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Isn't it time to slow down immigration?

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Imagine if I said "Ya, that's why I hate the burbs.... too many white people."

Not too cool is it?

The city isn't for everyone. Not everyone desires to be urbanized. Nothing wrong with that.

You don't like the burbs' fine by me. Live where ever you want. That's the freedom we have.

It doesn't matter to me what is "cool" or what isn't.

What matter's to me is that what I'm saying is true and cannot be proven wrong.

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The city isn't for everyone. Not everyone desires to be urbanized. Nothing wrong with that.

You don't like the burbs' fine by me. Live where ever you want. That's the freedom we have.

It doesn't matter to me what is "cool" or what isn't.

What matter's to me is that what I'm saying is true and cannot be proven wrong.

It appears to me that the segregation is caused more by financial divides than by race, religion or anything else.

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It appears to me that the segregation is caused more by financial divides than by race, religion or anything else.

Oh really. I happen to live out here. The house prices are the same.

In case you missed my previous response to your other post here it is again.

Exactly the reason the suburbs keep getting farther away. We live in Halton Hills and are safe so far as there's no transit. We keep voting against it. We've seen what happens to places that have transit.

Like it or not white people are constantly moving further away trying to get away from that. I'm not sure if people do it subconciously or not but that would be an interesting study.

Are all people who leave the GTA racists to your mindset?

If you want a perfect example of why we move out, here it is. Go shop or stroll into the Wal-Mart at Boivard and Hwy 10 on Saturday morning. Than go to the Wal-Mart in Georgetown the same day. You'll see a huge difference.

Edited by Mr.Canada
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Does not deny my observation.

Of course it does. People in Halton Hills make the same amount of money as people in the GTA. Housing prices are the same. Only difference is the demographics. Why you so afraid to admit the truth. People largely prefer the company of their own race. Maybe you don't but many do, including new Canadians as evidenced by their self segregation into the various racial areas of the city.

Very simple.

Edited by Mr.Canada
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Of course it does. People in Halton Hills make the same amount of money as people in the GTA. Housing prices are the same. Only difference is the demographics. Why you so afraid to admit the truth. People largely prefer the company of their own race. Maybe you don't but many do, including new Canadians as evidenced by their self segregation into the various racial areas of the city.

Very simple.

Are you saying you live in an exclusively White community?

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Do you think it's going to stay this way?

What will you do when immigrants from India start buying houses around yours? Move further North?

Here's the solution! ;) Maybe you can force the government through democracy to establish White Reservations and since the indians have it so good you can pass a law and call it the White Act. Add to this the Federal Department of Caucasian Affairs and since you don't know squat about your life--have the indians run the department and the huge beaurocracy and soak up the billions of dollars. Then use the mass media to make the grassroots cauasians look bad on their newly formed reservations.

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Do you think it's going to stay this way?

What will you do when immigrants from India start buying houses around yours? Move further North?

Many people here won't sell to them so they'll have a hard time doing that. Of course it's frowned upon but that's what people do. I'm not saying me but I know it does happen. Probably why so many go to the new developments like they are building in Innisfil.

Lol, I have no problem with other races as long as they realize they are guests in my country and should fully assimilate into our society. I don't like it when they try to take over an area. That's when I and others like me leave and thus, the burbs get further away again. It's the way of things. The races constantly chasing each other.

I don't blame them, they move away from the city for the same reasons we do. To give their families a better life but the problem comes into paradise when their kids seem to want to be thugs and terrorize the rest of the people. Why? I have no idea must be the upbringing.

It has to be the parenting because my wife is half black and her mother is black as is her sister and sisters kids and they were always respectful and well behaved, never dressed like thugs and are clean cut. They were raised reasonably so that seals it for me. The parenting of some of these kids is slack at best.

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Well I know some "white" families whos kids are bad too. And I know some coloured families whos kids are good. Even the ones who are not assimilated, who are still immersed in chinese or hindu culture. I'd rather have those in my neighbourhood than someone who's white but is an asshole. Thats what matters more, not what rce they are or if they're immigrant, but as long as they don't bother me and mind their own business... no matter what their origin is.

