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Why is atheism seen as such a threat?


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I'll proudly call myself an atheist until the day I die. It's a good label, and just because a pack semi-literate idiots don't know what the word means is not my problem.

Eternal life can only be attained through Jesus Christ. He will forgive your sins as He has already given the. He asks for nothing except your blind devotion. A small price to pay for everlasting life and His eternal love.

I find it most sad for your children, if you have any, as I'm sure you've been poisoning them with this nonsense all their life. Why not show them both sides and let them decide for themselves? What are you afraid of?

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Eternal life can only be attained through Jesus Christ. He will forgive your sins as He has already given the. He asks for nothing except your blind devotion.

I'm not prepared to give blind devotion to a character at best loosely based on some 1st century Holy Man.

A small price to pay for everlasting life and His eternal love.

Are you trying to reformulate Pascal's Wager here?

I find it most sad for your children, if you have any, as I'm sure you've been poisoning them with this nonsense all their life. Why not show them both sides and let them decide for themselves? What are you afraid of?

Tough. I don't owe you or that overwrought bit of pomposity in Rome anything. It's a free country. You're allowed to raise your kids your way and I'm allowed to raise mine the way I want.

You know less about your own church than I know about it, so somehow you telling me I'm poisoning my kids is pretty laughable. Didn't your god-cum-man once say "Pick the rafter from your own eye before you pick the needle from your brother's"?

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I'm not prepared to give blind devotion to a character at best loosely based on some 1st century Holy Man.

Are you trying to reformulate Pascal's Wager here?

Tough. I don't owe you or that overwrought bit of pomposity in Rome anything. It's a free country. You're allowed to raise your kids your way and I'm allowed to raise mine the way I want.

You know less about your own church than I know about it, so somehow you telling me I'm poisoning my kids is pretty laughable. Didn't your god-cum-man once say "Pick the rafter from your own eye before you pick the needle from your brother's"?

Often the more you drill them the more they'll rebel later in life, hopefully they don't end up resenting you.

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Often the more you drill them the more they'll rebel later in life, hopefully they don't end up resenting you.

I don't drill them in anything. You seem to think you know me, but you don't. I don't preach atheism at my kids. I'm more concerned about them being decent human beings than about them trying to buy their way into heaven by hoping to stumble on the right dogmatic proclamations.

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I don't drill them in anything. You seem to think you know me, but you don't. I don't preach atheism at my kids. I'm more concerned about them being decent human beings than about them trying to buy their way into heaven by hoping to stumble on the right dogmatic proclamations.

Lol, what a last word freak you are Toad.

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Resentment for drilling 'jesus is your saviour' into them ... yes indeed.

I show them how empty their life would be without Jesus. I drive them downtown T.O and show them the homeless, the drug addicts, the hookers, the homosexuals, the abortion clinics and all the rest who've lost their faith in Jesus Christ. I tell them that if those people had lived Christian lives they wouldn't be in their current situation as they would be moral and responsible. Instead they've turned their backs on God and are reaping what they sow. At the same time teaching them that God has the power to forgive them of their sins at any time if they so choose. Hope is never lost which is why it's important to help these people as it gives us a chance to tell them about Jesus and what He can do for them.

Edited by Mr.Canada
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I show them how empty their life would be without Jesus. I drive them downtown T.O and show them the homeless, the drug addicts, the hookers, the homosexuals, the abortion clinics and all the rest who've lost their faith in Jesus Christ.

I find it interesting that you lump all of these things together and then attribute their existence to an absence of God.

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I find it interesting that you lump all of these things together and then attribute their existence to an absence of God.

As interesting as it may be it doesn't change that these people are living without Jesus. If they were walking with Jesus their lives would reflect that.

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I show them how empty their life would be without Jesus. I drive them downtown T.O and show them the homeless, the drug addicts, the hookers, the homosexuals, the abortion clinics and all the rest who've lost their faith in Jesus Christ. I tell them that if those people had lived Christian lives they wouldn't be in their current situation as they would be moral and responsible.

