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Gays spread HIV purposely.


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Hold on a second, I shouldn't have to live in a society in which I or my children are or could be subjected to sinful behaviour; humans being what they are, this may be wishful thinking, but I have every right to express my feelings on the matter. The person that engages in sinful behaviour is not "lesser" in terms of being a human being, but they do lower themselves on a moral level, and that's what the issue is. Not wanting people to engage in such behaviours, to raise themselves up from sin, is hardly "hatred". Moreover, considering the prevelance of such sinful behaviours, what's really "alive and well" in this society is a hatred of goodness and decency.

Hold a second indeed.

We (you, I, gay, lesbians, heterosexuals, Jews, Muslims, Christians, atheists) are ALL sinners. Nobody here prevents you from expressing your opinion, nobody here is persecuting you, nobody here is forcing you to mingle with, socialize with, or to welcome in your own house people who you don't want to associate with. and Canada is not becoming a Communist country or about to become one. Equally, nobody is forcing you to live in a country where the law recognizes gays and lesbians as equal before the law.

Hoping that sinners (that is all of us) will raise from their sin is not hate, of course. Comments and attitudes that single gays and lesbians for discrimination are a form of hatred, so are comments that point out to the self-hatred that too often exists among gay men without acknowledging homophhobia as the main contributing factors, so are comments about rampant homophobia or how children need to be protected from homosexuals. And there is nothing good or decent about those comments and attitutes.

You don't share those? Good for you. You do? Don't come whining that people are persecuting you when they call it the way they see it.

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We must all raise our kids to love homosexuals according to the socialist agenda.

Jesus instructed us to love each others like He loved, to treat eveyone as we would treat Him, and that all humans are our neighbours.

It does not change the fact that homosexual acts are sinful. Since indeed they are. But it reminds us that we will we all be judged on how we loved God, and others.

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No child/youth should have to grow up in an environment where evil and sin will corrupt them, where they will be confused and racked with doubt about their sexuality because people/influences are leading them astray into homosexuality and other deviant behaviours.

Indeed. A few years back, some parents in Hamilton threatened to boycott a pre-school program unless a 4 year-old boy was expelled. His crime? They have seen him come accompanied by the two lesbian women raising him. Good for them -- could not have that boy corrupt the other boys and girls.

Two-three years ago, some parents demanded that the Toronto Public School Board exempt their children from the view of a video they thought to be promoting homosexuality. They should receive a medal; after all, everyone knows that a video in which an 11 year old actor says "it is wrong to bully me because my father is gay" will directly lead to most of its young audience becoming homosexuals.

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Homosexuals are willfully spreading and getting infected with HIV and no one wants to talk about it? I find it hilarious.

I must not be a person, then, since I clearly stated the attitude of those homosexuals who are purposely spreading the HIV virus was wrong. You are of course welcome to keep showing both your bigotry and lack of reading skills by claiming otherwise.

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No child/youth should have to grow up hiding who they are because a few people cannot accept them.

They will be confused and racked with guilt because their innate sexuality is considered "deviant" by others. They feel guilty because people like you have made them feel guilty.

They will hide who they are and not form close friendships because they are afraid of the reactionary people like you. They live their lives afraid until they are old enough to tell you to go to hell.

A child's "innate" sexuality is not homosexuality, no different that a child's "innate" language is English. The way to keep a child from being "confused and racked with guilt" about deviant sexuality is to not allow them to be exposed to it, and to teach them that it is sinful and wrong. Your argument that rasing children not to be sinful and bad is in itself bad is completely absurd and illogical.

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Indeed. A few years back, some parents in Hamilton threatened to boycott a pre-school program unless a 4 year-old boy was expelled. His crime? They have seen him come accompanied by the two lesbian women raising him. Good for them -- could not have that boy corrupt the other boys and girls.

Let's see a reference for this.

Two-three years ago, some parents demanded that the Toronto Public School Board exempt their children from the view of a video they thought to be promoting homosexuality. They should receive a medal; after all, everyone knows that a video in which an 11 year old actor says "it is wrong to bully me because my father is gay" will directly lead to most of its young audience becoming homosexuals.

Again, a reference.

Why should the child be forced to watch such a video when the video can clearly deal with anti-bullying without being specific. Incidently, the bullying that is inflicted on little children with gay parents is done by other non-Christians.

