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Obama, is he sinsiter?

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After the long debate about whether mercury perservatives in vacine incite the onslaught of autism in children - Obama along with the investigative courts and phama experts annoucne that vacines that contain mercury have no connection to the inflicition of autism on children. Why Obama would envolve himself by personally commenting on the postive results of the hearings regarding the injestion though injection of mercury into the bodies of developing children is almost beyound me. If you know your history there was a term - "Mad as a hatter" - The lunitic character in the Alice in Wonderland story was inspired by the toxic effects of mercury on those handling it back in the 1800s. They did not know it at the time but there was a trend amoung those who made hats treated with mercury to go stark raving mad - hence the term mad hatter. It's common knowledge that mercury effects the brain and central nervous system - that it is a deadly toxin....so you would assume that Obamas' statement should have stayed reserved - but know - he stuck up for big pharma even though mercury in vacine is simply not a good idea. Makes me wonder and almost wants me to suck on a thermometer out of sheer spite to prove my case...Obama may just have the normal tow the party line madness that inflicted Bush.

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This is really strange. Obams has been injecting himself into many different debates that have nothing to do with what the Potus should be personally opining about. The press, in a shocking development, has been eating it up.

You just used to a President who did dick all and couldn't say anything intelligent.

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What does the science say? Is the amount of mercury in vaccines supposedly small enough that it doesn't have an effect?

Why would even a drop need to be in some vacines? This is like thinking that a drop of cyinide in the babys' formula is okay....NONE IS ABOUT RIGHT.. Today I did a rant on the local talk radio show - I said that no mercury what so ever is exceptable...Then I said to the host - "Just because you hear the offical word "court" they assume that it's toally realistic true and honest" to para phrase...After I got off the air the dweeds started going on that I was anti-science and anti-medicine - these lackies would say anything to maintain the status quo as long AS THEY GOT PAID....and that is the problem - the evidence (studies) are paid for by who knows who and is the outcome true and real....I suspect that they just like a tad of mercury much like aspertane --- which is out lawed in most nations because it makes you stupid....mercury makes you stupid ----But those that rule are stupid and need to have us be just a little more stupid for the game to work....what a joke :lol:

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You just used to a President who did dick all and couldn't say anything intelligent.

Oh yes, that is better than Obama who pushed a 1000 page bill without any time for even a group of people to read it. Almost no one has read these 1000 pages. What is so fucking stupid is that the politicians passed it anyways.

Obama is not intelligent. he has said nothing of content. His words are empty. Pretty yes. Sparkle Sparkle.



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Why would even a drop need to be in some vacines? This is like thinking that a drop of cyinide in the babys' formula is okay....NONE IS ABOUT RIGHT.. Today I did a rant on the local talk radio show - I said that no mercury what so ever is exceptable...Then I said to the host - "Just because you hear the offical word "court" they assume that it's toally realistic true and honest" to para phrase...After I got off the air the dweeds started going on that I was anti-science and anti-medicine - these lackies would say anything to maintain the status quo as long AS THEY GOT PAID....and that is the problem - the evidence (studies) are paid for by who knows who and is the outcome true and real....I suspect that they just like a tad of mercury much like aspertane --- which is out lawed in most nations because it makes you stupid....mercury makes you stupid ----But those that rule are stupid and need to have us be just a little more stupid for the game to work....what a joke :lol:


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What does the science say? Is the amount of mercury in vaccines supposedly small enough that it doesn't have an effect?

What does science say. Well it depends. How were the test done? They were most likely done in a bubble. If it is a preservative, than it is not essential. Preserve what?

Well, concerning the Canadian Action Party, their new leader is campaigning about vaccines and what they do, and that doesn't even mention the mercury in them.

Dental amalgams are still mostly mercury.

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So I guess you will just accept that, without thinking these global organizations or centralized institutions. If the finacials who graduated from top schoold like harvard can mess up, so can scientists. If politicians can mess up, so can scientists.

Are there options. Oh wait, that would be a free-market and that is bad.

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So I guess you will just accept that, without thinking these global organizations or centralized institutions. If the finacials who graduated from top schoold like harvard can mess up, so can scientists. If politicians can mess up, so can scientists.

Are there options. Oh wait, that would be a free-market and that is bad.

I will take proof over made up shit. Show me some.

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At least it is something beyond blind belief.