Perchance do you show them Ted Haggert pictures and stories, imprisoned pedophile priests and so on? I suppose to give them a balanced viewpoint?

Do you tell them about the druggie and prostitute who was at one time heavily involved in the church until the time they were abused and tried to seek help from the same church yet only be turned away?

I suppose the question is, are you honest with them? Or do you just toe the party line, much the same as the union line. "Them bad...us good"

Instead they've turned their backs on God and are reaping what they sow. At the same time teaching them that God has the power to forgive them of their sins at any time if they so choose. .

And then you can follow up with a pic of them in jail. Now that would be balance.

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I show them how empty their life would be without Jesus. I drive them downtown T.O and show them the homeless, the drug addicts, the hookers, the homosexuals, the abortion clinics and all the rest who've lost their faith in Jesus Christ.
That's funny. I know homeless people, drug-addicts, hookers, homosexuals and women who have had abortions that all have the utmost faith in Jesus Christ. I also know people who have no faith in Jesus Christ that aren't any of those things, nor are their lives empty. IOW, ad hoc.
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Resentment for drilling 'jesus is your saviour' into them ... yes indeed.

Thats exactly what happened in my family.

My parents forced us to go to church, forced us to go to catholic school, etc..

One by one, as each of the eight of us reached an age to make our own decisions we all stopped going to church. Now only 2 of the 8 still occasionally go to church. The other 6 are atheists or just don't care about religion what-so-ever.

You don't do yourself or your kids any favours by trying to force any ideal on them. You are setting yourself up for disappointment.

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Thats exactly what happened in my family.

My parents forced us to go to church, forced us to go to catholic school, etc..

One by one, as each of the eight of us reached an age to make our own decisions we all stopped going to church. Now only 2 of the 8 still occasionally go to church. The other 6 are atheists or just don't care about religion what-so-ever.

You don't do yourself or your kids any favours by trying to force any ideal on them. You are setting yourself up for disappointment.

Choosing to be an atheist doesn't make the choice a correct one.

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I show them how empty their life would be without Jesus. I drive them downtown T.O and show them the homeless, the drug addicts, the hookers, the homosexuals, the abortion clinics and all the rest who've lost their faith in Jesus Christ.

Hey, I have a question.

If believing in Jesus cures homosexuality, why have so many faggot priests been caught abusing altar boys?

I find it most sad for your children, if you have any, as I'm sure you've been poisoning them with this nonsense all their life. Why not show them both sides and let them decide for themselves? What are you afraid of?

What "both" sides? There's dozens of sides. Are you educating your kids in the ways of Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, or Judaism?

My kids are going to learn to think for themselves. If they "find Jesus" when they're old enough to think for themselves, that'll be their own choice.


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Hey, I have a question.

If believing in Jesus cures homosexuality, why have so many faggot priests been caught abusing altar boys?

Pedophilia and homosexuality are separate issues. Pedo Priests are not common contrary to what you believe.

What "both" sides? There's dozens of sides. Are you educating your kids in the ways of Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, or Judaism?

My grandparents on my mothers side were Jewish, my mother was raised Christian as it was unpopular in Canada to be a Jew in the fifties. I could live in Israel if I chose to with the right of return. Outside of that I have no personal connection to other religions so we don't embrace them however in Catholic School our children are taught to respect all people and all religions.

My kids are going to learn to think for themselves. If they "find Jesus" when they're old enough to think for themselves, that'll be their own choice.


My being Catholic doesn't take away anyone's ability to think for themselves. When you go to school and learn 2+2=4, does that take away your ability to think for yourself? Of coarse not, being Catholic is no different.

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Lol, what a last word freak you are Toad.

Haha, bringing that up only implies how much you care about getting the "last word"..

While it's funny how you group together all those social "misfits" and claim that the root of the problem is the absence of god, it's even funnier to see how you included the homosexuals..

