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We hear very little about what it really is like in Afghanistan.

The fact of the matter is that Canada has simply become another western country meddling in the affairs of a foreign country on behalf of a puppet regime.

And you know this because we hear very little ....

Some may want us there, but most apparently do not.

Apparently you know this because you hear so little....

Nine out of ten Afghans (90%) rate President Karzai positively. Attitudes toward the foreign troops in Afghanistan are also positive: 75 percent have a favorable view of US forces and 77 percent describe NATO forces as effective.


But of course sticking your fingers in your ears, you hear so little...

More than 30 percent of the population fully back the ISAF mission and a further 30 percent approve of ISAF because they believe that ISAF has increased their security. Only 19 percent are opposed to the mission. So the proportion of the Afghan population in favor of this mission lies between 60 and 80 percent.


With the Canadians and others racing through their streets at breakneck speed, running down and gunning down civilians on a regular basis, it should come as no surprise.

The biggest surprise is the size of the posterior cavity you pull these clangers out of..

Edited by M.Dancer
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Well we have a fellow you are mocking who is on his 3rd tour there...

So maybe you just aren't listening to things you don't like to hear.

So nice that MLW has become a place where mocking soldiers is a cause celebre however.


I'm not mocking anyone. I just don't think that I have to buy his or anyone else's argument based on the fact that they have a certain supposed status.

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Afghanistan has neither oil or gas...

But I doubt that would change your ill-informed opinion.

It doesn't?


"Soviet estimates from the late 1970s placed Afghanistan's proven and probable oil and condensate reserves at 95 million barrels. Oil exploration and development work as well as plans to build a 10,000-bbl/d refinery were halted after the 1979 Soviet invasion."

"The Soviets had estimated Afghanistan's proven and probable natural gas reserves at up to 5 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) in the 1970s. Afghan natural gas production reached 275 million cubic feet per day (Mmcf/d) in the mid-1970s. However, due to declining reserves from producing fields, output gradually fell to about 220 Mmcf/d by 1980. At that time, the Jorquduq field was brought online and was expected to boost Afghan natural gas output to 385 Mmcf/d by the early 1980s. However, sabotage of infrastructure by the anti-Soviet mujaheddin fighters limited the country's total production to 290 Mmcf/d, an output level that was held fairly steady until the Soviet withdrawal in 1989. After the Soviet pullout and subsequent Afghan civil war, roughly 31 producing wells at Sheberghan area fields were shut in pending the restart of natural gas sales to the former Soviet Union."

But it's more significant for its location in respect to other oil and gas resources.

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But it's more significant for its location in respect to other oil and gas resources.

Yes I heard about that several years ago. Thats why they've been talking about the pipeline for years, and Haliburton has been very interested in having troops there to protect it.

"According to the U.S. Geological Survey and the Afghan Ministry of Mines and Industry, Afghanistan may be possessing up to 36 trillion cubic feet (1,000 km3) of natural gas, 3.6 billion barrels (570,000,000 m3) of petroleum and up to 1,325 million barrels (2.107E+8 m3) of natural gas liquids."


"The US government Energy Information fact sheet on Afghanistan dated December 2000 says that.."Afghanistan's significance from an energy standpoint stems from its geographic position as a potential transit route for oil and natural gas exports from Central Asia to the Arabian Sea. This potential includes proposed multi-billion dollar oil and gas export pipelines through Afghanistan."


I think that plays a major factor as to why western countries are so interested in "liberating" Afghanistan.

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That's what you have to believe though, for one reason or another. If you actually looked at the truth about what's going on, I doubt you'd really feel such a strong conviction. I'm sure there were men in the British army in 19th century who felt that what they were accomplishing in Afghanistan was for some noble purpose, but look what has happened since then--and who remembers the men who died all those years ago for something that turned out to be in vain

Looked at the truth, i live with the truth everyday i'am over here. And for the 190 days i'm here i will spend most of that outside the wire, we talk to the locals everyday here, one can not help but be sumerged in the truth....But once again you've already cemented your opinon, and nothing i say or nothing the media prints will convince you otherwise...Looking into the past does not hold all the answers, So the british could not accomplish thier objectives in the 19 th century....they also thought that going to the moon was impossiable back then as well....different time different situation....but you can't see that because your opinon is clouded....

