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Dion's 3 strikes interview

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I think you are confused here. I said Kennedy's French was an issue for the Liberal leadership.

They decided that a guy who speaks terrible French could not become PM, so they picked a guy who speaks terrible English instead. Did it just not occur to them that many of us anglos would take offense?

And Harper was deeply involved with the right in the 1990s and wasn't really under the spotlight until he was leader.

I don't know what level of effort he made at learning French prior to becoming CPC leader. And it's beside the point anyway.

The point is, Harper's French has improved markedly in the past 6 years, while Dion's English seems to be as dismal as it was 12 years ago.

It's not like Harper's an exceptional case either. We all know people who came to Canada as adults with very poor english and have learned the language to a very competent level of fluency. I have a co-worker who came from Quebec with sub-Dion level english a year ago and now has english far superior to Dion's, just from working alongside us anglos.

Lots of people seem to be able to improve their english language skills, even as adults. Stephane Dion is not one of them. Why? Does he just not think it's important?

By all mean don't accept someone's language skills. However, the interview was a gotcha moment that the media can pull on anyone at anytime. Do you disagree?

No, I do not agree.

You seem to want to file this under the heading of stuff that happens to everybody but reporters don't report on because it's trivial.

I strongly disagree. I file this under the heading of a major political figure in this country either being unable to comprehend a straightforward question in the country's most-used language, or being unable to answer a question fundamental to his campaign. Either way this was newsworthy.

That is the reason CTV went back on their agreement to not show these: it is not under the same heading as screwing up a tongue-twister or knocking over your glass of water. CTV decided, rightly, that these were relevant to peoples' decision of whether they think Dion is adequately prepared to be PM.

The entire interview was covered in this case. The question was legitimate, the response after was a gotcha moment for some media.

My response is that the same applies to Dion. Legitimate question, didn't know how to answer it.

Think what I am saying is that Harper could easily be caught up in the same situation the media wishes to embarrass him.

Was it not him that someone in the media once released a photo of him getting make-up prior to an interview. I thought it was a gotcha moment trying to illustrate whatever angle the media was trying to make. They didn't show the interviewer getting the same treatment.

If Harper, or Dion, or Layton, or any politician of note gets caught so completely flat-footed by an obvious question, that's not a "gotcha" moment, that's legitimate news.

Getting make-up before going on TV? Lets loose a vicious fart? Slips on a banana peel? That's not news. Can't answer a question fundamental to his theme? That's news.


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Politicians don't make or break economies. They can affect them to a degree, and they can control them to a degree, but they simply don't make that much of a difference. Usually the meddling that they do with the economy costs tax payers a lot of money and the impact to the intended industries are minimal at best. What you see going on right now is a case in point. Even after the American bailout plan the market wasn't suddenly fixed now was it.

The problem we are now facing stems form the monetary system and its regulation and administration it is not related to resource shortages or labour shortages, so production isn't the issue. Supply and delivery are subject to demand, so demand and the origin of the demand have more impact. Ever hear of the phrase corner the market?

This issue is far more complex than even the most astute students of economics are capable of understanding. The sheer magnitude of variables makes mathematical projections invalid. In short the markets and the national economies have for all intents and purposes what can be described as minds of their own.

I don't think you can rely on politicians to fix the problems, but go ahead and believe what you want.

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Politicians don't make or break economies. They can affect them to a degree, and they can control them to a degree, but they simply don't make that much of a difference. Usually the meddling that they do with the economy costs tax payers a lot of money and the impact to the intended industries are minimal at best. What you see going on right now is a case in point. Even after the American bailout plan the market wasn't suddenly fixed now was it.

You realize that the US bailout had nothing to do with the stock market, right? You are confusing stock markets and credit markets.

Furthermore, there is no evidence this will cost Americans money in the longrun. In fact, if history is any lesson the American citizens will liekly MAKE money on this.

The problem we are now facing stems form the monetary system and its regulation and administration it is not related to resource shortages or labour shortages, so production isn't the issue. Supply and delivery are subject to demand, so demand and the origin of the demand have more impact. Ever hear of the phrase corner the market?