Are homosexuals really as bad a drug dealers and hookers? This makes me think of how people considered being "black" socially misguided..

On another note, being homeless has nothing to do with your moral code, you could have been a obstinate christian.... who got screwed by the bank. Jesus Christ isn't going to pay your mortgage.

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Pedophilia and homosexuality are separate issues.

Of course. But many of the victims of abuse by priests were male. Weren't you just saying that homosexuals don't believe in Jesus?

It's widely believed that the percentage of homosexual priests is greater than the percentage of homosexuals in the population at large.

Father Donald Cozzens believes that between 25% to 50% of priests are homosexuals, and this is coming from a respected academic at a respected Catholic university.

Hey, maybe instead of driving around Toronto and pointing to gays on the street to teach your kids how they'll turn out if they don't believe in Jesus, maybe you can just take them to church!

Pedo Priests are not common contrary to what you believe.

Common or not, there's countless convictions of males being molested by priests, which pretty much destroys the claim that being a Catholic makes you some kind of paragon.

My grandparents on my mothers side were Jewish, my mother was raised Christian as it was unpopular in Canada to be a Jew in the fifties. I could live in Israel if I chose to with the right of return. Outside of that I have no personal connection to other religions so we don't embrace them however in Catholic School our children are taught to respect all people and all religions.

So on the one hand you challenge atheists to "teach their kids both sides!" but on the other hand you're not teaching your kids any side except your own because you don't have any "personal connection" to other religions. Figures.

My being Catholic doesn't take away anyone's ability to think for themselves. When you go to school and learn 2+2=4, does that take away your ability to think for yourself? Of coarse not, being Catholic is no different.

So why do you drive around Toronto and point to fags and hookers and drug addicts and say "this is what happens if you don't believe in Jesus!" Is that your way of teaching your kids to think for themselves?


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Common or not, there's countless convictions of males being molested by priests, which pretty much destroys the claim that being a Catholic makes you some kind of paragon.

Not countless. 11,000 abuses by 5,000 priests since 1950. The public schools system in the US has had 290,000 from 1991-2000, 10 years!

So on the one hand you challenge atheists to "teach their kids both sides!" but on the other hand you're not teaching your kids any side except your own because you don't have any "personal connection" to other religions. Figures.

So why do you drive around Toronto and point to fags and hookers and drug addicts and say "this is what happens if you don't believe in Jesus!" Is that your way of teaching your kids to think for themselves?


The people they see are without Christ, it's obvious. They're very young still so I don't tell them everything yet. Just the basics. I want them to be exposed under a controlled environment so I can explain to them why these people are living in sin and how they can change that. I'm only 33 so you can imagine my kids age range.

I'm careful to not let them play with too many public school kids yet so they don't get confused and hear something immoral like open drug abuse or see homosexuals kissing and think it's blessed by God.

It's my job as a parent to set the boundaries and teach them ethics and morals and to respect others. Not run the streets wild and run me. I'm the parent they're the child

Edited by Mr.Canada
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I show them how empty their life would be without Jesus. I drive them downtown T.O and show them the homeless, the drug addicts, the hookers, the homosexuals, the abortion clinics and all the rest who've lost their faith in Jesus Christ.

So who do you think will get into heaven first, the blindly devoted man who drives and points his finger or the atheist who stops and buys the homeless man a bowl of soup?

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So who do you think will get into heaven first, the blindly devoted man who drives and points his finger or the atheist who stops and buys the homeless man a bowl of soup?

They need a hand up not a hand out. A hand out just keeps them there while a hand up gets them off for good.

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They need a hand up not a hand out.

Because instead of giving him soup, we should train him to do a job. That way, when he finally gets the job, he can eat....if he hasn't starved to death. Maybe we should get him that bowl of soup first?

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They need a hand up not a hand out. A hand out just keeps them there while a hand up gets them off for good.

According to Jesus, you should give them soup.

Lk. 14:12-14 Then Jesus said to his host, “When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or relatives, or your rich neighbours; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”
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