As for those men that died, they will be remembered....if not by people like you, then by people like me....

Boy, you just don't get it, do you? You people in the military really love to thank yourselves on behald of all Canadians--especially those who don't agree with you--in order to validate yourselves, don't you? And likening yourself to Terry Fox is a complete joke

Hey skippy slow down read the post again, Sir Bandalot was suggesting he was one of 35 million people....i was likening him to terry fox not me....but it must really piss you off that i have the balls to do something about my conviction, my beliefs....I'm here because i believe in what i do and what we are doing....i did'nt have to be here for a 3 rd time....let me ask you what have you done for your convictions, or beliefs....have you joined a NGO....or are you still trying to work up the couage to pry yourself away from your computer...

History shows that the military is more prone to inhibit rather than protect people's rights. We can only be thankful that the Canadian military is as small as it is--and underfunded. Even with its small size it has enough of an influence on politics...

Really, you can honestly say that about our military, give us a quote on any matter that has inhibit peoples rights rather than protect them....

I really happy that it gives you such joy and pride that our military is in the shape it is today.....

Why don't you get a job where you can do something positive for this world without having the capacity to kill? Work for an NGO in a warzone--but that takes balls, I guess...

Actually i love my job i have thank you....been doing it for over 28 years....thinking about retiring soon, maybe take something else up, what is it that you said you done flourist, or hair stylist....OK maybe a bit to poffie for me but if your ok with that so be it....

actually i think your a lonely old man that needs some attention....you find it on the web, bashing some people only to get a reaction....so bash away....i mean you pay my wages, the least i can do is let you vent awhile.....Hey if you give me your address maybe we can write, maybe when this tour is over i can stop by have a few beers , or in your case maybe one of those fruity wine coolers.... and chat about new flower arrangements, or new hair do's....

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Making factual statements isn't trolling; accusing others of trolling is.

Sadly, you and a few others here seem to have a special status around here and can make ad hom attacks with impunity. I've seen the list that's being compiled elsewhere of members who were in the service, but I'm starting to wonder what kind of services these members really render.

Another issue that I have with modern day militaries is the prevelance of homosexuality and homo-erotic behaviour among (supposedly) non-homosexual members.

If they would be allowed to be open about their sexuality it might not be like that. There's a thought for you; let them be themselves. By the way, how much of the armed forces are you suggesting is homosexual?

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Who the hell are we anyway? Time travelers who go back to the "Dark Ages" and the "19th century" _ To resuce the poor vortexed and trapped Afghanis? What makes everyone so sure that going forward into the future brings about real progress - look at us - are we civilized? We are the worst and most slick of the barbarians. It is none of our buisness if another group preferes to live in another era - What is it to you what they do? Absolutely nothing!

I would say that we are civilized. By the way, giving them access to new technology so they can better treat illnesses and better their quality of life is a good thing? Apparently all of them don't wish to live in another era. The ruling party(the Taliban) have held them back.

Why are you so against being there?

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Looked at the truth, i live with the truth everyday i'am over here. And for the 190 days i'm here i will spend most of that outside the wire, we talk to the locals everyday here, one can not help but be sumerged in the truth....But once again you've already cemented your opinon, and nothing i say or nothing the media prints will convince you otherwise...Looking into the past does not hold all the answers, So the british could not accomplish thier objectives in the 19 th century....they also thought that going to the moon was impossiable back then as well....different time different situation....but you can't see that because your opinon is clouded....