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Well I know some "white" families whos kids are bad too. And I know some coloured families whos kids are good. Even the ones who are not assimilated, who are still immersed in chinese or hindu culture. I'd rather have those in my neighbourhood than someone who's white but is an asshole. Thats what matters more, not what rce they are or if they're immigrant, but as long as they don't bother me and mind their own business... no matter what their origin is.

I prefer living in areas where people who grew up as I did with people with similar background to my own. I have more in common with them, that's all. Same language, religion, culture, traditions, etc. I'm not the only one.

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I prefer living in areas where people who grew up as I did with people with similar background to my own. I have more in common with them, that's all. Same language, religion, culture, traditions, etc. I'm not the only one.

And no law in Canada denies you that right. So move away, please, if you really want to. But these ideas of yours about laws to control people, just because you don't like them, are not well thought out. Simply put, your ideas are too simplistic to work in the real world. In some ways they equate to apartheid and jewish laws of the third reich. You seem obsessed with the race issue as though it directly threatens you somehow. I'm pointing out that you can't divide society along those lines, it don't work that way. In any country in the world, there's good and bad people. The main thing is that even though we are different if we allow each other to live in peace, its never a problem.

But I always feel no one is completely hopeless. Maybe you will keep learning

Edited by Sir Bandelot
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And no law in Canada denies you that right. So move away, please, if you really want to. But these ideas of yours about laws to control people, just because you don't like them, are not well thought out. Simply put, your ideas are too simplistic to work in the real world. In some ways they equate to apartheid and jewish laws of the third reich. You seem obsessed with the race issue as though it directly threatens you somehow. I'm pointing out that you can't divide society along those lines, it don't work that way. In any country in the world, there's good and bad people. The main thing is that even though we are different if we allow each other to live in peace, its never a problem. You go to your church and I'll go to mine.

But I always feel no one is completely hopeless. Maybe you will keep learning

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And no law in Canada denies you that right. So move away, please, if you really want to. But these ideas of yours about laws to control people, just because you don't like them, are not well thought out. Simply put, your ideas are too simplistic to work in the real world. In some ways they equate to apartheid and jewish laws of the third reich. You seem obsessed with the race issue as though it directly threatens you somehow. I'm pointing out that you can't divide society along those lines, it don't work that way. In any country in the world, there's good and bad people. The main thing is that even though we are different if we allow each other to live in peace, its never a problem.

But I always feel no one is completely hopeless. Maybe you will keep learning

Don't speak down to me please. I'm probably older than you are. Thank you.

They don't want to stay quiet do they. We be quiet and they change the country because they whine the loudest. Yeah that's great. The minority dictating terms tot the majority. A real winning solution.

Edited by Mr.Canada
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No one is hopeless - hope is faith and confidence..the only real positive wealth this nation has. I heard they want to increase immigration to keep the so-called economy going...wonder who is lobbying for more slaves and if the common person such as you and I will benefit from more internal displacement of the founding families?

What the future holds is an image of you and I as aged and infirm. The old folks faciltites will be staffed by those that are not of our race - will these new comers be kind to you and I an be good and faithful care givers or will they slap us around and leave us in dirty diapers? :blink: Personally I remember when my family came in 1950 - we were white and persecuted by the white trash anglos - so I have been black, in a sense. BUT we assimulated and respect the status quo and the anglos that were on top - Frankly I really don't believe that all the immigrants will be abusive - some will be - and so will some of the low end whites working for minimum wage...we are an aging populace - we had better figure out who is the good immigrant and who is not - You can not have prirates and cut throat opportunist taking over - Some immigrants that work in the federal bureacracy are abusive to whites and are racist - the medical profession also has those that are new arrivals that disrespect us the inviters already.

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No one is hopeless - hope is faith and confidence..the only real positive wealth this nation has. I heard they want to increase immigration to keep the so-called economy going...wonder who is lobbying for more slaves and if the common person such as you and I will benefit from more internal displacement of the founding families?