This issue is far more complex than even the most astute students of economics are capable of understanding. The sheer magnitude of variables makes mathematical projections invalid. In short the markets and the national economies have for all intents and purposes what can be described as minds of their own.

I don't think you can rely on politicians to fix the problems, but go ahead and believe what you want.

No one is execting politicans to fix everything. But there are enough tools they have to soften the landing or, on the other hand, make it materially worse. The LPC and NDP will only add to the problem by hiking taxes and driving out jobs.

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You realize that the US bailout had nothing to do with the stock market, right? You are confusing stock markets and credit markets.

Furthermore, there is no evidence this will cost Americans money in the longrun. In fact, if history is any lesson the American citizens will liekly MAKE money on this.

No one is execting politicans to fix everything. But there are enough tools they have to soften the landing or, on the other hand, make it materially worse. The LPC and NDP will only add to the problem by hiking taxes and driving out jobs.

Let me put it this way.

Most Americans expected that federal intervention would stabilize the stock markets and protect their investments. What I think is of no account as I am not an American. Even so the federal move was in fact designed to bailout a great many financial institutions that found themselves in grave peril from attempting to profit from risky loans. The impact to the stock market in terms of financial institutions was very nearly catastrophic. The effects are now spilling over into the credit market and causing a crunch there. The cause is not relevant in as much as what you are watching the greatest capitalistic nation on earth apply a socialistic solution to attempt to preserve the wealth of the most affluent of individuals at tax payers expense. The spin has been horrific, and yet the reality is simply that the United States Federal Government has taken a hard left turn to prevent harm to a ring wing enterprise. Truth is in fact stranger than fiction.

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Let me put it this way.

Most Americans expected that federal intervention would stabilize the stock markets and protect their investments. What I think is of no account as I am not an American. Even so the federal move was in fact designed to bailout a great many financial institutions that found themselves in grave peril from attempting to profit from risky loans. The impact to the stock market in terms of financial institutions was very nearly catastrophic. The effects are now spilling over into the credit market and causing a crunch there. The cause is not relevant in as much as what you are watching the greatest capitalistic nation on earth apply a socialistic solution to attempt to preserve the wealth of the most affluent of individuals at tax payers expense. The spin has been horrific, and yet the reality is simply that the United States Federal Government has taken a hard left turn to prevent harm to a ring wing enterprise. Truth is in fact stranger than fiction.

So the bailout itself has caused the credit crunch? It's already a failure, when it hasn't even been materially implemented yet?

I agree with you on one thing. I would have preferred the government stay out of it, let everything collapse, and build it back up. Unfortunately, there is very little political will for a global depression of even worse consequence than the Great Depression.

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So I make you PM today and ask you what you would have done 6 months ago.

Well logically if you were only made PM today, you would have still been opposition leader 6 months ago. So what would you have done? What could you have done? You were the opposition not the PM.

The question was, what would he have done DIFFERENTLY. If you're criticising what Harper has done it seems fair to me to ask what he did wrong, or, phrasing it another way, what would YOU have done.

Dion not only could not answer it in the CTV interview, he could not answer it when asked the following day by CBC, despite how patient the interviewer was and how many times she rephrased. Instead he blathered on about God only knows what in barely comprehensible English.

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Harper is giving the banks money to help them out of a financial situation. It doesn't matter that he is getting something back in return, because that is not the point. The point is that if everything were as good as he has been saying it is, why the sudden need to give the banks $25 billion? Why the flip-flop?

You are totally confused about the financial situation and what was done by Harper. The banks hold $25b in mortgages. In other words, their money is tied up in that. Harper will buy those mortgages from them. But since those mortgages are essentially money earning investments - people have to pay them off - and since the government can borrow money much more cheaply than the banks, we will in all likelihood make a nice profit from the deal. However, it frees up $25 billion in cash the banks are now free to loan to other people.

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So the bailout itself has caused the credit crunch? It's already a failure, when it hasn't even been materially implemented yet?