That's nice that you get to chat with the locals, but I hope you don't believe what they say; they're obviously not going to tell a bunch of armed [add your favorite term for "foreign soldier"] what they think of you. The truth--the real truth--is what goes behind closed doors among politicians, diplomats, business elites: these are things that you are not privy to, no matter how much time you spend on the streets chatting with the common Afghani. Don't kid yourself that you really know what's going on, because all you're there to do is pull a trigger when need be.

As for those men that died, they will be remembered....if not by people like you, then by people like me....

Okay, off the top of your head name one... Thought so. Well, that complete inability to remember just one name is basically how it'll be a hundred years from now.

Hey skippy slow down read the post again, Sir Bandalot was suggesting he was one of 35 million people....i was likening him to terry fox not me....but it must really piss you off that i have the balls to do something about my conviction, my beliefs....I'm here because i believe in what i do and what we are doing....i did'nt have to be here for a 3 rd time....let me ask you what have you done for your convictions, or beliefs....have you joined a NGO....or are you still trying to work up the couage to pry yourself away from your computer...

Having a conviction sometimes means not doing something. Why would I learn how to shoot a gun and kill people if I prefer that we all live in peace. Isn't it essentially people like you who believe that their convictions need to be enforced through violence that are the root of the problem in Afghanistan? I'll tell you one thing, it takes more balls to express one's pacifist views to a person such as yourself, than it is to always rely on the threat of violence and death to have one's views accepted. Guarenteed that in person you get flaming mad if anyone says something you don't agree with to your face.

Really, you can honestly say that about our military, give us a quote on any matter that has inhibit peoples rights rather than protect them....

Militaries in general tend to do this: yes. Has it happened in Canada: in isolated instances perhaps, depending on what side of the equation you're on. During the war of 1812, the Riel Rebellion, during World War One Canadian soldiers shot and killed civilians, broke up anti-war rallies by starting brawls; a limited extent during the FLQ crisis, by order of Trudeau ironically enough.

I really happy that it gives you such joy and pride that our military is in the shape it is today.....

Actually i love my job i have thank you....been doing it for over 28 years....thinking about retiring soon, maybe take something else up, what is it that you said you done flourist, or hair stylist....OK maybe a bit to poffie for me but if your ok with that so be it....

Awww... come on... don't retire; you make such good cannon fodder... besides, it sucks reading about somebody who gets killed during their first tour: you wouldn't want that guilt on you conscience, would you?

actually i think your a lonely old man that needs some attention....you find it on the web, bashing some people only to get a reaction....so bash away....i mean you pay my wages, the least i can do is let you vent awhile.....Hey if you give me your address maybe we can write, maybe when this tour is over i can stop by have a few beers , or in your case maybe one of those fruity wine coolers.... and chat about new flower arrangements, or new hair do's....

Oh look at this, the guy's asking me out on a date... sorry pal, but I'm not into hooking up with people over the Net. One would think you wouldn't have to resort to such a thing given your accomodations...

Edited by kengs333
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Okay, off the top of your head name one... Thought so.

Jason Patrick Warren. Montrealer, Militiaman, Black Watch RHC).

Although I'm not sure what you hoped to accomplish with your fake theatrics aside from making yourself look foolish

Militaries in general tend to do this: yes. Has it happened in Canada: in isolated instances perhaps, depending on what side of the equation you're on. During the war of 1812, the Riel Rebellion, during World War One Canadian soldiers shot and killed civilians, broke up anti-war rallies by starting brawls; a limited extent during the FLQ crisis, by order of Trudeau ironically enough.

Those wo are ignorant of history are doomed to bore me.

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That's nice that you get to chat with the locals, but I hope you don't believe what they say; they're obviously not going to tell a bunch of armed [add your favorite term for "foreign soldier"] what they think of you. The truth--the real truth--is what goes behind closed doors among politicians, diplomats, business elites: these are things that you are not privy to, no matter how much time you spend on the streets chatting with the common Afghani. Don't kid yourself that you really know what's going on, because all you're there to do is pull a trigger when need be.