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Let's see a reference for this.

Actually, I am acting from my memory of a newspapaper article I read 4-5 years ago. Didn't find a reference on the Web today, so I am sure someone will make a fool of him/herself by claiming that I am making that one up. Except that if I wanted to use a hypothetical case, I'd say so. Besides, does anybody here think that there are no parents up there that wouldn't go to extremes such as making sure their kids are not even in contact with children of gays and lesbians?

Again, a reference.

My memory was a bit blurry on that one, I thought it was 2006, it was 2004. and I thought it was a young actor speaking about bullying of children of homosexuals when it was a social worker.(story here).

The video and discussion were part of a larger course on diversity. Which begs the question... if it is acceptable to withdraw students when the discussion turns to homosexuality, would it be acceptable to withdraw them from other parts of the class if the parents believe that non-Whites should be expelled from Canada (to give one example)?

And before anyone says "see, they were non-Christians", here's from the main page of the Hamilton-Wentworth Family Action Council

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A child's "innate" sexuality is not homosexuality, no different that a child's "innate" language is English. The way to keep a child from being "confused and racked with guilt" about deviant sexuality is to not allow them to be exposed to it, and to teach them that it is sinful and wrong. Your argument that rasing children not to be sinful and bad is in itself bad is completely absurd and illogical.

Don't you realize that it's only your opinion that homosexuality is "sinful" and wrong.

Not all people subscribe to biblical notions. Nor should they be forced to.

Do you believe that a person "aquires" sexuality in the same way they "aquire" language and speech?

If a person (stranded alone on a deserted island) who had never heard a spoken word nor ever spoken a word himself, would he discover masturbation or language?

Edited by Drea
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The video and discussion were part of a larger course on diversity. Which begs the question... if it is acceptable to withdraw students when the discussion turns to homosexuality, would it be acceptable to withdraw them from other parts of the class if the parents believe that non-Whites should be expelled from Canada (to give one example)?

More relevant, perhaps, for parents to remove their children from the classroom when the Lord's Prayer is done... oh, wait, that's been totally done away with, hasn't it, in an effort to force a secular, anti-Christian agenda...?

And before anyone says "see, they were non-Christians", here's from the main page of the Hamilton-Wentworth Family Action Council

So are you saying that Christians are instructing their children to bully children with gay "parents"? Ridiculous. I think most Christians would agree that the children are helpless victims and tools of gay-rights movement and shouldn't be punished.

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If a person (stranded alone on a deserted island) who had never heard a spoken word nor ever spoken a word himself, would he discover masturbation or language?

That's the point; language and sexuality are two different things, just like race and sexuality are two different things; but the pro-gay camp ALWAYS draws a comparison between gay rights and civil rights.

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Don't you realize that it's only your opinion that homosexuality is "sinful" and wrong.

God decided it was sinful and wrong. People who were raised with morals know this.

Not all people subscribe to biblical notions. Nor should they be forced to.

That's fine and dandy but don't tell people who do that they are bigoted and wrong for doing so. Or call us religious nuts because we decide to live in a world where God is important and we aren't too lazy to follow His laws.

Do you believe that a person "aquires" sexuality in the same way they "aquire" language and speech?

Human nature says we're attracted to the opposite sex in order to procreate. It's basic, raw, animal survival instinct. To go against that is to go against nature itself. People choose to be homosexual as it's unnatural and against God and against nature.

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More relevant, perhaps, for parents to remove their children from the classroom when the Lord's Prayer is done... oh, wait, that's been totally done away with, hasn't it, in an effort to force a secular, anti-Christian agenda...?

Nice way to avoid saying that indeed it is entirely legitimate for a parent to make sure the kids will not hear about diversity.

As for the Lord's Prayer... in a society where there is freedom of religion for all, either ALL religions can have their prayer said in the schools that belong to all, or none can.

So are you saying that Christians are instructing their children to bully children with gay "parents"? Ridiculous.