I agree with you on one thing. I would have preferred the government stay out of it, let everything collapse, and build it back up. Unfortunately, there is very little political will for a global depression of even worse consequence than the Great Depression.

The bailout did not cause the credit crunch. Risky investments did. The bailout is simply going to keep doors open and credit flowing for the system. Which of course damned near every US citizens needs. The bailout plan is a waste of money that will cause more problems than it solves. Once the well has been advertised everyone will drink from it.

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Holy mackerel! You're beginning to talk like Dion! :lol:

Nobody said it's contagious....

You think HARPER is a good Leader.

You know he needs votes in Quebec.

You know Dion's English is not good.

You know making fun of a French speaking guy with weak English will not be popular in Quebec.

Harper is right for you.

An Autocratic leader like Harper is not the kind of leader that I want. Dion is far more attractive as a Leader with his team concept. Thrash his English all you want it will not change anyones mind at this point. Most of us knew his English was not that good for quite a while.

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Minutes ago, Harper in full oratorical flight, implored voters to grant him their votes on February 14th. CTV just featured it on Newsnet.

This, of course, is conclusive proof he's not fit to govern.

I must be misunderstanding you because what you just said makes no sense at all to me.

It was my impression that politicians do that, ask you to vote for them. So how is Harper asking people to vote for him conclusive proof is a proof that he's not fit to govern?

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Truely out off all three running for office....and I hate to admit it - NONE are fit for office and we all know that..so we have a choice of inferiour leaders to pick from - It is simple - The wacko Lenin wanna be - Mr. Soviet style daycare Layton - second - Dion the pale skinny kid that looked silly playing ball hockey with some kids (great photo op) - such a loving liberal guy of fatherless children - a fatherlessness that the liberal family law policy inflicted on society....lastly - the steely eyed front for big buisness - the middle class Harper from Leaside - Toronto - Put it this way - who ever could win a fist fight should rule - and my money is on Harper....Can you see Dion or Layton attempting to intimidate the Saudi boy banging oil weasils...not likely!

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They decided that a guy who speaks terrible French could not become PM, so they picked a guy who speaks terrible English instead. Did it just not occur to them that many of us anglos would take offense?

Actually, from what I heard Kennedy really spoke no French. At least not enough to do what May did which is debate in the language.

Do you take offence with Dion's English?

My feeling on the subject of Dion was that he was not electable in Quebec as a result of the Clarity Act. His problems in the rest of Canada are a combination of things, only part of which is his language skills.

The point is, Harper's French has improved markedly in the past 6 years, while Dion's English seems to be as dismal as it was 12 years ago.

Even today some of the French media says they acted respectfully in the matter of Harper's French.

I strongly disagree. I file this under the heading of a major political figure in this country either being unable to comprehend a straightforward question in the country's most-used language, or being unable to answer a question fundamental to his campaign. Either way this was newsworthy.

I guess it doesn't matter in the end. Dion is going to lose. The party is going to be lucky if it holds onto Official Opposition. The only reason that we are not seeing the massive Tory victory I first predicted is because Harper blew it in Quebec and because the economy raised some concerns about Harper.

Some of the polls are once again predicting a majority is in sight.

If the Liberals survive bankruptcy in the post election period, they will have a lot of work to do on policy, organization, fundraising and leadership. I am still not certain the party will make it.

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Dion and McCallum agreed with the move to build liquidity which in turn will free up cash for loans to businesses and consumers. Do you even follow the news?

One big difference. Dion admits there is a problem while Harper is too busy putting his fingers in his ears and singing "Don't worry be happy"

And Harper has taken steps to prevent zero down, 40 year mortgages. Do you even follow the news?

Did I not just say the Banks didn't go crazy with sub-prime mortgages?

Do you even follow the the post you quote?

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Are you deliberately being obtuse? What on earth does my answering the question have to do with Dions inability to answer it?

I'm not running for PM, he is, do you at least understand that concept? So far all you've done is repeatedly trot out your version of the old school yard "maybe I am but what are you" argument. If you're representative of the average Liberal supporter I'm not surprised the party is self destructing.