Did you really just say that? Your ignorance astounds me.

Okay, off the top of your head name one... Thought so. Well, that complete inability to remember just one name is basically how it'll be a hundred years from now.

Shut the hell up dude. You just made an ass of yourself. Go back to your mother and ask her to teach you some manners. Also, see Vietnam Wall.

Having a conviction sometimes means not doing something. Why would I learn how to shoot a gun and kill people if I prefer that we all live in peace. Isn't it essentially people like you who believe that their convictions need to be enforced through violence that are the root of the problem in Afghanistan? I'll tell you one thing, it takes more balls to express one's pacifist views to a person such as yourself, than it is to always rely on the threat of violence and death to have one's views accepted. Guarenteed that in person you get flaming mad if anyone says something you don't agree with to your face.

You're right! Canada should get rid of its armed forces! Sounds like a fantastic idea! Until you wake up. But you MUST have some HUGE balls to trash an army member that is fighting to defend your country and your life, and on the internet no less.

By the way, do you know him in real life? Have you seen him having a conversation with someone face to face? Your inflated ego is annoying. My girlfriend is a pacifist. She makes her arguments based on morality and substance, not personal attacks.

Awww... come on... don't retire; you make such good cannon fodder... besides, it sucks reading about somebody who gets killed during their first tour: you wouldn't want that guilt on you conscience, would you?

Again, talk to your mother.

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Jason Patrick Warren. Montrealer, Militiaman, Black Watch RHC).

Although I'm not sure what you hoped to accomplish with your fake theatrics aside from making yourself look foolish

That's pretty bright... now how about actually naming someone from the British army who died in Afghanistan during the 19th century... that was, after all, what the question was in reference to... :rolleyes:

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Shut the hell up dude. You just made an ass of yourself. Go back to your mother and ask her to teach you some manners. Also, see Vietnam Wall.

What are you like 13 years-old "dude"?!?!!?!?!? To the best of my knowledge the Vietnam Wall doesn't include the names of men who died in Afghanistan during the 19th century while serving in the British Army...

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Guest American Woman
QUOTE=American Woman: I would like to know if this is true-- if people join the military to defend foreign assets. I always thought people signed up to defend their own nation and/or its allies.

Army Guy-- could you and/or any of the troops in your unit shed any light on this? I would really like to know how you feel about it. If my question is out of line, please forgive me; I ask only out of respect for your opinion.

Soldiers join for thousands of reasons, most will say they joined to defend our nation, to serve our nation,our queen , or to follow in the parents footsteps....or for the adventure....

During a war or crisies things such as Pipelines, dams, manufacture centers, airports, major hyways...all get protected, by military resources...without them it effects the military, but more importantly it effects the other sides civilian population....these are the people that will at one piont in the operation demand something be done be it stop the war, or escalate it further....it is the people that decide....

Did i join to protect a pipe line, NO i did not, but then again i doubt the soldiers that took Vimy joined to do that either,....it is one of the thousands of jobs soldiers do during a conflict....

First of all, thank you for your direct and honest answer. I appreciate it.

You're right, of course. Soldiers do join for many different reasons. Here in the States, many have joined for the college education. I should have stated my question more clearly; I should have asked if those who join with the belief of 'duty, honor, country' put defending other nations' assets in that category. You have answered my question, though, even though it was rather ambiguous. So again, I thank you.

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...If you actually looked at the truth about what's going on...--and who remembers the men who died all those years ago for something that turned out to be in vain?

Boy, you just don't get it, do you? You people in the military really love to thank yourselves on behald of all Canadians--especially those who don't agree with you--in order to validate yourselves, don't you? And likening yourself to Terry Fox is a complete joke.

History shows that the military is more prone to inhibit rather than protect people's rights.

Why don't you get a job where you can do something positive for this world without having the capacity to kill?