What the future holds is an image of you and I as aged and infirm. The old folks faciltites will be staffed by those that are not of our race - will these new comers be kind to you and I an be good and faithful care givers or will they slap us around and leave us in dirty diapers? :blink: Personally I remember when my family came in 1950 - we were white and persecuted by the white trash anglos - so I have been black, in a sense. BUT we assimulated and respect the status quo and the anglos that were on top - Frankly I really don't believe that all the immigrants will be abusive - some will be - and so will some of the low end whites working for minimum wage...we are an aging populace - we had better figure out who is the good immigrant and who is not - You can not have prirates and cut throat opportunist taking over - Some immigrants that work in the federal bureacracy are abusive to whites and are racist - the medical profession also has those that are new arrivals that disrespect us the inviters already.

Well said Oleg! I'm a true believer in "What goes around comes around." I don't see how some can complain about immigration while ignoring the fact that they too came here via a boat. With this recession coming upon us, I really hope all the greedy slobs in this society suffer from their own doing

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Well said Oleg! I'm a true believer in "What goes around comes around." I don't see how some can complain about immigration while ignoring the fact that they too came here via a boat. With this recession coming upon us, I really hope all the greedy slobs in this society suffer from their own doing

Middle management is guilty of the most intense averice...I know of one high up and he has done his best to manage the banking system..sure he could ride in a Porche - or have a chopper take him home from the top of the tower - BUT he rides the subway...and does not flaunt his wealth...I used to condemn the rich - but there are some good guys out their doing their best - This poor guy can not retire - he is capitive - no one else can keep the system going - Having said that - IT HAS COME around - and my friend knows it...we must work together or there will be mayhem - as far as the golden parachutes for executives that ratchet up the last quarterly profit of the company artifically and steel out of stupidy and greed - let them have a gold filled parachute - and let the cruel bastard land in a lake.. :P

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Well said Oleg! I'm a true believer in "What goes around comes around." I don't see how some can complain about immigration while ignoring the fact that they too came here via a boat. With this recession coming upon us, I really hope all the greedy slobs in this society suffer from their own doing

I would go back to the UK if I could but it's worse there than here. We have no homogenous homeland left like many new immigrants do. It's sad.

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I prefer living in areas where people who grew up as I did with people with similar background to my own. I have more in common with them, that's all. Same language, religion, culture, traditions, etc. I'm not the only one.

No you are not the only one...............i for one tend to agree with you 100%.....so do many other Canadians!

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I would go back to the UK if I could but it's worse there than here. We have no homogenous homeland left like many new immigrants do. It's sad.

Looks like we are all orphans now...I can't go back to old Russia of the 1800s where my values came from - I can not go back to Brimingham to the bedroom where I was born - for England does not exist - makes you want to weep...My sister who has was literally driven out of the country 13 years ago for being a hard worker and generating wealth - Has just flown in from central america for a funeral - she is without a nation also - maybe it's time to finally settle Canada and create a homeland - my family has run from the boarder of China in Siberia to the jungles of central america - where are we to go now to be free?

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My sister who has was literally driven out of the country 13 years ago for being a hard worker and generating wealth - Has just flown in from central america for a funeral - she is without a nation also - maybe it's time to finally settle Canada and create a homeland

Yes, and how nice that we will allow her to come here and make her homeland, in the security of our country.

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Yes, and how nice that we will allow her to come here and make her homeland, in the security of our country. See, the irony of your selfish bigotry comes through loud and clear.

Let me explain something to you...my sister was born her - she with her energy scouted out the area north of the city - her terf - and enriched the biggest corporations in Canada - she served them well and helped establish prosperity - THEN via a disgruntled and greedy common law partner - she was dragged into court - and that corrupt system has a system - of sicing the tax department on you - and driving the OTHER spouse into poverty - she had no choice but to run - what an ungrateful person you are - you don't understand that some parts of our judicary are corrupt and they manipulate the federals.

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