronger and that purebreds are prone to medical problems.

I've also read this as regards the breeding of other animals. I've had friends that have had to put purebred dogs down for things like hip dysplasia.

Then there are the snide comments on the children of the Royal Family in Britain and the shape of Prince Phillip's ears!

I agree with you that many cultures have negative traits that we would do well to avoid but when it comes to human bloodlines I can't help but think that from a more scientific perspective the more we mix the better the offspring.

Or would you maintain that pure bloodlines make healthier offspring?

oh and also look at multiracial countries: Columbia, Mexico, Brazil ... would you live in any of their cities? riiiiight... take me to Iceland or Norway ANY DAY buddy.

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Now I will ask you to offer evidence of STRENGTH brought to us by our racial and cultural diversity... REAL CONCRETE SPECIFIC STRENGTHS.

The mongrel USA beat the shit out of the pure bread Nazties...

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The mongrel USA beat the shit out of the pure bread Nazties...

Correction, the US army in WW2 was 42% of German ancestry and 98% White... and THE USA ASSISTED... but did'nt at all single handedly defeat Germany... no That took 13 million Soviet Casualties (also white, majority blond, slavs) teamed-up also with Britain (who would dream to think that Jamaicans and zulus formed ANY PART of the western campaign for Great Britain?)

bring in the clowns indeed... tell me dancer, dyou get your history from the Marcuse institute?

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Kind of funny coming a nutbar who calls the royal family "half jewish" ....

The Jewish Battenbergs (who changed their name to Mountbatten) married into the Royal Family... so the Royal family: Are Gotha's and Battenbergs... Jewish, German English bastards.

Also, each male child of the royal family is routinely circumsized by the YIddish penis clipper of London (the Mohel).

also, directly translated into Hebrew: BRITISH is: BRIT: "DEAL"


british means "DEAL MAN" in Hebrew... also the Big Ben has a star of david on the Clock... anyways... you'll probably go ahead and call me a disgusting swine for naming all these undisputed and indisputable facts.

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How did a thread about bullying become a rant for a degenerate white supremists?

How did my simple question of listing the strengths of "diversity" get you to start talking about WW2?

Can you answer Canadien's question for him?


I shall be AMAZED if you answer honestly ... You will just derail (yet again) a legitimate question and spout ad hominem nonsense to avoid a most simple question.

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Note to self:

If anyone on this board calls you a racist or bigot ever again, quote this guy's posts

Correction, the US army in WW2 was 42% of German ancestry and 98% White... and THE USA ASSISTED... but did'nt at all single handedly defeat Germany... no That took 13 million Soviet Casualties (also white, majority blond, slavs) teamed-up also with Britain (who would dream to think that Jamaicans and zulus formed ANY PART of the western campaign for Great Britain?)

bring in the clowns indeed... tell me dancer, dyou get your history from the Marcuse institute?

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Okay, so you don't think i'm right to say that diversity is a source of weakness rather then strength...

Now I will ask you to offer evidence of STRENGTH brought to us by our racial and cultural diversity... REAL CONCRETE SPECIFIC STRENGTHS.

Don't tell me about ethnic restauraunts... tell me about the various strengths that WE WOULD NOT HAVE: WITHOUT racial diversity.


I eagerly await your response and can't wait to see what you come up with.

For once BACK UP WHAT YOU SAY... stop just ASSERTING stuff out of thin air: VALIDATE IT!

You know me. You know that unllllike you I do not believe that diversity in a society is in and by itself a source of either strenght or wekness.

Sooooooo why don't YOU amuse us by providing 'proof' of what you claim. And don;t forget about advocating for "separation of races either", since it's the enxt step in your progression towards the absurd.

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There's quite a big difference between ordinary Europeans and the half Jewish incestuous royal clan in Great Britain.

Now I must admit that for the first time you're surprising me. Stepping down to the anti-Jewish stuff without stopping first at "let's separate the races"...

Considering all your nonsense about how iq is linked tto intelligence is linked to race, I am surprised by your lack of respect towards the British Royal Family. After all, if they are half Jews (which about anyone but you knows is BS but that's besides the point), and considering that the Askhenazi have an average iq of 120... :lol: :lol: :lol:

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You know me. You know that unllllike you I do not believe that diversity in a society is in and by itself a source of either strenght or wekness.

Sooooooo why don't YOU amuse us by providing 'proof' of what you claim. And don;t forget about advocating for "separation of races either", since it's the enxt step in your progression towards the absurd.

? Would this particular thread and media hullabaloo about "racism" be possible without RACIAL DIVERSITY?

Does racism exist in a homogeneous society?

How many governmental agencies, special human rights tribunals, equal opportunity committees, affirmative action clerks and bureaucrats, race relations experts, media reporting on race relations are needed in Japan or Korea or any other homogeneous society?

I mean tell me you're just playing dumb- surely you realize that racism (real or imagined) is only possible when different races coexist in the same society right?

And anyways if diversity (as you say) doesn't do anything... why is it right to call it a strength?

alarm bells are ringing Canadien..

How many curtailments to freedom of speech have already been made ALL for the sake of diversity? How many funds are diverted to promote it? If (as you say) racial diversity is at best useless?

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Correction, the US army in WW2 was 42% of German ancestry and 98% White... and THE USA ASSISTED... but did'nt at all single handedly defeat Germany... no That took 13 million Soviet Casualties (also white, majority blond, slavs) teamed-up also with Britain (who would dream to think that Jamaicans and zulus formed ANY PART of the western campaign for Great Britain?)

bring in the clowns indeed... tell me dancer, dyou get your history from the Marcuse institute?

Tpp bad you were not around there to correct the Nazi propaganda machine when it was denouncing the Asian hordes coming from Siberia :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Tpp bad you were not around there to correct the Nazi propaganda machine when it was denouncing the Asian hordes coming from Siberia :lol: :lol: :lol:

oh ha ha ha!

yeah the east russians (0.5% of the Red Army)... riiiight

my oh my do you like to pitch and roll and wriggle your way out of having to justify your assertions...

there we go again:


answer that tough guy...

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The Jewish Battenbergs (who changed their name to Mountbatten) married into the Royal Family... so the Royal family: Are Gotha's and Battenbergs... Jewish, German English bastards.

Strange what a little search on the Web, including visitng three different genealogy web sites and one discussion forum cn do. All point to the origin of the Battenberg family being count Hans Maurice Hauke, a German who became a general in the Russian Army in the arly 18th century, and his fater a school teacher in Prussian Poland. General and teacher.. clearly two occupations widely opened to Jews in those days, right?

Now you are of course welcome to produce genealogical information that validates your claim. sorry, but sites on Jewish conspiracy and family trees linking the Royal Family to David and Mohammed do not count.

Also, each male child of the royal family is routinely circumsized by the YIddish penis clipper of London (the Mohel).

And you found that one where?

also, directly translated into Hebrew: BRITISH is: BRIT: "DEAL"


british means "DEAL MAN" in Hebrew...

And I thought it came from a word in the Old English language, Bryttisc meaning Briton

also the Big Ben has a star of david on the Clock

You got one thing right. Pigs do fly

... anyways... you'll probably go ahead and call me a disgusting swine for naming all these undisputed and indisputable facts.

Nope. I'll call you an idiot for posting that

Edited by CANADIEN
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