1. You show your immaturity and ignorance each and everytime you presume to know what truth is and then mock and insult others because they do not subsribe to your subjective opinions you refer to as "truth".

2.You do not get it. In fact you show yet again how you are unable to recognize or understand any opinion or feeling other then your own and dismiss anything and everything not created and prescribed by you-that makes you a closed minded, intolerant, bigot and narcissist of the highest degree. Until you can come on this post and speak to people in a civil manner without mocking or insulting them and admitting what you state is only your opinion all you are is someone who exhibits anger, intolerance and sheer ignorance as to who others are and what they believe in.

3. Military people do not thank themselves on behalf of Canadians to validate themselves. That is your fabrication-that is something you created. It is your subjective belief based on nothing but your own prejudices, stereotypes and preconceived negative views which you then assign to all people in the military. It repeats what you have done when you discuss women, Jews, gays,and other groups you have identified you feel you should criticize. You make sweeping generalizations as to their motives and beliefs, assume they are negative, and then assume they all do and engage in the exact same behaviour. That renders you an illogical and absurd person, someone who spews illogical, irrational hateful remarks designed to do but one thing insult and incite hatred to the group you target-that Sir is why you should be condemned and will be condemned time and time again on this board by so many of us.

4. Your absurd sweeping statement that history has shown the military does little but inhibit peoples' rights shows but one thing-you pretend to be an expert on history and yet never provide any historic references for your comments but do make sweeping statements as to history with no corroboration who you try pass off as historic truisms. All you spew is subjective fabrications. Everyone knows you make it up as you go along Kengs.

Your sweeping unreferenced generalized statements evidence the repeated behaviour pattern of someone who rejects and denies the outside world and all its variables. You block out the world. You then engage in a fantasy world where you create a world that only exists if you say it does and according to your rules and truisms. You live in a fantasy world that excludes and rejects everything but your own noise and that Sir renders you nothing more then someone who screams at his own echo because you lack the insight to realize it is just an echo.

5.How dare you insult yet another poster. Everyone of your posts turns into an insult to people and comments that mock them. Get a job? Who are you to lecture anyone?

6.Now you get this straight Kengs. Your above comments are cowardly. They are cowardly because you mock people you do not understand and who are not in the position to speak back. You mock brave men and women who died and will die. You mock veterans. You mock people that sacrifice in a manner you will never understand. You mock their pain and suffering. That Sir is dispicable.

You mock precisely because the people you mock sacrificed to enable a society where you can mock. That Sir is what you do not get. What you do not get is that you mock because they died and now are permanently disabled or suffer from chronic pain and trauma so that you can continue to mock.

You mock the very people that give you your life.

How dare you state soldiers self-serve their battles and sacrifices.You know nothing of them. Why don't you take yourself to a vet's hospital and shut your mouth and sit and talk to a vet.

How dare you suggest they sit and brag about killing and all they want to do is kill. That Sir proves to us all what an ignorant man you are. You label them, you label this group of people with your negative stereotypes that have been preconceived precisely because you are sheltered from war and do not understand it.

I will say this once to you. I have had the honour to listen and witness soldiers.

I have seen the pain in their eyes. That pain Sir, the fatigue in their eyes, the way they wear their weight on their shoulders and stand Sir, that is the message you can not see because you are deliberately in love with yourself and can see no reflection other then your own.

Edited by Rue
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That's nice that you get to chat with the locals, but I hope you don't believe what they say; they're obviously not going to tell a bunch of armed [add your favorite term for "foreign soldier"] what they think of you. The truth--the real truth--is what goes behind closed doors among politicians, diplomats, business elites: these are things that you are not privy to, no matter how much time you spend on the streets chatting with the common Afghani. Don't kid yourself that you really know what's going on, because all you're there to do is pull a trigger when need be.

What type of experiance do you bring to the table, Have you been to Afganistan ?, you've talked to the locals here ? you've read the intel that the locals have given us ? you have a back ground or some sort of expertize in military affairs or intel ? or is all this just an uninformed uneducated guess on your part ....