Oh? I would consider taking the word of media or monolithic institutions the same as the Bible or catholic church. you have not seen the study, just you have not seen hell. I'm not going to believe them. So who really has the blind belief? I am being sceptical, I am being safe, unlike you. What if you are outside the statistical average. Remember they are averages. We are products of evolution and nature, there is no such thing as standards in nature.

If you have an article that shows the other side of the story I would love to read it.

It doesn't really matter. The word is mercury is bad for you, why intentionally add it when you don't need to. Where is the choice. That is the argument. they use mercury because it is cheap. Remember the car commercial. ''It's not cheap, it is inexpensive. You cut your own hair. That's cheap.'' no different than McDonalds.

Edited by Huston
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Oh? I would consider taking the word of media or monolithic institutions the same as the Bible or catholic church. you have not seen the study, just you have not seen hell. I'm not going to believe them. So who really has the blind belief? I am being sceptical, I am being safe, unlike you. What if you are outside the statistical average. Remember they are averages. We are products of evolution and nature, there is no such thing as standards in nature.

It doesn't really matter. The word is mercury is bad for you, why intentionally add it when you don't need to. Where is the choice. That is the argument.

Your arguement is just crazy you know that right? It goes a little something like this:

-Mercury is bad for you I know this becuase Science has proved it has serious long term effects

-Thus Mercury in vaccines must also be bad for (up to here I fallow you BTW)

-I Refuse to believe the Mercury in vaccines becuase it disappears so fast might not have any ill effects because evil science has studied it and everyone knows they are in bed with the NWO.

Look if it is bad for you which it very well might be find me a study I know it has been done becuase they proved Cigarettes were bad for you despite the Government and Scientist being in bed with the biggest and Richest organizations ever. So read and find some I can also read and become more educated. Please.

It isn't there for no reason there is a reason to have it i the vaccines "to help prevent potentially life threatening contamination with harmful microbes" seems like a good cause to me.

Also lets remember this isn't and Obama thing it is a Bush thing.


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Your arguement is just crazy you know that right? It goes a little something like this:

-Mercury is bad for you I know this becuase Science has proved it has serious long term effects

-Thus Mercury in vaccines must also be bad for (up to here I fallow you BTW)

-I Refuse to believe the Mercury in vaccines becuase it disappears so fast might not have any ill effects because evil science has studied it and everyone knows they are in bed with the NWO.

Nice strawman. Oh science is not evil. However, you don't what science is. I haven't found an article because there is no information out there. I can't find this god, but I can find the Bibles. Like your CTV article. The facts are elusive though.

Look if it is bad for you which it very well might be find me a study I know it has been done becuase they proved Cigarettes were bad for you despite the Government and Scientist being in bed with the biggest and Richest organizations ever.

So if you say that for ciggarrettes, why not Thiomersal? As far as a I know, Thiomersal is used by those huge rich organizations which the government and scientists are in bed with. It is all big pharma, and it is a lot more powerful than measily tabocco companies.

So read and find some I can also read and become more educated. Please.

Okay. I'll find some more CTV articles. :rolleyes:

There is this:


You want to know why it is an antisceptic. This article describes. But is it discriminatory like way your immune system is at rupturing bacterial and fungal cell membranes and DNA?

All the CTV test include is how fast it is removed from the body. And? What about what it is doing as it passes through. maybe it is nothing. But 10 years after use. How about like most DNA damaging toxins. 50 years. But, thats just too much. No body monitors their life like that. this is the flaw of the study. The fact for god still have not arrived, so why should I take the Bibles word for it. You are, I am not.

It isn't there for no reason there is a reason to have it i the vaccines "to help prevent potentially life threatening contamination with harmful microbes" seems like a good cause to me.

Of course it is there for a reason. Then again, how would the vaccine come into contact with dangerous micro-organism. They need to get more kosher. They are pharma, so they do work with dangerous virus, bacteria and fungi. You would think they would be kosher with the risk of contamination. Oh well, as I said, it is a cheap solution. The poor people get cheap things. Like mercury fillings.

Also lets remember this isn't and Obama thing it is a Bush thing.

Does it matter? I made a separate comment of Obama in this thread, and it was not linked to this.

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Nice strawman. Oh science is not evil. However, you don't what science is. I haven't found an article because there is no information out there. I can't find this god, but I can find the Bibles. Like your CTV article. The facts are elusive though.