If by that you mean that I claim all, or even most, Christian parents are teaching their children to bully other children who have gay parents, you are wrong. I leave to others the pleasure of making blanket statements about adherents of a certain faith, members of a certain ethnic group, or people of a given sexual orientation as all or mostly being alike in attitudes or opinions,

There is no denying though that there are children of gays and lesbians taunted and bullied in the school years, that their are teenaged and young adult gays and lesbians threatened, bullied and sometimes attacked by the peeers. There is no denying that those incidents are hateful.. There is no denying that some of those acts are commited by children of families professing the Christian faith, and that those acts are un-Christian. There is no denying that hatred is not innate; it is learned from peers, and from families.

I think most Christians would agree that the children are helpless victims and tools of gay-rights movement and shouldn't be punished.

Helpless victims yes. But not of those who advocate that gays and lesbians should be equal citizens. They are the victims of the bullies who attack them, and from the bigots who teach the bullies to hate. Nice take on blame the victim, though.

Edited by CANADIEN
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God decided it was sinful and wrong. People who were raised with morals know this.

That's fine and dandy but don't tell people who do that they are bigoted and wrong for doing so. Or call us religious nuts because we decide to live in a world where God is important and we aren't too lazy to follow His laws.

Human nature says we're attracted to the opposite sex in order to procreate. It's basic, raw, animal survival instinct. To go against that is to go against nature itself. People choose to be homosexual as it's unnatural and against God and against nature.

You are NOT following God's laws. If you were you would not be judging nor condemning anyone.

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That's the point; language and sexuality are two different things, just like race and sexuality are two different things; but the pro-gay camp ALWAYS draws a comparison between gay rights and civil rights.

The civil rights movement was for equal human rights for all. So is the gay rights movement.

BTW. Language (that is, speaking a certain language instead of another one) is not innate in people

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The civil rights movement was for equal human rights for all. So is the gay rights movement.

BTW. Language (that is, speaking a certain language instead of another one) is not innate in people

Homosexuals have equal rights so they can be quiet now. They're going to burn in hell for all eternity being ripped apart over and over again but they have equal rights. God gets the last laugh.

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God decided it was sinful and wrong. People who were raised with morals know this.

Those who choose to truly love God do not co-opt Him for their sinful hatred either.

Human nature says we're attracted to the opposite sex in order to procreate. It's basic, raw, animal survival instinct. To go against that is to go against nature itself. People choose to be homosexual as it's unnatural and against God and against nature.

Since there are example of homsexual behaviour in the animal world, the "homosexuality is against nature" rings a bit hollow. No doubt that homosexuality is against natural law, the basic sense of what is right and wrong, but natural law is not nature. Interesting however that you confuse the two, making the same mistake as some gay-rights proponents do by confusing the two.

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Homosexuals have equal rights so they can be quiet now. They're going to burn in hell for all eternity being ripped apart over and over again but they have equal rights. God gets the last laugh.

They have equal rights, and these are not going away, so perhaps YOU should be quiet and concetrate with dealing with your own sins.

BTW, I am surprised that as a Catholic you are unaware of statements by John Paul II in 1999, that Hell is not a litteral physical place of fire and brimstone, but rather an eternal state of eternal separation from the Light of God. And do you actually believe that God LAUGHS, that He rejoices when people through their own chhoices are separated from Him for eternity.

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Nor are religious beliefs. IN order to be a Christian children are indoctrinated against their will.

I'm truly sorry that The Church hurt you in some way but that's not to say God is evil, He loves us all. Christian Children are taught what is correct, moral and good.

The opposite of that being wrong, immoral and bad which is the secular world where children are taught that men are bad, homosexuality is something to strive toward, pornography is to be worshiped and hookers, drug addicts, pimps and atheists are your role models.

No thanks. I like my kids to grow up being kids and not growing up too fast. There is something to be said for naivety of our children, We, as parents will be the role models to our children.

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I'm truly sorry that The Church hurt you in some way but that's not to say God is evil, He loves us all. Christian Children are taught what is correct, moral and good.

The opposite of that being wrong, immoral and bad which is the secular world where children are taught that men are bad, homosexuality is something to strive toward, pornography is to be worshiped and hookers, drug addicts, pimps and atheists are your role models.

No thanks. I like my kids to grow up being kids and not growing up too fast. There is something to be said for naivety of our children, We, as parents will be the role models to our children.

Ah but you have offended God's law and removed their free will to worship. God does not condone slavery, nor does He accept false prophets.

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