You would not know the truth if it bit you in the ass....and you truely do not understand our mission here, and what our soldiers do in a course of a day....and yes we do pull a few triggers, we also perform construction of bridges, schools, hospitals, roads and hyways, we aslo perform mobile medical clinics, and treat thousands of Afgan civilians in our hospital, we perform mercy flights with our helos, drop tones of food, blankets and other aid to the afgan people, we mentor thier police, thier military, thier governmnet officals, we provide security to NGO outfits, Red Cross pers, we also rescue them when they are held captive....the list goes on and on...

How could one spend 6 to 7 months living with the local population and not learn something about them, thier customs, thier, politics, thier wants and needs, how is that possiable.....how is it possiable that some guy sitting behind a computer all day, knows enough about any soldier to make false accusations'....

Okay, off the top of your head name one... Thought so. Well, that complete inability to remember just one name is basically how it'll be a hundred years from now.

well lets just give you a small history leason, each unit that is involved in a battle, records every death, every wounding in thier Units diaries, thats right from the time of inception that units diary is a written record of everything that unit does, on top of that thier is a scroll it lists every name of every soldier that has died while serving with that unit....In Canada there is also the book of rememberance.....held in Ottawa also listing every Canadian that has died for thier country....most mounumnets also list all the local names of those that have died....

And took this tradition off the British....so i'm sure they could not only tell you one name but every name.....

Just so we are clear, i'm guilty of not knowing every name of every Canadian soldier that has paid the ultimate price, few in this country do, but they will not be forgtten by me our others like me, thier deeds and sacrafices will not go unforgotten by thier comrads...And while that may not mean anything to you....it means everything to me...

Having a conviction sometimes means not doing something.

Thats not a conviction that is a hobby, if that....one can not believe in something as strongly as say risk your life for it...and then just sit back and do nothing.....hoping someone else solves it for you...thats is just plain dog lazy....

Why would I learn how to shoot a gun and kill people if I prefer that we all live in peace.

Nobody said you had to pick up a firearm, join the army, or anything else....there are thousands of ways and things you can do which do not involve violence, and has the same objective . But you have come on here shouting what you believe in and denoucing all others....when in fact all your doing is sitting on your ass, not doing a thing to further your cause....but then you got the balls to denouce those that had the guts, the courage, to take a stand....and do something about thier believes....

You sir , are the biggest kind of hypocrite there is....Do us all a favour stick your head back in the hole, and let those with some conviction dedate a topic they know something about....

Isn't it essentially people like you who believe that their convictions need to be enforced through violence that are the root of the problem in Afghanistan? I'll tell you one thing, it takes more balls to express one's pacifist views to a person such as yourself, than it is to always rely on the threat of violence and death to have one's views accepted. Guarenteed that in person you get flaming mad if anyone says something you don't agree with to your face.

Once again you have failed in knowing anything about your nations soldiers...pathic really, first rule of any confrontation is to know your enemy.....you've proven many times you know jack shit about anything military....I just curious how does or how did our nation become a world leader in peace keeping with all the above traits you said we had....But your all about the assumptions....

Militaries in general tend to do this: yes. Has it happened in Canada: in isolated instances perhaps, depending on what side of the equation you're on. During the war of 1812, the Riel Rebellion, during World War One Canadian soldiers shot and killed civilians, broke up anti-war rallies by starting brawls; a limited extent during the FLQ crisis, by order of Trudeau ironically enough.

I did'nt ask if militaries in general did this.....you made an accusation, now back it up with some facts....given your list it should be very easy to do....give us a quote....or are you pulling this out your ass as well....keep it up and we'll have to change your log in to ASSMAN....

Awww... come on... don't retire; you make such good cannon fodder... besides, it sucks reading about somebody who gets killed during their first tour: you wouldn't want that guilt on you conscience, would you?