By the way, I fully understand the concept you postulate. What you fail to comprehend is that its absolutely and totally irrelevant.

If it is such an easy question, answer it!

You have been asked three times no with still no response, guess you are no better than a Quebecer who has trouble with the english language.

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The question was, what would he have done DIFFERENTLY. If you're criticising what Harper has done it seems fair to me to ask what he did wrong, or, phrasing it another way, what would YOU have done.

Dion not only could not answer it in the CTV interview, he could not answer it when asked the following day by CBC, despite how patient the interviewer was and how many times she rephrased. Instead he blathered on about God only knows what in barely comprehensible English.

Same question to you then since you are apparently so much smarter than the rest of us. What would you have done?

What I would have done is, first off tell the idiot reporter to go back to grade 6 and re-learn some english, so he can actually ask some questions that make sense.

Then I would have needed to clarify just when it was I was supposed to have become PM. The way the question was asked I would have still been opposition leader 6 months before. Again idiot reporter!

Was I PM for the last 2-1/2 years, or simply elected exactly on the day he wants my decisions to be made?

The muddiness of the question makes it almost unanswerable without clarification.

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You are totally confused about the financial situation and what was done by Harper. The banks hold $25b in mortgages. In other words, their money is tied up in that. Harper will buy those mortgages from them. But since those mortgages are essentially money earning investments - people have to pay them off - and since the government can borrow money much more cheaply than the banks, we will in all likelihood make a nice profit from the deal. However, it frees up $25 billion in cash the banks are now free to loan to other people.

I understand quite clearly. Harper has been saying for weeks that "everything is ok" and yet he felt the need to give the banks $25 billion.

So is Harper an idiot, full of crap, both or just felt he had to do something because the voters were not liking his "everything is ok" mantra?

No matter what the answer, the fact remains, that if EVERYTHING WAS OK, then he would not have needed to do anything. The fact that he had to do something just proves that everything is NOT ok.

Which makes what he has been saying for the past few weeks a bunch of horse pucky.

Ofcourse with the conservative-blue glasses on, you wouldn't be able to see this now would you?

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I must be misunderstanding you because what you just said makes no sense at all to me.

It was my impression that politicians do that, ask you to vote for them. So how is Harper asking people to vote for him conclusive proof is a proof that he's not fit to govern?

Um.... FEBRUARY 14th??? Poor lad can't even read a calender. Definitly not PM material. He would be showing up to G7 summits 4 months early. HE would be in Vancouver in October waiting to open the Vancouver games. He would be sending out Christmas cards to world leaders in August. Simply shameful.

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Truely out off all three running for office....and I hate to admit it - NONE are fit for office and we all know that..so we have a choice of inferiour leaders to pick from - It is simple - The wacko Lenin wanna be - Mr. Soviet style daycare Layton - second - Dion the pale skinny kid that looked silly playing ball hockey with some kids (great photo op) - such a loving liberal guy of fatherless children - a fatherlessness that the liberal family law policy inflicted on society....lastly - the steely eyed front for big buisness - the middle class Harper from Leaside - Toronto - Put it this way - who ever could win a fist fight should rule - and my money is on Harper....Can you see Dion or Layton attempting to intimidate the Saudi boy banging oil weasils...not likely!

I like the fist fight Idea!

I see Harper and Layton just dummying Dion, to get him out of the way. Then when they square off Harper goes for an overhand right and Layton kicks him in the nuts, then lays a beating on him while poor Steve is trying to decide to protect his head or keep holding onto his pride.

Now that Layton is out of breath, Elizabeth May comes from out of nowhere with a 4ft water bong and cracks ol' Jack on the head, knocking him out cold. May is crowned the new PM and within in months the sales of potato chips and cookies for some reason have quadrupled across the country.

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One big difference. Dion admits there is a problem

He must be sooooo relieved to know that the problems in the economy that he just discovered won't be his problems come October 15. Especially since he doesn't have a plan.

Now I know why, when reporters ask him what his plan is for the economy, his standard answer is: "You will see, you will see. It is a good plan and when I am Prime Minister you will know."

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