So if you say that for ciggarrettes, why not Thiomersal? As far as a I know, Thiomersal is used by those huge rich organizations which the government and scientists are in bed with. It is all big pharma, and it is a lot more powerful than measily tabocco companies.

Okay. I'll find some more CTV articles. :rolleyes:

There is this:


You want to know why it is an antisceptic. This article describes. But is it discriminatory like way your immune system is at rupturing bacterial and fungal cell membranes and DNA?

All the CTV test include is how fast it is removed from the body. And? What about what it is doing as it passes through. maybe it is nothing. But 10 years after use. How about like most DNA damaging toxins. 50 years. But, thats just too much. No body monitors their life like that. this is the flaw of the study. The fact for god still have not arrived, so why should I take the Bibles word for it. You are, I am not.

Of course it is there for a reason. Then again, how would the vaccine come into contact with dangerous micro-organism. They need to get more kosher. They are pharma, so they do work with dangerous virus, bacteria and fungi. You would think they would be kosher with the risk of contamination. Oh well, as I said, it is a cheap solution. The poor people get cheap things. Like mercury fillings.

Does it matter? I made a separate comment of Obama in this thread, and it was not linked to this.

The point of the CTV article which again comes from a study is that the Comparing the Mercury in vaccines to that which is ingested is wrong to do becuase it breaks down so quick. Your study however is not a study on how the mercury effects people but how it effects cells. That is fine it also goes on to say if you keep cells in this Thiomersal the cell breaks down, however it does not say that it crosses the cell membrane to effect the DNA but it eats away at it. Well that cell wont divide after that membrane is broken, that is the total point. It is then a dead cell it "may" this has yet to be proven but I am willing to humour you because it can happen in bacteria and with priors it "may" come in contact with other cells and that dead cell DNA could have an effect on the live cells. But that is really reaching from your article.

It would be nice to see a stat saying that those who were vaccinated were more likely to develop something but that stat does not exist. It has a justified reason to be in these vaccines.

Some reading

This one talks about a study of monkey and concentration


This one is a long term study of those with the vaccines and Stats that show it leads to no higher risks, unlike the studies of Cigarettes.


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This one talks about a study of monkey and concentration


Yes, concentrations. Considering they turn the monkeys brain to mush (slurry), how can they tell what damage may have occured? All you're article pinpoint the expulsion rates of the compound. So?

This is interesting, and the point I am trying to indicate:

One of the day 28 brain samples from the MeHg exposure group had a spuriously high total Hg concentration, that is, a concentration of 151 ng/g, which is more than 50% higher than the other samples obtained on day 28 (71–90 ng/mL) and higher than those observed at the earliest sacrifice time at day 2 (75–129 ng/g). The unreasonably high concentration is most likely due to contamination of the sample.

Hmm, contamination. Which could be through many ways. Since they turn the brain to slurry, there would be no way to figure what this monkey would turn out to be. no investigation on why it had higher level. A mistake? Or some other reason. But since it doesn't fit the satistics, it will not be analyze.

It is strange they want to compare thimerosal with MeHg. What about the ethylmercury, that is derived from the thimerosal. All I see is the inorganic, Hg with only one of the organic compounds MeHg. Where is the ethylmercury? Article claims it breaks down faster than MeHg, but it doesn' t give nay parameters, nor does it even record it consentrations. if ethylmercury break down to organic mercury a lot quicker then methylmercury, that should prove to be more dangerous. Concentrations are all good and well, but the damage is still done. I guess your neurons are not that important. it doesn;t matter if the mercury is expelled quickly or not. It is still exposed to the brain as indicated by this study.

This one is a long term study of those with the vaccines and Stats that show it leads to no higher risks, unlike the studies of Cigarettes.


1988-1997. How about older. Alzheimer's disease with continual influenza vaccinations? Oh, and this article is still under peer review. As for cigarettes, who said it is parallel to it? I thought the cigarette argument was just about the lobbying?

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Keep it basic. And ask what the powers that be want of the population. Do they want healthy, intelligent and vigorous members? Or are they happy with a slighly poisoned population with less intelligence and less vigor? Does big pharma care about people or is the almighty bottom line so over powering that a little bit of inflicted supidity inflicted on the populace via toxins is exceptable? It's really about love --- Do the producers of such things as vacine care and are they motivated by love - or by a disconnected mind comprised of greed - pseudo justification of the contempt they have for average people? Simply put - do those that generate billions from all pharma product have any real ethics other than the survival of their kingdom of parasitic exploitation?

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