While i generally enjoy making you look like a idiot, you really are making it to easy....

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1. You show your immaturity and ignorance each and everytime you presume to know what truth is and then mock and insult others because they do not subsribe to your subjective opinions you refer to as "truth".

2.You do not get it. In fact you show yet again how you are unable to recognize or understand any opinion or feeling other then your own and dismiss anything and everything not created and prescribed by you-that makes you a closed minded, intolerant, bigot and narcissist of the highest degree. Until you can come on this post and speak to people in a civil manner without mocking or insulting them and admitting what you state is only your opinion all you are is someone who exhibits anger, intolerance and sheer ignorance as to who others are and what they believe in.

3. Military people do not thank themselves on behalf of Canadians to validate themselves. That is your fabrication-that is something you created. It is your subjective belief based on nothing but your own prejudices, stereotypes and preconceived negative views which you then assign to all people in the military. It repeats what you have done when you discuss women, Jews, gays,and other groups you have identified you feel you should criticize. You make sweeping generalizations as to their motives and beliefs, assume they are negative, and then assume they all do and engage in the exact same behaviour. That renders you an illogical and absurd person, someone who spews illogical, irrational hateful remarks designed to do but one thing insult and incite hatred to the group you target-that Sir is why you should be condemned and will be condemned time and time again on this board by so many of us.

4. Your absurd sweeping statement that history has shown the military does little but inhibit peoples' rights shows but one thing-you pretend to be an expert on history and yet never provide any historic references for your comments but do make sweeping statements as to history with no corroboration who you try pass off as historic truisms. All you spew is subjective fabrications. Everyone knows you make it up as you go along Kengs.

Your sweeping unreferenced generalized statements evidence the repeated behaviour pattern of someone who rejects and denies the outside world and all its variables. You block out the world. You then engage in a fantasy world where you create a world that only exists if you say it does and according to your rules and truisms. You live in a fantasy world that excludes and rejects everything but your own noise and that Sir renders you nothing more then someone who screams at his own echo because you lack the insight to realize it is just an echo.

5.How dare you insult yet another poster. Everyone of your posts turns into an insult to people and comments that mock them. Get a job? Who are you to lecture anyone?

6.Now you get this straight Kengs. Your above comments are cowardly. They are cowardly because you mock people you do not understand and who are not in the position to speak back. You mock brave men and women who died and will die. You mock veterans. You mock people that sacrifice in a manner you will never understand. You mock their pain and suffering. That Sir is dispicable.

You mock precisely because the people you mock sacrificed to enable a society where you can mock. That Sir is what you do not get. What you do not get is that you mock because they died and now are permanently disabled or suffer from chronic pain and trauma so that you can continue to mock.

You mock the very people that give you your life.

How dare you state soldiers self-serve their battles and sacrifices.You know nothing of them. Why don't you take yourself to a vet's hospital and shut your mouth and sit and talk to a vet.

How dare you suggest they sit and brag about killing and all they want to do is kill. That Sir proves to us all what an ignorant man you are. You label them, you label this group of people with your negative stereotypes that have been preconceived precisely because you are sheltered from war and do not understand it.

I will say this once to you. I have had the honour to listen and witness soldiers.

I have seen the pain in their eyes. That pain Sir, the fatigue in their eyes, the way they wear their weight on their shoulders and stand Sir, that is the message you can not see because you are deliberately in love with yourself and can see no reflection other then your own.

Report him, I already did. If enough people report then he is gone. There are other places on the internet to go around and blatantly insult people. I have no problem with the odd barbs going back and forth, but stalking posts and laying down insults without debate is nonsense. I have seen others banned for less.

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History shows that the military is more prone to inhibit rather than protect people's rights. We can only be thankful that the Canadian military is as small as it is--and underfunded. Even with its small size it has enough of an influence on politics...

Well, that's some odd thinking there. It seems to presume that rights are never to be inhibited, which is rather an anarchistic point of view.

A military is, in essence, a weapon. As with any weapon, it cannot operate itself, and thus for what ends it is used achieve depends fully on the individual(s) in control of it. That means a military itself can never tip the balance between freedom and law; it is only those with control of a military who can. So, get rid of militaries, one might say, and potential despots will be denied the weapon they need to empower themselves. But, it is essential for a stable and functional human society to have a certain combination of both freedoms and restrictions. Who else, then, to protect the freedoms and enforce the restrictions other than that military which the society has built (including the police forces)? Indeed, without armed forces, who would stop despots from building militaries? Armed forces are a necessary part of human civilisation, even if unfortunately so.

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How could one spend 6 to 7 months living with the local population and not learn something about them, thier customs, thier, politics, thier wants and needs, how is that possiable.....how is it possiable that some guy sitting behind a computer all day, knows enough about any soldier to make false accusations'....

So if I drove down to Ottawa and walked into a Variety Store and asked the owner how his day was going, if he'd hear of any criminal activity in the neighbourhood, this would give me expert knowledge about about backroom dealing by politicians, businesspeople, and diplomats. Geez, I think I'll give Mike Duffy a call and tell him he's wasting his time with his extensive web of contacts in government--what he really should be doing is chatting up any old person he happens to run into at the local Tim Hortons... :rolleyes:

well lets just give you a small history leason, each unit that is involved in a battle, records every death, every wounding in thier Units diaries, thats right from the time of inception that units diary is a written record of everything that unit does, on top of that thier is a scroll it lists every name of every soldier that has died while serving with that unit....In Canada there is also the book of rememberance.....held in Ottawa also listing every Canadian that has died for thier country....most mounumnets also list all the local names of those that have died....

And took this tradition off the British....so i'm sure they could not only tell you one name but every name.....

Honestly, you're the last person who should be giving anyone history lessons. I've asked you to name one British soldier who died in Afghanistan fighting to preserve a British Empire that no longer really exists, which was founded on a social, racial, and ideological outlook that I'm sure you don't care the least about. Well, you have yet to do so. And one things for sure, were you to die before your tour ends, in 100 years time you'll no doubt be long forgotten as well. Chances are is that Canada will probably be an (or a series of) Islamic republic(s) by then anyway, and so not only would you be forgotten but the the whole nature of Canada's mission in Afghanistan subject to islamic revisionism, just like Canada's Anglo-Saxon past is subject to postcolonialist revisionism. But I guess for someone like you, these broader concerns don't mean anything, do they? Suit yourself.

Thats not a conviction that is a hobby, if that....one can not believe in something as strongly as say risk your life for it...and then just sit back and do nothing.....hoping someone else solves it for you...thats is just plain dog lazy....

Nobody said you had to pick up a firearm, join the army, or anything else....there are thousands of ways and things you can do which do not involve violence, and has the same objective .

Okay, you just completely contradicted yourself here. First you call me lazy for having the conviction to not do certain things, then you state that one does not have to do certain things to have the "same objective".

You sir , are the biggest kind of hypocrite there is....Do us all a favour stick your head back in the hole, and let those with some conviction dedate a topic they know something about....

Once again you have failed in knowing anything about your nations soldiers...pathic really, first rule of any confrontation is to know your enemy.....you've proven many times you know jack shit about anything military....

For all you know I could be in Afghanistan right now. Look at the closest person to you--that could be me!!!

I did'nt ask if militaries in general did this.....you made an accusation, now back it up with some facts....given your list it should be very easy to do....give us a quote....

I stated several well known examples, so why are you asking me for "proof"????

or are you pulling this out your ass as well....keep it up and we'll have to change your log in to ASSMAN....

Again with the homo-eroticism.

While i generally enjoy making you look like a idiot, you really are making it to easy....

Coming from someone who knows jack all what he's talking about... :rolleyes:

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